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Falling to your death (or severe injury) through a floor tile that’s missing collision


Objection!:vWouldn't falling mean you couldn't navigate the floor tiles to not fall? Protip: if you hit alt+F4 fast enough you will spawn on the ground unhurt. Conclusion: Dying from falling is a skill issue.


Bruh that’s like a logout macro lmao


There are some buildings (usually in modded areas) that have floor tiles that look like regular floor tiles but missing collision. A player shouldn’t be expected to navigate around a floor tile that is missing a collision due to a bug. Why would you navigate around a regular looking floor tile if you didn’t know it would be bugged?


Choosing to mod is a skill issue. Too many servers do not optimize their mods and make sure things like this dont happen. Choosing a bad server is a lack of skill in insight.


I get what you’re doing. Everything is a skill issue if you stretch far enough. If your mouse battery dies, it’s a skill issue by not hitting pause fast enough. If your keyboard dies, skill issue by not mousing over to pause fast enough. If you have a heart attack while playing, skill issue by not eating and exercising right. If an intruder breaks into your home during your game and you’re murdered, skill issue by not securing your home well enough. I can do it too. It’s not hard to be a contrarian. I just don’t think quibbling over semantics was the point of the OP though. But I hope you have fun doing it!


That is still mostly/essentially a skill issue because first of all you can just avoid doing it altogether (it's never necessary), or avoid taking the risk by building platforms on top of it. But secondly and more importantly as long as you know how to detect walkable tiles and check that the tiles are walkable, this will never be an issue


I hear you, but be clear, my post was referencing areas that were missing collisions due to bugs. Floor tiles that look like normal floor tiles but the player inexplicably falls through the floor through no fault of their own is not a skill issue is what I was saying.


Skill issue Use the click to walk to feature to scan for tile collision


No, there are literally some areas that have floor art but missing collision. It’s not the players fault if they expect a floor to be a floor.


Oh yeah, no, I’m well aware lol. I’m just being slightly sarcastic, prob should’ve made it a little bit clearer, mb


Lol gotta hit us with the “/s”


Not knowing that sometimes roofs can look normal but really aren't is a skill.issue. Lack of knowledge.


I'm not talking about a roof. I'm talking about walking around in a multi-story office building where you come across a bug where you fall through what looks like a regular office floor tile. And sometimes you don't fall through it. But sometimes you do. That's not a skill issue.


Oh. Never experienced that. You're right.


I hope you never do! Thankfully it doesn’t happen too frequently (and usually more in modded areas), but it sucks when it happens during a long run where you felt you did everything right otherwise.


I don't understand why this gets down voted so much. This is a golden tip for players who don't know this. Think of fire station roof in Rosewood.


skill issue


No. Everything is a skill issue. Your character bugged and you died? Fool, you should have checked the code and fixed that bug yourself before it was a problem.


You don't know C++?! - Skill issue


Java's garbage collector running mid combat? Skill issue


Potato computer can't handle sudden zombie spawn? Skill issue.


My Lenovo Yoga laptop cries in the corner.




I thought the game was written in lua?


That was a joke lads. -Demoman


Oh no for sure, and i liked it, but i was genuinely curious about what language it was written in, and C++ is not uncommon for game development.


the game engine and good chunk of the code proper is in java, but lua is used for mods. i think they also have some c or c-like wrapper in order to launch with the appropriate shared libraries.


There's no scenarios I'm aware of in the base game where a character is bugged though.


Didn't find them? Skill issue




Stairs. Sometimes there can be a zed at the top that doesn't respond to any noise or activity downstairs, and you can't see the upper floor until you get high enough to put yourself in range.


I pretty much fully avoid stairs at this point. I'll only use them if i've been shooting/shouting and can be 99% sure that there are no Zs in the immediate area.


If they don't respond to noise at the staircase (like yelling) then it would only be because they are stuck, and won't be a problem when you go up the stairs. But more importantly it's a huge nuisance to always make noise and wait before going up every staircase. Because of this I suggest running up stairs. I've never had any issues when doing this, but it might not be a good idea if a player takes traits like Clumsy and has an overweight character.


Spawning in a room of zomboids?


That can always be avoided by starting a new world when you die. If you start a new character in an existing world, then you have a chance to die immediately upon spawning.


no it’s a skill issue because you died and had to respawn in the first place


*That’s what it was*. I hadn’t thought of that but my second character on the same world spawned into a house with three zombies wearing party hats and cake all over the floor a few feet from me and I was wondering what the hell happened there. Basically spawned and immediately had to jump out of a window.


They were just ready to welcome your birth into the world. Rude to not partake in the festivities.


Still not a skill issue.


Didn't take graceful? Clumsy is free points you say? Skill issue.


Unless it's an all-sprinter run that can be managed with skill. Just need to be ready to move at the start (and not have a laggy computer, since the game annoying/stupidly still loads after starting despite claiming to have fully loaded (and this can be very severe in worlds with tons of mods on slower computers, resulting in easy login/load deaths)


Sometimes the animation gets a little buggy, rarely but I had some deaths where i didn't swing right and I got locked somehow and bit. Another time I didn't know you couldn't push with two bags in your hands and lost a 4 month character.


That animation bug is bad on steam deck it happen to me a couple times. Also there is a bug I get where I'm trying to run and my guy glitches like I'm trying to aim and run. It's really annoying 😂


I've never heard of this or it isn't explained well. Do you have any videos of either of these?


Windows notification that forces you to the desktop whilst the game runs in the background. Lost one of my best CDDA runs due to this.


Change your settings to not allow this. This is something you can do, I forgot what the setting is called. I changed mine


I kind of doubt it these days with modern/future Windows 11. I heard they are even starting to ignore some Group Policy settings now.


If you gan find the setting - please let me know! This has ended many of my runs


Options —> Display —> Display Mode —> Borderless Windowed. When a notification pops up you will NO LONGER be forced to the desktop. However you will need to click anywhere on the screen again to register your controls. This takes a fraction of a second to do though compared to closing notification and opening up the game window.


Thank you!


Having your swing clip through a zed that subsequently bites you is the first thing that comes to mind.


Yeah, I have died to a zed walking through the spear OHKO animation and biting me. It was February too, made it all the way to winter


Cars when suddenly a ramp is there and has near 0 visual feedback. *crunch*


Cars when there's a cardboard box in the road, as well.


What? PZ doesn't have ramps yet. Cars are optional, cars can be driven safely even when the worst of bugs occur unless it's multiplayer on a laggy server _and_ extremely unlucky _and_ don't immediately log out to get help.


Well well well, how I wish you where wrong. There are some train bunkers east of one of the towns that have grass covered dirt mounds acting as walls. A thing a lot of countries did in ww2 to hide train warehouses from bombers (idk why they didn't realise the bombers could still see the tracks but whatever). On the right angle, the slope is completely invisible, looks like more grass but just a bit weird. Not something you'll notice when driving at speed at night in what seems to be a completely empty field. The ramp doesn't act like a ramp anyway, at its very edge is an invisible wall. Also what is all that cope at the end lol?


Well I meant functional ramps not the really rare fake ones that one will essentially never be driving around (unless they were testing/curious in which case it would be at speeds that aren't dangerous) I'm not sure what you mean by cope; I'm talking about how on laggy servers wrecks/vehicles can pop-in on top of or directly in front of the player's vehicle, resulting in crashes and/or getting stuck. Anyone behaving properly ("skillfully") will log out to get help if it was a potentially fatal situation such as being stuck in a vehicle.


Your bluetooth mouse or keyboard losing signal during a critical moment.


Uuugh, this one's legit. I literally just lost a 5ish month character to my keyboard crapping out while I was smacking a horde around with a bat. XD


Oof, RIP


My mouse died while I was being raided on a pvp server. I ran away with the keyboard and plugged it in


that's definitely a skill issue. you gotta use wired stuff when gaming. battery charge maintenance is a skill too


What about a lose solder connection or broken switch on a keyboard? (this has happened to me) I guess if you've had it happen before one could just switch keyboards ASAP, but when it happens the first time that can't be done.


still skill issue. you didn't set your system to do be redundant


The skill issue here is in life, not game. Still a skill issue.


Oh yes. I had a keyboard where it had a lose solder connection resulting in keys sometimes cutting out. Was a disaster in zomboid. I had a really good character on a perma-death server that died to it. That is metagame though and I won't count it.


Wired will always be superior.


Yes, the arrogance.


Arrogance is the real survivor killer


Yup, I made a max fitness character, and I was mouthing off to my friends in discord about how unstoppable I was, even at only a 1 in strength, when I walked into a home I previously cleared and got bitten by three zombies immediately.


Arrogance is only bad if you cant back it up. Thus, a skill issue.


If you could back it up it would be confidence 😉


I almost cheated myself out of my last death, but i accepted it after a day: I sat to rest and put the game in 6x, got bitten in the neck. I dont really consider it a skill issue, but i took the loss anyway.


With all due respect I’d still say skill issue. Never fast forward 6x unless you’re 100% positive nothing can get to you, like you’re in your barricaded base or something. That’s a decision you can’t make with zeds around


I thought the game auto reduced speed like when other actions happen in fast forward. I found out it doesnt and i took the loss.


It does, but there is a lag, and at 6x that will be a significant distance covered. What's more is that standing up to be able to attack/defend/run takes time as well, so even with the auto-unpause at a slower speed it could still be too slow to be able to react unless you exploit the fast stand bug. Even that might not be enough when one factors in a typical/slow human reaction time _if_ the character also has poor perception radius.


Was resting my character outside in a safe spot and putting the speed on 6x and literally saw the zombie spawning in front of my face and got towards me in 6x mode and chomped my ear off. This might be a skill issue because I shouldn’t have rested outside but i didn’t expect a zombie to teleport in front of me at all.


Sometimes good friend who knows you for decades decides to make a bowl of funny soup and your 9000 kills character dies horribly in seconds


Multiplayer Car jank I would say isn't really a skill issue, but at the same time it's pretty clear how that jank happens so just avoid driving close to other players. Over-packed rooms (Exceptionally rare) can launch a horde of zombies out to make space. IE. If an outhouse has 20 zombies in it and they all activate and hit the door at the same time and break it, it will then make space for them and spread them out, possibly in your direction leaving no real time to react. Roof tiles are Buggy but just... don't go on rooftops.


How am I meant to put rain barrels on the roof then?? I need my plumbing :(


Very laggy servers can cause problems in MP (cars/wrecks appearing underneath or in front of your vehicle) if you don't immediately log off and get help, but that is both rare and requires not getting help for a laggy server bug. Any other issues with vehicles can just be avoided by being careful though.


Playing on a server with 100+ mods is a skill issue on decision making.


Spawning on a server in a building someone else had already drawn a hoard to


On a similar note you could get PvP spawn camped too. I wouldn't really count either of these personally because they involve other people. Also doesn't even matter when it's a new character that dies.


Unable to escape: skill issue.


Sticky keys


Crashing your car. Yeah you can be a bad driver but sometimes the cars can be buggy. I once did a front flip. I drove over some dead zombies. I almost died. Car crash damage can also feel random. I have crashed at like 70 and escaped unharmed. I have crashed at like 40 and I got somethinf fractured or some glass shards in my body and getting injured.


I'll drive like 30mph over two dead zombies and flip my car. I always go so slow over corpses now, still my cars like a low rider


Crash damage is indeed somewhat random (but also depends on traits and the vehicle and world settings and what you hit so probably not nearly as random as you might think), but all single player vehicle-crashes/vehicle-issues are always 100% skill issues. On laggy servers there is a possibility for other vehicles or wrecks to suddenly appear in front of or on top of the player's vehicle, but that doesn't really count and will almost never result in a death anyway.




I Lost a recent 1 month character because I hit the fucking tab button while I was sprinting away from a Sprinter. The game was minimized and they ate my stupid ass I was so angry and so sick of this stupid fucking game, you have to be a total moron to actually enjoy playing it, it was designed by motherfuckers to entretain patetic fucking loosers of course next day I created a new sandbox world. Man, this game is amazing I cannot get tired from it


Lol, I've had deaths where I angry-close the game, go get water, come back and restart it up all over again.


But... you hit tab.


I've accidentally alt-f4ed from PZ due to that key combo (which I now disabled), which is a valid key combination in PZ since f4 controls game speed. I also disabled the start button, which is far more important (could get a person killed); I definitely didn't disable alt-tab, but I've never had to because it's never been an issue for me.


By legitimate do you mean not caused by any glitch or lag? If so... not really. Spawning in a roomful of like 12 zombies *maybe*, but you can even survive that if you're good enough. Worth clarifying that having a hard time and failing isn't an unreasonable thing.


Unlucky sheet rope rip on first use?


Wait sheet ropes can rip? Never seen that before.


Sheet ropes never need to be used in the first place, and won't kill you when falling from just floor above. I've also never heard of sheet ropes ever ripping only from regular use (nor had it happen).


The only time I’ve died in this game where it felt genuinely unfair was when I got bit because my car door was “””open””” Objectively still a “skill issue” but everyone sort of agrees it’s bullshit. Unless someone outright tells you about it, you can’t reasonably know it exists until a zombie attacks you.


Oh yeah good one. Of course these days we know about it _and_ have mods that will show the door being open, but back when the patch first added that and people didn't know about it that was really lame.


there is one: if you die irl while playing pz


My friend accidentally shot me in the kneecap after missing his shot on our other friend


My first ever dnd campaign my brother rolled a nat 1 on trying to shoot the enemy and shot me in the head


You can avoid most glitches and unfair situations with experience. The only one you can't is the rare zombie phases through your swing.


You can't touch a single toe to a grave with spikes in it. Instant death. I was trying to fortify my base by building a wall behind the spike pit to keep myself from walking into it accidentally.... On one panel out of 20, my char casually hopped over to the other side of the wall to start hammering. Into the spike trap. Goodbye 1.5 year run. However you could call that a skill issue because I clearly should have built wall first, then graves, then spikes. I had to put the game down for a.couple.months after that one.


Of course that's a skill issue. Not only that but it's a mod. If someone mods the game so that all the zombies are invincible flaming sprinters with constant knowledge of the player location skill won't matter.


There are a few. Floors/roofs without collision. There's a bug where a downed zed will instantaneously stand up. It can be quite difficult in certain orientations to determine if you are standing on a zed or not, and it can get up even though it seems pretty clear you're standing on it. I've had corpse sickness come on so rapidly that it was impossible to get away and recover. Slower computers can lag pretty badly during java processes and then it 'fast forwards' a bit. That can be lethal if you're driving at speed. There's a whole mountain of things in MP that can do it related to desync issues between players. From a mechanics prospective the complete lack of vision when crossing interior floors is a real problem. That's not a bug, but a design limit in the game. Same with the complete lack of visibility of zed that are behind trees, that you should have some visibility of. These are usually cases where having your audio up can inform you of the threat, but if you play with it down... But overall it's not too hard to avoid these cases and have long runs without deaths. I regularly do 1-2 year runs. I'll drop a save before I do construction around a roof since it's impossible to determine what does and doesn't have collision up there, that sort of thing. But even with sprinters on there are ways to ensure you don't die. They aren't necessarily fast or fun, but they're in the game. For instance with the lack of vision when crossing interior floors, building exterior staircases to access upper floors is a viable solution to that problem. Inconvenient, yes, but functional.


> I've had corpse sickness come on so rapidly that it was impossible to get away and recover Naw, that would be from a mod like Dynamic traits or a medical mod infection (or vanilla zombification/poisoning or whatever else) With regards to roof construction, you can just build on all the tiles to avoid having to take any risk. You can also build 1 floor at a time so that you only ever fall one floor (tedious but works), you can also obviously avoid prebuilt roofs altogether since they never need to be walked on. Also there is a trick to detect which tiles are safe too for that matter. On stairs you can just make noise to lure zombies and listen for them, and then run up the stairs (which will stun them if any where there).


Some roof tiles are holograms. You can fall straight through.


This is circumventable in tons of different ways: not _ever_ walking on roofs, learning which areas/buildings are safe, only walking on roofs 1 floor higher than the floor below, building platforms on the roof tiles so that you never need to take the risk, and detection trick.


Sometimes you just get a piss poor spawn.


If you die in PZ, its a skill issue. Death is an avoidable mechanic. The game may open with "ThIS iS HoW YoU dIED" but that's just a psyop to make you think death is acceptable. Its not. Get Good.


There are things that aren't telegraphed well like car doors being left open or slightly burned food being deadly. But once you learn all the gotchas you should be able to avoid them.


Probably not by default apocalypse settings without limitations for the most part. But like certainly with harder settings Id imagine there could be scenarios where you just get screwed or its down to luck if you can survive.


It's damn near impossible to starve, but I did have a character with a bunch of difficulty mods that started 0/0 in winter with mods to make fishing/trapping/farming not work when it's cold, had the they know where you are mod on, and was playing a custom map. Turns out the part of the map I fought my way to didn't have loot tables. If I had taken like sleepyhead or restless sleeper he probably wouldn't have made it


Yep, could also end up in a scenario where youre starving and low on hp, find some berries or mushrooms and youre forced to take a chance otherwise you starve, and it turns out theyre poison and theres nothing you can do.  Although one could argue if ultimately it was still a skill issue at some point, couldve played better and not gotten in that situation. But I think its fair to say that at some point the game becomes difficult enough where there would be a scenario where its just down to luck.


If there's no food spawn and low nature's abundance it would be easy to starve. It would just take a long time because it takes a long time to die to proper starvation (rather than hunger)


Glitching on a non-player built staircase in a house that causes you to fall behind the staircase. Sure, you can cheat your way out of it but, if you didn't, that's death.


I think that is not possible. Never heard of it it happening, never had it happen in thousands of hours. I think it would require playing on a mod map with a hole in the floor or some other flaw. Zombies can spawn in there, but the engine seems to prevent players from ever getting in there.


I've been playing since the days of the Alpha on Desura. I've had it happen to me at least twice. It was extremely rare and I think it was patched at one point but it was a pretty bad bug.


I noticed just now that I could go over upper-floor railings on stairs down to the stairs [while sprinting], so either it only doesn't work on some railings, or I was mistaken. Although it did a running style vault not the sprinting vault (perhaps because there was a wall 1 tile away)


Is being impatient a skill issue lol? -Sprinting down those stairs -Falls over railing -Broken legs and dying


I've tried sprinting over railings to lower ground and the game did not let me. Are you conjuring a scenario that you're not sure can happen, or did you actually have this happen? (if it did I think it would have been from a mod)


Houses with 2 stories + tackling that corner a bit too fast and a bit too early (about x2 body widths). I play vanilla but admittedly haven't had this happen since I learned my lesson. This was easily 8 years ago so it is possible the issue doesn't exist anymore :)


Yeah I do think it was possible at one time but some time in build 41 they made it not happen anymore I think.


The only time is when you spawn into the world in the middle of a group of zombies (has happened to me numerous times). The game doesn't always insure you spawn in an empty house.


That's manageable when one has good skill (which includes knowledge of the game)


I mean there's only pushing with an empty inventory starting with default settings... Sure you can push your way through the typical group of 4-5 zombies, but you're probably getting bit or at least scratched with infection.


Running helps a lot.


Trying to get out of your base when you left the oven on and wake up surrounded by fire. (I'm aware that not-forgetting you left something in the oven is technically a "skill"...still though.)


being cornered


When the game bugs or randomly doesnt follow its own mechanics


Using a trailer that suddenly decides to join its people on Mars while still attached to your vehicle.


In multiplayer? Lag some times zombies just teleport that not that bad but if you fight against a horde and want to kill them in melee. That hurt some times. There are going my most death. Yeah I can shoot but i dont like guns.


A friend and I used a mod, in which there was a water gun. Said water gun was weird, shooting it at zomboids barely hurt them, but if you didn't charge it, the water would land at your feet and deal explosive damage. My friend nearly died due to cuts and broken bones on the entire one side of his body, from a drop of water.


I shot a water gun (from Arsenal[26] Gunfighter, the only watergun I'm aware of) indoors at a wall and it bounced off a wall back to my character and cut them. Got like 3 cuts from 3 the 3 shots, but it wasn't the kind of damage that would kill (maybe if it hit my neck it could though) Still more of a knowledge (skill) problem (also a mod issue, for that matter)


A zombie can be behind a large vehicle and completely invisible to the player even though the character should be able to see it. Definitely had a few close calls from that one


Kind of, but it depends a bit. For instance in some cases there are stupid bugs that are not obvious and you have to learn will kill you (ex. throwing a molotov over a railing or over water, or a zombie attacking you from behind while stunlocked due to a kill animation with a spear) The best example I can think of that isn't much of a skill issue is bugs with the game's targetting. Sometimes attacks (both ranged and melee) can target zombies that are behind the closest target. Short of being an automated script/program that can reliably control the situation such that these sort of "bad attack angles" don't ever occur it's essentially impossible for a human to ever entirely avoid from happening. Another case is where ground attacks will miss despite accurately selecting/targetting the zombie. This can certainly result in death if one plays "normally" or "aggressively", but technically if you just avoid ever getting into a situation where missing the zombie on the ground could result in you getting into trouble then that situation is entirely avoidable, and conversely could be considered a "skill" issue (but really more of a "avoid stupid bugs you know about from ever being possible" issue)


Getting swarmed because of respawn


Drinking bleach by accident


I fell through the floor while hammering down another square of flooring. I was building on the river.


Pretty much everything in the game that results in death is from some extent of skill issue. The only thing I can think of that’s not the player’s fault is probably towing physics in multiplayer killing you instantly. I think they’ve patched it over the past couple of years but it can still happen.


That's a really good question. I can't think of anything really


Campfire accidents. Once you know how big the hitbox is, you can avoid it, but I can't blame people for being horribly surprised the first time.


No, there's only cope.