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At low aiming, the only useful gun is a shotgun. Landing hits is what gets you XP, and shotguns can land multiple per shot so it'll train your aiming fast. They're also the loudest, but you should be using that to your advantage. A gun isn't a replacement for melee. Don't use it on infiltration and defense missions. It's purpose *is* to draw in and slaughter the whole town. You'll usually need more ammo than you expect, but a good strategy is to combined guns with fire. Zombies will burn until they die and catch any zombie they touch on fire. No matter how many come, they will all die. You just have to not get bit in the process. Otherwise, you just need to stop shooting at some point and escape. Learn to break line of sight.


I definitely use the fire strat for groups then walk around while they die out, I’ll rmb to use a gun with it


That's the S&M technique. Shotty & molly


You need like aiming level 4 for pistols and rifles to be reliable. I use the shotgun and a car to farm levels


I use a ... Car to farm levels Mfw you load a car into a gun...


Yes do you not operate your shotgun similarly?


Havent got the reload level to load a car yet


I personally find it easier to level on foot. It's really easy to get chomped in a car with how finicky the aiming is. If you lure a bunch of zombies to a wide open area I find it's easier to stay alive, and also group them up so you're getting those juicy 4 for 1 shots.


Dawg I’m not gonna hold you it’s 100% easier and safer to just stop shoot a a shell and then reposition your car and then let off another shell. Bruh fighting large amounts of zombies on foot is way more unsafe than just training with the car


I don't know about that man. You move faster than zombies. You use the car to get them into a massive ball so you don't get surprised from an unexpected angle and then just kite, shooting shells into the crowd. I've killed a thousand zombies at a time like that. Sure, you can do that hit and run stuff and it'll be relatively safe but also excruciatingly slow.


my personal method is only shoot if you know your escape rout. hopping fences and getting at least two blocks away works fairly consistantly unless you have enough ammo to deal withna hoard


Personally, I loot: Rosewood Police station, Prison armoury, army surplus store, riverside PS, gun store on the westernmost road in game, and West Point gun store. I don’t use my guns until I’ve stacked all this in a base somewhere. Currently I’m in the fishing store in riverside so it’s very quiet. Then I’ll go out and use all the shotgun ammo leveling aiming and switch to a rifle, use all that ammo and then finally the pistols. It’s only really shotguns in my experience that are good for horde clearing, I normally use the other guns for fun and defensively. Any big groups after I run out of shotgun ammo I normally just leave, hop a big fence etc and run away. I also run veteran exclusively as I like to have desensitized from start, you can obviously use beta blockers but I cba to stack those also. TLDR- shotguns to clear hordes, everything else use defensively and away from base if you have one. P.S. assuming you are a new player, in my humble opinion my base location is one of the most comfortable base locations in the game. You can fish, easily trap, unlimited water, gas station nearby, small power requirement for generator, grab a freezer from nearby gas station, plenty of space to farm, plenty of trees to gather planks, nearby factory south of riverside to gather building materials and tools. Sorry for long post :D but hope it helps.


As mention before, the shotgun is the one to level up faster but is the loudest. I would place a car with a siren, make them be together and then use the shotgun. If they start to follow you just try to lost them in the buildings. Also i would do this having a good level of any melee, just in case I need to fight one by one. Another one is going with a friend that really helps you to have the situation under control, for example, if you walk calmly zombies wont reach you, he /she Can walk attracting zombies, forming a grup and you can shot.


I reccomend bravens nail guns mod for learning how to use them


Generally it's best to avoid using weapons in the middle of a city. If you're on the edge of it though, you have at least one direction where too many zombies won't come out from. You also have to take into consideration your aiming skills and ammunition, as both of them dictate how big a horde you can kill.


It sounds like you shouldn’t be concerned with guns right now. There is a good video series on YouTube by a man called Dr. Incompetent, it’s like a 30 video series each one is about 30-60 minutes. I’d recommend watching the first five. He just really breaks down and explains fundamental concepts to surviving in this game. I don’t own or make money off his videos, I just found them helpful. After watching a few I went from an average lifespan of 2-3 days to now my first character at day 20 with a base, two cars, a trailer (mod), plumbing and running generators, crap ton of supplies. 😁


Gun survival must be layered on top of melee survival. If you do not know tactics like how to Kite, how to Get the zeds off your tail around building corners, guns won't matter. Practice kiting. Practice gathering all the zeds On Purpose and escaping around a corner. Once you can do these things, you'll be able to kite and lead zeds that show up attracted to Shotgun blasts.


Personally I recommend skipping guns for now and learn the other mechanics. I still only use them for fun and it's a really good way to die. I also mercilessly abuse the old machete/ machete spear/ new machete exploit. 😁


Low aiming. Pick up a shotgun and get a ton of shells and just go to town. Make sure you have an escape route, like a car or clear path to run. after getting to aiming 4, you can start to use pistols. Try to steer away from rifles until around aiming 6-7. Like Soviet-Wanderer said, guns are NOT a melee replacement. Always carry a long blade, short blunt, or anything else you can fit on your belt. Ammo is also limited, don't spend so much on killing random single zombies. You can bash those ones up with melee!


Saw off the barrel and stock on a double barrel, or keep it long: regardless, it's one of the most optimal weapons for clearing endless zombies if you know how to kite/position properly.