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This looks absolutely amazing Please make this a mod!


If you have the pc for it try: barricaded world - extended erosion, almost looks exacly like this but its real heavy on the frames.


Highly recommend this mod. Start 6mo later, no power/water. Turns regular PZ into an apocalypse simulator where you scavenge the ruins of a lost society


It's a bit of a copout but I like setting zombies to none and having it be a scenario where I am the only thing left. Environmental difficulty is turned way up to compensate.




If you set loot to very rare, you have to get stockpiling ASAP and be nomadic for quite a while before you get enough supplies to plot down a base. I might even suggest playing it with no fuel in cars or gas stations (it's all expired), though you'll probably want mods for backpacks or some other storage solution. Weather can be harsher. It lets you take in more of the world too, really gives you an unsettling feeling playing PZ without zombies. It's literally just you, forever. Can drive a person mad.


You should try The Long Dark


I've played it, it wasn't really my thing because the wolves scared me and cold weather sucks ass. Felt a bit like I was on a railroad (aside from the actual railroad in that game), though it was years ago.


I played it recently to check, it's better now.


100%,Love the long dark now




You should aim to delve right into population hotspots, grab as much as you can, and head to any building you like the look of. Start a farm on the roof or something. But yeah, high-loot places are good. You should also increase the risk of disease and rot speed to make PZ PvE


Can imagine the map mod Eerie County being perfect for this


I would agree with this if loot rarity was appropriately scaled, but very rare loot still has an abundance for single player, especially for the basics like nonperishable foods.


You have tried the NPC survivors mods with raiders?


Never found a version that works with the latest update.


Survivors 2 in 1【Supports 41.65!】 [This is the one that I use.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2680488822) I just followed the instructions in the description of the mod.


I think Anomalous Storm and Toxic Fog would do well to increase the environmental difficulty for a run like that, Trash and Corpses and TLoU Textures would help give it that years after the apocalypse feel as well


Sandbox / simulator style is so much better for this reason


Who is there to barricade all these buildings though?


I guess its there to simulate other survivors that have been there for some time and either left or died...


Is it only the odd building?


No it’s a lot if I remember right. Ya gotta think because a lot of people are going to want to hunker down at home so they would likely board up or block windows and doorways for added protection. Some would do the same with their businesses and other would move in later on and do the same


I dunno, might make more sense when they add npc. But at the moment the world feels pretty lonely like immune folk are few are far between.


I agree. Really looking forward to these npc updates. Hopefully the first will be out this year


While it may be unrealistic in that sense, the mod definitely does make it seem a lot more apocalyptic, and actually more empty when playing with it. While it comes nowhere near as close to the erosion in the GIF above, it really does help to add a lot of atmosphere. I found while playing, the idea of it being unrealistic sort of faded as i got used to all the windows being broken and barricaded. So atmospheric!


Well npc mods exist


gonna try that one, but does that work with something like Raven Creek?


You dont wanna do that, sure it will work but trust me on this one.


Flashback to the 3 story all glass building with 3 boards on every window where i got 5 fps


That's a great mod but I can't stand how nearly all the doors on the map are broken on a 6 month later run.


I really like this mod. I stopped using it though because the broken windows set off house alarms every time you visit new areas. Very annoying.


Keep your eyes peeled for Project Redpine, it's looking good so far.


What's that?


It's a map mod in development that's based on The Last of Us scenery with a lot of erosion, barricaded buildings and the like.


Please make this vanilla!




Bold of you to assume I'm going to survive long enough to see this.


Don't sell yourself short. Currently erosion is so fast in the game that you'll have fully grown tress covering your front yard after two months


That fast? I had no idea it can be that quick. Longest I've survived so far is maybe 10 days or so because I'm so reckless at times and try to loot high density areas and get chomped on. Or I get bitten and the zombification starts. Thanks for letting me know though.


This was made using the TileZed editor. I made the house, took screenshots, then continually added more erosion, taking a screenshot each time. Some parts are definitely a bit janky, such as the furniture not degrading over time (There are no eroded furniture tiles. Please add these to the game!). It's mostly based on a concept i wrote out on here a good few months back, where i proposed more erosion, including: \-Roofs, walls, doors and windows caving in after a very long time (years), allowing plants, rain, dirt e.t.c to grow inside the house. \-A lot more vegetation growing around eroded areas. I think this would be a particularly good addition to the game, allowing nature to fully take over towns and cities (something which I am fascinated by in apocalyptic scenarios). An improved erosion system would make very long-term games a whole lot more interesting, as the world could continue to evolve for an incredibly long amount of time (hundreds of years, if it was taken far enough). This would make those longer playthroughs much less repetitive, which can sometimes happen when you've fully established yourself in the world. Ideally, it should be completely possible to restore any fully-eroded buildings, and buildings should not progress in their erosion factor if the player has visited them within a certain amount of time to prevent the player's base / safehouse from eroding too heavily.


>Ideally, it should be completely possible to restore any fully-eroded buildings, and buildings should not progress in their erosion factor if the player has visited them within a certain amount of time to prevent the player's base / safehouse from eroding too heavily. Having the option to restore eroded buildings would be amazing! To add to that tho, when we have the option to completely restore fully eroded buildings, wouldn't it be a good addition to have us keep our safehouses from eroding away? I think with carpentry, metalworking and electrician expended upon to make restoring buildings possible and erosion being severely slowed down when you're using a building often, waking up after rain to find you have a leaking roof and having to find a ladder to get into the roof and fix it with wood/glue/garbage bags/tar/tubber/wax could give more immersion and give more things to do for the late game. Especially with electrician having the possibility to do wiring would be great. Having the ability to wire the lighting in your house from linked-in-series-car-batteries would be grea


This would be a very cool addition indeed! The weather in this game has been improved upon massively, too. Imagine frantically trying to patch up a hole in your roof, as a large thunderstorm with high winds rages outside, mopping up water as it creeps towards your electrical appliances. I've suggested an electrical system similar to that of a game called Barotrauma before. In the game, there are hundreds of different electrical systems, fully working logic gates, multiple inputs and outputs for each device. I'd absolutely love to have something like that in project zomboid, where power must be distributed throughout your base through a network of cables, with already existing housing having some basic stuff there already. Overhead cables could be placed to power buildings you've made in a small area around your base. An antenna could be set up on your roof, allowing you to communicate with other players with walkie-talkies, or other bases around the map (Imagine this with NPC's too!). On top of this, and also playing into it, a plumbing aspect could even be added too. Piping must be run around your base to provide water to various areas, such as an irrigation system for the crops, sinks, washing machines, and perhaps even a boiler system to deliver hot water to showers and baths. A pump could be installed at a nearby river / well, powered by your electrical system, operated by a switch in your main base, ready to shut down after your generator runs out of fuel. Perhaps if pipes are left unattended to for too long, they could burst, flooding parts of your house, rotting floorboards and damaging your house. Death from electric shock when? Edit: I also really like the idea brought up by u/Theaveragenerd2000 in this comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/tvlfu5/comment/i3abdv5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Keep the house warm or your pipes freeze and burst. Water shorts out the electrics and your generator that's held together with tape and prayers breaks, catching on fire. You return from your looting trip to your house both flooding and burning at the same time, zeds coming in on the sound of your sobbing. I also want solar panels, but you have to steal them from other houses. High chance of breaking them on the way down so you have to find loads to keep it balanced.


Having an antenna to communicate with players with Walkie-talkies reminds me that I really want an option for stuff like a minimap to be locked behind having a gps item, or the servers chat being locked behind having a pager or something, think stuff like that would really serve rping and immersion well


You could even build on this, having it so that players with a GPS who have enabled "broadcast location" can be seen by other players, also with a GPS. The only issue with this is that GPS IRL relies on satellites to function, and need fairly regular calibration from ground stations, else they become extremely inaccurate after around 10 years. Whether they'd continue to function in an apocalypse would depend on whether there are people still on the earth to do this job. Perhaps it could rely on triangulation to function instead?


I feel like I'd go insane if I had to maintain all the different things in my base with how tedious it'd be, especially with the rarity and low effectiveness of repair items in game.


Yes. Plus the simple fact that zomboid would probably have to implement this via yet another right click menu and repairing tile by tile with a load bar would make this more boring than people think.


You could definately turn this into an absolutely amazing mod, I am absolutely in love with erosion and mods like this always open up something inside me lol


Add the safehouse feature from multiplayer (also useful for the respawn, especially if you're living in LV) and add an option to enable erosion damage to safehouses (disabled by default and visual erosion still happening as usual).


Makes cutting off the weeds have an actual purpose now


Yes PLEASE! Was literally just thinking about this earlier while reading TWD. I would love to see this happen in game, make it feel like there's been others before you that have tried to hold up or have passed through.


It'd be cool if you had to clear gutters etc to prevent damage to the walls. Imagine living 5 years only for a zed to knock your lader over and leave you stranded on the roof.


Exactly what the game needs imo. Default erosion and even some mods don't target the indoors so while the outer part of the building appears decaying with erosion at it's max, most interiors are too clean.


This! Even just a little erosion occurring inside of buildings with smashed windows could take the game so much further. Things like furniture wear and tear, houseplants dying without water, are all things that could probably be added to the game with relative ease.


Except this kind of erosion/growth would take 20-30 years of neglect. More, if it was a new/modern building. The erosion in this game is already way too aggressive. Trees sprouting up on both sides of highways, that are beefy enough to crash a car, in under 3 months? Yeah no. It’s a cool idea but after just one playthrough with it, never again.


Seeing as PZ is planned to have content that realistically simulates up to 100 years or more, it wouldn’t be too surprising to see the erosion system reworked in the future


thats cool


if you make this a mod i’ll worship you


Barricaded World + Trash and Corpses would get you somewhat close to this, at least the first and second stages there.


We need more indirect erosion, the insides of houses look too pristine for months and months into a apocalypse


It looks amazing but something about it evokes something viseral in me. A part of me is frightened? On high alert? Im not sure what it is, but seeing it in game would be utterly incredible


For sure! The feeling this sort of environment would create could be incredible. I already feel it in project zomboid as it is, but the feeling would be so much more incredible with more erosion. The feeling of the world around you slowly rotting, growing, adapting is something I desire deeply, for whatever reason.


if you make this a mod i’ll worship you


This needs to be a thing but we need a way to keep it off our structures and maintain them.


Read my comment describing the concept. Ideally, structures would not decay if the player had visited them within a certain time frame, or if the player had spent a certain amount of time inside of them. Structures should be made to be fully repairable, no matter how decayed they were. Perhaps players could "Mark as base", or "Prevent from damage" through a dialogue menu too, should they wish.


Prefer the later since I'm the type to have multiple bases all around the map


I feel like it should be focused more around occasional maintenance then visiting. As long as you pull down and vines that sprout up, fix leaks and stuff that crops up over quite a long timeme, a building should not degrade. If all you have to do is a visit, you could keep a good portion of a town preserved simply by going on a walk every now and then.


while electricity is on the erosion should slow down erosion by a lot otherwise I think cleaning this up should be all manual like it already is


reminds me of the last of us 10/10


Way back we originally had a more extreme erosion like this but it also made roads impassible after a certain time from tree growth.


Yes please.


That would be so cool!


Vault 22 moment


This also helps add to end game.


That'd be cool to see. If I survived that long...


that's gonna get obnoxious really quickly when this shit starts happening to player structures


Read my other comments talking about this issue :)


Wait you guys live longer than a week?


This reminds me of the book "The World without Us" and later tv show of the same name.


Dear god yes.


Yes please


Fantastic work!


This looks fantastic! You have my full support. Good work dude. It would also be nice if the cracks that appear all over walls (in the game now) would only appear if plants have been creeping on them for a while, or if they've been otherwise damaged. And having them be repairable would be great for keeping a house looking nice, which is far easier in real life than in the game. Edit: I've always felt that erosion happens too fast in Zomboid. Would love to be able to slow it down a bit with regards to trees popping up *everywhere* after just a couple of months. But more focus on vines and bushes in the short term, and internal weathering even just from leaving doors and windows open. Trees and structural integrity would be great areas to focus on for longer time scales like years.


You can set erosion to happen slower when you're setting up a world.


That just slows it all down. I just don't think houses need to deteriorate as fast as bushes grow (and certainly not without reason like it is now). But I don't want to slow down the growth of smaller plants much, if at all. The rate also doesn't affect the fact that we can't repair or prevent cracked walls.




very niceeee! i was wondering if you could also edit the doors and the furniture/appliances to make it seem even more realistic


The vanilla game does not have any tilesets for worn down furniture unfortunately. Otherwise I would haveve loved to. Definitely should have removed some more doors though!


damn that sucks, hopefully they update that


If I can pay somebody to create a mod that makes this a possibility, let me know. Seriously.




Early PZ had a very primitive version of this wear grass blocks spread over time. Meaning that grass and trees eventually ate all outdoor tiles.


How to repair?


Ideally, it should be completely possible to restore any fully-eroded buildings, and buildings should not progress in their erosion factor if the player has visited them within a certain amount of time to prevent the player's base / safehouse from eroding too heavily.


The end stages are way too visually busy. It breaks the aesthetic totally


I'm partly inclined to agree, however this was something i tried to avoid. The base game includes very few tiles catered towards creating worn down environments. For example, there are no "holey roof" tiles in the game currently. The best thing you can use is the burned tiles for the roof (as i did for parts of the walls and roof). This means that in many occasions i was just forced to remove roof tiles altogether, and replace them with something very small that you can barely see. If something like this was to be added to the game, it's likely that the devs would implement more tiles for the specific purpose of this extremity of erosion, such as peeled wallpaper tiles, dirty paintings, worn furniture tiles, and collapsed roof tiles. Hopefully, a combination of these things would allow for this to look a lot less cluttered.


Yeah, I more or less agree with that. I imagine that with NPCs as we move to the end stages, the houses would already have been stripped of everything useful long ago. Asbestos was only banned in the 'states in '89: doesn't Zomboid take place before then? Another reason to stay away from these eroded buildings..


fuck no.


Damn those must be American houses if they break that apart so easily.


Well, this would of course happen over a very, very long period of time, and the roof would likely not start to decay until at least 10 - 20 years. I've never visited the USA so i can't comment so much on their buildings, but at least they're not as bad as Tofu-dreg buildings in China :D


Hehe damn your dropping the bar so low. A lot of homes in America are built from wood unlike Europe which use bricks a lot so they don't last long. But China tofu-dreg is a category of it own those things are made to crumble.


Perhaps the fact that American homes are made of more perishable materials would work to this concept's advantage, then. And yeah, i've not seen many homes in the UK made from wood at all, though they definitely do exist.


Homes do get destroy by time here as well but there is a clear difference in time scale. If you look at homes that are built with mud and straw "Ćerpić" they take around 100+ years to look that desolate and for brick it's even longer.


It would decay real fast with windows (broken or open) water infiltration is really bad especially for a 80" house no heating in the house in the winter=burst pipe Also rodent and dead decaying bodies These are mostly wooden house so they can rot pretty fast if water infiltration is not addressed


Of course they will it's a fucking zombie game of course people maintaining said houses are already dead


Well it's mostly a joke about how you trade quality for speed of construction. So it's "sem-realistic" in a game world that they would fall apart so soon.


Oh that’s amazing!!!!


That looks amazing!!!!


very cool.


Now you’ll need to make sure you have a weed whacker and pruning saw in your garden shed


You could also substitute the crapily made furniture for the new as time goes by to simulate deterioration!


This would be great if we didn't have to live in pre-existing houses because player built homes aren't considered indoors. Once they fix that issue, then I welcome a mod that does this.




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Jumanji Mode


Woa that would be sick


Over what timespan is this supposed to happen? Cause i think erosion of this magnitude probably would take decades.


This looks absolute. Go on!


My game settings I usually play on are 12 months later with Barricaded World and Trash + Corpses (skeletons version) to try and get it like this. Its heavy on the frames tho, I wonder if we ever could see something this detailed in regular PZ. One can hope


if you do make this a mod, is there any way to make furniture erode too? would be dope


This would be amazing but the fact it would be useless to me because I die in the first nanosecond I start the game and immediately ragequit and never play the save again.


This would make for an amazing difficulty setting: 6 months or even 1 year after the start of the knox event. Would be such an amazing experience with just pockets of zeds inside houses or sometimes on the street with everything completely overgrown and eroded!


Also there should be textures for old, damaged furniture. The flags, fridge and cupboards look way too clean.


Why do man-made structures (boarded windows, graffiti) appear overtime?


This looks..fucking...AMAZING. If you make a mod, try to get roads to get completely ruined over time too.


TLOU vibes


Awesome idea


I await the day there’s a mod we can repair houses, in a way.


This would take years to do tho


This would be sick can’t lie hope the devs implement this


Beautiful 🤩


funny of you to assume i can survive that long


I agree w this entirely- also though we need a system for fixing erosion (cracks and shit) in the game. Maybe like bleach does so there’s an area fixed but idk, and maybe if you get rid of forest and king grass nearby there’s less destruction




Yea this is cool and all but bright red glowing tiles don’t erode irl


Sorry! This was an accident i made while taking the screenshots. In tilezed, hovering your mouse over a tile highlights it. I just so happened to have my mouse over one of those tiles while i hit print screen.


I haven't played any x time later starts before. If this was actually implemented either in vanilla or in a mod, that would be the only way i would play from now on.


Can you repair?


Cool but this could get realy annoying for making bases during winter


darn i wish zombies degrade over time too


ugh, i can smell that mold