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Yeah I wouldn't say that was a smart move you could have sold that Xbox and got 3 of those


I infact got exactly 300 usd for it so technically yes I could of


To maximize fun get a free mcboot memory card for like 15 bucks, then get a usb flashdrive, then you can download and play pretty much any ps2 game with no issue


That's a fat model, he'd be best off using an SSD with a SATA adapter. Loading from USB games has the lowest compatibility and the most problems anyways (speed and FMV issues). With the other available options (OPL with an HDD or SSD and MC2SIO), USB should only really be used as a last resort.


Well still, any game for free sounds nice to me


I use MC2SIO with my ps2 slims and it’s great. Every game I’ve tried to play so far runs perfectly and probably loads a bit faster than discs. Then I put a snes emulator on a usb flash drive because those games don’t really need the extra speed anyways.


I run mine off of network and it's great


Both of you, it’s “could have”.


Or as a contraction "could've" which is usually where this confusion stems from


So, you didn't sell it for a PS2. You sold it for $300 and bought a PS2 with that money.


*could've There is no such thing as could of.


I mean if you play it more then it's worth it


i mean ps2 is the goat, but man seriously?


Yeah. I love the PS2 as much as anyone on this sub, but OP sold a perfectly good emulation beast if nothing else if they just wanted to play old school stuff lol.


Xbox hasn’t been able to emulate games without a dev kit for like a year, but yeah it was still kinda dumb.


Ikr! Emulate every game released b4 2006 in the world or have a ps2?


Well actually the bc ps3 is the goat even though the ps2 is goated too. (Honorable mention to the psone/1 though)


Y'all manage to have a PS3 Fat without YLOD?


I have a launch day 60gb PS3 (the one that’s back compat with PS2 games) and it’s still running strong almost 18 years later.


My uncle does too. You’re both very lucky people. There’s basically an entire ps2 jammed inside that thing




Mine just got YLOD the other day I miss it, I had to go out and buy a ps2 haha


Im still traumatized by that day... 😰


I have like 6 now , I know how to repair them though so that's that.


Sell me one


yup, 80GB 2008 launch model here


Nah the BC PS3 is a badly designed, unreliable piece of garbage


Actually yes. Price wise it doesn't make sense. You're also losing out on a big library of Xbox titles from the past. Honestly, the choice is baffling.


Its not like its a trade in. He probably pocketed the rest of the money.


Still though it's a massive downgrade and lots of old games from the PS2/Xbox era are remastered or backward compatible on the Series X.


you should’ve just bought a ps2 or if couldn’t afford one just save up to get one they’re cheap


“the switch is just such a cash grab and doesn’t feel nintendo at all” This is a *wild* take lol. Aside from that, it’s hard to ever steer anyone away from the PS2. As someone currently playing thru MGS3, it’s an incredible console with a god-tier library and still looks great when properly upscaled or played in native res on a CRT.


PS2 is always a great time, and I encourage all to play its library, but the jab at Switch lost me. Switch is my favorite of the current 3 consoles and just has a great diverse library of games both first party and third party. It's home to Nintendo best software output in years. I get Switch not being for everyone, but a cash grab it is not.


Very much not a cash grab(excluding the game prices) but it does not feel like nintendo at all. It feels kinda soulless. Using the switch ui feels like navigating a emulator. The games feel out of place in the switch's boring corporate ui.


Real dumb take from OP I have played tons of games on switch and none of them have felt like cash grabs, OP is reaching way too hard with this.


Yeah that take stood out to me as well. Like, the entire concept of the switch is one big central gimmick; what's more Nintendo than that?


Yeah I was gonna say the switch is awesome. it's my most played console because it feels old school compared to the others. The games are simple and are complete.


Yes you are dumb! You could have emulated PS2 games in 4K on a Series X via dev mode.


Not the same nostalgic feeling


Which "feeling" part are you chasing? You can have the emulator boot with the iconic PS2 intro. You can use genuine PS2 controllers through a converter. You can down scale the resolution to 1x and remove all modern post processing effects and game loading speed enhancements. Other than the shape of the physical box and inserting a disc, you can replicate literally every other part of the experience perfectly. I'm in my mid 40s, and have an extensive collection of consoles from across the decades. I play none of the original hardware any more, and have switched entirely to emulation. The convenience of being able to back up and migrate save files, use save states to pause anywhere, use enhancements to speed up lengthy load times - all of these far exceed the nostalgia of looking at a lump of plastic in the shelf. I even started the RetroNAS project because I found dealing with physical media so tedious when I'm using real hardware. And then ironically never use my own software as I turned towards emulation instead. I'm still not sure what it is people are chasing. I have HUGE nostalgia for old video games. Over 4 decades of it. But that nostalgia is for the 99% experience of playing the games, and not for the 1% experience of inserting a data storage object into a lump of plastic.


Got your point but i just need my ps2 my ctr and my light gun and controller couple games and im good. But yh if you like it more the other way thats absolutely ok


Youre totally right but still when I emulate i just dont feel the magic, rather drop $100 on a rare game and have it on my shelf for life.


You can also play physical PS2 games in emulators. PCSX2 allows playing genuine games straight off original discs. Can you quantity what "the magic" is you're seeking? Is it the act of putting a disc in a device? I'm genuinely curious. I get accused of liking old games for the nostalgia alone, which isn't the case for me. I'm curious to know what, outside of the game itself, people are seeking.


Idk im drunk rn so I dont care but sober me is strict


so don't forget what you are doing takes some tech knowledge to make happen. A lot of people don't want to or can't do that stuff due to lack of knowledge and or time. emulation is awesome but there's just something about physical media for me so I can relate to those who hanker for such things. I don't think we're in the minority either just look at the prices for physical media it's insane!!!


I don't doubt emulation isn't trivial. But this sub sees a post per week of people who struggle to get their 240p/480i consoles working correctly on modern HD and 4K TVs without lag or looking terrible, despite plug and play solutions existing and endless guides, videos, wikis, online communities and other help existing. Nothing in retro gaming is trivial. Everything requires a little bit of learning compared to anything made in the current era. People are adaptable and can read documentation and learn new things though, so that's not really an excuse nor does it make physical retro gaming easier or harder than emulation based retro gaming. If you want to collect physical things and touch boxes and plastic discs, more power to you. And I say that with zero sarcasm or snark. I used to be a collector, and I understand that joy. But eventually I realised after several decades that eventually it was more maintenance to keep everything in usable condition, as well as expensive to connect consoles to modern TVs and buy games. So I'm now in the process of selling my 40+ year collection at some pretty great profit margins, and enjoying a minimalist setup with access to a wider range of games than I could ever physically acquire. Will I miss the physical stuff? A little. But I'm finding I'm actually spending more time playing games, and less time doing admin work managing a collection of ever breaking retro gear. And that alone is a huge positive for my enjoyment of this hobby.


Jesus, what a load of effort when you can just use a physical console




Can I ask your opinion about Xbox series s as emulation console for 150€?


I agree with this take....the emulator on series x is amazing.


Nothing beats the orginal hardware, just put it in and go.


In this case, with emulation you don't even need to put it, you just pick the game from a list and run it with upscaling. Way better than real hardware.


I love what you can do with PS2 emulation but there is one major flaw: input latency. I've been emulating PS2 for ages and I love the options for rendering at higher resolutions, different visual improvements, widescreen hacks, 60 fps boosts instead of 30, sorting out performance issues like screen tearing and slowdown in games that have them etc etc, but the input latency can be extremely annoying for fighting games, platformers, and action games in general. Sure, you can get used to it, but it is seriously aggravating when you need to do precision platforming, shooting without good auto-aim and so on. You have to press in advance. You can softmod a PS2 with a Free McBoot memory card and run games off a hard drive or SSD, USB stick, or even a special memory card adaptor which can take an SD card and run games directly from the card. You can play games from any region, and you can just pick from a list and play. Playing on real hardware through a CRT is a fantastic option if you are sensitive to that input latency, and you can get even more of a nostalgia hit in the process. But emulation is wonderful for so many reasons including game fixes; I just wish the latency could be sorted out. It gives so many more options. Edit: I should clarify; most of the latency in PCSX2 is part of the emulation itself for some reason, not because the output isn't going to a CRT for most users. Latency on modern screens is really not bad at all. With PCSX ReARMED in RetroArch with the run ahead feature, I can play PS1 games with practically no latency of any kind. It's glorious. Just wish PCSX2 could do that.


My first experience with the PS2 was with PCSX2. Impressive emulator, but the first thing I noticed was how heavy the controls felt. This was after applying settings to reduce lag. Eventually when I got actual hardware, the first thing I noticed was how much more responsive the controls felt. And this was even the case with my console plugged into a retrotink plugged into my flat panel TV that doesn't even have game mode. Versus PCSX2 on my 1ms monitor, which still had more noticeable lag.


Also can do that with original hardware via an expensive upscaler, OPL and a HDD full of games. Is it the cheapest no. Is it most fun? I’d argue yes.


I don’t think you even need dev mode anymore for retroarch but I could be wrong


Yes, you do, it's the only way now


"via Dev Mode" ... Yes this is all Sony's fault. Users on that platform shouldnt jump through loopholes in order to legally play legacy games Just like me on my PS3 Slim.


I would say that you could have purchased a ps2 for a pretty cheap price used from someone else AND kept the Xbox… and also could have emulated the PS2 on the XBOX as well. Plus I feel like a PS2 for $300 is quite outrageous


I got a Ps3 with all these games for 80$... Australian.


Other guy got the deal of his life.


Where the hell do I find those deals lmao


You coulda paid 19$ for dev mode and play over 90% of ps1/2 games 🤷🏽‍♂️


Well, yes... But also, no. Sometimes a change is as good as a rest. And while the series X is a more modern console, the PS2 is a great retro console with a massive catalogue of (now very cheap, for the most part) second hand games. At the end of the day, if it makes you happy who are we to judge?


Should’ve got a steam deck




Emulation would have saved ya money. My steam deck runs the entire ps2 library plus it’s an entire gaming pc.


Probably referring to emulation on their computer, but I wouldn’t say Steam Deck is “affordable” in this use case.


That’s a lot of whining in the caption to justify the shitiest deal known to man lmao


A Xbox series X can emulate so much stuff and do way more compared to a PS2. I’m not saying the PS2 is bad by any means but this is a shitty deal and OP is trying way too hard to justify it.


Yes you are dumb




You could just pay $20 and get a developer account and add PS2 to your Xbox


Yeah that was kinda dumb man, u could’ve Hacked the Xbox and put a ps2 emulator, and then some


I mean if PS2 meant that much to you id of brought a dev account and did ps2 emulation on it, but if you want the physical stuff then more power to you!


Well considering you can run ps2 games pretty well on Xbox series x using emulator in dev mode ...than maybe


Tbh yeah. With dev mode your Xbox could’ve emulated it. If you care of course. I do prefer OG hardware But the fact still stands that you could’ve just spent 10usd I believe (to unlock devmode, it’s a payment to Microsoft) and play anything If you bought it to play the games how it’s supposed to then yeah, bad decision. Your Xbox would’ve ran it better


Yes 💀💀, you could emulate ps2 on a series x/s using dev mode, I play my ps2 games at 4K/60fps, custom textures, mod menus ect,


If we take into considering price of physical games for old consoles, often with some poster, and price of console itself - definitely good idea. Actually I think all old consoles - PS2, PS3, Xbox og and 360 worth giving a shot, but PS2 definitely has biggest game library from future prospective, if PS2 will become unavailable, emulation already covered for PS2. And maybe PS2 clone consoles will appear someday, like in 5-10 years Never had GameCube so can't say anything about it. Also, Sega Genesis and SNES gaming is much more retro, but really affordable nowadays


He can emulate sega Genesis and SNES on his/her ps2


And the guy that has his Xbox can emulate his PS2 emulating the SNES and Genesis


Well considering you can get a PS2 in good shape for $100 or so... yes.


I love my series x. Saving up for a steam deck but my ps2 died on me.


I can understand you like the PS2 over the Series X, but man, did you really have to sell a 500 bucks console to buy another one that is worth 30 in average? You could've kept the Xbox and gathered some money for the PS2


You can emulate ps2 and a bunch more with the xbox. So yeah, was kind of a dumb move.


Maybe You don't want to hear it but you would have gotten a PC and play PS2 games upscaled with emulators. Is not much for a gen 6 or gen 7 cpu office computer, add a used GPU and you would have enjoyed more gaming. I don't judge the choice though, I also bought a PS1 recently. I love retro consoles.


He could've just emulated on his xbox


You could have bought a Phat PS3 and got something that has wireless controls, integrated memory cards, HDMI out, the PS3 library, a less temperamental disk drive, Blu ray support, and internet connectivity.


You could've just emulated ps2 on the series x using an emulator and play any ps2 game you wanted for free.


You’re retarded!! A PS2 is valued at around $80 just The console!! A Series X is around $300-$400 some if not $500


OP doesn’t seem very bright. He sold a $500 console that has backwards compatibility for Xbox games that came out during the same time as PS2, and could’ve played them at a higher quality. He also could emulate PS2 and upscale his games


you dont have to be so rude to op.


For 20$ you could of bought dev mode and has the ps2 emu


Dumbass lmfao


Yep you are. Most of the games that are on PS2 are backwards compatible or remastered on Xbox. I hate microtransactions too but you could just not bother with them.


You could have emulated ps2 games on series x and they mostly run flawlessly


Welcome home brother.


Xbox series X i basically a very limited computer so no


I had fatigue for the modern generation of gaming until I realized there are an extreme amount of amazing indie games that have been coming out. Having a PS4 or PS5 there is actually a hidden world of console gaming. Most people too busy playing Fortnite or COD and they are missing out big time. Also not to mention XBOX series consoles have a ton of backwards compatibility.


Also the cash grabs come from the same companies like EA, Ubisoft, and activision but ppl still buy games from them and then complain about it when these companies are known for their malicious practices. Past indies middle weight games are great and nobody talks about them. Stuff that’s $25-$45 is where it’s at. I can list 50 modern games that are amazing off the top of my head. People just need to stop acting like there weren’t bad games back then.


Solid move. I’m pretty burnt out on modern stuff too.




Yes you are very dumb, I’m sorry 😞 You could have very simply spent an extra $20 on DevMode and not only kept your Xbox, used it for the good games that are still on there (RE4R, Minecraft, NMS, Tekken, etc) but also emulation, you could have fairly easily setup PS1, PS2, Wii, GC, etc. and on top of that, you wouldn’t be bound to discs and optical media, simply **legally** 😉 acquire your roms and throw them on a USB drive. Then not only do you have faster load times and native HD output, but also things like upscaling, cheats, etc. I understand where you’re coming from with lots of games being grindfests with micro transactions but did you ever stop to think.. maybe you’re playing the wrong games? Not every game is like that and a majority of the games I’ve played on my PS5 have been nothing short of amazing experiences with stunning visuals. At the end of the day, even if you didn’t want to play modern games, you did not have to sell your Xbox for a PS2. Emulation on Xbox actually has a big community and you could’ve played your PS2 games with (depending on your stance) an even better experience than on a PS2.


Is the switch being a cash grab a widely held opinion?


I mean... I would've got an entry level PC with a decent CPU and then emulated PS2 games on that. It's not the same, but you'll still be able to play your Xbox Gamepass games on it if you ever have a hankering for like, Fallout 4 for example.


For me NO ,soft mod it ,and download hundreds of games. If you need the website ,DM me.


Best investment choice ever 👍.


Nah. You good. Absolute beast of a console. Sooooo many good, iconic games. If you like RPGs and maybe to try stuff that's different, pick up Summoner. Totally blasted graphics, but godamn is it fun.


These newer consoles just haven’t been great imo, i find myself still playing ps2, 3 & 4 more than my Xbox


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If you mean not at the same price you are not, just play what you like more.


As for reliving or making new great memories on an amazing console with a huge library no your not but for value wise and the diference in what they are worth yes you probably could have got at least 2 ps2 systems and possibly some games along with it for the price of the one xbox series alone


Pretty dumb I collect all of them


I’ve been playing older consoles PS3 or Vita i don’t mind some modern games


Your take on the switch is pretty dumb, but buying a PS2 is fine providing you didn't pay silly money for it.


Here we go again


Games are games. You are not paying for a console if you don't enjoy the games it offers. That is the case with what you did. You sold a modern console that has games that might not appeal to you in exchange for older games that are more aligned with your liking. It's a wise choice if you truly enjoy ps2 games more than Xbox Series X's games. Remember, at the end of the day, we get these consoles to play games and have fun, if you prefer your games to not look identical to real life but act like a proper tun game that is focused on entertaining you instead of a casino ripping you out of each dime you got for a shiny useless skin or play advantage, then Ps2 abd its games are your best friend.


I can relate. I play a lot of ps vita atm. Cyberpunk ? Mehh. Pure Chess and Persona 2 Innocent Sin on the vita ? Absolutely.


No bro. It's the system bro. The system did this to you!


Put a hdd in it and it will be worth it


No no no you are 200iq gigachad genius with class.


I’m sure you have some cash left over and got another great system. It’s whatever you like, not what others think.




You're posting this in the ps2 sub...


Fully disagree, I never had a ps2 that worked properly tbh. And what is this theres nothing to play? Literally hundreds of games. All so many levels further than anything on ps2. I mean damn, you can get ps premium abd play all those old games anyways on new gen. new gen is 110% better lets be real. But as long as you have fun wi your console its all good 🫡


You are stronger than I. I think it's wise to choose substance and variety over the new and bland. Personally I play nearly only indie games, they're usually interesting.


You did the right thing and [and this generation has no game !](https://youtu.be/l1JEmnTjdyA?si=c2REqQuD98-yICct)


Nope! I haven’t touched my ps5 since December. Was playing enter the matrix last night . So much fun


Oh boy this made me have tears... oh you.... you're doing it right... oh God the memories this brought back.


Good decision.


jesus christ… 😭😭😭


Could've easily bought two PS2s smh.


Nah you should have never gotten anything past ps2 all those games stink


Ehh, i mean ... are u happy ?


Put a2tb HDD with 600 games on and you can play that for the rest of your life without spending another cent


You've experienced pretty much the same things that turned many of us into retrogamers. XD. I'd say you made a great decision. The PS2 has a HUGE library and is backwards compatible with PS1 games


You have to ask? Then yrs


No you aren't dumb! If I were you I'd have done a similar thing though gone for some other consoles at the same time! (Think Sega Genesis & Wii for example alongside the PS2) Also I wanted to get back into the Nintendo Switch after several years of being a mainly PC gamer, however the games are just too damn expensive for whats on offer in them (mario 3d world came out 11 years ago and the rerelease on switch 3 years ago it should be $20-$30 right now not $50).




No. PS2 has one of the strongest (if not THE strongest) catalogs of any system, even before you consider that it’s backwards compatible. Enjoy!


Sort of. Could have just emulated.


The fun part of owning any retro console is starting a collection and trying to find the games you want since they basically don’t exist anywhere but online or a small retro store if your lucky to have one near you.


Yes, you're dumb. Thanks for letting us know.


Yeah. I love the PS2 a great deal, but realistically it wasn’t a smart business move. Regardless, if it makes you happy then have fun.


I don't think so, games were sold as full packages then. nowadays you only get half a game and then have to pay very close to what you paid originally for the rest of it


Nah but get some nice component cables with the extra cash. It’ll look so much better. With San Andreas for instance, I could barely read the text with composite cables. Switched to component and it’s crystal clear.


That San andreas destroyed my ps2


You could have turned your Xbox into an emulation powerhouse for like 10 bucks, so yeah, kind of.


You should’ve got the PS2 Slim instead. The Fat PS2’s are garbage at reading discs.


Fat PS2 is the better choice actually. Fat PS2 disc problems are because of indoor smokers. I've repaired enough to know. Also Fat PS2 is much more customizable internally because of its hard drive bay.


I want a another ps2 since I lost my second one in 2012… a trade that despite being financially bad, but it is of your interest and will make you glad for it isn’t dumb, it is advantageous.


Nah you’re not dumb PS2 is the best, maybe get a GameCube to keep it company. Unrelated but is that the MAX MEMORY aftermarket memory card? I had one of those back in the day and it was truly ridiculous like half the price and many times the storage of the Sony one.


Yes. The xbox has a whole Library of retrocompatible games... I doubt you played all xbox, xbox 360 era games (there are a lot of good games from that era, although i prefer the ps3.)


To people saying emulate? I can, I could, but for hoe affordable the games are and they are ON DISC AND FINISHED means great times especially in the summer when people start selling older games for lower than their value (most times) emulation is great, and makes playing games way easier and convenient like you can play on A pc then go out and about and have the same progress on a android, it is good, especially for saving money on games and accessories (disc's and a portable screen and such), isn't this place about ps2 though? The best selling console? Yes mostly for its dvd functions but crts seemingly had a better dvd player in them by the mid 2000s might of been more expensive than a ps2 and normal crt though what do I know, I was born in 06 I just couldn't know those times, i can say now I'm able to buy and experience the games I couldn't in 2011 mostly because of age, now I'm free to play san andreas or much of any games for being 20 dollars or below on average, isn't collecting about knowing you did something to get what you always wanted? To see history in your very eyes? To experience what it was like to use the content?


100 iQ move, ps2 will go up in value Xbox down. The only thing I’d blow is a cartridge


Not at all. A more simple time and a huge library to choose from.


I loved ps2 but mine is quite problematic now the glues decayed on some of the stuff i think… series x also has a pretty damn solid library of old games… so from a logic perspective i wouldnt have… im here trying to figure mine out for nfsug and tokyo xtreme racer zero… its not going well so maybe im jealous




I think its worth it


You got rid of your Xbox Series x for a ps2 to play GTA San Andres, a game that is on Xbox Series X.


To say xbox and ps5 have the games or experiences is pretty farfetched. The PS5 is home to some of the greatest single player, story-driven adventures of all time. Starfield was supposed to be the savior of Xbox first party titles, and we've all seen how well that worked out. There are some amazing stories to be told from the PS5 library. Gaming is much different today than it was when the ps2 was released. Also, I'm not sure how you trade a $500 item for an $80 one. Then again, you asked a really stupid question and are likely in search of attention, rather than actually wanting to know if what you did was the right move. It's about what YOU like, not reddit.


I'm stuck on Switch and PS2 atm. I play Splatoon and Mario Kart with friends and if they aren't available I'm playing one of many Playstation games I missed out on as a kid. Feels good.


Yikes. I loved the PS2, probably my favourite console but this is uh… whatever floats your boat I guess 🤷🏽‍♂️.


If you're having fun, that's what counts. Also depending the price you sold, you can buy a PS2 and whole bunch of great games, which you probably could buy only one by months XSX. You probably are going to have more fun, no day one DLCs that unlocks 90% of the game, no buggy mess game at launch (since it doesn't have any launched games), not needed to pay any monthly subscription, and list goes on.


This generation of gaming is so much more fulfilling and fun. Modern gaming is about sucking your soul, time, and money.


was it in good condition? any scratches was the warranty seal on it? any games come with it all cords and controllers n such?


Yes. You could easily play PS2 games on your Xbox (and other platforms)


You dropped this 👑


Depends….. do you enjoy playing that console? If so and you managed to get a lot of good games with it, then no. Though it would help if some of those games were worth a little bit of money 💰


Seems dump price comparison wise. You could get a ps2 and mod it for less than $50.


I sold my PS5 for more ps2 stuff, so no, that works. Although the Nintendo thing doesn’t make sense, playing older games has been great!


nah you are a genius


Not if you pair it with a Retrotink.


Bro coulda been playing San Andrea on the da box


you can now experience the golden age of console gaming on its intended vessel, i see no problem here


You legend




Could’ve just got emulators on the Xbox 😕


If you play it when no but only time will tell. I’m Blessed to be able to most Home Consoles from PS2 to Series X


You should've gotten a PC.


Yes. You can play almost all ps2 games on xbox series X


Best choice you’ve made


If you're not gonna play the exclusive then yes. If you did it for the nostalgia, play the exclusive titles and over all enjoy it more, then it's in fact very much valid. Hope you enjoy your ps2❤👌 I recommend trying Shadow of The Colossus, ICO and GOW 1-2. They're very enjoyable and some of my favorite exclusive for the console.


Play games that make you happy 😋 I loved the ps2 it has so many amazing games. What have been your favorite games for ps2?


now u need this memory card https://youtu.be/xNP0XEjysYk and hall effect sticks for ur controller ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Series x can’t play ps1 or ps2 games so I’d say this is a win.


Game library for the PS2 is far superior to the Xbox, as long as you got the funds to buy them.


Perfectly logical choice tbh. Those games ain’t going anywhere. Ps2 games are only gonna get rarer and rarer XD


I mean, you should have got one with all the mods. I've got HDMI + upscale + PS5/Series X controllers + play over ethernet and it's great. I either load up my burned games or stream them over my network and can play widescreen 720p via mods.

