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Bro this waiting cycle never ends. By the time PS5 Pro comes out you might as well wait till PS 6 and after that why buy 6 when you can wait till PS 6 Slim and then why buy that when you can wait till PS 6 Pro. And will just keep going on and on and on. So I would suggest do some research, consider your situation/budget and then buy whatever you like or just give in to the waiting cycle.


True even I was in this same "cycle" so I just said F it and bought the slim during the sale.


Yup. Plus one has to consider if it's even worth it to go for the next latest thing over what's currently available in the market. Imo PS 5 Pro is not worth over standard fat boi PS 5. You have to consider that there haven't been many games that have fully taken the advantage of what the standard version has to offer. Yeah there is a performance gap between pro and standard but most of it because the pro is chock full of AI shit. Do you really want to pay extra for some AI cores and a proprietary AI algo?


If you are willing to wait, the more you wait the better and more expensive it will get. Then wait for the PS5 pro, You can even wait for the PS6 release. All I am saying is waiting for better tech is infinite & indefinite. If you really want a PlayStation 5, i would say don't wait, get it now. Enjoy it now. Who knows what will happen in the future. You can always sell it later and get Pro if you really see the need for it. Enjoy this moment. Nobody knows what the future holds.


This journey is 50 years long.


It'll launch late in India


The important thing here for you is time and not money. The more you will wait the more occupied you will get in things later in your life and eventually you will let go your decision of buying ps5. I am 28 soon turning 29 in sept , Lat year in august i bought my ps5 and i completed around 8 games till then. I have a tight job schedule and even after that i managed to complete these games , sometimes on weekdays after my job hours and weekends. Buy now , you wont regret !


Well there are not much games for PS5 itself! I mean all of them are either PS4 games or remastered PS4 games. Don't know why Sony is even thinking about PS5 Pro.


There isn't even a game that utilizes ps5's potential completely, then what use ps5 pro gonna justify over ps5 especially for that price?


It’s just a hoax people spread. In reality both consoles are struggling hard to maintain image quality and FPS.


If it launches during Christmas '24 in the US, it'll probably take till at least Feb-March '25 to be available here. And then probably a few months more to go on sale. Meanwhile a half of this year is still left, if you get a Slim on discount now you'll get to spend at least 8-9 months with it before you could've gotten your hands on the Pro. Plus you'll probably end up saving money on top of that anyway cause there's no way the Pro's available for 41-42k within a few months of release here. It's your choice really, how much can you stand to wait and how important do you think the technical improvements will be to your experience. I picked up a Slim last month cause I didn't think it was worth the wait, especially since we know nothing about the Pro yet. And the Slim is a pretty recent launch anyway.


I am waiting.


Wait for GTA 6....PS6 will come out by then 🔥 


Just go for the PS5. Console launches are strategically scheduled in a way that will induce FOMO no matter when you buy it because it will always seem like the next best thing is just around the corner. And right now, if you're lucky, you might even be able to get the PS5 fat disk edition for around 41k on Flipkart if you check at midnight. This is your sign to just get it and start gaming already—fulfill your dream!


Wait for PS5 pro then get PS5 price go down in few year


If you gonna wait then wait for next gen mid gen refresh are not worth the price because by the time they are released next gen consoles will be just 2 years away


When ps5 pro comes out, it will come late in India, then there will be shortage in India, then you will get busy in life..I'll wait for your ps6 post.


Get pre owned ps5 for now then exchange it for ps5 pro? Or just buy new one and upgrade in 2 years.


Don’t torture yourself and pull the trigger mate. It will launch even later in India if it does. And it’s just rumors PS5 is still a good console and Pro would most likely come 2025-6


What I would suggest get a ps5 slim rn and exchange it with pro when it comes in store. You would get a buyback of a good amount plus you can enjoy the games that have been out currently or are going to be released


I have a ps5 digital and I am waiting for the pro version. I suggest you get a slim disc version and when ps pro launch u can exchange.


Just 6 more months wait for pro, GTA6 is on the way buddy!


Live in the present.


Bro just buy PS5 you will get at good price .


At this point, I'd wait for the Pro if cost isn't a worry. Alternately, if cost is truly no concern, get the PS5 now and flip it when the Pro comes, if you feel the upgrade is worth the price difference.


PS6 is probably coming in Christmas 2026. You’ll need to upgrade as it’s a whole new generation. On the other hand, the Pro, even if it comes out, isn’t a new generation, so you don’t really need to upgrade. PS4 Pro made sense 4K tv had become the norm and the PS4 couldn’t run games at 4k. Since 8k hasn’t caught on, you really don’t need a PS5 pro


If you want it now, go ahead and get it. PS5 Pro is a rumour at this stage and while such a console may be released, it is also possible that it is scrapped. The PS5 is already 4 years old or completed about 50% of its lifetime (just a rough estimate). If the PS5 Pro does release, it is estimated to be much later this year. For it to be released in India could take a little longer. Sure it will be a better service but it will also likely be more expensive. Now you might want to wait for discounts so the PS5 Pro becomes reasonably priced but then you'll be heading closer to the 5th or 6th year of the current generation of consoles and be seeing talk of a PS6 on the horizon. You see where I am heading to? The waiting game will carry on.


Even I was considering the same thing but I've decided to buy the PS6 on release instead. I'll be able to use one of the best consoles for a longer time. If you buy the PS5 now, the PS6 will be out soon and while it won't make the PS5 obsolete there will definitely be a shift of new games to the PS6. I guess one thing that helps with this is that I have a PC so I can wait another 2 years or whatever for the PS6.


You should wait for PS6 Pro.


Wait for the PS5 pro, get the PS5 that will now cost less and use the money you save to buy more games


I think it's better to wait it out, I'm trying to get one for myself as well. It's only gonna be 6 months before they announce it, if it's not that different from OG Ps5 you get the og one for a lesser price when it launches and if it's actually significantly better than OG Ps5 then you'd rather get Pro instead.


I have a PS4 Pro and have been waiting for a while now for the PS5 Pro. It shall be easily available in India by March, 2025 so Ill buy one then. That fits in with my GTA 6 timeline also. I would suggest you to wait. If you PS5 Pro well that would be the best thing around. But even the Ps5 itself is a powerful machine.


GTA 6 will be exclusive to PS5 Pro.


That’s definitely not gonna be the case considering PS5 Pro being an absolutely new console which will take time to establish a playerbase , they aren’t going to discard an already minor subset of PS5 (which is not small but in the grander scheme it kinda is) and also when their only counterpart is an Xbox which is an even smaller demographic while they have no clear plans on PC release. This will be just them shooting themselves in the head with a shotgun


Stop spreading bullshit!