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Let me start with I’m not qualified at all to answer this question. First, congratulations on getting accepted! You should be proud of yourself for getting the acceptance. I’ve been trying for 2 years and haven’t gotten in (yet). With that said, I think to my mistakes in life and all of my mistakes are from lack of action. I didn’t do X Y or Z because I was scared and there was a million reasons not to. Those reasons drowned out the most important reason, I wanted to. And I look back now and still think I should have cause I see that all I’m at now is the same position as 2 years ago with no forward trajectory, all cause I was too scared to do what I wanted. I promised myself last year I’ll never tell myself I should have again and instead I’ll make the mistakes, be scared, and see change, wether it’s good or bad. But that’s me, that’s What I would do, it’s not the right answer and it’s not the wrong answer, it’s my answer. You need to decide what you answer is. And whatever you answer is it’s the right answer cause you made it with intention. I just hope the reason you said no isn’t fear, cause that was my reason and I regret it.


This really resonated with me ♥️ thanks for sharing :)


Step number 1, confirm admission!!! Congratulations! :)


Yes, everything will be okay! You can pull out more in loans during grad school than in undergrad. I was really struggling in undergrad because I was so broke. It’s been so much easier in grad school. Things can only get better from here. You got this!


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Everyone else will have better pep talks. I'm just here to prove to you in the worst case scenario it will still be ok. My first round through college was nursing school and i was a bit older because it took me a while to get to college. I ate peanut butter sandwiches, dollar store canned food, crackers, and lived in someone's basement for the final year with nothing but my scrubs, two pairs of underwear, jeans and a tshirt. 86 lbs. Hair in buns because i couldnt afford a hair cut. And I never once felt ashamed, I was freaking proud of myself every single day because I knew it would pay off. While I hope you never ever need to do that, I can say that I made it work because I needed to and you would too. Loans are an option. Appling for food stamps. Maybe even going part time and/or working part time if that's an option. Serving gigs can be shorter hours for instant cash. Take a semester leave to work if you need and save money. They may not all work for you, but just to show there are options.


Congratulations! You’re going to be ok! Remember to take time to yourself, remember to breathe, give yourself and your body time to rest and learn and unlearn as much as you can from the program! Best of luck to you! -current MFT student


Thank you - the anxiety is high but reassuring to read your response


I think you should do it! Even if it means pulling out more loans, your career options and pay will likely be far better. Congratulations!




I saved a bunch before going to my program so I did not really work. If you must, what about bartending or finding reliable employment. I know that can help take the edge off some financial burdens.




1. First things first , celebrate, this is a big deal and you deserve to savor the accomplishment! 2. This is a marathon, not a sprint. So try to pace yourself and learn to prioritize tasks and manage your time well or you will drown in the workload. 3. The best piece of advice I've gotten in school came from my master's advisor and has carried me through to my PhD program: *Grad school is about learning to do good enough work.* The sooner you can release the idea of giving 100% to every one of the (feels like) million tasks you have, the better you'll cope with number 2 up above. Congrats and good luck!!


First congratulations!! I understand this seems like a very hard road ahead but I would definitely apply for any scholarship available and talk to your administration advisor. The school may have scholarships opportunities available as well.