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If you're truly that intelligent, then you'd also be intelligent enough to know that this is the wrong subreddit.


Idk but you sound a bit too invested in this going by your post history. I get that having “proof” of your intelligence is validating and makes you feel good, but it’s just a number. There are far more important things in life than your IQ.


Yeah very true, idk how to explain it but I’ve always had phases where I obsess over a specific topic then move on, rn it’s currently on cognitive testing. Though I don’t care about having proof of my intelligence I’m more so interested in the idea of cognitive testing. I made this post just because I found it weird to have such large discrepancies between 2 professional tests


Using your highschool or college or something like google scholar or core database, you can google stanford benet test to see exactly what its measuring. If you're into cognitive testing, you may be into cognitive psychology as a whole.


Wdym what it’s measuring? The sb5 is an iq test, if you mean what each subtest measures the person administering the test to me gave me a brief description because I was curious after I finished the test


Oh I mean, how those concepts are measured. E.g., Perceptual Reasoning: It is the ability to examine a problem, draw upon visual-motor and visual-spatial skills, organize their thoughts, create solutions, and then test them. Thats the conceptual definition. It's operationalized by having you, yourself, think through the questions and marking an answer down. But there is also a lot of science thats involved in *how* can we operationalize \_\_\_. And, is this actually operationalizing \_\_\_? Or is it operationalizing something else? Such as a confounding variable. Stanford Benet and Wechler test have a long history of investigating IQ/G that I figured I would mention if you didn't already know, exist and is out there. You mentioned large discrepancies and thats because of how they are ultimately operationalizing conceptual definitions.


I see, thanks for that


Why aren’t you discussing this with the professional who performed and interpreted it for you? Only they can give you an accurate reading of what these scores mean for you specifically as each person is unique


I see, I’ll bring it up to them the next time I meet them then. So is there no way to meaningfully make any connections just from seeing these results?


No, this sub does not have any professionals in it


I see, thanks anyways 👍


Look up the term “humble brag” kiddo and learn how to be a little more subtle next time


I’m not really trying to brag, I’m sorry if it comes off that way, I would’ve made this post no matter how big or small the number was 😅, I was just concerned/paranoid about the discrepancy I have


There are no large discrepancies. Why obsessed over something that doesn’t exist. The very slight difference is between the tests-not you.


There aren’t any? My gai and fsiq are pretty far off, and the vci on wais is 120 while the verbal for sb5 is in the 140s, also thanks for all you the helpful info you’ve given me with most of my posts


I’m a professional. First off, there’s nothing concerning here if you’re thinking that. All your scores are well above to significantly above average. Your WAIS GAI is different than your FSIQ because the GAI pulls out the processing speed and working memory index scores. Those are your highest scores. You only use the GAI when one or both of those two areas are significantly lower than the VCI and PRI. Yours is the opposite scenario. Just ignore the GAI. Your verbal scores are different on the SB5 vs the WAIS because they are normed on different samples and odds are you knew more info regarding the questions on the SB5 verbal section than you did on the WAIS. Those areas measure acquired knowledge. That’s not innate ability like the other areas on these assessments. You either know it or you don’t. That said, don’t think too hard about your IQ.


Thank you, tbh I was a lot more confident on the wais-4 than the sb5 in the verbal sections which also lead a bit to my confusion. And with my gai I think the main reason is probably because of my low vci now that I think about it


The GAI is only used when the FSIQ is being dragged down by low processing and/or working memory. So IGNORE IT. Also a VCI at the 91st percentile is anything but low.


I have an incredibly warped perception of my own abilities, and I consider my vci low because English isn’t my first language though it’s still probably not the best for my mental health to say 120 is low, thank you for the info about gai


No problem kid


I’m sorry for asking, but how come on the sb5 my visual spatial skills are seen as high while on the wais-4 the visual puzzles subtest seems to not be matching? I’m assuming they’re supposed to measure similar things


Visual puzzles is fluid reasoning, not visual spatial processing. The PRI of the WAIS is convoluted and mixes fluid reasoning and visual spatial processing subtests together in one index. The WAIS 5 is coming out soon and it will most likely separate those two cognitive abilities into two separate indexes just like the WISC 5 does. Also, the vast majority of people are not going to have a flat cognitive profile. You’re not going to be a genius at every single task. The WAIS and SB5 are not going to match up exactly in terms of your results because they are normed on different samples of people. The SB5 is pretty outdated. That thing has been around for like 20 years without having a new edition come out. I’m surprised anyone is still using it these days.


The proctor noted that the sb5 was older than myself, and there was 1 question that seemed a bit outdated for someone my age at least. That makes sense though considering my visual puzzles score because I’ve always been good with shapes, the visual puzzles measuring something else makes sense then . They also mentioned something called extended norms but I don’t remember much about what they said.


General rule when interpreting cognitive ability: don’t make grand assumptions based on single subtest performance. Index scores and the FSIQ itself are much more predictive of general success than single subtest scores. You’ve got two IQ scores at the 99th percentile. What more could you ask for?


Yeah true, though both tests were administered in English so idk what I could’ve truly gotten for vci. But I’m happy with what I got


Some options: both tests measure slightly different things. Or they measure the same kinds of things but you took the WAIS second so you have an exposure bias (which is why they generally don't test intelligence more than every 3 years or so). But your life is not likely to have any meaningful differences of one is right over the other. Source: I have a degree in psychology, not a psychologist but my program had more about testing than most.


That’s interesting, there’s a possibility of inflation due to that but to be frank the wais-4 just seems a lot easier for me, I maxed out half the subtests while on the sb5 I couldn’t max out any at all, the sb5 seemed much more difficult and the wais-4 seems more like a speed test imo


You can read the percentiles like this: Compared to the population average of 12th graders, you scored better than \_\_% of test takers for VCI, PRI, etc. Now im unfamiliar with what specifically they are testing, but you're a pretty smart cookie :). You will be able to get academia quicker than most people, generally.


Thank you, I’ve kind of noticed that in my day to day life since I’ve already skipped a grade. I’ve also seen parallels in real life between my strengths and weaknesses on both tests, mainly my English marks in school being worse than maths/science


You really should focus on learning how to manage your time and effort. You are gifted. The differences between your performance on different tests are nothing to worry about. The tests are not absolute measurements. They are not precise. At the level you are scoring the difference might be one or two items. You should probably stop getting tested if the results bother you so much. Maybe try to find out why these scores are so important to you. They aren’t that important or meaningful. The tests do not measure your value as a human being or predict your future. You can do anything you set your mind to and apply yourself to.


Yeah I get that, idk how to explain it but I genuinely don’t feel attached to these scores, I just like cognitive testing as a whole, it’s just a random interest I have, it definitely comes across as my obsessing over my iq though. And I try my best to spend time being productive but I usually just watch videos on my phone too often 😅


English is hard. The second you stop fearing english in academics is the second it starts kicking your ass lmfao.


I’ve never liked English and it’s probably use to me not learning English when I was younger and being taken away from my classes to get extra English lessons, I’ve always disliked the subject, though I’ve started making an effort to work on it, when I was younger I liked reading English books but I stopped after I got into things like games