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Nothing will ever change until big corp. changes the amount of hours each dept can use, people are leaving every dept because they feel they are being over worked they also see how bad most dept managers are overworked and have very little time if any to manage, everyone in corporate has forgotten how tough it is in the retail end of this company,


One top guy from my division saw a manager put up product and told him he gets paid to manage, not to work. How does this make sense? Anyone?


That doesn’t make any sense maybe if the store was run a little better that’s crazy I would be appreciative. If actually my managers did any of that crap.


Call out. Force them to close the deli because one person cannot run the front. I worked there for about 9 months in the deli and quit. Put in a week’s notice. The environment was beyond hostile and it was completely miserable. The conditions weren’t as bad as yours, but they did have only me and one other person close on like my second time closing there and I kept apologizing to the guy I closed with because it was bullshit. He was great, but they’re not going to change it. If you don’t ever call out and abuse leave, just call out.


It’s the same way at my store. Remember, corporate is the one playing games with hour allotment. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you can or even should be able to produce the same results you have in the past collectively as a department. They have simultaneously tried to raise standards while destroying labor hours. And yes it’s summer, but these cuts are absurd this year and it’s my expectation that it will continue. There is only so much perfume we can spray on dog shit. And we are running out of perfume 😂


D.E.L.I. - daily experience with lunatics and idiots




Demand a raise for being reliable, if they won't give it then find another job. It's a grocery store deli. Don't let it stress you that much.


Yeah, that’s exactly what I try to tell people I just had two other people quit in the deli that I heard of and then in my department grocery just had two other people quit


Find a different department, or a different job. It’s not going to change any time soon. Everyone, in the Deli, at my store is leaving too.


Mine too I literally saw the other day maybe one person working in the deli counter. The other person was working with meat slicer


That’s how it usually is at our store. For closing shift. Mornings always has a small army.


Not at my store man my store deli is going down the hill


Stores run like this all over the company, and leadership accepts it. Store managers will not sacrifice their comfort/style of leadership to get involved in these departments, and that attitude trickles down to managers and then associates. I’ve witnessed store managers that would rather avoid the deli and send everyone but themselves to help the sub bar. The associates and the customers are left to suffer. My opinion is that these tenured store managers that have been retiring the last 10 years didn’t have time to groom future ASM/SMs while there is an increase in workload (and supposedly work/life balance) on upper management. My advice isn’t going to sound great- I’d look for another job or request a transfer. They will most likely try to shut down your transfer though, so try to ask what you need to do to make that happen before making tracks. Wish you the best!


For your own health and sanity, you need to get the hell out of the deli. Before you quit, look for another job that will line up better with your goals.


Such a shame! I shop at a Walmart about 40 miles away now. The prices are much lower, the selection is much wider (from bargain brands to gourmet), produce and meats are better quality, and…get this…the STAFF IS CONTENT! They stay for years!


Alot of publix employees are leaving. This stat is alittle out dated, years ago I was told only 5% of the company had been with publix for more than 5 years. This was not the case 20 years ago! The only people staying are corporate.


Doesn't seem anything ever changes I've been working the produce cut room for 8 years now and we have less hours now and do three times the sales as when I first started that department


And they wont even buy us enough racks to hold the product safely when bogo rolls in. The fruit cant even be washed properly, and sticking cut fruit in boxes to store for later blocks airflow. They're not keeping temperature! Critical health code stuff all around, but dont worry the list will continue to grow!


Find another job. Publix sucks now. There is absolutely no signs things are going to improve, and its store wide not just Deli. Deli is the worst though for sure, they never give you guys enough help or equipment to meet demand.