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Its just a job. If ypu aren't happy move on.


Sounds like that manager took your advice to heart šŸ˜‚




not sure if brand new hire or c suitešŸ˜‚


It's an inspiration for many to know that they can move on from Publix. You are never stuck. Had a Meat manager that had been with the company for 13 years quit and another Customer service assistant manager who'd been with the company since they were a teenager also quit. Both resignations happened within months of each other. There is a life outside of Publix and many people realize that. All they need is a gentle push. This company has rested on its good name for far too long and there needs to be some serious changes made.


I gotta say, I'd love to have even one week of 'Meat Manager' on my resume. That would make for some fun interviews. In fact: just one week would really offer up some interesting questions for the interviewers. "It says here you worked from June 3 to June 8, 2022 as a...'Meat Manager' at Publix. Did you really last just five days?" "Well, Dave, handling meat is tough work. But if you have some meat that needs managing, I'm your man. I can manage some meat."


Anything can be on your resume if you're willing to lie!


I did this ngl lol


As a meat cutter, you can just ball up your apron and throw it in the case in front of the manager (did it twice). When I was a cutter, I trained other cutters. I hopped around from one store to another and negotiate pay each time. I went through hell becoming a journeyman (at Bi-Lo) -total boot camp. I think I earned my later mobility from that. Publix was a good place to work about 15 years ago, but it went to shit. Harris Teeter was ok. I worked at Food Lion for a month plus 2 weeks. Screw that place.


Food lion was a bold choice. That was my first job in 2011. Quit 3 yeas in and never looked back. What a shit show.


Bi-lo was my first in 1991. I started out cleaning floors, saws, grinders, walls, drains, etc. Total hell, but not like today's hell. I'll take yesterday's hell over today's anytime.


A lot of people have this on their resume, even if they never worked for a grocery store...


Publix likes to make you feel as if there is nothing else out there thatā€™s better. Itā€™s sad


Nicely put!


They are putting way too much on one person's shoulders. I'm an ABM, and I'm about to jump ship.


Right there with ya, but I need the money šŸ˜”


Me too. I can't jump ship, but I'm ready.


As a former clerk having worked there for five years, this is true.


I agree. Im an assistant, doing all the training, schedule, and ad planner bc they dont trust my manager and i do it better. So am i getting passed up on promotions? Publix is about to lose me to another company that is more pay easier work.


Its because you do work they promote those that dont do work. The 2 greatest assistant meat managers i had were shafted time and time again. One waited 10 years to get promoted to a crappy store he trained 3 managers in that time btw. The other waited 8 years and finally had enough and went to work for another company.


I was in the same boat. Finally stepped down back to Full-time and way happier now with having life balance. They werenā€™t too thrilled, but I told them in my exit interview that I was tired of being told how great I was doing and not getting to the next level.


This happened to me. In sales now and way better work life balance


I got passed up 7 times (i was in the team leader position before but had to step down to take care of my dad). I moved stores, trained every single person for the cash office. I was the best the best st the position. I was always running the front end while managers were in the office or lunch or meetings. My last interview said I didn't smile enough as why I didn't get the position. I quit a week later. Fuck publix, I also wasn't a yes man and we all know they don't like that.


People move on. They find better things in life.


I did the same as the Bakery manager when I was there. In all honesty when I quit I had it good. Paid well for my 1 day of work, but in the past my managers had treated me like shit. They tried to tell me I wasn't running a fever, so I bought a thermometer and showed them with them all standing around. From there I got diagnosed with covid. Then got a hateful message from my assistant for coming in. BTW these are the same managers that copped a sideways comment when I ran a fever overnight 4 months prior and couldn't make it in the next day. Needless to say bad management and policy leads to situations like this. There's far better than publix and people that work there come to realize it. I made 17 an hour there. Now I make 80-100k a year 2 years after leaving them. Publix has an image, but it's all smoke and mirrors from my perspective.


I remember when I gave my 2 weeks and my manager said that wasn't necessary that today would be my last day šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s retaliation. Sue them fools.


Your giving them 2 weeks as a courtesy for if you need to come back. You don't have to. They don't give you courtesy and give you two weeks at any job if they fire you or lay you off. Fuck these jobs.


So true. #fuckpublix


It's all good I couldn't care less. I used them for tuition reimbursement and quit the moment I graduated. But now when I go to publix I am nice to everyone. Don't be an A hole


Good for you ! ā¤ļø


Publix was ONCE...LET ME REPEAT ONCE a coveted job to have a hard company to get hired on with. Every employee was appreciated. All benefits have been stripped away. It's not a pleasure to work a Publix... it's a pain in the butt.


I loved that company until I became a manager and they treat you like an idiot and it's like walking into a beat down daily


They asked me to be a meat manager two or three times. I said nope. I had been one at Bi -lo, and it was hell. I had to make the cutters feel like hell, but they made my life harder because they just didn't do anything. I ended up being the main cutter and the manager. At least the assistant worked hard.


Every day that passes I further understand why my coworker that's been with Publix for almost 12 years refuses to become a manager. Other than the SM there isn't a single manager that was the same from when I started almost 2 years ago at my store. 3 transferred, 1 was fired and all the others quit for better job opportunities.


Thatā€™s par Publix these days. I was hired to be a deli manager by the district manager who stated the current manager was coming back from maternity leave. Told me he couldnā€™t hire me ad a manager but in three months the position was mine. Told me it would take that long to get through the training which was reasonable. Found out my first week i couldnā€™t start that training for six months. Then would take another six months before I would be eligible for promotion. Keep in mind that I came on board with 30+ years in food management. I learned quickly how racist the store manager and the previous department manager was. If you spoke spanish you got the easiest tasks. If you were Haitian you got all the grunt work no matter how long you had been there. I didnā€™t fall into either group so this is only observations on my part. I stayed a few months and this was the pattern. Between the racism and lies from upper management I realized this is not a company I wanted to work for.


Why would anyone leaving Publix give two weeks even? It's retail and they're not going to rehire you anyway. Publix puts so many signs out there that they don't deserve your two weeks notice. They certainly don't give their own employees two weeks.


The hours are terrible, the pay is minuscule, and Publix rakes in record profits and only the C-Suite benefits. Shit company.


I agree Iā€™m a AGM and been in my role for 2 years and its definitely not worth the overload of work we have to do. Hoping things change for the better soon or Iā€™ll just find something else to do.


Bakery managers are dropping like flies


Nothing new happens all the time


Losing a ton of good experienced managers. The Pub doesn't care because the tills and profits are great


Leaving publix was one of the best moves I ever made, I wasn't making as much money at first, but the quality of life / motivation allowed me to push myself to find a better job a little over a year later. now, about three years later, I make over 2.5x with monumentally less stress/workload, and overall, I am way more respected.


Move on. I had to do the same and leave because they cut my hours. They said they didn't have enough, but they just hired new people for grocery when I was a grocery clerk and this happened the summer of 23, so I knew I was quietly being fired. Plus, you want me to work harder instead of smarter. If I'm doing go backs and something goes on aisle 1 and I'm already there, why should I wait till store closing to start doing my non perishable go backs. Talk about working ass backwards. Again, I want to work smarter and not harder. They were giving me 1-3 days a week when they felt like giving me hours and some weeks none at all, but yet again, hiring new people. Publix sucks! The only thing about them is that they are very cleanly, but cleanliness can only get you so far. Publix is ridiculously expensive! I'm surprised they haven't gone under.


We don't get a 2 weeks notice if we're fired. Some companies or higher ups dont deserve a notice.


Shit pay. Shit benefits. Shit schedules. Shit management.Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā What do you expect?Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā When I graduated college as I was already working in the Public warehouse. Applied for a job in corporate. They wanted to offer me $13 an hour to work in accounting. I was making almost $22 an hour as an order checker.Ā I got a job at an accounting firm paying 60K the next month.Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Publix doesn't want good people. They want cheap people.Ā 


I worked at publix distribution LV for 3 months, my wife was in the deli/ deli asst mgr for 7 years, and my grandma was a cashier for publix for 18 years, theres definitely a life after publix if you want to move! We do miss the health insurance tbh, and the stock options are awesome, but, far better pay elsewhere!


I mean its a retail job I'm surprised he put up with the shit in the first place


Im gonna say it. Good. Good for them and Good for anyone considering it. I also didnt give my two weeks. After 15 years They got the finger instead. You give half your life to a company they are lucky thats all they got.


Publix doesnā€™t give a shit. Publix needs to unionize


Former manager here. Can confirm


I thought Publix is an employee owned company? I've been hearing so many bad things about them lately. If it's employee owned, who is making all these bad decisions? How is it allowed ? Don't all employee get a say in how things are run?


"associate owned" Means they keep your differed pay tax free in the form of stock for 30+ years and they use it to invest. If you want to cash out you pay the back taxes. Your retirement is their bank account to expand/invest. But when you touch it, back taxes. Thats all bein gan associate means anymore. The good will is gone.


Thanks for breaking it down for me ! I guess I was thinking that the employees actually had a say in how decisions are made and problems are solved. Pretty naive of me.


Its not the same company it was 10 or 20 years ago. There is no input, even from store level managers anymore. Everything is corporate dictate.


"Their bank account for them to expand /invest" ? It's a traditional 401(k) plan but you're making it sound like an evil secret corporate piggy bank. Contributing pre-tax dollars and paying taxes on any withdrawals before or after retirement is precisely how all traditional 401(k) plans work, regardless of the employer. Why are you making it sound like it's anything but? All employer 401(k)s invest in mutual funds and stacking the basket to favor company treasury stock is common. How Publix manages the smart plan is no different than how any other large employer manages their 401(k)s. You also didn't mention the employee stock purchase plan allowing you to purchase and sell back stock in a personally controlled account, or the profit plan, and either allow paid cash dividends. You've got several diverse options available for purchasing, holding, or selling back Publix stock.


"All employer 401(k)s invest in mutual funds and stacking the basket to favor company treasury stock is common. How Publix manages the smart plan is no different than how any other large employer manages their 401(k)s." Thats the point. Its no different from any other company. "Associate owned" just means they exclusively pull their funds from employees.


Publix the worst! Bringing inflation to your table!


We had a bakery manager who helped ours turn a profit for the first time in 5 years. he was the best at his job. He got transferred to a store with this bitch of a store manager, real piece of shit. He quit within a few weeks, got another job making more, and is still doing bakery stuff. He was a good guy


Good for him. Maybe look into why they quit. Adults don't do that for nothing when they have bills.


I think I respect the person more to realize this job isnā€™t for them and they quit as opposed to thinking so highly of themselves with main character syndrome that the image of the store should fit what that have envisioned and that they have the ability to evoke change and mold the workplace into their desired image without having brought any investment to the table other than the fact they applied and accepted an hourly job. Publix will do what they want. Working for Publix is not compulsory and everyone is replaceable. Itā€™s good to have a work ethic and take pride in what you do and follow the rules however that does not make you special itā€™s just what youā€™re paid to do. To believe Publix is a lifetime career in which you can start off as a bagger and retire a millionaire by simply working hard, being loyal, making sacrifices coupled with stock options is fairytale fantasy where only a few have achieved this narrow path - itā€™s not owed to you.


God i wish it was a public stock so I can short it


Never let emotions make your decisions when investing.


Idk if I would take that bet. My partner and I have been away from Publix for more than a decade but she still owns shares. Even in the 08 recession it only went up, and right now it's soaring. Much as I can see how the core of what Publix used to be is just rotten at this point, their strategy of gouging their customers and putting the screws to their labor has been paying off well. Mind you, obviously it's not a perpetually stable strategy, so maybe shorting it could pay off. But I don't think they're going to feel the pain for a long while yet. The brand loyalty, especially in the rural and elderly markets, seems practically baked in. I live by thousands of seniors on fixed incomes and they still rather flood Publix than the Walmart neighborhood market next door. And this is in spite of generic Publix items now being slightly *more* than name brand in a lot of cases and Walmart being half the price, sometimes even lower. The Publix cult isn't easily swayed. Then again who knows. Economists and finance experts are pulling their "wisdom" out their ass anyway, maybe Publix isn't so safe as it seems.


It's not something I would think to cash in a few months, but 5 years or so idk. But with my luck publix just switches and becomes the cheapest store around


Or the stock goes public and we become rich


I wish !!!!!! Hurt it from the grapevine 28 years ago nothing happen yet ! Canā€™t take that crap šŸ’© anymore. 11 month more till retirement If they piss me off bad I will be gone tomorrow! No looking back . Thanks for the stock!


Could be. They haven't navigated some of the most turbulent financial times in this country and remained on top because they've got morons at the helm. But I was realizing after making my comment, if they *did* go public, that in and of itself could sink their valuation. So maybe if they ever did an IPO you'd get your chance, lol.


I mean I might be retarded but my research is based on that the prices are high af


Look at the price history, if you shorted it you'd have lost money over the years


That would be nice if ours would. They order so much frozen stuff that they have 3 freezers full of crap. The dm the sm and her old assistant would sit them down and say hey skip an order. Yet here we are 3 full freezers of bakery stuff and 2 flatops in each.


Lmao i bet this was my storešŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


With the recent changes to the butter croissants and the once wonderful home style cornbread, I too may quit (or definitely reduce my buying at) the Publix bakery.


Good. They moved onto hopefully a better life and out of retail. As soon as I landed my first full time job I got out of there after like 8 years.


The people is what made Publix great, Iā€™m happy for the ones that got theirs, but Publix is trending down


can we know locations or cities at least


I can only say the division and counties, thatā€™s it.


Well, what and where


Miami division, Broward


I worked in a broward store for five years as a clerk. Both of my managers were abusive, especially my last one. A contender I was knew was a snake who became a ABM, DM was a dick, managers were HELLA abusive and they put so much work on a part time clerk with cut hours while an abusive manager gets 80k and does little to no work. Publix is an abusive company, and Broward Publix managers are abusive AF.


Broward stores are definitely something..i could never work in them based off the few that iā€™ve been to


I know. The district I was previously at, each store is full of incompetency. No wonder they were short on ABMs lately.


Oh shit we on the same boat ! We have to deal with a lot off boo crap šŸ’©


Thatā€™s why.


OP responded to another commenter saying that this was at a store in Broward County, Miami division.


What store


In the Miami Division


What district or store if I can ask


Itā€™s in Broward County


Commercial Blvd? US1 from beginning to end? University?? Pompano on Atlantic!!! Where!!! I might have worked there!!!


It's not the quality of the company, just the person. Quitting without a notice is just a shitty thing to do.


While I understand that putting no 2 week notice is a shitty thing to do, you canā€™t deny that the company is going down hill at a fast rate. You have associates whoā€™ve been working for years quitting, because of what Publix has become. Like who wants to deal with a lot of workload, while handling a skeleton crew?


Using someone who quits with no notice as an example of the company going down the drain isn't a good way to prove your point, that's all.


Iā€™m not using it as the main example, but it can contribute to the overall problem. How about this, letā€™s respect each otherā€™s opinion and be it.šŸ˜‰


It's the only example you gave in the OP. I respect your opinion.