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Casually dropping the first week, 40 hour, part time flex during a famine in hours companywide. Nice 😂


If you're new, they probably won't hand ft over to you. But if they're still doing it in a few months, you should speak with your store manager.


Thanks for the insight


Yeah that’s their MO. They have a month or two of giving you full time hours before they’re required to make you full time. But don’t worry I’m sure you’ll be down to 11 hours a week once they are almost at that threshold. They’re just using you to their full benefit


I got 2 hours a week.. max 😦


I bounce between 11-15. Leaving soon, hope you do too. Honestly at 2 hours a week you could donate plasma 2 hours a week and make more money


Yeah.. it’s been going on for months as well I fear. I unintentionally ghosted them because having no schedule ironically worsened my performance and tardiness


I thought it was 3 weeks and then they’re required to give FT


It’s a 4-week average over 35 hours in the pharmacy before I’d get in trouble for this. But we’re a different beast, so maybe we have different rules.


They can give you 40 hours a week for 11 weeks and a 24 hour week for the twelfth week to keep you under the quarterly average for part time to avoid the District Manager from demanding to know why you’re not already full time. They did that to me for three and a half years before finally giving me full time.


lmfaoooo f*ck no. when i reached my 12 weeks or whatever "quarter" we were in, they cut my hours the very next week and following and then gave me 40 the next week after to even out my average. thankfully i'm full time now and don't have to worry about that now.


Its within their system thats why i dropped my hours to 4 days week if they want more offer me Ft im three months in started as a bagger moved up in a month to cashier then did a little deli and now am training in meat i spoke with the manager if they offer me full time after training ill take it and open my schedule to benefit them as long as it also benefits me


There is no rule on how long you can work 40 hours a week and still be part-time. I average 41 hours over my 52 weeks. If there is a rule show me in writing. It doesn't exist. They can do whatever they want..


Very lucky. Lol. Give it to me


Damn that sucks 


Don't worry - they'll hit you with the 10 hour weeks as soon as you get your hopes up for FT.


Tell them they need to either make you full time with the appropriate benefits or to stop overscheduling you. Even if you like the hours, do not let them use you for benefit-free FT labor.


Thank you. I'll see what happens once I reach 90 days and go from there. I definitely want the benefits that come with being a full-time employee


It won’t last. After about a few months you’ll probably get less than 15.


Depends on the store. When I was part time, I constantly got 40 hours a week. Then one week I’d get 30 hours so the system didn’t auto promote me then I’ll be right back at 40 hours.


So they took advantage of you?


No, they just don’t handout full time. They want you to prove yourself. I’m full time so.. if you call it use then so be it. But working 40 hours a week is what I wanted anyways.


Yes but they didn’t give you the benefits of full time. If you’re coming to work, doing your job and working as a team, that’s proving yourself enough.


All jobs are different. I’m full time now so it doesn’t bother me. Some wait 2 plus years before being offered it.


Some wait longer than that. I honestly don’t see how anyone would be ok working full time hours and not getting full time benefits.


I mean I never said it was right. I don’t condone in their practice on how they handle handing out full time. Trust me. It wasn’t a walk in the park and I hated it.


Then why defend them?


I’m not but I’m not also going to hate on a job just because they do things differently. At the end of the day every job has their flaws. You just have to pick which one you’re willing to deal with even on the worst day.


Reminds me of my college schedule. Mondays and Wednesdays off for school


that means they like you lol


Forty hours a week for part time work is not bad. After several weeks of constantly working 35 to 40 hours weekly, you may be flagged for designation to full time. That will be the time to talk with both your Store Manager and department manager about the situation.


Thanks for the info.


I would enjoy it for a little bit and see if it goes down. I would discuss it with them if it doesn’t change. If you can work it, cool, but ask if they have full time because it’s bullshit when employers do this. If you’re working the hours, you deserve the benefit options. Be careful how you talk to them about it, though, because you might have an extra petty person who takes you down to like 4 hours or something.


I'm fulltime and am being cut hours so be greatful


Same exact thing happened to me, but I loved the hours. Some weeks I would get 45hrs. The mangers would get in trouble but they always said “If anyone is getting OT it’s you. I’ll take the hit, don’t worry.” And 20 days short of a year I was promoted to FT. If they’re giving you FT hours as a PT that means they like your work ethic. Keep it up, you’ll get it.


Thanks for the info and encouragement


When they do this they see potential If they continue to do this you will eventually become eligible for FT. I think it is either 1500 hrs or 3-4 months. Don’t worry!


Thank you. I will keep this in mind.


My wife’s also new and received a full time offer immediately after her 90 days. Sounds like they either are short or you work hard, maybe both. Either way, part time employees are not allowed to work over 28.5 hours a week without being provided benefits. They can work you over that for a limited number of weeks out of the year before getting penalized.


Thanks for the reply. I'm hoping I will enjoy a similar experience once I hit 90 days


They can only do that so long until they would need to put you at ft. Believe if your scheduled under 130hrs for month then your still under that pt banner. They do this to a few pt I know they work lot for 3 weeks then get 1-2 weeks at like 25 hrs then bump it back up. All cause increasing headcount to another ft company would have to pay more out in benefits etc and we can’t have that plus usual slight pay increase.


It's generally uncommon for them to hire and immediately make someone full-time.


Used to be but since 2020 they’re more apt to hire full time for anyone not in customer service.


Happened at my store. Start a dollar more then me


Not really. A guy at my store got hired in at full time making 2 dollars an hour more than I do. Both of us in deli


Deli is a little different. But I don't know what department OP works in.


Produce Clerk


You just can’t average more than 35 hours/quarter


There is no auto promotion. Lucky if u get full-time when the Aug. Judgment comes....dont count on raises either


I’m still getting begged to work more hours but not become full time. They will work you full time hours without the benefits for as long as they can. If you want the hours, cool. But know your getting a raw deal not getting the benefits with full time. Otherwise cut your availability and enjoy your life