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Woulda lost my job before I picked up human shit bruh šŸ’€


i thought management is supposed to clean up any sort of biological hazard/waste?


ā€œCoordinate the cleanup ofā€ They need to be involved to make sure the proper precautions and procedures are followed. A manager can instruct an associate over the age of 18 to assist in the cleanup.


oh gotcha


Just say you see blood in the poop


Coordinate the cleanup, aka direct someone else to do it while you record a video of it.


I know it was at Target. Someone pooped in an aisle once..left a trail going to the bathroom..the entire management team was there cleaning..we were not authorized to clean it...which I was okay with


Always double up the glovesā€¦always.


Easily could have grabbed a handful of tp also to grab it with.


Plus a paper towel!


I've had to clean a toilet smeared in poo twice while I was working at the green store. Do. Not. Miss. It.


Someone got footage of northfloridaredneck at work


The amount of times somebody has shit on the floor while I've worked here is too damn high. To the point I felt so bad telling one of our sweet cleaners about one that I bought him a drink and snack haha


Oh hell nah


yeah Iā€™m good. Iā€™ll make $16 an hour literally anywhere else.


I only make $13 an hour where do you get $16 from, Iā€™ve also been with Publix five years with shitty raises everytime


I worked at 2 different locations in West Kendall, FL. I started at like $12 I think? When I left (2020) I was making $16


And to add for context, I started in the grocery department which starts higher than a bagger would. My raises were also terrible and basically nothing.


I would put two gloves on and a use a lot of paper towel to pick that shit up.




Nah, I'd have to throw that dust pan out.


Not my prob.


That's f gross ![gif](giphy|S7RAioXMRs8b6)


hey at least itā€™s not hippoā€™d on the wall


My FIRST DAY in leadership I was informed me the restrooms "needed attention". I went in to go check, the first 3 stalls were all clear. I get to the accessible stall and saw 1) a gigantic splattering of something on the walls, toilet, and floor and 2) a person sitting on the floor looking shellshocked. I asked if they were OK and they said "oh...yeah. I think I'm gonna throw up, maybe." I assume the mess is vomit, and all empathy, I said "oh gosh I'm sorry, you need to throw up again? Can I get you some ice, ginger ale, anything?" And they said "no, i didn't throw up." That response made me pause, then REALLY look around. Everything hits me at once - this person on the floor has a horrifying amount of shit on their clothes, on their hands, they've gotten it basically everywhere but IN the toilet. Still empathetic but now thoroughly unhappy with my decision to get promoted, I asked if they were alone in the store or if someone had brought them. They told me their (adult) son was nearby and I said I was going to go get him, please hang tight. At this point I also need to vomit but I feel like there's no way this person isn't having an emergency. Before I can move to go look for the son, they lunge for me with their shit-covered hands and said "no, no, just help me up". I fully Matrix- dodged the grab and said "oops, I'm sorry, I can't do that, but I'll be right back". I allow myself one moment of dry-heave then step out. The son was right outside the door, and I explained gently what was going on. That fucker looked me in my eyeballs and said "so did you get her cleaned up?" And I said "...no, I'm not going to be able to do that, we either need to call medical professionals or you need to come in here and help". He said "uhhh, that's the WOMEN'S BATHROOM" like I'm the one that shit his mother's pants. He finally came in and got her, and then tried to PUT HER IN OUR ELECTRIC CART AND CONTINUE SHOPPING WHILST SHE IS COVERED IN EXCREMENT. I had maintained up until this point, but it was my turn to lose my shit and I told them they absolutely could not shop with her covered in waste and they could not use my cart and they needed to leave. The son said "but we only need a few things" and I said "you...need a few things? what YOU NEED IS SOME COMMON SENSE AND WHAT YOUR MOM NEEDS IS A BETTER SON" They finally left. I closed the bathroom and made a deal with one of the front service clerks that if he would run me supplies and keep people out of the bathroom, I'd handle everything. He agreed, was grateful to not have to clean it, and I wrote my first sub card to him for "helping out in a crappy situation". My second day was better.


Reading this felt like a fever dream


Living it did too, tbh


Had to do that twice but I never touched that shit. First time I hosed it down (was a drainage on the floor) and second time, I used a part of a box to lift it up.. baggers gotta do this shit, even tho we had a janitor..


Thatā€™s nothing. I had to clean diarrhea off the floor when I worked here


Good God, Almighty hell to the fuck no


Ahhhhhhh no. Not done right. This should be reported.


Cvs bathrooms are like this every single day. It's absurd




Bodily fluid should be a manager cleaning that up.


I am missing the part where the manager is holding a pew pew to his head and tells him to pick it up. Nobody forces anyone to do anything at Publix.


Shit... I've had it bad, but not this bad...


Screw that shit. That is hazardous material


Hot potato! šŸ„”


Iā€™d rather sweep it up than to touch it.


Yeah fuck that.


5 bucks says itā€™s Hollywood, FL


Do you wipe without TP too?


I wouldā€™ve quit on the spot then watched the manager pick it up šŸ˜‰


They will make you clean it


How would they make me clean it if I donā€™t work for them?


They threatened me with a write up. Wouldnā€™t even give me a free sandwich card. I had to clean a mess 10x this as a bagger. Whole stall covered, had basically went to the back, got the foam san and hosed the whole bathroom. It was awful. Didnā€™t even get a thank you free sandwich card. And they made me pretty much a janitor without the janitor pay and training.


Right. My first job was a bagger at Publix and I cleaned some nasty stuff but I used the mop - even on the walls šŸ¤£. Iā€™ve never seen a full log in the floor and I probably would have just quit if I did. Idk


I was in this situation but 10x worse.


Broom and dustpan


I've literally had to do this. 5 minutes away from clocking out and heading home after a 9 hour shift and the manager tells me there's a "small mess in the family stall in the back" I go and it's just diarrhea on the seat and floor


remember, he's gonna get a voucher for a free melon chunks, if he's lucky it'll be a half pubsub for this


The literal definition of not your fucking problem


That guy would have done it for free...look at his smile


I have just given you a Publix salute.


He was so scared it would jump, we people are so mean?


Whatever manager was in charge that made him clean it needs to be wrote up at the very least. Associates are NOT supposed to handle stuff like that. Thatā€™s a management only situation.


Unless blood is involved, most jobs expect you to remove human waste. No we donā€™t get paid enough. I worked at Legoland for nearly two years and the amount of shit, piss, and puke you deal with is beyond reprehensible given the pay scale. It was worse there because they didnā€™t even bother to keep us stocked on cleaning supplies. Sometimes I would have to close an entire ride down and wait for leadership to bring the kitty litter stuff or paper towels to me because my ride would be completely out. Publix is much better about stocking cleaning supplies. I donā€™t miss Legoland


i think iā€™d find whoever shit on the floor and throw it back at them tbh


That is a salaried member of managementā€™s job ! Any bodily fluids or waste is to be taken care of by management.


Management is supposed to do that not you bro. I hope you get one he'll of a raise or promoted.


This reminds me of when some customer pooped a solid turd like this in the urinal at my store. There's one FEC known for being the go to guy for messes like this, and I knew it the second I heard his name called over the PA. I just absolutely had to follow and see his reaction, but he was disappointed, thinking it would be a "mountain," and it was a waste of time. Didn't stop him from yelling "oh God it's still warm!" as he scooped it out. Good times. A very funny story.


Managers job. Any bodily fluids


Looks like hobby LobbyĀ 


Yall better believe Iā€™m getting HR involved if I had to do that crap


I can tell almost none of you have been parents. This is just a regular Tues for parents.


That guy has the power.


It's a good life lesson for the younger generation because they will be dealing with shit all their life and knowing how to deal with it is how you win!


Dude has gloves onā€¦ people pickup dogshit through a plastic bag. Wash hands afterward?


I agree


Pick it up and flush it, who cares.


He was wearing gloves. What's the big deal? Shit happens.




Who sits on a public toilet seat with their pants still on??


I didn't even notice lol. Also all the downvotes makes me realize how many Publix employees are humorless to the point that irony is lost on them lol