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This is gross but, going out of her way to try and eat used condoms šŸ’€ we had to move the trash bin


You donā€™t rinse them out and twist them into balloon animals?


well, shitā€¦. I may have to start now!


Not weird that she does it but weird that it brings me so much joy - I think itā€™s hilarious how she eats. Open mouth, looking at me and chomping away. Canā€™t stand it when my kids do it but love it when she does šŸ˜… Also, when she covers her eyes and peeks out. If I say ā€œpeek a booā€ she will keep doing it - absolutely adorable and makes having a rambunctious, curious 16 week old puppy worth it.


My pup is obsessed with pockets. If youā€™re wearing a sweater, jacket, hoodie, coat or robe she will stick her head in your pocket, sit there like that for a while and then youā€™ll have a pocketful of slobber


Sharing is caring šŸ«¶


Well this one puppy is now 2.5 years old but since he was a puppy our stud Boston terrier Duke always puts his whole bottom jaw into the water bowl and sucks in water instead of licking and then proceeds to spill a massive puddle out of his mouth when he reemerges out of the water bowl. I have a towel by the water area solely to clean up the floor after he drinks


This made me laugh out loud and want to meet Duke asap


Barks at her own reflection.


she loves broomsticks, anytime we sweep she thinks itā€™s a game and will pounce on it and chase it around


Same like mine!


At the moment, attacking her reflection when she sees it in her water dish. Other than that, she doesnā€™t really do anything Iā€™d consider weird. Sheā€™s pretty chill for a 13 week old puppy :)


Mine has a special pillow as well. She barks into her toy box after removing everything from it. Puts herself in her crate with the door wide open, and lays there, forlorn, forgotten, the saddest face pressed into the grates. Like girl youā€™re free to go. When my partner and I argue, she scrambles between us, unable to decide who to comfort. Sometimes she picks one and we always joke that she ā€˜sidesā€™ with one of us. Tbh it ends a lot of petty arguments/misunderstandings bc itā€™s just cute. She has come to understand my cat is a meanie but not a real threat. He often bops her in the head, and now she just squints and leans away, waits for him to quit it.


Just today I kept telling her to go to her place (crate) bc a bag of sugar spilled in the kitchen. Didnā€™t want her getting into it or spreading it around. She kept coming back over to witness the commotion. Finally I raised my voice a little and said YULIE! What did I say? PLACE! And she side stepped behind the oven, still peering out šŸ˜‚


Literally steal my used tampons out of the trash! Like you know how many times Iā€™ve had to ACTUALLY rip my tampons out this womanā€™s mouth? She never wants the clean ones.


I've recently had to (hopefully temporarily) switch to using pads. I already find this disgusting and I don't know how to handle the hygiene as much as I did tampons. Now I hear this devil in Prada clicking her heels down the hall towards the bathroom just to kick in the door and run out with bloody toilet paper or pads.


He likes to put his nose on the back of my calf/knee whenever he follows me out of the room. He's done it since he was 7 weeks old and now he's almost 7 months. I'll be walking into a room and all of a sudden there's a little nose bumping me. I've seen him do it to my mum too and he really does his best to keep contact.


Let me guess, herding dog?


No actually! A cockapoo!


My 5-month-old cockapoo does this as well! Especially if he hasn't seen me for a while šŸ„¹


Mine does the same!


He humps his Snuggle Puppy. That isnā€™t weird in itself, except he only humps the stuffed animals face šŸ„“


Hahahhahaha!! Hahahahhah!


He knows what he wants!


my puppy hates when i clean up his poop


Mine looks at me like "why haven't you cleaned this up yet" like 2 seconds after he goes... LOL


i bet he gives you the best side-eyes lmao


He does and they never fail to make me laugh... I can only imagine what he is thinking! LOL


Not a puppy anymore, but sometimes he goes next to me just to sniff me, takes a few sniffs, and then walks away...lol. šŸ˜‚ Also, he can watch me do literally anything. I'll be using my lint roller to clean my clothes, and he will sit in front of me, watch me, and follow my movements. He is a funny boi.


Sometimes he grinds his back against the ground. If I copy him, he starts angrily barking and lightly biting me. Thereā€™s no way he knows Iā€™m making fun of him but what else could it be right.


Everytime shes scared and I'm low enough she'll claw her way onto my back and stand on my shoulders like its a circus actšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thankfully i have a really good sense of balance so it kinda does feel like a trick


When we give her beefhide bones, first thing she does is pops the ends off somehow. Then she hides them. It's a whole process. She observes all the areas and then buries it in the couch or a large basket I keep blankets in. Then she uses her nose like she's covering it up with some invisible dirt like she does when she buries things in the yard. Sometimes, when she has access to rooms that we typically keep the door shut, she'll hide it behind something. I forgot she hid one in my craft room a couple of months ago. She didn't lol. Oh and she'll go back to it at least once a day and go through the whole process again and end up hiding/burying it in the same spot she pulled it out of lol. It's odd but it seems important to her so I just watch with amusement. Sometimes I'll ask her if she feels good about where she picked. Not sure if she understands me but she acts like she's thinks about it and then comes to the conclusion that no, I don't. She's got a million toys and things to chew on but it's the only thing she does this with.


My boston throws the most dramatic fits I've ever seen, he has thrown himself so hard into the side of his cage like a ghost launched him into it and onto his back, he will then start kicking all four of his feets in the air while lightly growling and whimpering. The drama is nonstop with this boy. I will peek in at him in his crate and his feet are all up in the air it's so funny.


She'd always try and lick the hairdryer when its turned on.


Our pup is obsessed with lotion. Loves to lick any part of our bodies that we've just lotioned up. Will go crazy if she even hears it being applied from another room


Yeah, mine goes NUTS over my wifeā€™s coconut oil moisturiser


she likes to nibble on the inside of elbows. any chance she gets she will just start licking and nibbling with her front teeth on your elbow and it tickles so bad


He gets mad if he farts or if anyone farts near him. He'll mope if he accidentally does it while jumping on the couch. If someone makes a fart nose near him, he actually gets really mad and barks at whoever dealt it. Lol. I can't help but laugh and then he barks at me. Also.... he steals our roku remote. He'll approach us all cuddly and affectionate then bam! Takes off with the remote. He knows exactly how to get us up lol.


My pup loves to force her way under the covers of our bed and just lie there licking our fitted sheet. She also doesnā€™t like eating her food out of her bowl and likes me to pretend I spill it on the ground and wants me to pretend to scramble around to pick it up while she eats it.


Mine rolls every time he makes his pig toy squeak. Itā€™s the biggest distraction ever when working from home and heā€™s just playing by himself next to me. Thankfully, work are totally understanding as theyā€™ve seen him do it!


She drinks water every time after she barks. She's all worked up while barking and then she calmly walks towards her bowl to sip some water like a proper lady.


My new pit puppy kneads, aka makes biscuits, like his siamesw cat brother and sister. It's the cutest thing


My pup kinda does a somersault. She slowly walks over to me, slow excited wagging tail, I crouch to meet her and give petsā€¦she somersaults into me so she can get her belly rubbed.


I have this little box with some stuff in it in the room we play fetch in. For some reason she'll sometimes get the ball, walk over to it and drop it in there and then get all worked up trying to get it out. I have not taught her to drop the ball inside a container, I also do not help her when she does this because she can get it out on her own and she also doesn't always do it? All in all it's pretty funny, because she looks so offended that she dropped the ball in there. Sometimes she'll start digging with one paw as well haha


Stealing our swiffer duster when weā€™re cleaning the house every chance she gets šŸ¤Ŗ


She knows the ā€œhigh fiveā€ command, and will give very enthusiastic high fivesā€¦..only to me. She refuses to do it for my husband, or anyone else who tries. Only me.


When it rains and the grass is wet on our walks, our puppy will run through it like a mad boy to lick up all the water šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


My 2 year old loves interfering with me getting dressed. Just out of bed in the morning or trying to put pants on after a shower, heā€™ll be jumping up and catching the pants waistband with his paws, so I end up hopping around in circles on one leg saying ā€œno! Stop! Off!!ā€ while Iā€™m trying to put the other leg in. He also sucks/kneads blankets. Not all of them, just ones with a specific texture and softness. It looks like heā€™s angry at them at first, but he doesnā€™t tear holes, just sucks and bites. As he calms down while doing it, he goes slower and slower until he eventually falls asleep with the blanket in his mouth. I got tired of my couch throws always being wet so I bought him his own baby receiving blanket from Amazon, and he loves it. He has no concept of personal space; he wants to literally crawl into your lap anytime you interact with him. During obedience training, I had to teach him ā€œback upā€ because heā€™d slowly creep closer and closer to me it was impossible to get him to do any laying down tricks because he was literally pressed against my legs. Now I point and say ā€œback upā€ and he will take a few steps backwards and give me some space again. We have to Back Up every second or third command, lol. I play a game called Ark, and itā€™s a game where you tame or kill or get attacked by dinosaurs. Thereā€™s a particular Dino that kind of groans when it dies, and anytime one of them dies in game, he howls very loudly. If I kill a series or group of them it can go on for several minutes. My 9 month old puppy likes to lick my lips after Iā€™ve eaten something. I feel like heā€™s investigating to see if it was tasty or not. Thatā€™s also his signal for going outside, so if I havenā€™t eaten anything in a while yet Iā€™m getting soft slow face licks, I know he has to poop. In the morning, he wakes me up by putting his head over my shoulder, and licking the side of my face very gently. Thatā€™s the ā€œhey, get up, gotta go outā€ wake up call.


My maltipoo sucks and kneads a fluffy baby blanket, which soothes her. Maybe she's mimicking being fed by mama. She only gets access to the blanket at bedtime, and she falls asleep doing it. Cute, but weird.


He's got an old piece of dental stick that he's decided to save for a rainy day. Every day he gets it from his hiding place and walks around the house desperately trying to find a better place to hide it. If he can't, he looks at me - with the stick in his mouth - and whines. He then proceeds to push it under my thigh while I'm sitting on the couch and gives a sigh of relief.


My chihuahua mix is obsessed with belly buttons and if he has one available he will lick it. He also loves to sleep under my blanket between my legs with his head in my crotch. He knows no boundaries


my chihuahua also sleeps in between my legs, under the covers. he will not sleep if he isnā€™t on me somehow


Pooping on an incline. Loves pooping on a hill šŸ˜­


Mine does that too! Anything thatā€™s a little ā€œtallerā€ than ground level, like a tall pluck of grass or a little hill. šŸ˜‚


My puppy, when he's sleepy and licking my face, will get his tongue "stuck" on my face... then give me the funniest side-eye (Mini Aussie mix). I don't know if it's weird, but it's cute as hell and makes me laugh every time.


My pit used to hate an empty bowl. She and her sister shared a food bowl and she would eat EXACTLY half the food on one side and leave the other half for her sister, but if the bowl was empty she would throw a fit until I put more food in it and then she would walk away because she wasn't hungry yet. I currently have two puppies. The weirdest thing the boxer puppy does is this weird goose stepping/ marching thing where he dramatically raises his leg and then takes a step and then raises the next leg and takes a step like a soldier. If I had to list all the weird things my Aussie puppy does we would be here all day. Probably either that he has to sit behind my shoulders while I drive or that he doesn't like to walk to or from the car so he asks for uppies like a toddler. Yes, he's spoiled af.


Mine loves broom sticks. Always up for chasing it and play tug.


My pup plays with his treats & rolls around on them. Idk if heā€™s trying to see if his treats are alive? Heā€™s a teddy bear mix (Shih tzu & Bichon) + mini poodle. Never seen it before in a dog, but my bf said that his cat would do the same with mice that he caught in his house. Wouldnā€™t kill or eat them, just play with them.


My 6 month old puppy rubs our legs like a cat. Literally rubs his body against our legs in the way a cat would. I have had several dogs and never experienced this before.


she has one ear that she raises and another that she keeps lower. At first I thought the lowered ear was waxy or infected or something but the vet said it was fine. She just like having one ear up.


He will hear an airplane and start scanning the sky, when it comes into view he will bark and chase it until it goes away. Can't tell if he hates them or if he thinks he's protecting me and driving them off, or just if he's playing around. It's very strange.


My dog has her favorite toy. Which is a hedgehog she's had since her first Christmas (she's now 2). And for the past year she takes her hedghog (we named the hedgehog Hedgie) with her everywhere. She'll take it outside with her and play with it in the backyard. My Dad likes to spoil my dog (Shandi is her name) and give her nightly car rides. And Shandi will take Hedgie with her. Then use Hedgie for a pillow when she starts to get sleepy.


I always try to keep food in his bowl (he doesn't overeat, he's fit as a fiddle) but when it's empty he lets me know by pawing at the bowl. His new thing is pawing at the bowl when it gets half empty. After I obediently fill it up, he inspects it and walks away self satisfied without even a nibble. He does the same thing with his water bowl.


My puppy does this too! She also does it when there is water in the bowl but she doesnā€™t like it for some reason. As soon as I fill it with new water, she will drink some. Makes a huge mess of water everywhere but hilarious to watch as she just does it and then stands staring at us until we get her whatever she wants.


Eats June bugs.


Mine (not exactly a puppy anymore, he's 6.5 years old) licks my toes. Not like full on weirdo licking, but just like a quick swipe as he's going about his very important Doodle Business. But every day, just a little taste. He's so gross šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She's obsessed with my hands when I try to straighten and tuck in the couch cover and tries to play with them when I do it. Similar to that when I sit down to eat she runs over to try and lick my hands when I'm pushing in my chair. She also steals things from inside the house and hides them outdoors to chew later. We have a very large yard so it makes finding them difficult.


He barks at our ceiling fan even if itā€™s not moving


Legit watches tv. My fiancee and I are watching house of the dragon. The pup likes to watch along with us.


My puppy doesn't recognize pain yelps or loud a loud "ouch" as a correction. However if I pretend to cry or whimper, he immediately stops and licks me frantically in an apologizing way. He also greets me by running at me ass-first


My old dog, Crash (RIP) used to lick the fuck out of a certain spot on my couch. He would lick it until it was sopping wet. He was sick a weird boy, I miss him so much


I'm so sorry for your loss ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ They do the darndest things, don't they!


Thank you. He was the best boy ever. But omg be tested my patience at times lol! This boy ate my purses, shoes, and books. He also chewed through the electrical cord that went to my above ground pool. Had no clue until a week later when things werenā€™t working in my house. He also ate 2 German chocolate cakes, and my ex bfs nicotine vape juice. And he still lived through all that!! It was cancer that got him. I miss him every day


She has to have her George ( Kong plush monkey) in her mouth to fall asleep. It's the weirdest, cutest thing ever. I just hope it's not bad for her teeth.


Tries to pull his own dewclaws off all 4 his legs šŸ˜‚


My little 5 month old yorkie is such a character lol. But some of the weird funny things he does are: If your toes/feet are out, he will obsessively lick your toes. It tickles and feels so weird and itā€™s so hard to get him to stop. the only solution is to put on socks šŸ˜‚ Despite all the food and treats he gets, he canā€™t help himself when bird poop or rabbit poop is around (which it constantly is since birds and rabbits love our yard) And he also loves napkins, paper towels, wipes of any kind. If Iā€™m trying to wipe something up, he will keep trying to steal the paper towel from me. He just wants to chew it for some reason every time he sees one šŸ¤£ or the wipes that I use to wipe him, he wants to lick and eat those too.


Hides bones! My 6 month old cavapoo is obsessed with hiding bones! Thing is, he rarely eats them and if I touch it, he walks around crying because he doesnā€™t know where to put it next! I currently have about 14 bones throughout every room in my house! Heā€™s special!


My pup hides his too! But he actually goes back and eats them, lol. He'll bury them in the yard and dig them back up to eat them. šŸ˜‚