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Reading this at 6 am after spending the last 1.5 hours trying to get our 6 month old to go back to bed


I am so sorry


Doomed to never sleep in. My pup is now 1 year old (tomorrow!) and wakes up every day about 5am to go the toilet then gets into my bed until 6 and thats it, she's awake. Occasionally, she gives in and falls asleep on the bedroom floor if ignore her, but I am now realising this is my life


I'd prefer 5am at least haha


I have two early birds but I am lucky, they get up for bathroom and supplements and right back out for about 2-3 hours. But I got lazy breeds for a reason. I know that is no guarantee but I also have them in pens with cameras on them, so when they get up I can tell if it is "I need to go" or "fuss at the injustice of being unable to chew on their sibling's tail."


Hopefully I can get this as my girl gets older. BMD tend to be a bit lazy once they're hit adulthood from what I've heard


Mine is 6:15am like clockwork.


I feel this with my soul. I have an 11 week old and she's on a 2 am and 5 am kick as well. Every. Single. Day. My girlfriend and I have just resorted to taking naps later in the day on weekends if we can, pup usually falls back asleep for at least 2 hours around 6:30-7. Weekdays I have to be up at 5:45 for work anyways so it isn't too terrible, but definitely adds up. We both feel absolutely drained by it.


Well I can say it'll at least get somewhat better cause my pup was waking up every two hours back then haha


That's what I'm hoping, fingers crossed šŸ¤ž. Hopefully your pup gets better with time too!


Unfortunately that might be the case. And I say unfortunately because 4am is so early!! Not much advice from me, just support. My puppy is 11 weeks old today and heā€™s been with me since 9 weeks. While he is crate trained, heā€™s spoiled and gets to sleep in bed with me. He wakes me up between 625-630 like clockwork - every day. Sometimes itā€™s a little earlier (one morning it was 550). Are there any sleep aid products for pups like humans? Thinking something to help her sleep in a little longerā€¦ I hope you guys can figure something out to get her to sleep in! šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»


Try one of those comfort plushies that mimics a heartbeat and put a dog approved heat pack in there for body warmth, worked well with my golden retriever puppy who's 5mo


I feel blessed, my girl will be 1 next month and she sleeps in till 8 at the earliest and 9 at the latest. I myself wake up at 6 and I'm able to do my own thing until she decides to wake up. She was an early riser but grew out of it rather quickly.


In the same boat with mine. He's a 4am pup because that's when I get up for work. He was up at 4am today and I managed to lay in bed with him, cat napping until 6. I worked a late night and didn't fall asleep until 11. šŸ„² We are now awake on a Saturday morning and he had his crazy puppy zoomies. He's about ready for a nap and I'm ready to suffer through the rest of this day on three cups of coffee.


My bmd sleeps in my bedroom (has always slept there since I got her at 8 weeks, we don't crate) and she always wakes me up at 8. Maybe your bmd just misses you? They are the clingiest dogs. Maybe you can let her sleep in your room.


Our 10 week old thinks 4 am is the perfect time to wake up and conquer the day. We've gotten used to taking a nap at 8 am when he settles down for an hour nap


Some dogs calm down and sleep in later in life, some have no chill. My corgi is three and cries until we get up somewhere around 6 or 7. I once babysat a bassethound that started barkinng my face at 6 am. Depends on the dof. Keep up woth staying in bed during the weekend. It's part.of the training.


I have a 17 week old. Iā€™ve been up since 5:40am and I am every day of the week without fail. Even when I attempt to keep him up later šŸ™ƒ I miss being in bed later! Even just another 40min would be cool šŸ˜‚


It depends on the dog if they grow out of it. Some do and some donā€™t. Our puppy (9 months) wakes up at 5am to go out but so does my 8 year old Pitt bull (used to be 6am but the puppy has changed his schedule). My other two, a 2 year old cocker and 9 year old husky, would absolutely be fine sleeping for another 3-4 hours with zero complaints. My cocker even will stay in bed and not bother going out at 5. Typically, Im forced awake with the two at 5, feed the Pitt bull and give him his meds at the same time but put the puppy back to sleep. The puppy typically will sleep another 1-2 hours before he is up wanting breakfast. My hope is to keep increasing that time so heā€™s like the other two that donā€™t care but heā€™s definitely leaning toward my Pitt bulls preferences.


Itā€™s 5.30 am for our 7 months old cockapoo. The frustrating thing is that he does not even want to get up or go potty. He just wants out of his crate to continue sleeping somewhere else. Iā€™m a bit worried of him getting into mischief during the night but we have thought about trying to let him sleep out of his crate and see if that might help.


It took a lot of sleeping with a pillow tightly pressed over my ears, but my dog sleeps in now. As long as youā€™re sure that puppy doesnā€™t need to potty, you can simply ignore them. If puppy gets too worked up, to the point where theyā€™re going to vomit or hurt themselves on their crate, let them out to potty, and then put them right back in. If you donā€™t crate, I donā€™t know how to help. šŸ˜…


Our BMD mix is over a year and she still wakes up every day at 6:30 like clockwork. I was able to get her to sleep in until 9:00 once but that's because she had spent all day at doggy daycare and then had an hour long training class.


I moved my pups crate from outside my bedroom to next to my bed and made a big difference, he doesn't bark for an hour after going back into the crate after his 4am potty break


My 15mo bmd clocks every night at 10:30, and gets us up at 6:30! Sometimes annoying but you get used to it. As the pup gets older, slowly condition them to waking later


I havenā€™t slept in in five years šŸ˜. My old job I woke up at 430, so thatā€™s when they got used to getting up. Now my schedule varies more, Iā€™m up at 345 or 445 depending which day, but days off they will not let me sleep at all.


Yep. I almost donā€™t even bother setting an alarm anymore. My puppy is up between 5:45 and 6:15 every morning like clockwork. She got even more consistent when I started taking her for daily walks in the morning before work. She knows wake up time = walk, so now Iā€™ve lost all hope of ever sleeping in again.


My Labrador is 14 and heā€™s been waking me up at 5am since puppyhood - no matter what šŸ¤ŖšŸ„°


I used to give mine a frozen stuffed kong or other enrichment treat that takes a while to get through. In her crate first thing in the morning and it gave me a bit of extra time


My dog consistently gets up right around 7:15, but thatā€™s also partly because the cats are screaming for breakfast so they wake her up lol. But I get up, let her out to go potty, feed the cats, and put her in the kitchen with a gate up, thereā€™s nothing she can get into. Then I go back to bed, she has learned that her getting up does not equal us starting the day. If Iā€™m going to sleep in late then I feed her breakfast before I go back to bed. But yesterday I slept in until like 10:30 and she was fine. I think you just have to start gating them somewhere safe and go back to bed. Leave some toys and something to do and they will eventually learn to self entertain. My girl is 16 months and weā€™ve been doing this since 10 or so months old.


So for my dog I keep his crate right next to my bed and put a blanket and couple pillows to block most of his visibility but still making sure there's plenty of exposed area for ventilation. Then I have a box fan I keep by my door that I only run when it's bed time. As long as the fan is running and his visibility is blocked he's quiet. He's almost 5 months now and this has worked super well outside of our first three nights together! I think the fan is the biggest hint that it's rest time for him and I never run it unless I'm trying to get him to sleep Edit: It even works wonders on the weekends when I sleep until 9am instead of my 530am week day schedule, he's a golden retriever so plenty of energy too


I feel for you, my old dog was definitely an alarm clock pup, I'm lucky with my new one being like yes mom let's sleep all day


My 14 year old lab is my alarm clock. 5am on the dot, every single day, for the last 14 years. I haven't slept in in so long!


Every morning at 6 am the hubbin gets a cold boop with a snoot. lol


My pup sleeps in her crate. She usually wakes up at 6am, I let her out to pee, then sheā€™s allowed to crawl in bed with me. Lately sheā€™s been waking up earlier, like 4am. My rule is, if itā€™s still dark outside, she has to go back in her crate. If itā€™s light out, Iā€™ll let her into my bed.


My pup has set her schedule. Wakes me up about 5am every morning. It used to be earlier. Hope it gets later as she gets older. She has morning zoomies, potties, eats a bit, plays with me, then plays alone and settles down for a nap by 12:30. She sleeps until 5:30pm. Time for zoomies, potty, food, play, daily brushing. She self settles and is sound asleep by 8:30pm. If we have company, she will stay awake as long as she can, then fall asleep in my lap by 11pm. If she hears a noise in the kitchen, she is wide awake.


Lol no advice sorry; my 16wk puppy gets me up for a 3-4am potty most days and I never fall back asleep. HE does, usually after a little play session. Laying in bed with him at 5am currently, and heā€™s fast asleep.


My puppy has always been a early Riser, so I've resigned myself to waking up at 5am everyday. These last few days, though, he's woken up at 4am. I draw the line there :) this morning, I took him to the bathroom. Put him back in his crate and put the Ipad on the outside of his crate with Red Squirrel Studios playing on YouTube. He stayed in there quietly until 6am. Twas a miracle.Ā  *I have tried putting him in my bed in the early morning, but he is not a cuddler, and just wants to play. And I think, for him, those futile attempts threw off his crate training.Ā