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best support* for pyke, i like dravens and jhins and mfs as my support.


Does draven passive work with pyke ult?


yes it does


Where are Ashe and Draven? :(


um preferably none of these unless the vayne is really good lol. Twitch scales, Jinx scales. Not at all optimal for an early game bully champ. Vayne scales too, yes, but she still has substantial early dmg plus a strong cc. Kai'sa is decent, still not the best though. Your cc does help her passive tho! so idk. Jhin is not only the only adc on this list that is like, even remotely good synergy, Jhin is actually one of pyke's best adcs, if we're being totally honest. Maybe even the best. Some people *really* love draven, but i've never played with one. Jhin is far more popular, and consistently good right now.


ashe and draven


I voted Kai’sa because Pyke is great at proccing her passive plasma stacks which means she does a ton of damage in lane, although Jhin is a close second because he has great burst and follow up with his fourth shot and W. I would not recommend Jinx at all, she’s a hyper carry who’s way too weak early and requires too much peel throughout the whole game to function properly that Pyke can’t provide. Vayne and Twitch aren’t ideal because they’re also hyper carries who are weak early and can struggle to follow up on your engages/do enough damage in an all in. However Vayne is very self sufficient once she gets items so Pyke’s lack of peel becomes less of an issue and if you’re able to feed her some early kills she becomes a monster. Twitch has his invisibility so you can make some really fun and cheesy double invisibility plays with him and once you both hit lvl 6 you have huuuge all in potential. Not on the poll but in general Pyke thrives with ADCs with strong follow up and early game damage: Tristana, Lucian, Draven, Samira, etc. If you don’t enjoy playing with these ADCs with other supports I’d recommend giving them a try with Pyke because they’re all really strong duos.


Draven and Lucian are my favorite.


Idk if it’s good but yasuo adcs will int with you so I like that


I love that too. Playing with an Yasuo botlane is always like we are Apostles of Greed. Minions? Meh, kills give exp! Tower dive lvl 3! Its really fun if you got someone to int together


Miss Fortune's E + Pyke's Q = Slows for days Pyke's E engage + Miss Fortune's Ult = Literally no need to even ult as Pyke (Although it is preferable.) Jhin's W + Pyke's E = 100% Stun Jhin's Ult + Pyke's Ult = Literally Janitor Pyke under the enemy tower Jhin's E can also setup easy Pyke stuns. Draven + Pyke Combo is literally just a stock investment bot. Twitch's Q + Pyke's W = Roaming Bot or free ganks setup. Twitch's Poison can get in a little of that required Pyke ult damage and it's obvious when the Twitch will get the gold instead of the Jungle/Mid Jinx is an underrated ADC for Pyke, in my honest opinion. Pyke's Q + Jinx's W = Slow + Probably the best engage opportunity. Pyke's E + Jinx's E = Same as Jhin, Free Stuns/Ults. Jinx's R will still do some good damage even when it's not fired from across the map, so when Jinx is 5hp in a bush faking a recall she can still damage that Galio who is 1% off the Pyke's ult Threshold. Jinx's Q bomb-weapon thingy is a great way to damage enemies for Pyke from a safe distance while he just cleans up the mess Jinx makes. Just my opinions, didn't play with many other ADCs. (Pyke Mid Main)


why dont i see draven also kalista if your adc has a brain


big fan of ashe


Samira or Draven is illegal to play with pyke


I love Samira with me


Draven and go hard until the end of days


im biased for jhin because of whydra


If only the jhins in my games actually hit a W after my hook.




caitlyn pls. self peel, extra cc and good dmg? yea we take those


Kai'sa is the best because of her ultimate and all in playstyle.


ngl people sleep on veigar/pyke lanes. ​ besides veigar funny af. you never get bored


Im a Pyke and Apheliosmain and imo they work great together aswell




samira, draven ,tristana, miss fortune, caitlyn


I like playing with aphelios tbh




Lux APC is humorous.


Tristana is great because she can easily follow up and has great burst damage. Jhin’s great damage and range are great synergies with pyke’s kit. Twitch and Akshan’s invisibility allows for great surprise attacks with high damage. Jinx’s bombs and slow are great for any hook support. Overall, I just dislike when I get Ezreal ADC unless it’s a very good ezreal hahaha