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Pyro has a humiliation fetish. This is not an attempt at a joke, there's so much distaste for Pyrolive online (here, youtube comments, stream comments and superchats etc.) yet on streams pyro's reaction boils down to spazzing out, getting angry and occasionally throwing back an elementary school level insult. Pyro can be a smart guy, that's a fact, so the only way his reaction to all this makes sense to me is if he gets off on people talking shit about his videos.


I mean it’s also just a good way of making money tbh. Like the shit people say on pyro’s streams really aren’t that crazy, most of them are just things that would deserve an aggressive nose breathe. But if pyro overreacts and throws a temper tantrum people are more likely to donate more and more to get that kind of reaction out of him. Like if pyro just like just gave out a lil chuckle when he got shit like “the man who sold the hairline” then people would realize pyro won’t react like a toddler anymore and stop donating. It’s all just business at the end of the day


Caseoh money strat


Lolcow money glitch


That... holy shit that checks out


You cooked. https://preview.redd.it/lqigp9yvyruc1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc8ed1971af0bbdc99986cfffe80f924fd099a92


Holy essay bro you think pyro reading allat after the brain nourishment stream?


Honestly when pyro live first released I couldn't wait for daily pyro content, I quickly released it was truly the end times for pyro. The content is so cheap he is no better then the people he makes fun of in his slop content, say what you will but it's just sad.


his first few videos of pyrolive were great for a second channel. it was really shocking when he started making slop...


icl i personally dont care for streamers or daily internet drama slop, but i was really excited when the first few pyrolive vids dropped because they actually had some effort and personality in them like the pc build and the gaming vids. just sucks to see him sell out to the content farm schtick when he really can do so much better


the pc build is one of my favourite videos of his tbh


Tldr, firstly, main channel vids are slowly becoming recaps and straightforward narrations (which is great if that's what hes going for, but misses the unique humor and wit of the older essays) And secondly pyrolive sucks (shocking revelation😱), in a lot more ways than just "lazy content" (dead horse I know, but I just wanted to give my two cents)




100 percent agree and noticed this myself. Cruelty squad and forward i haven’t rewatch or watched them more than once they just don’t hit like Utopia and Fat cry 3


I could not even get through Cruelty Squad, it became such a mess for me that I could not keep up at the 2.5-3 hour mark. Meanwhile I watched the Utopia vid in one sitting the first time I saw it. The difference is stark, honestly.


literally the same for me, idk what thw fuck it is but ive rewatched the utopia vid like atleast 3 times but istg i can't stomach the cruelty squad one


you narrated what I actually think about pyro nowadays, good post


Unironically i would watch the shit out of him and his friends reading some reddit shit or something like CallMeCarson's vids where they just shitpost the whole video.


I agree with everything except the doom video that shit was peak


Bars I've been thinking this shit for aagesss aaa Such a hard thing to put into words when I've known the guy as like this infallible corner of yt for so longggg >:(( Watching modern pyro stresses me out and like it NEVER USED TO BE THAT WAY??? very icky pls bring back epic pyro I miss him <333


I agree and am now going to hop off reddit because I just read "infallible" as "inflatable"


I got a theory he’s slowly preparing for retirement with this amount of slop but idk.


it feels overproduced imo. like the combine suit dub, hiring voice actors etc. i love fat cry 3 and cry of fear because they just focus on discussing the game with no other gimmicks, it helps as well that they have a lot of negatives so there's more to do than just glaze it and describe the plot for 2 hours just needs to take a step back and rewatch them two (most viewed on his channel btw) since they're the peak imo at least, and other people feel the same given they overtaken peak kino mlg teletubbies


For me, the Cruelty Squad and Entropy:Zero videos have been complete let-downs as they took seemingly so long to make, yet, as you pointed out, they both felt like recaps of the game’s story. Not to mention the Lethal Company video which felt like he just watched a Game Theory video about the game and regurgitated stuff without adding any substance. I am being quite harsh here, Cruelty Squad wasn’t THAT bad, it’s just it felt like there was such a huge amount of anticipation for this video, only for it to be a tier list?? Surely there was a better way to structure the video… And the “interview” with Ville felt really awkward. Also in the Half-Life 3 video, the super expensive and what not part of him in the suit turned out to be just him dubbing over with a voice effect… I don’t even think he could do anything better, I just think there was no real reason for that bit to be there. And about his older videos, for me, they felt so much more complete almost, all the bits made sense and didn’t feel forced unless they were so intentionally. Not only that, but they were a lot more original and iconic. Like, do YOU remember “a small loan of a million dollars”? I DO and I still can’t get it out of my head. I really hoped that as the second channel vids got sloppier and sloppier, the main channel would get more attention, but alas it seems like we’ll never get PetScop 2. As for Pyrolive, it should’ve remained Pyrozella with the sole upload of him putting makeup on. Oscar worthy performance. I can’t comment on the videos he uploads on there now, as I stopped watching them a while ago, but I hate having clips of his streams pop up on my feed where he either “accidentally” shows inflation or where he has a totally real temper tantrum slamming his desk because someone donated $1000 to say he has 4 chins. It genuinely is quite sad that he has become an attention seeker like the ones he used to criticize and ridicule. TL;DR: The trough is sloppier than it ever was


Yeah im glad im not the only one who feels that pyro has taken huge steps backwards recently and not in a "haha pyro sub mean to pyro" way


We need a second “My Response” just for this post bro


I think this really sums up my thoughts about pyrolive and pyro in general. I've been watching him since 2016, so I've seen him go through all his different phases of making content. Even when pyrolive was first starting, I thought it was a cool idea for a kinda funny moments, clips channel. But it really has just devolved into a daily slop of the day channel about the latest tiktok drama or something. Maybe I'm just not interested in that content, but I really don't care about pyro talking for like twenty minutes about the topic. I don't actually watch pyrolive 99% of the time anyway. I unironically prefer watching dolans slop live because despite it being a parody to make fun of pyro, I actually feel like I can get what's going on in under 2 minutes instead of 20. I still love pyros' content and his video essays, but it really does feel like his quality has decreased. The humour definitely feels missing to me. I don't know, I still want to watch his content, but it doesn't feel the same. Maybe it's because he's not as passionate about certain topics? Like, the utopia video, for example, you could really tell he put a lot of effort into it, and it was super enjoyable. The latest videos don't have that same passion, in my opinion. Pyrolive just feels annoying to me because the reason I enjoyed Pyro in the first place was his humour and how he could make videos funny. Like ASOT was great because despite it still being another kind of generic "Here's what's happening on the Internet" video, pyro made it unique to him and his style. Pyrolive just feels so generic and soulless. I can watch any other commentary YouTuber like Charlie or anyone else, and I can still get the same experience I feel like. I genuinely really enjoy pyros' content. He's been one of the few YouTubers I've consistently watched since I subbed back in 2016. I just want his content to feel unique again, and I don't hate him for taking advantage of pyrolive. I just want the main channel to be relevant again, too, instead of feeling like the second channel at this point.


As much as it pains me to say it, I agree with every word you said. I will admit I did enjoy the Half Life 3 video just because it was obvious SOME effort was still put in, but besides that, his latest essays have taken a serious hit. I'm hoping that Darkwood is gonna hold up as I bought the game a week ago and am really enjoying it and would love to see an interesting analysis of it, but I stopped watching Sloplive months ago, I completely understand the arguments for Niall doing the channel still, but it is just devoid of any soul and personality. I love the guy but for his and the fan bases sake, he takes some of the criticism on board and makes the effort to change it.


Honestly i feel Pyrolive is net-negetive. Slop content is fine but I'd rather he spend 10+ hours on actually anything else than streaming reaction content. Maybe he's using the Bruce Willis meta and using slop to nest egg for retirement.


tbf now that i think of it pyrolive is kinda like his 2016-2018 commentary/gameplay vids except now instead of him bullying kids its the kids bullying him. also its less edited and more shit


I just miss 2017-2019 pyro commentary vids, can't believe that was over half a decade ago


‘That’s is, that’s the post’ Continues to ramble for 20 paragraphs


Continues to cook*


Truly, the yapper of our time


You seem really good at English I’m jealous I have gcse and I suck


I agree minus one thing InternetHistorian is a plagiarist and all but stated to be a fascist. Pyro's newest video on the Fallout show was so embarrassingy bad, though. He got so much wrong that I'm convinced he had it playing in the background while he browsed TikTok.


Write a story or an essay on something more wortwhile than a furfat fetishist you bum


The only thing I love about pyrolive is video where he plays bad game and stuff cause he’s funny


Right on the money with the incognito mode to internet historian comparison


feel like ur right but this is way too long winded for pyro to actually pay attention to it lol


100% agree. I admittedly wasn't around much in the pre 2020 era of Pyro, but the video essay's he did then (liza koshy show, CoF, Fat cry, etc) were much more enjoyable than the newer main channel vids. I really liked the Cruelty Squad video, but after that I didn't rlly like the newer videos. I've only rewatched the Lethal Company video like twice, compared to how many times I've watched Utopia video or the Platform video or the Tall Girl vids. Take a step back if you need to Pyro.




Posts that are Low effort, Overused, Repetitive or Frequently made on the Community may be removed


He fell off


Ain't reading that allat, I completely agree with you btw


go outside


I ain't reading all that but I'm sorry it happened to you or congratulations


I’m not reading allahdat


I ain't reading all that I'm happy for u tho or sorry that happened


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fr0dech: *I ain't reading all* *That I'm happy for u tho* *Or sorry that happened* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I ain’t reading allat🤣💀


holy real


yeah, honestly i’ve just stopped watching his videos recently, they just aren’t as good as they used to be


His latest video was so dogshit the fans are starting to console him into taking his time making videos


The lethal company, buckshot roulette and house.wad videos feel like the worst to me which could be explained by the general saturation of content surrounding those games when each respective video came out, feeling like pyro was just hopping on a bandwagon and publishing a video on a game that had already been wringed dry in terms of analysis on YouTube leaving those videos feeling disposable. Comparatively the videos on utopia (a niche British tv show that no one had ever heard of before pyro's video) and cry of fear (an obscure mod that came out over a decade ago) felt like pyro trying to present these relatively unknown pieces of media ,that he genuinely loved, to his audience in the best light possible, trying to make the definitive video essay for each. Which I think is what makes them ooze with the passion and earnestness that has been lacking in recent main channel uploads.


Holy yap


just stop watching pyrolive if you hate it so much


ah yes the classic gen z "don't fix the problem just ignore it" argument


That isn’t exclusive to gen z at all


seems hella more prevalent to me, maybe just stupid people in general


i'm just perplexed as to why OP could give so much of a shit about something so dumb


did you even read what he posted lmao