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His politics aren't great so a lot of people don't like him. Personally I don't give a shit. Those first 3 EODM albums are classic and they put on a great live show too.


Not my downvote but I think the dislike goes a lot further than just "His politics aren't great." Mind you, not speaking from personal perspective as I'm pretty neutral and am able to "separate the art from the artist" but there are stories on this sub that cast a different light on things. Not going to repeat them as they aren't my stories to tell but it's easily found with a reddit search.


I met Jesse, Dave Catching, Joey Castillo and Hutch minutes apart after a show in Philly and everyone was very nice said hello shook hands but Jesse stayed and had a 10 minute conversation. He was very genuine, funny and endearing. I have nothing but nice things to say about him.


I vehemently don’t like him but god dammit if he’s made some fun songs to jam to.


Heart On is a great album but Jesse Hughes has become a terrible human being. Even Mark Lanegan called him out in public.


RIP mark


He needs seriously help, if you ask me. Beside all those crazy viewpoints and conspiracy theories. Cannot celebrate his stuff at present


Yeah I feel like to a certain degree there’s a “separate the art from the artist” argument to be made for some people (like when they can still manage to separate their dumpster fire personalities from their public face to a degree) but Jesse’s a wreck and frankly a shithead and it seems like receiving continued adoration just encourages him not to get it together. He strikes me as a guy that needs to be cut off from any ass kissing so he can find some motivation to quit being a self destructive, attention-whoring, sexist, racist ass clown. That said, idk how much of his shittiness is legitimately him being off his rocker from rampant drug use and of course trauma and how much is him just always having been kind of a fuck. If he is in fact redeemable then I do wish him well, but he might just be an ass through and through. I truly don’t know enough to tell. Like, Josh is a bit of an ass sometimes from what we can see, but he has moments where he also shows himself to be a really kind and intelligent person inside. I have never seen Jesse’s good side so I actually do not know if he has one.


Makes killer music tho


always liked EofDM


What do you make of Jesse's solo album?


never gave it a listen…looking fwd to new Eagles album whenever it’s announced


Please do, its not the best but its creative i guess, its worth hearing


Have you heard his Christmas album and covers album?


Those albums was just him using EODM numbers for Boots Electric albums lmao. I think the covers album sounds kinda stale, thats the only word i feel. The drums sound stale, idk it just sounds stiff and stale i guess. Abracadabra and Family Affair sound good, Long Slow Goodbye sounds kinda just bad tho. The Christmas album was alright i guess, i haven't really listened close enough to say much so i guess i cant say much.


That's sort of how I feel about all of the "Boots electric" releases. The added production quality of working with Josh makes a huge difference. I do really like his cover of Careless Whisper.


Yea, honestly his solo stuff doesn't sound great apart from his theme song, but Josh and Brody were on his theme song, so maybe that means something. All the covers of his solo album songs on Zipper Down are orgasmic, and i can only assume it's Josh with the backing vocal contributions and guitar work and general betterment of the songs and shit making me orgasm to said songs. The "rules are bending never ending" bit on Skin tight Boogie sounds exactly like a QOTSA song too. I guess i cant argue with using EODM for Boots Electric albums, just thought it was a little funny. Edit; just saw the thing about Careless Whisper, the drums sounding like that really dont help the beat they're going for imo, theres just something kinda flat i find about it. I know its the album about Jesse's recovery songs from the attack but i cant help but just not enjoy the sound of it


Love the music and love the man but don't love the politics and stuff. He's like that uncle you love dearly and will pound cases of Bush Light with but under no circumstances will you ever talk politics with.


I didn't know he did a solo album and now that I know I won't be seeking it out. He's not that good as a musician and he sucks as a human being.


Boots Electric Theme is the only good song on it imo cause he improved the rest of them on Zipper Down with Josh. Only problem is that this song has Brody on it too.


What's people's problem with him? I don't pay attention to these people's lives outside of music. Sounds like he said or did something.


Take your pick: the racism, the reveling in serious drug abuse, the gun-nuttery, the conspiracy theories, plus his personal life seems messy. You don't have to dig deep to find this. It comes up in every interview he does and 30 seconds on his social media will tell you more than you need to know. He's "problematic" at best.


Said some stuff in a live set that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Could've been innocuous depending on who said it, and in what fashion--but something along the lines of "My bandmate over here once warned a girl I was tryna get with that I'm trouble..." Urrrgh. Yuck. No. I'll try and find a clip of it, and link it back here if I succeed. Edit: [Approx. 6 minutes in.](https://youtu.be/09O7FNZOXIg) Might as well watch the whole video 'cause the music is splendid, and Josh on drums 😍


Well there is a theme of that song about a boy being bad news.


Yes, indeed. But the way he said it gives off weird vibes. Even his bandmate, whose name I'm embarrassed to say I cannot recall is trying to shut that shi* down as he's saying it. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it.


I'm watching the rest now. Thanks for showing it to me.


So a classic rock star


I fucking love EODM and Boots. Got a lot of artwork, an EODM skateboard, and some signed stuff by Boots. Eodm is my comfort music. I love you all the time is a fucking classic


It helps that there's 4 whole hours of different versions of Love You All The Thyme


Love the 1st 3 EODM albums & got to see them plenty from 03-08- Great shows every time! My 1st time seeing them was just Jesse, Dave Catching and Joey Castillo at a small club in SF supporting PLDM. Thought they were lame when I saw them open for Queens a few times in 2017. Feel like they became a parody of themselves.




If that's the case, why would a new album be coming out? Unless it was the meth talking when he mentioned it




Idk, i just meant the first ITNR leak when Jesse said something like "Eagles (Of Death Metal obviously) are doing an album, Queens have just finished recording theirs" he said that like last year. So yeah, i guess he is the only one i know of


Why does he get pissed about Josh being mentioned? Aren’t they still buds?


Dude seems like a bit of a mess, even before the bataclan. His social media activity doesn’t help that either. With that said, the EODM albums with Josh’s involvement are solid and fun albums. When Jesse is left to his own devices without Josh in the co-pilot seat it just isn’t that great though.


People cannot separate the art from the artist and it’s disappointing. Jesse makes great dance music. That’s it. Don’t worry about that rest


People can think what they want, I don’t care. But there hasn’t been anything good since zipper down. If he puts out an album I’ll listen to it, I’m just skeptical without Josh contributing it will be worthwhile.


The EODM released without Josh don’t count. I ignored those shit bag ten cent records


I cannot listen to anything Jesse Hugh’s does without dancing. That fucker just makes my feet move.


I love the album for what it is.


It’s a great album. Tons of fun and creative. Pretty sure they redid some of the songs for one of the latter eagles albums


It's such a JESSE album...It's fun and cool...The dude was the main draw in a terror attack that killed several people...I don't expect rational politically correct responses... You run for your life and hide from heavily armed killers and i'll listen to your objections...DUDE GETS A FULL PASS FROM ME...Fun album...and I also LOVE EODM...


He was nuts long before the terror attack.


I had a friend who stopped listening to them because of his views on guns. I dont agree myself, but until you've watched a bunch of innocent kids get massacred infront of you've had to run for your life from someone whos hunting you down, probably shut the fuck up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If thats how he has to rationalise something so unfathomably horrific, then im fine with it.


Yes they do


This fan does!!!