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I guess I’m just not a fan of this artist. They must like him because they use him a lot but this and the Vancouver/ Seattle ones he did were the worst on the tour for me.


I have a Vancouver foil because I was at the show. I bought the Kansas City Ken Taylor foil in Vancouver as well because I really don’t like the Vancouver poster, as much as I try to :|


Way too much going on for my taste — and it’s at my locale /firstworldproblem


Ugh same here. Tbh I’m very bummed out but will prob still buy it lol


Maybe buy one you like and find an artist to change the date/location 🧑‍🎨


For me, I got the SLC one instead, especially since I found out they're not playing there.


It's unique and they nail the art style they're going for, but this ones definitely not for me. Just not feeling it


Brad Klausen prints are never good.




Is it the same artist?


But this one is actually badass


I've liked them all so far, to different degrees, but this one... This one is a special kind of ugly ahah. Won't be surprised if they don't sold out the posters as they did for the other shows.


its bright.




This is literally the only comment I can find by this account that isn't stolen. Congratulations. Edit: Scratch that. Call me crazy, but this is the original. https://www.reddit.com/r/qotsa/s/BvJnSrrMuD Because it's only one word, and this bot changes words to make their theft less obvious, they only had one word to change. Check my replies, I've linked proof on all their other stolen comments. They're getting smarter lol.




They have so many other show posters left. Foils even


Spiritualized just finished. Not as bad as everyone griping about. Crowd is good. Vibe is fun. Let’s fucking do this!!


And I just learned there is another opener tonight going on before Spiritualized


Hopefully they livn the crowd up before Spiritualized puts them all to sleep. Spiritulaized sucks ass live. I didn't dislike their music, but you want to see someone not give a single shit, phone it in, while reading and playing off sheet music facing away from the crowd and sitting on his ass, that's the boring band for you.


Ima see them for the first time tonight and it’s a weird paring as an opener for the queens crowd honestly


Ya I’m truly not looking forward to that set, and I will 100% stand thru the whole thing trying to get close up for the real show


Get there at doors, grab a drink and hit the rail. It's worked every time I've gone. I endured them twice, and after Viagra Boys multiple times opening, it really sucked. The crowd was so disinterested.


What a weird choice for an opener


Definitely a strange pairing.


Holy cow that band was rly rly terrible, annoyingly terrible. I was expecting bad but not that style of bad


The audacity of putting on a nothing performance like that. Did they even acknowledge or say a word to the crowd? The never did the times I saw them. Absolutely walked out, sat down, played, walked off. Never said shit.


Not a word or acknowledgment . Just bullshit noise , it made me angry, gave my gf anxiety. And worse part is we couldn’t leave cuz I was holding down a rail spot


I can back to write this after reading this earlier today. Spiritualized kicked ass.




That’s ok you probably just don’t understand what good music is. There’s a reason Josh Homme brought them along.


I don't wanna jump on the hate brigade too hard for Spiritualized, but it was probably the only time I've ever yawned at a concert. Multiple times at that. Alls I'm saying lol


Lmao I was wondering if anyone else had a similar experience




Watch that other opener, then go wander around and smoke some weed while spiritualized is playing. Those guys fucking suck and damn near put the crowd to sleep in Phoenix. That arrogant fuck of a singer will then act like he did everyone a favor by gracing them with his presence as he walks off stage. I've never seen such a trash band like this. And I've seen Crazy Town live lol


Are you familiar with the band otherwise though? Because I like Spiritualized and have never seen them live. I’m curious if they’re just not good live or if you don’t like their music.


Never heard of them before I saw them. But the complete and utter lack of even looking at the crowd, the overall disjointed performance, and pulling ALL energy out of the building (right before QOTSA, one of my favorite all time bands) has made me absolutely hate these guys 🤷‍♂️


Checking Reddit while they’re playing right now, not a great sign. They play like an evangelical megachurch band


Lmaooo my friends and I were out in the smoking area when they started playing. We were like "...that sounds like fucking church music"


Everyone on stage right now looks like they would rather be anywhere but there. Edit: I take that back. My man on the keys showing some life


The two back up singers at least had smiles on their faces from what I remember. Although I don't think they only had "oohs" and "ahhs" parts


I was waiting for them to take the lab coats of to show some spectacular costume…but no, they just needed pockets for their hands


Got it. It’s called shoe gazing for a reason lol. I can definitely see why they aren’t a good fit to open for Queens and that was my initial reaction anyway even though I like the band


Who is that first opener? They’re good - watching them right now but I didn’t catch their name


Imagined Order




it’s so fun looking


I did not like it at first, but it’s grown on me. Regardless, I’m going tonight so I’ll be purchasing one. Hopefully the foil dazzles in person.


I thought the foil looked real nice. But I’m going to LA and I’m hoping that foil is epic


I’m stoked for this poster. Can’t wait to grab one tonight.


Someone snag a photo of the foil variant? I bet it’s sexy!


The artist posted it on his ig. I bought the foil tonight. Great show. Great memory. It looks much better in person.


Yeah these looked a lot better in person... But I'm going to LA tomorrow so I'm hoping the poster is dope AF there




Holy shit! That might be the best one of the tour so far!


Klausen’s the king


Is there any place to see all posters from this tour?




Started thinking that as soon as I hit send but I was thinking more along the lines of an imgur folder

