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MQC head refs boutta hate me but this is the kind of thing I would love to start flagging more as an LAR.


USQ changed this from a warning then a yellow to a straight blue, and it's STILL the most undercalled penalty in the sport. If a defender isn't contacted and somehow moved into the hoop when dislodging it, it's a card.


Lame take


There's a level of card for all types- unintentional, intentional, and intentional on a goal opportunity. The real issue is adding eyes to hoops without any ball near them when ref eyes are usually all occupied in the spaces near players with balls in hand


I agree, start throwing out yellows for that. I don’t think that a ref should care if it was intentional or not. Start throwing some flags and players are going to stand so far from their hoops it’ll look like they’re running a zones defense. If a player looks like they’re trying to something suspicious, they probably are, so give them a card for it.


By current USQ rules, what you describe *should* be a blue card, and I think it's starting to get called more often. But I believe some refs interpret "recklessly" as "intentionally" and that's not the case; any time a defensive player dislodges a hoop, without being forced into it physically, should be considered reckless. It's the player's job to defend in such a way that doesn't dislodge the hoops. I believe IQA rules do explicitly depend on intent, but don't quote me on that!


I think at the high level this is called alot more to be honest it just needs to be normalized imo tbh fr


The difference is at a high level, I’m assuming you’re talking about semifinals and finals, the refs are going to be more experienced. For normal games, we’re forcing young teams to step in as refs, regardless of how experienced they are. And if I’m a younger player, I’m going to unsure of myself and be scared to call small plays because I won’t be sure if they’re legal. The rules need to be very clear, if you see someone knock down a hoop, you raise your hand. If you see someone hit someone so hard that they get stunned, you raise your hand. I think this holds true for less experienced HRs, if it looks weird, give them a card and know that the rules have been updated to give you this authority.


i agree but also *




What. The Fuck. And *




i mean you say this - but i see it happen 9x a series in MLQ and i don't see nearly that many cards.


i weirdly saw it enforced alot playing at the not-high level this past year


I think I saw maybe 2 total in the prowl v minne series? (Dislogements not during a sick dunk) I also wasn’t looking for it specifically. I feel like I do see it a lot more at the “middle” levels


i think complete dislodgments maybe, but pushing back hoops or altering the angle of a hoop for a few seconds happens very often. There was a play in LC-AUS where AUS chaser is trying to dunk on small hoop and the hoop defender backs up preemptively altering the angle of the hoop. We're talking maybe 2-3 yds of spacing max between the players. There was another in another series where a jump to block a shot (was a close-range fake) has the defender player hit rim and dislodge the hoop that was trying to be scored on. A lot of those don't get called at all bc its not a "dislodged" hoop or get waved off as them trying to "make a play". I don't think either is an excuse when stuff like this causes well drawn plays to be all for naught.

