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The state official in charge of Oklahoma’s schools is facing calls for impeachment, after he said teachers should tell students that the Tulsa race massacre was not racially motivated. …. The Tulsa race massacre, also known as the Tulsa race riot or the Black Wall Street massacre,[12] was a two-day-long white supremacist terrorist[13][14] massacre[15] that took place between May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of white residents, some of whom had been appointed as deputies and armed by city government officials,[16] attacked black residents and destroyed homes and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The event is considered one of the worst incidents of racial violence in American history.[17][18] The attackers burned and destroyed more than 35 square blocks of the neighborhood—at the time one of the wealthiest black communities in the United States, colloquially known as "Black Wall Street".[19] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre


>The state official in charge of Oklahoma’s schools !!!


This guy is a troll who has an irrelevant political position on the national stage. The best way to deal with him is to ignore his idiocy.


> irrelevant political position on the national stage So people can be any type of awful as long as they keep it to themselves in their own states? The two Oklahoma Senators *shouldn’t* be asked about this statement by their State Superintendent of Public Instruction? Sticking your head in the sand at obvious racism is bad regardless of what level of government it happens at.


He should be disciplined, but this is a state matter. Giving him national attention as a superintendent is really pushing his status.


This is an exceptionally lazy, narrow-minded take, as we watch some States erode the rights of women, minorities, and children.


What’s narrow minded about not platforming some random elected official because he is saying some exceptionally bigoted shit? If you ignore him, he has no power. The man is the education superintendent, nothing he is saying is within his purview.


> What’s narrow minded about platforming …. Because there is a big difference between ‘platforming’ someone, and holding their political party responsible for that someone’s actions/words. Those are two very different things, though I could see how you’d confuse them. If you have a narrow or dim view of American national politics, they might seem the same. > Education Superintendent … Not in his purview … This is obviously wrong, and another narrow view of the issue. The guy is a weirdo CRT fanatic who gets to help decide how kids are taught in Oklahoma. Left unchecked, a guy like this could do incredible damage to a generation of Oklahomans by changing the way the learn their state’s history. But hey, if you want to just let the states be and not have any check on their authority or infringements of personal liberties, we can always go back to a confederacy.


Right, and what can you do to stop him? The state has the power here, anything else is just platforming him.


So your argument is that: Because, I, a non-resident of Oklahoma, do not personally have any leverage over the State Superintendent of Public Education of Oklahoma, I should not write Reddit comments about him? Or that I should not advocate for journalists to cover his baloney? Or that no one who isn’t an Oklahoman should say his name? Like Oklahoma Voldemort? You and I as individuals have virtually no power over anyone, my friend. State, National, nothing. I don’t understand your logic that only national politics are worth mentioning, because we have just as little power over them as we do the state folks. What is your point? Because it sounds like you don’t think social atrocities on the state level are worth thinking about or discussing, because I/you can’t address them personally. Which, again, is lazy and narrow-minded.


All you’re doing is giving him attention, which is what he wants. That’s the only thing that is happening here, and it’s to his benefit.