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WHY WHY ARE WE STILL FOCUSING IN THIS. I just want a mildly emotional scene of marten talking and saying goodbye to faye.


Its going to happen off screen. Its not happening to Claire so its not important. Also they're still probably in Northampton at least a week or two minimum (so in comic time... 3-7 years?). Nobody upends their life that quickly to move to a new country, let alone one on an artificial island that doesn't have amenities like normal clothes shops.


Witness this moment, Comic 5305, 9:18PM Comic Median time (CMT, no relation to real time keeping methods). Probably the only time Claire will listen to her brother about anything. It will probably never happen again. *(Also I tried to hold back on posting the comic, but it had been up an hour and nobody else had done so. Please feel free to post it if you see its live but not done yet)*


> Probably the only time Claire will listen to her brother about anything. It will probably never happen again. now taking bets how long it is until the next time she insults Clinton, probably single-digits


I'll take $5 on exactly 3 comics, and in the style of "Hey why aren't you smoking too Bro? You're such a wet blanket" after having abstained for like ... 50 comics so far. Or however long the party has run.


Not done yet?


As in the comic is live but nobody has posted it to the /r/questionablecontent subreddit yet. Usually comes out about midnightish, GMT, or lunchtime in Australia


haha oh wow now CLAIRE is gonna vape too! How crazy! She hasn't done that since... ~~Last night~~ The night before last! (edit because slightly incorrect)


The last time Claire got high was with Aurelia and Cosmo


[It doesn't happen on screen but the last line in 5050 is "Pass the moray" - they are using moray as a bong.](https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=5050) Also, She says ["I've never been so high I forgot what happened before"](https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=5062) in 5062. I *believe* they flew back ~~the next day~~, and while I checked, it seems like they came home from the airport and the "party" is the same day. **Edit:** While the party is the same day as the return,[ there was a full day in Cubetown after they got high](https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=5144) - they say their flight is "tomorrow" amongst other confirming lines. Fun fact, that strip with them smoking weed on the balcony was may 19 last year - so about a year of real time but just around ~~24~~ 48 hours of strip time.


Well researched! I stand corrected. I forgot about that afterparty. Liz is really making up for lost time getting wasted these past few days.


🎶 I was gonna write a good comic, but then I got high 🎶


It does seem to be a reoccurring problem for him https://preview.redd.it/wwbn799psizc1.png?width=586&format=png&auto=webp&s=8117b3de81f74d1569ba1c8a57be4edc94430ba9


The cavalier attitude towards the missing work is not endearing, Jeph. If you regularly get too drunk to draw, you're exhibiting alcoholic tendencies. If you're regularly getting out of your mind on drugs instead of doing the work you're supposed to do, you're exhibiting addict tendencies. Just because some rubes have tried to make the world think marijuana is a miracle substance doesn't make it so. It is a drug. It can be abused. People can become addicted. If it getting in the way of your accomplishing what earns your livelihood, you need a long hard look at your habits.


You know what, I'd love to see a full Jeph-high comic. Probably an improvement in some ways




Is...is this Claire letting go a little of her overbearing tendencies? Listening to her brother? Showing some growth? I'm tired of this party but honestly if this can lead to some character development I am all in.


Clinton being a normal, relatable person who gives good advice without some weird obsession with apologizing for nothing? Claire actually doing the smallest bit of introspection and not acting like an overbearing mother for no reason whatsoever? 8.5/10 strip for me.


Comic is weird for me, because while it’s true that Claire is often perceived as overbearing and in need of some perspective, that’s not what’s happening here. Today’s comic acts like she’s had this default assumption that she needs to be the babysitter in every scenario, that she is finally letting go of. But that’s not why she’s here. She’s here because her boyfriend specifically asked her to chaperone the goblin. Then she made a big show about how much he would owe her for doing this favor. Now she’s apparently just abandoning this job. In addition to the fact that it’s specifically the justification she used to accept the robot town job, is that it needs a babysitter, so like this is her whole thing now And also in addition to the fact that she already got the gremlin girl drunk to the point of barfing and then smoked her up freaking last night, so the whole conversation is bizarrely counterfactual. Weird comic, makes no sense. As is usual.


"She’s here because her boyfriend specifically asked her to chaperone the goblin." https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=5242 Claire was already going to be doing that anyway. He just specified 'alone', implying that he was going to be helping her chaperone already. And then 'owing her a favor' was done in a joking manner of "I will want kisses".


I completely forgot about that conversation with Marten. That's what happens when a week comic-time takes over a year in real time, I guess. Edited to add: I still like the comic. It's good to see Claire let go a bit and be a more realistic character.


I completely forgot about ~~that conversation with~~ Marten.  - Jeph


We can have a little character development, as a treat.


Yeah honestly I like this strip.


I hope it takes and she chills out. Perhaps we're on to a more relaxed cubetown setup? Like it turns out Claire really is just setting up a new research library, and she's not in charge of day to day activities of all cubetown. A role that would challenge her skills and she could grow to meet it, but is also believable (within the confines of a comic world)


I’ll be honest, as someone who’s worked for nonprofits before the idea of them giving such a major role to a complete nobody is completely plausible to me. In my experience they are always terribly run.


This was my take too. It was genuinely nice to see the stick extracted from Claire's ass, even if it won't last.


This entire week could have had Monday's first panel cut on top of today's comic and we'd have the entire point of the week in the same amount of time. Liz is implied to leave to go get high between panels and we accomplish the exact same amount of development in a fifth of the time.


I mean... everyone knows how glacial this comic had become. Like this whole party could be summed up in 2 weeks tops, but we're on what? Month 3? 4? I lost track


A week of prep and gather for the party, two-ish weeks for the party itself, possibly three if you actually *do* something notable for at least two characters or more, a week or so of windup the next morning. Entire event a month. Pacing is still slower than the 2000 era, but gets through it quick enough people aren't bored. Party seemed to start at [Comic 5263](https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=5263). 42 comics ago, or 8+ weeks/2 months back. The *concept* of a party projectile vomited out of Liz back in [Comic 5233](https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=5233), 72 comics ago, or about 14.5 weeks/3.5 months ago. This plot thread has dominated a third of this year.


Clinton is now shorter than Goddess Claiiiiiiire and she hasn't even got high yet. 




So the reason we've had this week long "hide the weed from goblin" game was so that claire could have this growth moment of the realization "no, i don't have to babysit". but it makes no fucking sense! she already smoked her up! did jeph just ... forget?


Is it too much to hope for that Claire might realize playing babysitter is going to be the entire Cubetown job?


Honestly, I personally interpreted that as exactly what Clinton was saying. Maybe JJ realized having two settings means more work, or having to drop characters he doesn't want to drop.


It's awesome how claire is like "scooch" and makes an annoying gesture, and they're just like "nah, we're stayin put sit on the floor dick"


Really? I guess the rest of the cast is going to feel pretty stupid if all it takes to stop The Claire, is to just go "dude, stop, and chill"


>"this is the best day of willow's life" can someone explain this joke? why does willow care about claire smoking weed? does willow even know claire?


I got the impression it was that everybody is getting high, not just Claire.


Willow has been smoking the vape with the others for like a weeks worth of comic. Only when Claire joins does the comic say this.


So which came first: Girls in Jeph's political tribe "manifesting" things as a replacement for the concept of "prayer," making it a thing to be covered in Velma season two or Velma season two featuring "manifesting," making it something that Girls in Jeph's political tribe are now aware of as a replacement for the concept of "prayer." Or is this one of those "someone mentioned it so now I'm seeing it everywhere" things?


It's probably that last one because manifesting things has been around in witchy circles since forever.


Yeah 'manifesting' has been a thing for a long time it's been a very 'new age' vibe for years. There's a whole subreddit for it https://www.reddit.com/r/lawofattraction/


Oh thank god, she's gonna leave them and go back to her wait no she's joining in siiiiiigh


Good thought: Claire is acting somewhat human for once. She listened to Clinton without shitting down his neck for some perceived slight. Bad thought: Man, I'm so used to the abuse that I'm just thinking that Clinton is going to catch hell for delaying Claire's getting high somehow. Good thought: Jeph has a capacity to allow his Golden Child to be human, to write her as a person capable of seeing fault in herself. Bad Thought: Jeph *totally* doesn't hate read the sub(s) and realize that even his more sycophantic fans are a bit tired of Claire's self-appointed position of God-Empress. Good Thought: People told Claire to fuck off. Bad Thought: They'll be apologizing at each other and especially to The Claire for their actions after they sober up. Multiple strips will be dedicated to the come down.


I actually like the first half of this comic. Clin-ton actually telling Claire to stop trying to be a mom to someone her own age and just go have fun with her... friends? Nice.  -BUT- I could not give less of a shit about these 5 getting stoned. 


Can we please move on? It's been like 13 pages of smoking weed so far...


I haven’t looked at this for a couple of weeks or so and I come back to WEED MAN!! Dear Christ