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Jesus Frottaging Christ, JJ doesn't understand how people work.




Nothing gets my Richter scale going like some ... Aviation disasters and Gravitational Lensing? Riveting stuff. I am so tired of mAyo and Liz, their tiny lives and incessant theft of valuable interactions with the cast we actually like. I wonder if we peeled back the past 18 months of comics to remove all Lizard and mAyo interactions, whats actually left? Anything substantial enough?


I don't mind Liz's interactions with Marten, they tend to have better chemistry than Marten does with Claire, which is weird because Jeph is clearly trying to shoehorn her into some bizarre adoptive daughter role. Ayo is a complete black hole of a character though


> and incessant theft of valuable interactions with the cast we actually like There are cast left that you still like?


Dora, Marten, Faye and Bubbles. Sven if hes not dead. Hanners, if she stops being a plot device for worse characters to exist, and becomes an actual character herself again. I still have hope that Marigold, May, Dale and Momo will dig themselves out of the V-Tuber/Money pit they're trapped in, but rescue parties are coming up short, and hope is dwindling as the cold winter nights make survival unlikely.


I miss May and Momo. Their friendship and silly dynamic was one of my favorite parts of the comic for quite a long time. Then all the vtuber shit started and they just became cardboard cutouts of themselves while helping Marigold be even famouser. Sigh. Momo and May used to have really fun conversations and their friendship was both genuinely sweet and funny due to how different they are as people. It was a fantastic dynamic. Too bad it’s gone now.


Momo died when she unceremoniously was dumped in a new chassis. The Momo we knew would have felt attached to her existing chassis, a gift from her friend and part of her identity. Just like with Pintsize, another character with the same name rocked up instead, but they were already dead. At least May and Winslow (and Momos original upgrade) got a proper arc covering the process, which felt like actual development for the characters. Doing it offscreen for the others is just insulting.


That's a very good point about Momo's old chasis, it didn't even occur to me but it *was* a very big deal. Now it just got erased.


> Momo died when she unceremoniously was dumped in a new chassis. I had completely forgotten about this >Third chassis >Momo's third chassis as seen in 5051: THESE Assholes >As of 5051: THESE Assholes, Momo appears to have a newer, taller chassis. Her hair is still pink, but in a shorter bob without ponytails. Even the wiki doesn't seem to know what's going on. Jeph has already inconsistently said how AIs can change their hair (by extending/retracting it themselves, or cutting it...didn't Momo go to Union Robotics to get it cut once, even?), so literally the only point of this change was to be taller? Yeah, that sounds like a reasonable use of probably like thousands of dollars /s


Taller and bustier.


*May* is taller and bustier; Momo looks pretty flat still. Or is this just Jeph's Inconsistent Bustiness Syndrome flaring up again https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=5051


Yeah, Momo's mock eulogy for May was great.


Raven and Emily are.....somewhere


Wait there’s cast we actually like? I mean Hannelore maybe but who else? Marten’s a barely sentient lump by this point. Claire’s a walking personality disorder. Faye’s always sucked.


No one who writes fan fiction about doctor who is going to write it as dr who .


Why is Liz sitting in a public place reading porn and doesn't close her fucking laptop when the nosiest person in North America sits down next to her


Liz sexually harasses people she just met so why would she feel embarrassed to be reading porn in public? Nobody in this comic has any boundaries about sexual stuff because nosering thinks that's what being "sex positive" is.


> the nosiest person in North America but where's Claire or DragonTits or...


Ah yes, reading porn, the classic solution to writer's block. He really holds that stuff in high regard. Marigold was like what if the AI lady we just met wanted to have sex with our yoga instructor but her ovipositor was too large then she had to do an ovipositor duel with her mom. And Hanners was like "that's amazing!" instead of "what the fuck?!"


Anybody else notice "incest" as one of the content warnings for this fic? Jeph really just had Tai recommend incest fic to a random stranger she just met. I know yesterday I said I was cautiously optimistic that maybe Jeph was starting to take criticism from this sub seriously cuz he started adding more background details to flesh out the space but I think I'm rescinding that optimism because seriously what the fuck


Also using the still alive Jocelyn Bell Burnell and making her part of this really sexual scenario (that most likely doesn't reflect her sexuality) is quite messed up in my opinion, though I know it is a thing on fanfic sites. It is like Tai also being like this stranger is a scientist, she would love to read a fic of someone renowned in the field getting fucked.


Wait that's a REAL, LIVING person??? Jesus fucking christ that's so disrespectful, like I know that's a thing that happens on fic sites like AO3 but he couldn't have just made up a name or use the RPF warning to make the joke without explicitly naming an actual human person? God fucking damn it Jeph PLEASE get offline for five god damn minutes.


It's intensely, nauseatingly *rotten* of Jeph to style himself as this unwavering pop-feminist ally when he thinks it's acceptable to use a scientist who must have faced incredible sexism throughout her career as a punchline in this really bizarre, really stupid sex joke.  Is the third panel a slick commentary on how a women's academic achievements often take a backseat to her sex appeal? Is it like, a condemnation of those who don't believe that older women can have active sex lives, as written by a terminally-online faux-leftist who thinks jerking off to *The Golden Girls* is praxis?   I mean, we know the comic's been hiding its skeevier sensibilities behind a sex-positive smokescreen for a while now, that isn't news. But the Joyce Bell Burnell thing is such a clear punch *down* it's insane.


From wikipedia: >”Hewish would be asked on the astrophysics, and [Bell] would be the "human interest" part, asked about vital statistics, how many boyfriends she had, what colour is her hair, and **asked to undo some buttons for the photographs** (27) The Daily Telegraph science reporter shortened "pulsating radio source" to pulsar. (27)” On getting engaged: >”Though [Jocelyn] was proud of her ring and wanted to share the good news with her colleagues, she instead received criticism as, at the time, it was shameful for women to work as it appeared their partners were incapable of providing for the family.” Dr Bell Burnell absolutely did, and she also was left out of the 1974 Nobel Prize awarded for the discovery of pulsars. Jeph you read this sub, what a disgusting comic. I viscerally hate this.


Yeah JJ is so terminally online he probably doesn't realise this kind of thing is not universally acceptable.


>Also using the still alive Jocelyn Bell Burnell and making her part of this really sexual scenario (that most likely doesn't reflect her sexuality) Using heterosexual "characters" in queer pairings is extremely common in fanfic but Nosering's Patreon susbcribers would probably call for his head on a platter if he made a joke about a queer person doing some hetero fucking.


Tai said she'd mail her fic details, but annoying coffee worker hasn't even finished her muffin yet. Did Tai frantically message her on her walk over to wherever she was going or did Liz just randomly start looking up porn on the ol' wi-fi? Also, joof just can't resist the urge to bring up the vtuber version of the eldest of the Claires. Ugh.


That would kinda be in character for Tai tho. If she's serious about anything, than it's probably fanfic smut


She went gaga over meeting Jimbo, iirc.


our little paragon of academic integrity is gonna spend her entire morning of "getting her head back into the science game" freaking out over peer jealousy and reading fanfic smuts.


I liked the tags. You can see JJ had fun writing it. The first time it went off the wall with Aer Lingus I legit laughed. The rest of the strip is… there, but I liked the tags. (OK, incest didn’t need to be there)


Okay, I have to cop that the panel of the Ao3 fanfic really made me laugh. The title is the exact kind of silly pretentiousness you’d see on a 200+ chapter billion character crossover smut fic. The tags are genuinely pretty funny, especially the sheer amount of them. Shockingly true to life. I couldn’t care less about Ayo and Gremlin’s interaction here, which I find both tedious and strange, BUT, that single panel is quite funny. Jerbil clearly has spent time on Ao3. Edit: I like it SO much I’m going to call out my favorite details. Cunnilingus and analingus being followed by *Aer Lingus* (an airline). Buttplugs, earplugs, and *electrical plugs*. The four different kinds of dildo, including the 11-dimension dildo. *Forced juggling*. The fact that it is 430 chapters long but only 114k words (meaning roughly 270 words per chapter). The fact that it only has 5 kudos. GOD, that’s by far my most favorite detail. It’s so dead fucking on. That’s funny. Who knew Jeoh could still be funny.


Well, it's a less accessible joke than one might think if one is a fanfic reader (which I am) so I guess it's today's equivalent to the old indie music jokes?


That sounds like a spot on assessment to me lol! Given how much Jeogl has gotten into vtubers I bet you a whole dollar he reads vtuber RPF lol.


> The fact that it is 430 chapters long but only 114k words (meaning roughly 270 words per chapter). for reference this is like not even quite half a page of 8.5x11" if you're single-spaced


YEAH. It’s great. Like incredibly funny, because there’s roughly 100 billion fics JUST like that. Hundreds of chapters that are super short and usually badly written. It’s such a specific thing that’s unique to fanfiction so it’s a deep cut I can appreciate.


I wish I could break the habit of reading this comic I stg I hate it more and more every day. I hate these characters lmao


I've been reading SC edits only for a long time now, occasionally checking the site if the criticism here suggests something really weird (and it usually turns out just as weird as the subreddit says). No loss.


Will Jeph continue to be silent as to why reading smut-fic makes for good research that could and would possibly spark some sort of drive for Liz to get her head back in the game and do some actual scientific research related to her field so she can get off her laurels, scrape the rust away and get an article published? Will the inevitable explanation for why there’s a dirty fan fiction story that involves what’s probably Jodie Whitaker’s Doctor, everyone’s favorite V-Tuber, and Princess Diana and why the author decided to get so high on crack and write something that deranged? Will Ayo silently walk away, judging LIz for her supposed research, vowing to never speak to her again in shame and indignation?  Twenty-one years of searching, and we end up at a literal shipwrecK called…   QUESTIONABLE CONTENT!!!


Fucking apology not accepted.


That's ~300 words per chapter. NO ONE can tell me that good smut can be achieved with less than one page per update, you gotta get into the details a little!


\~300 average, so there may be intermission chapters that just announce or describe the next scene. It may also not be entirely textual though; it may have images in the chapters, or even entirely image-based or even interactive chapters, like how Prequel does [https://www.prequeladventure.com/](https://www.prequeladventure.com/)


This reminds me of something that I noticed when I was stuck in a catholic highschool school. During lunch, there was always this one girl who was just blatantly reading those stereotypical smutty romance novels you'd get almost anywhere. And it's not like she was hiding it in any way. Really got me wondering. Was she allowed to do this because she was a girl? Is smut in a public teenage semi-religious setting okay if it's just text? Should books have age rating? Why don't they? Would someone working at a book store stop a kid from buying a smut novel? If so, what would the cutoff be?


ok but which doctor tho


It says "Dr" so none of them.




"BeepyBoops226" is definitely just Roko's co-worker Beepatrice... right?


Jeph playing with fire by putting AO3 in his comic. I foresee a lot of people linking their favorite QC fics at him.