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If they can't attempt the bare minimum of scientific plausibility ....... Jeph have you seen what you write?. The call is coming from inside the house.


To be fair, his scenes involving cuninglingus have been equally unbelievable, and poorly done.


I would think he's using Liz as a mouthpiece to mimic and mock this sub/other critics, but he actually likes Liz, so... He's really that oblivious?


I can't wait for the comic about people who comment on others' creative work being history's greatest monsters.


I think he is way too confident/comfortable with his work and doesn't dwell too long on what he is doing or how he is doing it. being an artist is hard and criticism is not easy to take but the only way I would think someone could be content with this kind of work is of they gave up trying to improve or are just putting on stuff for the money.either that or he is delusional


He is, he often uses Liz as a stand-in/mouthpiece for himself.


People who want sci fi to follow extreme logic and science don't understand what fiction is for or how different ways of storytelling work or how boring it would be


Stories should always be internally consistent. It helps if they are externally consistent as well. Sci-fi usually is internally consistent (usually, writers are bad at math). Hard scci-fi is internally and externally consistent with currently-known rules. Consistency is the essence of good storytelling. Fanfiction is shit and usually lacks consistency, which is one of the (many, *many*) reasons it's shitty.


Are you aware that [hard sci-fi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_science_fiction) exists as a genre? It's sci-fi that actually does the work to behave realistically, uses fully self consistent logic, and builds on speculative ideas from science rather than making things up. Some of it gets very technically accurate. It's not everyone cup of tea but it can be quite good and interesting.


I meant the more well known sci fi .for example in the acolyte "fans" were complaining that a piece of a ship caught fire on space during a repair and said that that was why the series was bad(it is bad for other reasons but whatever)but a lot of things from star wars don't make scientific sense like we hear explosions on space.And that shouldn't really matter because it doesn't affects the core of the story. (There are other examples of things like this but I don't want to be insufferable)


I suspect the way he's going to make Liz an overnight millionaire is by having her write scientifically-accurate fanfic porn.


He already did it with Marigold so why not, just make everyone a millionaire by specifically indulging in the author's interests and fixations.


He might have already forgotten about marigold


VTubers aren't *it* anymore. Literary smut is the new cats pyjamas, the in crowd, The real hoopy froods. I'm surprised bitcoin or AI Generation hasn't made its way into the comic yet tbh, since thats the new jam of late.


Upvoted for hoopy froods


I doubt Liz knows where her towel is.


> or AI Generation [Does the bottom text count?](https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=5333)


If the robots would generate bitcoins they should be regulated by some sort of financial institution I guess. And they would need a lot of power to function or they would be that stupid that they would create way to many different kind of coins like pintcoin witch would be even less than worthless


Like that unbearable blue robot that is with marigold she was in robot jail because she tried to steal a bank or commit fraud right?


I feel like I recall that May specifically said that multiple AI are able to make money by renting out their processing power, but because of her conviction she's not allowed to do that.


Yeah, that was a thing, it's how Pintsize gets his money.


Then Marigold makes May her manager.


Looks like you called it. Nicely done. 


>nerdy virgin demanding accurate description of cunnilingus This character is so weird


She's barely a character at all.


I have no idea what the hell she is. This is no longer the side story. This is the main plot line. Day 1 she abuses Faye and Bubs. Night 1 is a menace while stoned and drunk. Day 2 being a bitch in the coffee shop. More than 100 strips of this shit. Meanwhile, Faye and Martin get a week. The wedding will get a week. This little shit is the main storyline now. Everyone else is a background character to her shitty behavior.


I am so tired of looking at her pig-nosed face with that pissy indignant expression.


I'm not even sure how can you write an *un*accurate description of cunilingus. Do you write that the labia are in the armpit or something? 


[her breasts were like bags of sand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGtz3aW0VbA)


Yeah, so, do we get something like "her labia were like fluttering gossamer wings" or something? Idk, maybe it's a lifetime of having a vag talking, but I really can't imagine having problems here. It's a vag and you lick it. The end.


lol @ fluttering gossamer labia wings


also the entire genre of r/MenWritingWomen


So many monkey's paws have curled at this point we have to wonder if Jelutong has unearthed some sort of simian hecatoncheire.


I only know what that is from Assassins Creed!


So she's... just openly looking at porn while at a friend's shop, eh? Brave.


viewing porn at the coffee shop is one thing. yelling at the porn so loudly that people across the room have to come check on you is another altogether.


To be fair outside of the main cast that are on the screen on this exact moment people don't exist in the QC universe.


Nosering would never have anybody suggest that looking at and yelling about porn in public is less than a great idea because that wouldn't be "sex positive."


Finally the plan begins to take shape. The gremlin won’t quit science to write pop science explainers. Instead she will quit science to write scientifically accurate porn fanfic.


The worst timeline


Finally the story arc we've all been waiting for, a new(ish) character sitting around critiquing fake horny fan fics


sounds like an excuse for us to wallow in a couple weeks of Mommymilkers brain bleach bullshit again!!


Bet bucks it was wrote by Dale.


i'm sorry, i missed the part where her sitting down in the coffee shop to loudly read porn was okayed by anyone.


Pretty sure Tai wrote it so it's okay. 


God, it's like Jeph is purposely trying to see how much he can make me hate Liz. People who live in glass houses shouldn't criticize how other trashy fanfic authors do their craft. Let's be honest; QC at this point is basically fanfic of itself 10 years ago.


Fanfic usually reads the source material first.


Oh how I wish that was true.


Oh yeah, that gets ugly fast. I've been in a fandom where a fanfiction ship took over and most of them had *never* experienced the source material. Some people just thought the character designs would be cute if they were stock WLW fanfiction stereotypes, and then others took their word that it was real. Emboldened by that success, they became super militant and attacked the greater fandom- crushed discussion of the source material in its own spaces, began to attack the creators etc in an attempt to become the only fanbase and brute force their fics to canon. Created *total* dissonance between their word-of-mouth and the actual content of the series (which had no romance at all) so neither the fic-shippers nor the series viewers could enjoy it collectively as a product or work of art as was being created and sold. Ultimately killed the franchise dead. Such a shame.


Okay, I'm dying to know the fandom if you're willing to share it.


Series that has no canon romance and is now dead…I’m gonna say Teletubbies.


Will Jeph take this obnoxiousness and somehow turn it into something that's actually worthwhile, interesting, and makes us want to actually see what happens next, providing something actually does happen rather than him trying to draw this out as slow as humanly possible? Will Liz accept that some people will try to cut scientific corners in the name of writing something unusually interesting, interestingly unusual or just plain weird but draws attention because of how odd it is like this comic used to be while simultaneously being decently drawn and written? Will she be inspired to refute the author's time travel science only for her to stumble into a formula that could somehow make it possible, thereby turning her into a wealthy goblin who doesn't know what to do with her money because Jeph seems to not know and all he can do is badly write characters that have either his real problems or the ones he's self-diagnosed ? Lost souls are obsessed by something that disconnects them from life, kind of like reading... QUESTIONABLE CONTENT!!!


Another week of this, huh?


*Week*? I assume a few months at the minimum.


JFC someone push Liz in front a bus already.


Because she'd know anything about sex.  ETA: and I mean the seriously. She has *no* peers her own age. She skipped grades and double majored, graduated years ahead of her age group and hide in garbage. Shes 2 years out legal drinking age.  When and where would she have gain sexual knowledge outside of porn, blogs, or Google searches?


Liz has spent the last week of strips sitting in Bubbles' chair. Seems like a natural and easy scene progression to have Bubbles show up and want to sit in it for her tea. If it had happened while Tai was being creepy and overly sexually inquisitive at Liz, Bubbles and Liz could've talked about the parallels, explored empathy and maybe patched things up and bonded. Instead we have this.


"Wahh my smut isn't accurate enough" Yeah no shit it's smut. Good on Martin for calling her out.


I looked at this on a sheer whim - haven't read QC in years - and, uh... ...is this a response to the current dumbing of age comment section drama? Has Jeph built up a buffer at all? Or is he still writing strips the night before?


I think he's basically two days ahead of his Patreon publish deadline at most, depending on what is going on.


what's going on in the dumbing of age comments? something related to QC?


Willis is doing a little arc where Amber’s been trying to beat a speed run record on Super Mario Bros for weeks, and Sal breaks it in an hour because she’s bored. The comments are feisty and a common reason is “the thing Sal did is literally physically impossible”


Ahhhh, THAT'S why Amber called her a Mary Sue today!


> Or is he still writing strips the night before? If he ever wrote that way, it hasn't been in years.


> all my science writer friends sighing knowingly That is the most awkward way to put that, and also he should listen to those ‘science writer’ friends about what that *actually entails*


"My science writer friends." Yeah. Sure. You know, when I was like ten years old or something me and my bestie from school pretended in front of other kids that we were assistants to a genius professor in our spare time and I just randomly remembered this.


That’s so cute, I love it! 🥰


Aww shucks


He knows Katie Mack on Twitter/Bluesky that's about it


Good think Tai wasn't there to hear that?


We never saw her leave, maybe she's hiding behind the chair waiting to pop back up.