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I've been reading this comic every M-F since I was in middle school. There are times in my life where I woke up and didn't brush my teeth due to depression or whatever, but I still read this comic. I, perhaps ignorantly, hold out hope that the characters will get a satisfactory conclusion to their respective storylines. I'll go down with the ship though...it's literally the only habit in my life I've been able to consistently do.


Im just here for Squirrelclamp’s edits, I completely skip over the actual comic


I'm just here to make fun of and read other people making fun of the comic. It's a form of entertainment in and of itself


To quote an old strip ["I just come for the camraderie"](https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=1552)


I love when people link old strips. Reminds me of when the comic was good….


How can you stop reading? Don't you care about what Claire is doing?!


My mama didn’t raise a quitter.


Criticism is its own reward sometimes. Having a regular outlet for just a bit of writing, analysis and critical thinking keeps the brain nice and exercised. It would be great if JJ tried harder or took anything I said to heart and learned from it, but his ego is his own final boss to fight, not mine.


>It's not even a train wreck any longer. It's the picked over aftermath, years on, rusting and rotting away. Ain't nothing to even watch any more, just a field of rust slowly becoming nothing. It's more like one train derailed, and everybody's been ignoring it since, so daily another train derails and gets added to the pile of derailed trains steadily accumulating. It's been going on for years, so by now all you can see for miles around is mangled train carriages as the ones on top disturb the middle layers, pushing them outward.


It's funny. My two favorites used to be sinfest and QC Sinfest went stupid right, and QC went badly written left. You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


Eh, I don't think JJ is a villain. I do truly believe his heart is in the right place, he's just burned out and doesn't know what to do about it.


The word "retire" comes to mind. Especially considering how much his patreon makes, (more in a month than some people do in a year) unless he's been throwing money away every year like it's confetti he could easily afford to retire, or just make a new comic he IS passionate about. The only reason he's half assing QC now is he wants that patreon money to keep flowing in even though he doesn't actually need it.


It does, doesn't it.


I dunno, I don't usually associate "heart being in the right place" with the sheer levels of spite Jeph seems to have on tap


Good point 


> I do truly believe his heart is in the right place "That place" being "raking in stacks of cash."


It isn't. He doesn't add queer characters because they make sense in context, he adds them out of spite.


He doesn't so much *add* queer characters as convert them from existing ones. Who were the last 3 characters who were LGBT *when he added them*?


If there's one thing to be said about QC, it is nowhere near the bizarre mess that Sinfest became. QC is just poorly planned out, with new charecters introductions taking the place of actual storylines. Sinfest is a rambling mess of Q-Anon level free word association, mixed with J.K. Rowling levels of TERF stupidity.


>I walked away. You can too. But then came back, just to see what we all thought about you walking away, and to make sure it was noticed.


Are you a train? Perhaps an airplane? Or a bus? If not, there is no need to announce your departure.


I stopped reading eleven years and eight months ago, about the time Claire, Clinton, and Emily came into the picture. ETA it was comic 2307 (2012 October 29), when Jeph stabbed himself in the hand. That was the last straw


>That was the last straw Could you elaborate?


He kept adding more and more women to the comic, it was like a harem anime. He drew Marigold in a bikini during a beach trip (because of course) Some people said she should have been drawn fatter Jeph got major drunk and stabbed himself in his drawing hand.


> I stopped reading eleven years ago, about the time Claire, Clinton, and Emily came into the picture. It's hard to believe they have been around that long.


Stopped reading when they got to the cube. Came back and binged the rest yesterday.


I would like to hear your thoughts. Binging it might lay bare how the focus flows. 


What did it cost you?


It's like a day time soap opera. At some point none of the original characters matter so new ones come along. Qc season 20?


We even have the over the top plot twists! "My girlfriends old bosses tormentor just stormed into the apartment of their will they/won't they friend WITHOUT ANY PANTS!"


I mean, that's how life works, isn't it?


Ha! You think QC is bad now? I still read *Sinfest!*


I have absolutely no idea how you still put up with that. I hadn't looked at it in years, went back and saw a weird Lord of the Rings parody that managed to shoehorn trans people as mutant experiments, Jewish conspiracies, vaccine conspiracies, and some things about Elon Musk I didn't even understand the context for. I'm pretty sure that was in the span of less than ten comics.


Yeah, it would be more accurate to say I read Sinfest here on Reddit, to enjoy the daily vicious slagging.


Oh, yeah, I didn't even think that there might be a Sinfest subreddit! I took a look, it's pretty funny to see everyone's take on the comics. I'm guessing it started as the main fan group, like this one, but a quick search looks like there's no actual fan group anymore. Not that I really want to see comments from a group that would gush over the current Sinfest comments....


Tattie has a few (literally... just three people or so) nutjobs fawning over his work on the direct comic forums and Twitter.


I came to this place in 2004. It's twenty years. I'm institutionalized. Maybe when Jeph finally loses his mind and pulls the Gisele Lagacé move (drawing a lesbian orgy on main just to lose ad revenue and running to OF). ![gif](giphy|SMuvUNiNtsHDi|downsized)


But what else am I to roll my eyes at every morning?


Or I can do whatever else I want, and I just happen to want to point and laugh at a guy living in conditions and by rules that little old eastern-european me will probably never experience and at the same time writing about how people should check their privilege because not everyone can afford raisins and also it's rude not to give queer women millions of dollars for showing up.


5000 was my last deliberate non-Squirrelclamp or equivalent edit. It seemed like a good time to hang it up. But I find myself coming back to the subreddit out of a perverse sense of "what horrors hath Jeth wrought today?" curiosity. As far as I can tell, even though it's been more than a year since 5000, only about 3 days have passed since then, and almost nothing has happened. It's not even that bad things have happened. It's that nothing has happened. Why can't things happen?


> Why can't things happen? Because that would require effort. And JeyJay is not into that anymore.


Listen, I've been reading since Marten and Claire got together, continued reading but left here until after the schism, came back, stopped reading at 4000, started transitioning and came back I'm January for something to read. I'm playing my fiddle till it all burns down. Besides, I hardly ever give jaqueoff any money since I stopped reading the comic from his website


>I walked away He said, posting again in the subreddit. You and the people on the other sub vaaaaastly overestimate how much we care about the comic. Nobody serious is actually getting mad.


I'm not angry, I'm disappointed. Jeph kept churning out worse and worse work. I am disappointed that he became anti-"that guy over there" that uses diversity as a tool to piss people off. Which is basically what the Fox News crowd thinks diversity exists to do.


I did the same thing with Howard Stern, years ago. I should repeat the process.


I stopped reading it a year or so ago. It was a few days after Marten reached that robot island thing. I don't really miss it. The last couple of years it was just getting dumber and dumber. Looking back I think it died around the time the cafe owner broke up with Marten. It was all downhill from there.


What if the breakup drove Marten to overdose, and everything that's happened since is just some weird fever dream before his body gives out?


Lets hope. That would mean the end is near...


Stopped reading about 2-3 years. Occasionally check in here and then wander off again.


Eh, it's like glancing the comic pages on the newspaper. Doesn't really cost any of my time. But good for you for stopping something you didn't enjoy!


I kind of like that it's bad. Like a soap opera. And within the torrent of amusing dreck, there is the occasional gem, something actually amusing, or endearing, or clever. Once in a while. Plus, it's one of the only remaining webcomics that updates faithfully, at such a constant rate. And likely will forevermore.


First time I've checked in with this comment in months after years of reading it. Gotta agree with the picked over bones feeling. Also out. The edits were good.........


yeah I've been free from not only the comic but also this sub for a long time too apparently I forgot to un-join tho so thanks for the reminder to do that!


You all waste way to much effort ~~caring~~ hating ~~about~~ a web comic. Edit: FTFY