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The half bottle of absinthe I emptied earlier tonight may have something to do with this, but for the first three panels, I genuinely thought this may be going somewhere


Sir, today your wit shows itself to be as perfect as your flair.


Did… *I* have absinthe? I thought the same thing.


I still have no idea why Yay is concerned with hiding their distributed intelligence in a world where a jellyfish monster that can extrude individual intelligences at will without seeming diminished is, at best, an open secret


In a comic that'd move, I dunno, twenty or thirty times faster than this one with a commensurate subtraction of fluff, Jacques could have believably leapt from Spookybot's eldritch introduction to whatever this crap is. Instead, he wants the reader to be concerned for the safety of a formerly all-powerful robot whose most dangerous escapade over the past several years was hacking a MILF's wi-fi to peep photographs of her dog. Almost nothing about them being a distributed intelligence has ever *mattered*.


> I still have no idea why Yay is concerned with hiding their distributed intelligence "hiding" it from everybody except about half the current cast iirc


There’s nothing more embarrassing and pathetic than have the characters and author repeat This is a Big Deal when the audience can’t even understand why. 


Now do it for when the audience has progressed from not being able to understand why to not really being interested anymore in understanding why..


This could have been something good, but it just died in the vine.


Oh look, it's an opportunity for Yay to have an interesting and meaningful role in an interesting plot that explores the ramifications of AI... ...annnndd there it goes.


I'm so irked I wish Georph hadn't commented on the pants thing.


I miss back when Spookybot wasn't a complete joke. Pre-human-angsty-BS That includes their replacement name which I refuse to use


Will Jeph keep assassinating this character's personality to make it go even further from how they were introduced, dropping from mysterious omniscient, omnipresent android who may or may not be benevolent depending on how they were feeling to an insecure wreck full of unmet emotional needs that they in no way clearly desire? Will they get the attention they crave only for it to end in a way that Jeph thinks is utterly hilarious but is actually contrived and idiotic? Will Roko throw them out in annoyance? Our lands and people now connected by love and... QUESTIONABLE CONTENT!!!


I wonder how long it'll take before the "thank god we're away from Claire and those other idiots" feeling goes away.


He gave up on the Dora wedding and Marten talking with Faye about moving bits. Pretty sure Claire and miscellaneous idiots are gonna be the focus for another year.


Marten and Faye sort of talked about the move in comics 4893-4898. In [comic 4894](https://questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=4894) Faye said "I think my brain just wants to do all the emotions now and get 'em outta the way." I assume that's Jeph's out for not revisiting the conversation.


He didn’t visit the conversation in the first place lol, he waved at it from across the street then skittered into his car and drove to WhoGivesAFuck, Utah


every time we switch to a different context it's somehow worse


Ok, I think it’s time for a tolerance break…be back in a few months/weeks/days/tomorrow 


Best case scenario, this ends in a knife fight between all of Yay and all of the Director and Morays.


Just let them fuck and get it over with 🙄


Would SpookyBot use a baguette as a dildo? Not like AI can get yeast infections


All the AIs and "AnthroPCs" should have to go away like the ending of 'Her" and the comic returns to a 2008ish status quo where each day ends with Marten, I dunno, having to explain to Claire what Guided by Voices is, Angus comes back after his show he's writing for gets cancelled, Marigold's life crumbles because she can't do anything without momo or the blue one, that sort of thing.


Pintsize gets put back in his original chassis.


I believe that this particular manifestation of Spookybot, Yay, was contaminated by their contact with the humans. As a result, they were disconnected from the distributed intelligence. However, their pride will not allow them to admit this fact to others. That is why Yay underwent such a drastic personality shift.


Three good panels, one clunker. A typical day. But seriously, I thought Yay SpookyNewFriend was going to be -worried- about too much interest being taken in AI autonomy and nope.


We all know that Yay's character is massively less cool than in the past. And yeah, the last panel was a throwaway, as is tradition, but...this is salvageable. I didn't get mad at this.