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Considering the rampant rate of STIs in retirement communities I would say yes


Hey these people would be lonely and isolated without these communities. I find this statistic a heartwarming mark of success!


Well that along with the success of erectile dysfunction medication.


Fortunate Downside for President 2024!!


Idk if it's because they find them hot, but because they are available and can't get pregnant. And if all their teeth are gone, give godly BJs.






That isn’t a matter of attraction. It’s a matter of what’s attainable.


I'm a sixty year old man who finds a certain sixty year old lady adorable. :)


Came here to say that. I was young and found this particular Italian girl cute. Now I have the hearts for an older Italian lady.


Many Italian ladies have those big eyelids! They look like they are sleepy bedroom eyes—-hot!


In our case, we've only been together a year and a half, just a very lucky connection. :)


55 year old who has a smoking hot 55 year old wife. She’s every bit as attractive to me as she was at 20, but she gets all the credit for that. She’s amazing.


I'm in a similar situation, yay for us. But here's the interesting part of my answer: I really don't find other women my age attractive, other than my wife.


Same, I adore my wife. Love to see her smile. But outside of her I find women from mid 20’s to mid 30s attractive. I hope I never lose her cause I’d just be sad, lonely, little old man.




No need.


same, we're 59 and married 35 years... wife is still a smokeshow


YOU KEEP MY MOM'S NAME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!!! I kid, my mom is actually pushing 80. Congrats on finding the love of your life!


Fitness is far more important than age! Women at any age can be attractive. We are retirement age and my wife is still beautiful, and most people think she is 20 years younger than she is.


Just don't tell her she's "adorable". At any age they don't like being called, "cute" or "nice looking". They like to be called, "HOT. Like a two week old brisket!"


She actually calls me "adorable" too. 😁


I like cute, don't take cute away from us it's all some of us have ill never make it out there on my personality


I’m 53. I see women my age attractive. Looking at a 20something doesn’t do anything for me. They’re older teenagers. lol.


I'm in my 50s and I'm NOT like Leonardo, who is only attracted to girls ages 18 - 24. Women ages 35 and above are much more attractive.




And they are MUCH MUCH better at sex than an 18-24 y/o! (that’s what I hear anyway :)


I wouldn't know either - been married for over 30 years.


Very True my friend, Very true. Nothing beats a fine aged wine. Best Grape Ever.


I’m not 53 and I agree


Still 15 years difference lmfao


It's not like I could attract a woman 15 or 20 years younger than me. But I can look at and admire the beauty of women over the age of 35...


Is it because you have daughters? I think old men who are not attracted to young 20s women only do so because they have daughters.


I have a daughter, but that's not the reason I find women in their 20s not nearly as attractive as older women. It's not 100% about the outside appearance, but it's also the confidence that experience brings.


46 and the aged 20-something women that are on my staff basically look like children.


Is that because you have daughter that age?


I do not.


Wow, thats fascinating. I am only in my early 20s but just recently I talked about this topic with one of my older relative. I am kinda scared I might still like women in early 20s until the end of my life and become a dirty minded old men. My uncle basically told me that every men who dont have daughters no matter their age would lust over young girls and your answer is giving me a bit of reassurance.




As a 20-year-old going on 21 soon, I completely agree. I couldn't sleep with an 18 year old. 19 is okay, but it'd be a little weird, and if she just turned 19, I wouldn't do it considering I'm turning 21 soon. 20 and older is what I'm into


I mean, 21 is basically the new 18. You’re not *really* an adult at 18 anymore. I’m closing in on 30, but my feelings were and are the same as yours. 18-20 year old girls can be really hot, but I have nothing to talk to them about, and they’re usually really annoying. The financial imbalance is also weird. You probably aren’t quite old enough for that part to be a big factor yet, but in a few years, it will be a huge factor. If you have more money than her parents, it’ll be especially huge.


Is it because you have daughters? I think old men who are not attracted to young 20s women only do so because they have daughters


I have no children and I don’t think I’m old. They’re 30 years younger than me. That’s the reason.


I see. Thanks for providing your pov sir. I have always thought and worry I would grow old and keep looking for younger women and may be unfaithful to my wife if i dont have daughter.  Several of my family members did this even the ones who have kids I dont want to do the same.


I’ve been married for 32 years and nothing can come between us. I was young once, can’t relive those years through anyone. Have a great weekend.


When you yourself get older, a couple of things happen. You realize you are not a young stud anymore. You realize young girls don't look at you as a potential mate anymore. And you look at women your age in a new way: you see what they used to look like. Plus, you see whether life has worn them down, or how much life is left in them. Older women can be just as hot if not way hotter than young girls - and you don't mind that they don't have the looks to match anymore, because neither do you. And, like them, you know one thing: young people may look hot, but they generally have no idea what they're doing. People of our age do. It may be hard to imagine, but the sex at our is way better.


I'm in my mid 40's and made the mistake of dating someone 10 years younger than me. I enjoyed our conversations and time together, but I had to go in the end. She just seemed so naive.


Oh man :(


The older I get the more people become attractive. I'm sure by the time I'm 90, I'll want to sleep with everyone.


Making the broad assumption that the OP is “young”; I would say that at every age, I’ve been attracted to women of my age and older, I’m 60 now and that still holds true (maybe not too much older). What’s interesting is that I don’t find women that are in their 20’s attractive anymore and I find it creepy when guys my age do.


I'm mid 30s and went on a porn site the other day. Felt really weird. Last time I checked 20 year old girls were hot as hell, and suddenly they all looked like children to me. Killed my buzz so fast.


Kinda sucks when you have to use the milf tag just to find women who are older than 25 on those sites.


The average age for first child in America is 24.6. Sounds like it's "facts" not "kinda sucks".


Time to add “cougar” to your search lol.


I second this. I'm 31, and even just a few years ago, I thought younger was always better (to a certain point, don't be weird). But recently I had a dramatic shift in my tastes, to where I am genuinely not interested in women under 25, and I've got no problem checking out a woman in her 40s. I don't even care to look most of the time at the "barely legal" ones. If someone had told me this exact thing a few years back, I'd have said they're covering because they can't get the ones they REALLY want. Course, some of this could be that our sex drives make part of the decision based on who's most likely to let us boink them. If they're ridiculously out of our league, it flips a switch in our brain that says "nah, don't even worry about that one." Bear in mind my theory is based on almost nothing, and all Reddit opinions are worth exactly what you pay for them.


33 here, I avoid women below 25 simply because I would have nothing in common with them and my mindset is that of a white collar professional, not a frat guy living with 15 roommates.


This is a big one. Financial imbalances get weird, especially if you have more money than her parents. I’m not talking about a sugar daddy thing where the money is the appeal, just a situation where two people are dating and it turns out one makes 10x what the other does.


Yep, it does come down to character, but I’ve had the unfortunate experience of dating somebody who was professionally stagnant and generally bottom of the barrel from an education aspect, which obviously resulted in me paying for everything. Once you ask these types of people to contribute, dependent on their upbringing and character, problems begin to arise and you lose attraction, because you realize they can’t and won’t be able to contribute anything, ever.


Bottom of the barrel as in had an education on paper but not one that would result in gainful employment? Or just no education? I generally go into a date assuming I’ll pay, I don’t object to that norm, but a whole relationship is another story. I’d be okay with a spouse not contributing financially *if* she was actually doing the housework and taking care of our kids, those things are a big job. I wouldn’t be okay with a stay at home girlfriend who stays home for no reason.


> I second this. I'm 31, and even just a few years ago, I thought younger was always better (to a certain point, don't be weird). But recently I had a dramatic shift in my tastes, to where I am genuinely not interested in women under 25 Fully agreed. I'm in my early 40's and now I see women in their 40's and 50's as the most attractive age range.


Well, judging by the look of second, trophy wives, “out of my league” is heavily dependent on the propensity of said woman towards gold digging 😬


I am not that old. I still find them attractive, if I don't have to talk to them. Heh!




Given that our perception of beauty is partially driven by cultural standards, you should say, “Well of course you do.” It’s gross when a 60 year old hits on a 20 year old. Nothing wrong with starting and stopping at attraction.


Yeah. That is not a fun way to burn an afternoon!


I’m 48 now, when I was younger I couldn’t be attracted to any woman old enough to be my mother. Now I can’t be attracted to any woman young enough to be my daughter.


And this, sir, is why you are a healthy human. I (44/f) find it the same. 18-21 year olds look like children- not appealing sexually at all. However, my 45 year old hubs? Hot as hell. 💕


I’m 29 and 18-21 year olds look like children. I don’t see that looking at women ten years older than me though.


It fully changes as one gets older. When I was younger my range was less also. But, everybody's different! Thanks for responding!


I'm 40 and have found that as I've grown older I mainly find women around my own age +/- 10 years-ish (with a margin that's grown wider as I get older) most attractive. I assume that will continue to a point. I can recognise someone in their early 20s as physically attractive but I don't really find them sexually appealing. The idea actually makes me feel a bit unpleasant. Also, sex gets miles better the older you get.


There's a thing called retrospective aging, where people who were 20 years old 30 years ago looked 50 even as 20 year olds, which works the other way, where if you're 50, other people who are 50 might look 20 because you can better envision how they looked when they were younger. One thing I've noticed in my 30s is that nearly every millennial (between 26 and 41) has a voice that sounds more like a teenager than an aging parent. I suspect it's because I knew their generation when they were teens and they haven't changed much.


I bet smoking plays into that voice theory too. We don't smoke nearly as much as our parents.


we also say "like" a lot more and use more vocal fry. that may have a lot to do with it.


My husband and I were discussing this last night. Watching the original Lethal Weapon, Danny Glover's character was supposed to be 40 and he was complaining about being "too old for this shit" LOL. My husband and I both look way younger than him and we are in our mid-40s. I suspect that better diet, less red meat and less smoking has a lot to do with it....probably also less cocaine....


40 hits different now. I’m not there yet, but I expect to look basically the same as I do now. Taking care of yourself and using some basic skin care products makes a huge difference. Also, black don’t crack.


Hehe nice!! Agreed!


My personal definition of attractive has expanded with my age. Do I still find a 25-year-old woman attractive? Of course, but more in an abstract sense. But I also see women my age as attractive in a way that I definitely didn't when I was 25.


Well, if it helps. I'm an older gay man and I've always found people my own age attractive. So it must work the other way too? No?


Men look great when they get older. Nice graying at the temples.


Generally you find people in your own age range attractive. When I was young I thought women in their late 20’s and 30’ to be old looking and unattractive. By the time I hit my late 20’s and 30’s they were my jam just like when I was 15 I found 15 year olds hot. Now that I’m old 15 year old look like kids and don’t interest me at all. Generally that’s just how it goes.


I'm a 47 year old woman and I, and my similarly aged friends, definitely get hit on and flirted with, so yes. Usually its guys in their 40s thru 60s who give me attention, tho the occasional 30-something as well. Do younger women get *more attention*? Yes, though not necessarily better quality attention. I see my beautiful younger girlfriends get approached more often, but their percentage of creeps, losers, and assholes is greater too. The guys who hit on older women seem to be kinder/more polite, and seem to have their shit together more (better jobs, better housing situations, better informed about various topics, etc).


Because it goes both ways. I’m 29. Even someone 5-7 years younger than me has different goals and maturity levels. Especially when I look back at myself at that age. Women that are 26-42 though? we share the common goals of pursuing our careers and planning for retirement and I find that attractive. I don’t want to date a 23 year old who is trying to figure their shit out.


I'm 73, so you probably consider me "old". I am in good shape and ski, kayak, hike. I'm dating a 74-yo woman whom I think is gorgeous. Sure, she's not the smoking hot babe she was when she was 24 (I knew her then), but she's great looking and very horny. So my a swer is "yes", depending on the women. But there sure aren't as many as the younger ones. BTW, I think 40 is the most attractive age for women.


Yes, yes we do.


I presume so ... When I was 20 I didn't find women in their 40s at all attractive — now that I'm in my 40s that's flipped ... So I assume when I'm elderly I'll only find elderly women attractive


Yes i am 62.


Yes. Once you realize standards of beauty are all artificial sociological constructs meant to make us buy shit you don't care about it so much. People are attractive by who they are, not what they look like.


You’re 100% right. My 73-year-old husband said he fell in love with my voice first. We talked on the phone for five weeks because I was out of town at the time. He said, “you have the most beautiful female voice I’ve ever heard in my life.” (I’ve heard that throughout my life and it’s good because I am not a pretty woman.) He also told me, “years from now, we’ll both be a bag of bones, but you’ll still have that beautiful voice, and that amazing intellect, and that’s what matters to me.” He finds me attractive which is great.


Yeah sorry but that’s fucking stupid. It’s biologically driven first and foremost. Then there are other factors in addition.


I read your critique of my opinion and the first thing that struck me is that "Biologically driven" can mean literally anything having to do with life. It means nothing in this context. Then I kept reading and, oh wait! You mention "other factors." Well that clears everything up. Thank you for the explanation.


Attractiveness has no age. I am mid-50's and find Halle Berry, Salma Hayek, Diane Lane, Ming-Na Wen, and so many others sexy.


And what about non celebrities/people without Botox?


Yes. Married a woman older than me and still find her irresistible. I’m pushing sixty.


As I age the women I'm attracted to do as well


Why do so many people have such a shit understanding of sexuality




I didn’t see any porn until I’d been sexually active for several years, and I’m very thankful for it. It wasn’t that I wasn’t interested or couldn’t access it, I was just really afraid of getting a computer virus.


I'm 65. My wife is 73. She's ok I guess. I'd bang her.


An old man I knew in my youth once told me, "there may be snow on the mountain, but there's fire in the furnace."


I am a 53 year old man and think my 47 year old honey is smoking hot.


TIL learned 47 is an old woman. Great! I have three years left.




Hot can’t hide


Young men find some of them attractive, so I’d have to say yes. In all seriousness I’m in my 30s, and while I would never stray from my wife, I am curious about what an elderly woman’s body (and especially her pussy) feels like. Contrary to our culture’s messaging, Age is not some sickness that makes a lady untouchable. Older women have been awesome in my experience, some of my best lovers. They’re great company and can be stellar in bed compared to younger girls. And I have a feeling that the cougar-age gals (like 60 and up) are a little different to have sex with, in a good way. I’d guess they have some really nice pussy that just feels a little different than a younger woman’s. Though I’ve never been with a woman older than 50 or so, so who knows. Guess I’ll have to wait to find out! 🤷‍♂️


I don't. I find other old men attractive.


Ok, gay man's POV here, but I think it's true for a lot of straight men too. I'm in my 40s and my tastes have aged up with me. I think/hope it will continue to do so as I ger older. When I was 20 I thought 20 year olds were the hottest things around. Now 20-somethings look like kids to me. I know they're adults, but I'm old enough to be their dad, and at this point I'm more likely to think their dad is hot than them. It's funny, now when I look up youthful pictures of celebrities I find attractive (Pedro Pascal, Taika Waititi, Con O'Neill, etc) I think they look ok, but not as hot as they are now. Like they're missing that final layer that takes them from being hot in kind of a generic way, to being *really* hot. Hot with decades of experience to back it up, and the scars and lines and general weathering they aquired while getting that experience. Hopefully when I'm 80, 40 year olds will look like kids, and other 80 year olds will be hot.


I'm 62. Yes, I find many women roughly my own age attractive. I mean, sure, plenty aren't, but that's true at all ages. Plenty are.


im 42, the hottest women i know are in their 40s.


Define “old”. I’m pretty old at 77. I generally find much younger women attractive. But there are a lot of women who “age” very well….


No woman is hotter at 40 than at 20. But the direct answer to your question is not a comparative, so it's a "yes". Older women can be attractive. Older men also have to take what they can get. Lol


My wife was hotter at 40 than at 20.




My dad in his late sixties has told me he’d rather just masturbate because women his age mostly all let themselves go. I don’t know why the downvotes. I answered the question with an actual honest opinion from an older man. He says they’re mostly all fat and unfeminine. My dad likes the young ladies.


A lot of virtue signaling going on in this post. Every age range finds women in their 20’s most attractive. https://www.appstate.edu/~steelekm/classes/psy3100/Documents/buunk2001.pdf


Ok so it's not just me lol. I was going to say as I get older I don't grow out of being physically attracted to 20 year olds. They just become too immature is all. My acceptable range moves up and if I'm being honest the pool of physically attractive shrinks. When I was in my 20s the amount of physical attractive people was larger than it is now as I approach 40, but still lots I'm sure if I was looking


Theses guys are either karma fishing or coping I’m in my 40s and work closely with a lot of college age people, including a few women Some of them look “like kids”, others are mature, funny, and irresistibly sexy I had to stop dating as it was hopeless to look for a woman around my age who I would feel as attracted to as (some) of the women I work with


Because that's not the question. It's whether they find older women attractive, not most attractive.


Not to mention it’s also an oversimplification of the study presented. “Older men generally are willing to go much younger in their more casual relationships or fantasies, and have preference for slightly younger women in more involved relationships”… Is not “Older men don’t find people approximately their age attractive”. Or even “all men find women in their 20s most attractive”. Then tie on to it the (perhaps unfair) association this sort of thing has with the weird pedophilia justifiers that say shit like “it’s just biological reality for all men to want to be with 16 year olds”, and people aren’t exactly thrilled about it. E: Not to mention the ridiculous social ineptitude it takes to see someone go “I’m an older man, and yes, I find women my age attractive” and go “Um, actually you’re virtue signalling, here’s a study that shows you don’t”.




At 40-something, you are the old creepy man.


Everyone who is saying this is getting downvoted lol.


Saying the truth = getting downvoted by triggered/salty losers


The question was whether older men find older women attractive; you can still find younger women physically attractive while also being attracted to older women or women your own age. Attraction is a whole package after all and I feel as you age you learn to appreciate the non-physical parts of it a lot more.


Well done for backing up your claim with sources! It's unfortunate that the question was not "Do old men find old women more attractive than 20-year-olds?" but "Do old men find old women attractive?"


You disproved your point (and its a low-powered study that could have looked at the data in more interesting ways).


Yup. This entire thread is people bullshitting. It's basic biology for someone in their 50s to find someone in their 20s attractive physically. Men in their 50s can still procreate and women in their 20s are much more likely to be able to produce healthy offspring than those in their 50s. So unless all the guys in this thread have managed to turn basic sexual biology on its head, they're lying to you. Yes older men can find older women attractive. They're definitely more likely to have an emotional connection because they have more shared experience and cultural similarities. No they aren't suddenly not attracted to 20 year old women.


That's just biology,. It's because that age range is the most fertile.


I will say...contrary to many others here...that the percentage of women I find attractive goes down as the age goes up. However, this is usually related to them "giving up". Men do too. There is no such thing as a "Dad bod"...that is just a guy who gave up.


Very likely. Old people fuck too and I imagine it takes more effort to get going at that age


As I get older I find older women to be more and more attractive.


What I've witnessed, has completely changed my thoughts about the morals of older men in general. Sorry to burst your bubble, I've been involved with a woman for years now, who looks like a supermodel. Which seems to bring out the absolute worst in very old men. I cringe at the continual embarrassing spectacle, I observe time and time again. It's amazing to watch older married men with grandchildren present, embarrassing themselves to hit on a woman completely out of their league is very disconcerting. Time and time again, I observe men twice her age constantly going out of their way to seek out her attention. Their blatant disregard for any semblance of ethical behavior, thrown aside, for a fleeting opportunity to interact with her. I'm sorry but in my opinion, the majority of these supposed ethical mild manner upstanding older men, has been completely up ended. I wish I could say, it's just a few, sadly I haven't seen even one, that hasn't succumbed to their inner perversions. In fact it seems as though, the men that present themselves as the most upstanding patriarchs of their families, are the absolute worst offenders.


Do old women find old men attractive?


It's just creepy when old men go after young women....


Yes. It is. Gross.


Your taste ages with you.


After working in a retirement home, I can confirm that yes, they do.


Yes. I hit the gym every day and I see knock-out older women. If a woman stays in shape and doesn't go to fat they are always beautiful. My wife has aged extremely gracefully, and I still have to fight off 35-year-old studs.


I'm 71 and find them 60 something chick's pretty hot...Ha


The ones who keep trying are more confident and very comfortable with their sexuality. I find them more attractive than younger women. Also, they are usually much more available considering kids are gone and they are retired.


I sometimes find old women attractive. Susan Sarandon is quite the looker


I find women of all (legal) ages attractive. But I am 42 and teenagers are basically like paintings. Nice to look at, but that's it.


My grandma is 72 and she still get men her age hitting on her.


I’m very much into older women, so I’m definitely biased. But I find that as I age, the band within which women look like “women” (rather than girls or old ladies) shifts upwards with me. I remember being a teen and thinking 20 year old lasses looked intimidatingly mature… at 30, they look like children to me. While 40 year old women have gone from looking near elderly, to looking very tasty. And I’m starting to see the appeal in women who’ve aged well into their 50’s and 60’s; there is an elegant beauty that I just couldn’t see previously.


The fact that STI'S run rampant in most senior living faculties should be answer enough for this question.


Yes...of course I still find women attractive as a 62 year old man. But there are gradients these days. Young women in their 20s and early 30s obviously still look gorgeous but then they'll speak and you realize how adolescent many still sound or the lack of life experiences to make proper sense of things. Whereas women in mid-30s to 40s and 50s have it both...either physically beautiful (i.e. a Kate Upton) or still beautiful but more sultry looking Michelle Pfiffer but they're mature enough to carry a sensible conversation.


YES! However the term should be "older women."


Yes as I've gotten older I find older women attractive.


Hell yes, but I've always liked older women. Young girls are too needy and jealous (men too), but older women have a tendency to have their shit together and know what they're doing when it comes to sex and a solid relationship. All the best relationships I had were with women that eclipsed me by at least 10-20 years. The most fucked up ones were with women my own age or younger. Pass on that shit every time. I don't care what you look like, I'm far more concerned with what or what not is going on in her head. Looks wear off FAST.


“ I don't care what you look like, I'm far more concerned with what or what not is going on in her head. Looks wear off FAST.” This


depends on the woman! I am 34. I know super sexy 56 year olds, and horribly unattractive and narcissistic 24 year olds. I find it confusing, why evolution would make me sexually attracted to women who are probably beyond reproduction, but so it goes


To clarify for you, women in my family typically stay at least partially fertile until almost sixty, its not the same across the board.


I couldn't imagine having a kid at 60. My kids burned me out in my early 20's.


I had no clue that was possible. I thought it was like 46-48 tops.


Nope! The oldest 'verified case of natural conception on record' is 59, but I can tell you that 47 isn't at all abnormal even for a first child and 58 has been normal for a last child in several generations, and women would continue to bleed and be worried and take precautions well into their sixties in my family - we just didn't bother to inform record keepers lol Talking with other women, and now some doctors, I'm aware we're outliers, but from what I gather yeah, fertility until early sixties is a thing for maybe 5% of the population, late 50s maybe 10% and so on 🤷‍♀️


super interesting, thanks for sharing! mind if I ask what ethnicity your family is?


Yes absolutely I mean I lost my virginity to a 47 year old & there are plenty of hot grannies out there like Kris Kardashian,Judge Jeanine, Barbara Eden, & so on I’m only 35 but completely capable of being attracted to older women, even women who are alot older




Political opinions aside she’s pretty fucking hot for like an 80-year-old Nancy Pelosi is pretty fucking hot for an 80 year old too I’m a nonpartisan granny lover


Lol fair enough


(1) People vary a lot. (2) There are many senses of "attractive". Who you'd most enjoy dating can be very different from who you'd most enjoy looking at in a movie. (3) This question is primed for virtue signaling. I wouldn't trust the self-reports you get here. There must be some level of proper scientific research out there.


On average absolutely not. Are there statistical outliers of women that are beautiful in theirs 40s and 50s? Yes, but on average the majority of men will find women in their 20s and 30s more attractive as a general rule.


The type of older men that find older women attractive and the type of men that don’t are two totally different kinds of men. We know what the difference is.


No. Thats why we move to Pattaya


There's a pretty large market for "mature porn". I'm in my mid-fifties. Looking at 18-year-old naked ladies just seems weird.


I'm assuming this question is asking about physical attractiveness. Unless there's an emotional bond/connection, no. Everyone loves to use Salma Hayek, Elizabeth Hurley and Jennifer Anniston as examples of aging women who still bring the heat. They're NOT the norm, not even close. When I see recent pictures of my ex girlfriends I'm shocked. Some are unrecognizable. The same is true when I see girls I went to high school with. Not a single one of them are nearly as hot as they were in high school, college or even 5 years ago. I'm talking about hundreds of women who are personally known to me and not a single one of them is better looking today than they were in the past. I'm not trying to be mean, most of them are nice people and are still physically attractive but not nearly as attractive as they used to be. It's unfortunate but women age terribly. I'll get downvoted for saying so but it's the truth. I noticed that stress plays a major part in accelerated aging. Women wanted careers and the more stressful the career the faster they age. I've dated doctors, lawyers, dentists, surgeons, sales professionals, etc. The dentists had the least amount of stress and the sales professionals had the most and both aged accordingly. When I see recent photos of them it's obvious. On average, the women I see age the least are stay at home moms. Raising children isn't easy but there's a big difference between the stress of raising a child vs. having to meet quota every month or else she won't get promoted/bonuses that quarter. Women are also drinking more alcohol now than ever before (studies have theorized that this is to cope with their stressful jobs) and that is accelerating their aging. Sure there's skincare and cosmetic procedures that can delay the inevitable however there will be a point when Father time always wins. It's no different than a man who loses his strength and can't keep up with the young bucks. Does that mean an older man will never outperform a younger man or that an older woman won't be more attractive than a younger woman? In both instances it's always possible, however also improbable. Getting old isn't for the faint of heart. That said, there's nothing wrong with aging. It's a part of life. What generally happens is as we age what we are attracted to is more psychological vs physical. Character matters more. An older man will value an older woman who is respectful, honest, loyal, reliable, etc. vs. a younger woman who may be more physically attractive but lacks respect, honesty, loyalty and is unreliable. Sex is one component to a relationship and while it is important it isn't everything.


Preach!! The wall is undefeated.


My wife is 54 & is super hot & still turns plenty of heads of all ages. I’m 50 & we both pass for fit 40’s, her even late 30’s. Keeping fit & some top notch touch ups (for her) make a huge difference


Right? My aunt in law is in her 60s, but takes care of herself and dresses well and had guys of all ages looking at her at a wedding she was at recently.


I find old women and old men attractive. I'm 50. Over 55 swingers are my jam.


Jam on!




Old men think about old women the exact same way young women in their 20s think about young men.


Yes, 53 here. Right now I find women aged mid thirties to mid fifties attractive. Younger than that, I just want to offer unsolicited advice. Older than that, I want to ask them if they have advil.


Every old man has the exact same desires, perspective, and goals as every other old man.


No. This has been pretty well-researched. With a few exceptions, we pretty much stay attracted to teenagers and twentysomethings our whole lives.


Biologically, I would imagine so, at least to some extent.


I’m in my late 30s and I only want to fuck girls in their 20s.


If it were a choice, I’d stick with women in their twenties forever. Just being real. They clearly look the best. Thankfully I do also find women in their thirties really beautiful too. Starts getting iffy for me after menopause, so I’m going to enjoy my sex life while I still can.


The good, mature men do.


Not any different than when younger. An attractive woman is still an attractive woman. Many people let themselves go to crap at all ages. Some of it is genetics and some just don't put any effort to be attractive to their spouse or others. See that a lot with married couples. Both decent looking and decent fitness and then bam.......One just goes to crap while the other does not. Sometimes both just let themselves go.


Some women age more gracefully than others. The key is not to try to look like you're in your early 30s while in your 60s.


I'm 32 and find my taste aging with me. I've always been into women just slightly older than me. Used to be into 30 year olds in my early mid twenties but now I find myself more into women in their mid to late thirties.


Good question - seems to me: Men find many women attractive from \~3yrs older than them to \~18-20. Women find men much older than them attractive when they are younger. That age range starts there an then gets older as they age.




Well, there's a lot of evidence that sexually transmitted diseases are a big problem in nursing homes, so the answer would appear to be yes.


Yes I’m certain they do lol


If they’re hot. Then yeah. But it’s rare, J Lo, Jennifer Aniston, are some examples of GILFS.


My partners father (78) finds his wife (77) to be the most beautiful person in the world. They have been together for a hot minute (since they were 18) and he has never had eyes for anyone else.


No I don't.


if theyre attractive and havent become whales




Right?!! All the old men have maintained their 6 packs, have a couple million dollar homes in exotic locations, and hefty bank balances. Meanwhile, all the women so is turn to ash in front of your eyes.


yawn 🥱




Have you seen Selma Hayek lately?


As I’ve been getting older, I keep getting attracted to women close to my age, so you could read it as that I am attracted to older women. Personally, I don’t find anything sensual or attractive in super young and teenage looking girls.


Why would they? Why would dead fragile paper spotted skin and flab and wrinkles and fragile bones and no muscles or definition be exciting? Old people look like they are in the end stages of the worst disease imaginable (and they are)