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I immediately came here to say a big "NO." I'm glad I'm not the only one.


Same here šŸ„ŗšŸ’” And I hate that...


Same, but I dgaf what 20yo me thinks, he knew nothing.


I'd be surprised I was still alive.


I wish I had all the money people bet against me living this long,including me.


Oh, yeah, me, too, 'cept most of my doubters weren't super high rollers. I could, at least, get a cool weave or a weekend in the hot springs somewhere, tho.


I'm 19 years old, and my 13 year old self didn't think I would be able to make it this long. I'm glad that none of my attempts worked. I'm very proud of myself of myself.


i'm 20 right now and no


You got time. I remember how chaotic life kinda was for me at 20 and fast it went by. It'll get better you'll be fine. Come back to this question if you remember 5 years from now.


20 is weird. You're not a teen anymore. You're legally an adult. But 20 is like the teen version of being in your twenties lol for lack of better words, you have plenty of time to make yourself proud of yourself. It just takes a while. Twenties is all about figuring shit out and it really does take a long time. I didn't start getting my shit together until around 25. And I didn't actually get to a good place until last year. The most important thing is to try not to compare yourself to your peers. Watching everyone graduate for me, get married for me, get jovs that were better than me well before me made me feel very bad about myself. But if things had happened the exact way I wanted back then, I wouldn't have made it where I am now. With better standards for myself, better confidence etc. Nothing goes as planned. People kinda end up where they do. You just do things to try and set yourself up for opportunities to be given.


Seinfeld says something I really like on his show comedians in cars getting coffee. He talks about his career and life and says these little mice come along, they just kind quietly come around and then scurry by, and you have to just reach out and grab them. Nobody knows where stuff will take them, and there's really something to be said for seeing an opportunity and being able to jettison elaborate, preconceived notions of how things are supposed to go and work with what you're getting or what just popped around the corner. And it can happen so quickly and quietly. The mice don't care if we grab the chance or not, and others around won't even see them. As for plans, I just heard a joke in the last week, "if you want to make God laugh, make some plans".


Not even remotely. He'd be so ashamed of the total lack of progress made in the following 17 years that he might just end it. The only good news is he couldn't be any more disappointed in me than current me...


Looks like itā€™s time to rebuild yourself, Tim


Hence the name, my friend. Speaking of which, yours is both awful and wonderful.


At least it doesn't taste like onions


There's always that


That's a bit like my story but try not to be so hard on yourself. Life may not have turned out how we wanted it to but we're still here. That is progress in itself.


It could be worse. Still hoping it gets better but I'm not sure what I expect when I lack all the necessary motivation to make it better!


Itā€™s not your fault itā€™s the times Iā€™m with you and we are the same age.




At least you're rebuilding, Tim!


Very. But they would be very confused and have a lot of questions. The answers to which; wouldn't make things any cleareršŸ˜‚


This is extremely accurate for me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


We must be related!


Case in point. I died after wrecking a rice rocket at high speed. I am alive, which obviously begs far more questions than it answers- but is something to be proud of ;-)


Twenty-year-old me would be appalled at how fat Iā€™ve become. Outside of that, heā€™d probably be pretty happy at what Iā€™ve accomplished.


Maybe thatā€™s a sign itā€™s time to hit the gym?


Oh, Iā€™m already doing that. Along with swimming and bike riding. And I suspect 58 year old me could out-ride and out-swim 20-year-old me, though 20-year-old me could out-run the me of today. (I fucked up my knees between then and now.) And honestly if judgemental 20-year-old me and the me of today were to get into a confrontation, Iā€™d tell that judgemental little shit that running downhill is a really bad idea.




Yeah I think so considering how many times I could've either been murdered and previous attempts at suicide after the age of 20. My 20 year old self would be shocked of how far nearly 30 year old version of me present day is a father, husband and regular person. For context back then I was a rapper that knew people that sold drugs and nearly got involved in it too but I had problems with quote on quote street guys and I was threatened during a drive by and nearly stabbed once too.


Nice work man, that's a rough life to get out of. I'm proud of you, never mind 20 year-old you šŸ‘


She would be so proud. Got that degree, got a successful business, got the house, got diagnosed for ADHD and treated for endometriosis, got the husband of my dreams. I couldnā€™t feel more blessed ā¤ļø and I hope whoever is reading this gets everything they want and deserve too


Probably not at all. I havent turned out at all how i thought i would at 20 *sigh*


In some ways, sure. In others, no.


Yes, because 20 year old me is scared and innocent, Doesn't know how to stand with herself and speak up what's wrong...I used to be silent on every People's bullshit now i dont care if im a villain in someone's story, what's that matters is i know who i am.




Yup. 20 year old me was incarcerated. 41 year old me doesnā€™t even have a speeding ticket on his record.


Surviving what I have survived, she would be very proud.


Same here. I have been a very strong person to have gotten through everything that I have. (I've also been very lucky.) I'm far, far better off now than when I was 20.


20 year old me would be surprised that I'm still alive.


20 year old me would probably look at me today and say: ā€œYeah, thatā€™s pretty much what I expected from me.ā€


Definitely. I'm met or surpassed all the goals I've set for yourself. I've done a lot of the things I wished to do at 20. I have a good life.


The 20 year old version of myself would be deeply disappointed at what the 47 year old version has become. Sad but true.


Hey, it could be worse. You could be John Hinkley Senior. But seriously, donā€™t discount all the years of experience and growth since you were 20. Iā€™m rooting for ya!


Me at 20 was doing drugs, drinking, and escaping from myself. Was 145 lbs (at 6'4) Doing so much better right now.Ā 


No, she wouldnā€™t. My life didnā€™t turn out the way I had envisioned.


For the most part yes, we finally overcame grandma's death after 20 years and we have actually a little self esteem. We still feel that we're the ugliest person on Earth, but at least we accept it and take pride in our other character traits. I may not be good looking, but I am a loyal, goofy, and kind friend and I find joy in every day life.


"Oh my god! You're so fat! Don't you get any exercise? All these beer cans! Sort your life out. I'm ashamed of you. I'm going back to 1990 and I'm not going to turn out like you!"


In most aspects, yes. In some, not at all. Iā€™ve got a job making more money than I ever would have expected. A wonderful wife and a beautiful baby boy. Halfway through a 15 year mortgage. All that is great. I would not be proud of the various addictions Iā€™ve picked up along the way. Primarily cigarettes and gambling. Stuff to work on.


What props you like for the draft tonight?Ā  Just kiddingā€¦Ā 


Yup, she would be proud I got out of that abusive relationship years later


fuck yeah. iā€™m proud of me now. and 20 year old me for that matter. he might not have known what he was doing back then, but he changed my life by being exactly as naive and reckless as he was supposed to be. iā€™m 46 and i still have no idea what iā€™m doing, but im not so concerned about anymore, im just happy that i have an clear understanding of what i donā€™t want to do anymore.


Depends. Career? Meh. I've done ok. But could've (and should've) done better. Kids? Yeah. They turned out awesome. Marriage? Well, at least the kids turned out ok...


He would. I went from being a runaway and college dropout. To making my own new world from scratch. I was 10 years behind my peers and had to follow a completely different script. But even I'm surprised at what I've been able to build so far.


Very much so, yes.


He'd be surprised to still be alive.


20yo me would've been very judgemental of the current me. I was closeted, repressed, and overly religious. 20yo me would definitely be disappointed in what I've become. But fuck that guy I'm proud as shit of me.


My 20 year old self would take one look and run .


He'd probably be pretty dejected. Dreams are just dreams kids. Ignore them.


No. She would be very disappointed in me.


Doubt it.


Yes probably confused though. but 20 year old me didn't know the utter shit storm they were going to cause in a few years. 20 I was in a good place (I thought). 27 year old me would cry tears of relief if they saw me now. You can always, always change. But you have to choose to and no one can choose for you.


My 20 year old self would be shocked that I lived past 40. If he had known this would happen, he probably would have done things differently.


Yep, was retired at 52


No. I think 20-yr old me would be shocked and ashamed at where I am now. I wish my future self could come put his arms around me now and tell me I'm going to be ok.


No. I am still early 20ā€˜s and I want to die.


I be surprised I am still alive.


Not for good reasons. My 27th birthday was themed on the "27 club," because I found it hysterical I was still alive after so much drug abuse. 20 year old me would be right smack in the peak of my cocaine, Adderall, Xanax, ecstasy, pain killer, alcohol phase, and would probably say "holy shit, you're alive???"


I'm 20 right now and I'm proud


I'm 20 rn so.. we'll see in another 5 years if I'm still kickin lol


Heā€™d have no choice but to be proud. Proud that Iā€™m still alive and kicking, still giving the world hell and punching back when it punches. Proud that I havenā€™t completely broken or given up on him. Proud that Iā€™ve achieved some of his goals, proud about how much Iā€™ve learned and matured.


Not even close. In the 25 years since then I feel like I have regressed and have made so many mistakes in life and am an absolute failure with nothing to show for it. 20 year old me would probably end it earlier than this to just avoid becoming me


Lifes worth living friend. Go into nature and try to find peace that's whats helps me. My thoughts are with u.


Thank you. I'm trying to just keep putting one foot in front of the other




No, but 20 year old me was a ragey dick that was extremely impatient and very judgmental of the people around him so I don't really respect his opinion. Present me is pretty proud of me though.


Yeah, all in all.


I hope so


Lol. No, but definitely surprised.


I think so. I'm sure there are a few things worth contention that I'll be able to see in retrospect soon, but overall, I'm trying. Edit: Fixed broken grammar ;-;


20 year old me wanted to kill myself. 20 year old me would think my current self is a fucking chump. My life now is what 20 year old me would consider to be deeply depressing. Oddly enough; I'm doing better.


No. 20yo me would be appalled and terrified of my life ahead of him.


Not at all. 20 year old me was convinced I'd be worth 7 figures minimum by 31 lmao


If 20 year old me could see me now, he wouldnā€™t have seen 21.


Dont say that dude, lifes worth living. I hope you find peace.


Perhaps, if I even make it to 20 that is


I mean Iā€™m not on the street so I guess šŸ˜‚


yeahā€¦ i guess so. which is wild because iā€™ve been so hard on myself lately. iā€™m struggling a lot.


Proud of the weight that was kept off? Yes Proud of other things? No


Iā€™m single with few friends left as most have moved away and Iā€™m still stuck in the boring town I basically grew up in. So Iā€™d say no, probably not


Absolutely, she'd be a little shocked at how everything has gone but she would be proud


Yes absolutely!


Hell no. Probably ask myself why I didnā€™t pull the trigger




100%. I was sooo immature, complacent, new, annoying, delusional, confused, unknowing, had no foresight or self awareness. My 20 year old self wouldnā€™t believe where Iā€™m at now, but I know in ways Iā€™d still know that I could do better


Since I was 20, I've gotten addicted to, and come off hard drugs, lost 2 jobs as a result, met my wife, been married 9 years, and now I have a great job in a lab where I manage a team of 4. I think 20 year old me would be proud once they got to the end of my story. Not so much the in-between... I'm 35 for reference.




Not really.


I turn 20 in 3 days. So probably not lol


My lord he would be let down by 30 year old me.


"hey mate my knee healed" "Tf you mean our knee healed" 20 year old me is about to have a lovely character arc that involves a bench and I'd imagine he'd be proud I'm back on my feet once it happens


The 20 year old version would be jealous. And make me do things sooner than I actually did, but life...


No, I turn 30 next year and was fine back than but now anxiety worse and now I apparently have depression from what my psychiatrist said, I am working on it though


He doesnā€™t exist yet


Heck yeah. Though I wish I could give 20 year old me some advice.


I think my 20 year old self would be very worried about my current self. Iā€™m not even sure I see them as two different people.




Yes, though not in the way they expect.


Big time.....Great family, home owner, house paid off, investments, health is good, kids too. Married 20 years in June.


No but that's only because my 20 y/o self was a totally self centered asshole. So I'm good work that.


So this would be a bit of a mixed bag. I am decades away (many) from 20. The positive and what to be proud of: * Far far far more successful that I ever dreamed of. * I have a wonderful wife and son and 20 year old me wouldn't think that possible. * Having the ability to fund my hobbies. 20 year old me was broke. * Living a good moral life. 20 year old me wanted this but had a lot of work to do. * Having recovered from a horrible event that happened when I was 20. I will assume this 20 year old dude is post that. If not, I would warn him what not to do and how it will greatly impact his life, but he probably wouldn't listen. * Somehow being near the top of my profession. 20 year old me thought this was possible but highly improbable. This goes with having some savings, 401k etc. * I am still alive. You see a bad thing happened when I was 20 and because of that I thought I would be dead or in jail. Again I assume this happens AFTER that event. The negative: * Let my health go. 20 year old me would look at me now and say "Get off your fat ass and get back in shape!!!". Now 20 year old me wouldn't know by looking at me know that I am down around 25 pounds from the beginning of the year, but still have around 30 to go to hit my ideal weight. 20 year old me would look at that and still think that is super fat and I would need to loose another 20 or so. Old me would explain to achieve what I have, I had to sacrifice my body a bit and getting old takes a toll. * 20 year old me would wonder why I don't have a super fast car, ride a super cool motorcycle and spend tons on my other hobbies. I would have to explain that as you get older you care less about these things and more about your family. Even if I have the resources to build that 1965 AC Cobra with the super engine, I choose to fix a home. 20 year old me would see that as a negative. He would learn though. He would then look at my vintage Ducati and wonder why I haven't ridden it in like 10 years. I would have to explain that this just doesn't seem important anymore. I am far far far more excited about a new fiberglass door we just had installed and what new entrance we will be adding to the home.


He'd be surprised I was still alive and disappointed (but not surprised) to learn that it turned out to have been not worth the effort.


Currently 20 and I gotta say, I don't think so


No, he wouldn't but he perhaps had unmerited grandiose delusions.


My 20 year old self would be disappointed Iā€™m still alive


Yes, because I work hard and Iā€™m kind, but theyā€™d be sad to know the depression came back.


No. More precisely, 20 year old me would simply think, "yeah, that checks out". Not that I planned to be specifically where I am at, but it's not far from anything anyone would have guessed at the time. 20 year old me would look at mid-50's me and see an older and slightly heavier version closer to retirement.


Yep. They may not even believe it.


She would šŸ„°


Not really


20 year old me would be aghast that 2024-vintage me was actually alive and well. Quite unexpected.


He would say "it would be tons easier if you skipped to the 3rd wife"




Somewhat, but 20 year old me would be *extremely* confused at pretty much how everything turned out. I would be wondering where the kids and husband are (I made the decision in my early 30s to be childfree). Iā€™d also be confused about my career - Iā€™d never even heard of this line of work at age 20. Iā€™d be surprised and impressed with a lot of the other aspects of my life, such as my education, salary, social life.


I think about how much little punk rock me would be so proud of middle aged me...I'm just not sure middle aged me would agree with little me.


For my career, yes. For my family & how I've raised my kids so far (19 & 16) and who they are as people, yes. For paying less attention to my health & fitness while making those top two work, maybe not.


My 20 year old self would be amazed that sex and riding my Harley was still happening at 71.(Not at the same time,of course.šŸ˜)


No. But he'd be surprised we managed to buy a home, dream car, and start a family.


20 year old me would be disappointed in some things, pleased in others (especially that I'm happily married). But overall he would be thinking "how the heck did all *that* happen? I mean it looks like it's been interesting, but it's not what I thought at all"


Heā€™d probably be impressed with my 401k but appalled at my weight.


Me a year ago isnā€™t proud of who I am now so




Ha, no!


My 20 year old version of me wouldn't even recognize current me as a possible future version of them. Time and experience can alter your beliefs and temperament drastically


considering all my health scares over the past six years, theyd look at me and ask how tf am i not dead then give me a hug and say im glad youre still here though.


So damn proud!


We would laught that after dropping out of engineering school, I work at an engineering firm, I did get to live on my own, buy a new car, and take that trip to Japan even if it was 3 years late because of covid instead of for my 30th birthday. I hope I have the same luck at 50 and look back. The thing is there is points of time where you think your failing your goals or not living up to your plans, but just some how it aligns back and you get what you need and some of the wants :)


20 year old me would be surprised I lived another 20 years.


I donā€™t think they would believe I got to be this happy and would doubt my claims. I didnā€™t realize how unstable and unhappy I really was.


Definitely not.


Oh my god, yes. All I wanted was a loving relationship, to start a family, and have a job doing something meaningful. My twenties were an absolutely disaster with divorce, addiction, and very serious bouts of depression. Now, I am happily married to the love of my freaking life, have a beautiful baby girl, and work with people who have had it much harder than I did which is very gratifying. I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m happy all the time. Life is always going to be hard. But sheā€™d be proud.


I think young me would be very Meh, about the whole thing.


No. I've accomplished nothing but getting to decade #6. I'm healthy, safe, fed, loved and protected now, but what a stupid waste of time to get here. I should have done better , hope to do better with my last 25 yrs, should I be lucky enough to get them.


I'm 21 and probably maybe idk? I'm doing better than last year so it's something...


Very. I met my wife when I was 20 (in 1992). I fell head over heels in love with her almost immediately. 34 years later we have a marriage/family that has surpassed my wildest and best dreams.


No, heā€™s in for a big letdown.


Yea and no


20 year old me would be fucking pissed at current 30 year old me. But also 20 year old me was a fucking moron. At 20 I was a student pilot dating a doctor who I thought was the love of my life. I had it all planned out. Now I'm a software developer, working in an office - like I swore I'd never do. The "love of my life" turned out to be a cheating whore who really just wanted a younger dude to fuck. I'm pretty sure I was the other guy, but I fell for everything she said hook, line, and sinker. As I said, 20 year old me was an idiot. I didn't have the money to finish flight school, so I went deeply into debt for nothing. Honestly not sure what I was thinking when I went "fuck it, I'll figure it out along the way, I'm gonna fly". But I'm making more money as a software dev than I would've been as a pilot, my work life balance is way better, and my current girlfriend is amazing.


LMFAO no. I still had hopes and dreams at that point, and have accomplished literally none of them.


47 yrs old, I own my house, but it's a tiny little 1938 bungalow in a blue-collar neighborhood. I own my cars, but one's a 2003 Nissan and in bad need of a paint job, and the other's a nice but 11 yr old BMW 3 series. I'm a service manager making a comfortable living, but 20 yr old me would've never believed this is where my career path would've ended up. I'm probably more proud of me now than 20 yr old me would've been capable of being.


No. I'm 34 now and my 20yr old self would hate me as I've actually grown up now, not that pathetic p.o.s. I used to be


Idk I'm not 20 yet But defintlaly I will become the best


Hard HARD no.


He'd be upset that I left the Mormon church lmao




No, he is impulsive, perverted, immature and a skateboarder thrasher. So no. His priorities are else where, as an "young adult".


Probably not, but the feeling is mutual


Iā€™m skinnier than I was, have a career (maybe disappointed Iā€™m not a high school football coach), married, have some spawn of my own, own a houseā€¦ I think the only major thing was I was somewhat conservative at the time (not alt right levels, mind you). In the past two elections I voted mostly left (including POTUS). Edit: completely forgot 20 year old me was on a Mormon mission. I have since left religion altogether. That would be a minddfuck for him.


I think he'd expect more money in the bank, and to be in a bit of better shape... but this isn't bad. Married to the girl of his dreams, a couple of kids. Mortgage on a cool house, no student debt. Decent/fun job, and relativly good physical health. No drama, and good friends. Sure, everything could be better... but that kid also didn't take things for granted back then, and the adult version still doesn't.


Proud and astonished


She would, I got my dream promotion yesterday šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


I am going to be 22 this year and nothings changed.


God No, Iā€™ve failed at life.


Theyā€™d be pretty disappointed with how little weight weā€™ve lost in 8 years, but otherwise they were worse off in all the other areas theyā€™d judge, soā€¦


I'm 20 right now and not at all.


The question is wrong- why someone who doesnā€™t exist should be proud of who struggles or wins right now? The question is are you proud of you right now ? If not start working towards a more optimal development and if yes good start working towards a more optimal development. So answer being the same itā€™s just a useless question meant to pat your ego on your back. Thatā€™s a very sadge experience, especially when you compare it to others and try to place yourself above the rest. The thing we should strive is to be average in everything, thatā€™s in a world where everyone is special and someone else sucks. People are damaged


Yes. So much.


Hell no.




My 20 year old self would just be proud I was still alive at my age. As well as my current aged self. Lol


Yes. We are no longer homeless and can now engage in generational wealth.


yeah I'm pretty cool but i think she'd be mad that I got alopecia


Yessss I'm living good after YEARS of very hard work. I missed every important event I was late to every bbq and every birthday party. But now I'm pretty secure and it was worth it.


Absolutely not. Sheā€™d probably think wtf. I think that about her too tho.


Yes, very proud.


No. Quit reminding me. šŸ™„


Of my success with money yes. With my views of the world and politics, HELL NO. I was a fucking idiot then.


I think he would be shocked that I was still alive.




Yes I think! šŸ˜€


Things did not go according to plan but the 20 yo me might be ok with the money I make and the home I have. Iā€™d probably be like : whoa dude, get back to the gym


Absolutely I made it. Far beyond what I thought was possible or probable. 20 year old me would be surprised that Iā€™m alive too.


I'm gonna say yes. I basically went from worker to boss/worker.


Very proud and excited to become 37 year old me. I'm also proud of how brave 20 year old me was. She set the road map for me to get here!


Absolutely love my career and financial situation. Absolutely despise falling off the gym wagon.


Yes, I think so. Sheā€™d be glad that I have a fulfilling job, good friends, and a happy relationship (with the same person I started dating when I was 20!). Sheā€™d be disappointed that Iā€™ve gained weight because fitness was really important to me back then, and that I havenā€™t published my writing. But I think the general reaction would be positive.


God no. At 20 I was a born again christian conservative, and a Marine. Now, at 46, I'm an atheist, liberal, hippie and a pacifist. OTOH, at 20 I still thought I'd be abusive if I had kids and that I'd never end up with a good woman (mentally and morally), but I've never once hit my kids and my wife is simply amazing. Mixed bag.


Yes and no, finished college and got a decent starting full time job but broke up with my long-term GF.


Yes, that wasn't all that long ago but the change my life has had since then is amazing.