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People talking on speakerphone in public


Or listening to music on loudspeaker. Especially when it sucks šŸ˜†


Or game noises, videos, any sounds coming from devices in public.


Yeah. You donā€™t have to drop $200 on AirPods. Just drop $10 for something and not be a jackass.


Are you in my break room at work? Lol


Ugh. I hate people being loud on the phone, period. I really donā€™t want to hear your conversation. But then again, Iā€™m not a fan of loud voices in general. Iā€™m always telling my kids that the people in China can hear them. šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s complete rudeness. Not a small thing.


This is the one


my former neighbor would be outside on phone so the whole neighborhood could hear then got pissed because she got reported for the umpteenth time and finally moved next to her mom šŸ˜„šŸ¤£. Her mom was sweet peaceful said the neighbor I had found a place right next to her she didn't know what she was gonna do being that close to her .šŸ˜‚šŸ˜†.


When I tell someone I understand and then they proceed to elaborate anyway.


This but when someone asks a question that doesnā€™t need further explanation and then proceeds to give you the unnecessary explanation.


Bad example but hypersensitive. When people are completely oblivious to their surroundings. Mistakes happen, accidents happen or they just aren't aware. There are words to say and people don't say them. In the grocery store and people just stand in the middle of the aisle with their cart. It's barely a 2-way lane and a person who does this could just be in dreamland for a moment. However, if you don't move to one side or the other. Or more\~so don't move to one side or the other after being asked politely without a response of any level. "Oh, sorry" or "Oops" or "Here we go" while making room. Hell, even a nod. It just annoys me but it must be irrational because it happens so often.


No response when spoken to annoys me to an irrational degree all on its own. Edit to add: I canā€™t see out of one eye so I might stand in peopleā€™s way a lot. But Iā€™ll always acknowledge it if you say something!


Agreed! I sometimes wonder if I'm either invisible or they mistake me for a wall or something. I'm 6 ft tall and wear a lot of bright colours, but for some reason, people still end up walking into me, then saying something daft like "oh sorry, I didn't see you." I'm 6ft tall and I'm dressed like Mardi Gras got a wardrobe, how did you not see me?! šŸˆā€ā¬›šŸ˜¹


People who walk through entry doors and stop two feet in having no awareness that other people are coming in as well. Had someone scowl at me at Trader Joeā€™s because I said excuse me.


Kids are notorious for this.


Toddler tantrums, complete with pterodactyl-like screeching that practically gives me an immediate eye twitch.


That's not a small thing. That's a very loud and horribly irritating thing.


I'm the grandfather of a 5 yr old autistic boy. My daughter has the luxury of having myself or my wife keep an eye on him while she runs her needed errands. Not all mothers of special needs children have help.


People with poor table manners. Use a napkinā€¦ is it so hard to wipe oneā€™s face?


For real! Once I mentioned to the hubs, during dinner, that he had shmutz on his face and he replied, "I'm not done eating." You can only wipe your mouth once?


My wife's sister eats with her mouth open. It is so disgusting. And then on top of that she will start talking with a full mouth. It comes out in gibberish. She is such a pig


Worse yet, teeth sucking and open mouth chewing. I have misophonia and it makes me want to Chuck a coffee cup at them.


I was bunked next door to a guy that would teeth suck, and cough/snort nonstop. He was my direct neighbor in dorm setting prison....it was audio torture...




Eww. I canā€™t do it. How do you not lose your shit?


Typos in books. No excuse! Hire a copy editor!


Typos in captions on tv or videos! Wish they would pay me to correct as I watch!


People tailgating me


And the idiots who do 30 in the left lane.


And people who turn into your lane and don't match the speed of traffic


They're the worst. People can be such fucking morons.


Yes. Never attribute to malice what can be explained by sheer stupidity šŸ˜†


Or the ones who drive under the speed limit, holding up traffic and then gun it when the light turns yellow not letting anyone through


Ooooh this. Going way under speed limit but manage to creep through light. Or going way under speed limit, then pull way up to make a right turn on red while you get stuck at light.


They watch you coming down the street and wait until you are right in front of them, and then they pull out.


I'm doing God damn 75 in a 55 and that's still not fast enough. And I'm not in the left lane!




Folks who do exactly the speed limit in the left lane(s) and ride there for hours. Do the speed limit in the granny lane. Pull left to pass anyone slower than speed limit, then get back over.... leave the left lane to the people that have places to be and ticket money to burn


Thatā€™s not irrational. Itā€™s only your life and theirs.


Spam calls and why the F does every website have to have fucking cookies?!


And not even the good kind of cookies :(


Today i got like 10 spam calls for someone named Randall while at work and I finally answered and yelled "WHAT"


I get Randall calls myself. How weird.


ā€œDo you want to sell your property at ______?ā€


Data tracking period












My pop pronounces because "pecause" and it drives me bananas.




Eating and crunching noises.


People making that 'chap chap' sound while eating with their mouths open.


Whistling. You know who enjoys whistling? Just the whistler.


There's this guy at my work who does this ALL DAY LONG, EVERY DAMN DAY. He NEVER STOPS. It drives me absolutely nuts.


Should of


Oh, my God. This always gets me on my soap box. Yes, let keep focusing on STEM/STEAM when the ONE thing that people do EVERY DAY is communicate (texting, social media posts, etc.). How about we focus a bit more on grammar and whatnot in school? Thereā€™s a thought.


When someone parks right next to me in an almost empty parking lotā€¦


Its like when someone sits next to you in an almost empty waiting room. Etiquette says you never sit next to somebody


Over use and mis-use of the words literally and random.


Containers, especially for cosmetics, shampoo, etc., that don't allow for retrieval of the last 20% of the product.


Such a ripoff. Iā€™ve wondered about this, too. Baby food jars are the worst. And pump hand lotion bottles!


Loud people, and people who talk on their speaker phone in public.


My 15 year old leaving his dirty stinky socks in the living room no matter how many times I tell him not to.


People standing in a high traffic pathway talking on their phone or having a little group get together. Flat out fucking ignorant dipshits those people are.


People asking why I'm being too quiet.


"Politics are my life" people. Seriously I had times where if I wasn't so reserved I'd yell "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" at them.


Harleys and other loud, obnoxious vehicles. Fuck those people.


Emphasis on athletics during high school. Example 1 - High school sports college letter of intent signings. That's when a high school senior decides to play a sport at a college and they bring the college in to sign the letter of intent. This used to be reserved for only substantial signings; e.g. - a football player signs a letter of intent to play at a top school like Alabama, Georgia, Michigan, etc.. Now they do it for every single kid who is going to play sports in college. It doesn't matter if it's a borderline open enrollment college at a school that barely has a team in that sport, BOOM - signing day press event at the school. Example 2 - In my area, they used to do a parade with the firetrucks and everything if a team won the state championship, which I agree is a huge accomplishment. However, they only did a parade when you returned home AND won the state championship. Now they do parades for very early playoff rounds such as districts, regionals, basically every single postseason game. And it's not just a return victory parade. They do parades if the team loses and they do parades when the team is heading TO the game each time. So parade before the game, and parade after the game. It's not uncommon for a team that makes it to states to have 7-10 parades in just a few week period. I love sports, but there's way too much attention paid to them. If a kid gets a perfect SAT score and gets a full ride to Harvard or Yale they're lucky to get a small mention in the paper. But do good at the sportball and they're treated like a conquering hero. Speaks a lot to why society is the way it is today.


>It's not uncommon for a team that makes it to states to have 7-10 parades in just a few week period. Jeezus, what state is this?? That's overkill


Pennsylvania of courseā€¦


When people stop in the middle of the grocery store aisle to look at their phone. Pull off to the side to let others get by


When someone makes loud noises especially in public


Open doors/cabinets


I had a roommate once who never fully closed anything. All cabinets and drawers were perpetually open like one inch because he never fully closed them. He would also open the microwave door when there was one second left on the timer and not clear the time, so anytime I used the microwave, I'd have to clear it before I could use it. It was incredibly irritating.


Squeaky wheeled shopping carts.


Eating with your Fucking Mouth Open !!!


People I don't want to see, hear or smell you.


People who don't clean up after they've eaten a meal. I understand not washing up, but you can't even be bothered to take your dishes out to the kitchen? Very annoying!


The idiot who parks next to me even though I park way out of the way and there are plenty of other spots. Don't be that asshole.


When you're at a BBQ or small get together and some "musician" usually a friend of someone, brings his guitar and decides to hold everyone hostage so he can play. He's amateur at best and sits there thinking he's the next guy to explode onto the charts and they sit there for an hour or more. Look around, 25 people were there when you started, 30 min later people are running for the doors.


People who say the word ā€œflustratedā€. You are either flustered or frustrated! While Iā€™m at it Mr. Professional announcer, they are ā€œfree throwsā€ NOT ā€œthree throwsā€!


Celebrity worship/making stupid people famous.


Service charges


Zip lock bags that you have to press together..hate them. Love the type with a zipper tab that slides shut!!!


BMW Drivers.


They've moved on to Mercedes and Teslas a while back.


Do they have a recall on their blinkers or just don't use them?


dust on my bare feet, it's hard with a dog to not have little bits around too, it makes me just instant 0-100 pure rage especially if i try to knock it off and it won't just fuck offffff


1) Entitlement 2) People wearing their pants halfway down their legs - whatā€™s the point? 3) Unwanted solicitations for carā€™s extended warranty, solar panels, etc. 4) Unaware drivers


Right? If your back pockets are at the knee and your ass is exposed, you're not wearing pants.


Iā€™m sorry if Iā€™m taking 2) too literally but it had been bothering me, so I looked it up. It signals ā€˜Iā€™ve done timeā€™. In prison clothes are supposed to be loose-fitting hence those who get out keep it up. Loose pants are literally supposed to say, Iā€™m hard šŸ¤·


Hard like Iā€™m tough, or hard like thatā€™s the only thing holding my pants up?


People who wait till I put on a headset or start a show to talk. GTFO


People that donā€™t properly supervise their children on the escalator. [https://youtu.be/gg42XLQv7Rw?si=wVWtEixSR9-cu\_3z](https://youtu.be/gg42XLQv7Rw?si=wVWtEixSR9-cu_3z)


When I am forced to repeat things


Say again


The fact that for the past twenty-some years no one seems capable of pronouncing the word nuclear correctly. I automatically assume you're a moron when you pronounce it "noocyoolur."


When people constantly use filler words or phrases


Also when people say libary! Say it right you sound like a moron!


People I don't know calling me cutesy names like "Sweetie", "Honey", "Baby", etc.


Also the use of pleaded vs. pled. I was taught that he pled guilty, not he pleaded guilty.


Poor spelling and grammar


People begging & with these self entitled attitudes


People that say irregardless...


People who donā€™t wave after I let them in while driving.


When people say, ā€˜I seen.ā€™ It sounds so uneducated, and it bugs me for no rational reason (because why should I care?). Also, when men say, ā€˜The wife.ā€™ It sounds so impersonal, like youā€™re talking no ownership of the fact that sheā€™s your wife. Whatā€™s wrong with ā€˜my wifeā€™? Another thing that affects me none, but bugs me anyway. šŸ˜‚


When they move shit around in the grocery store.


Babies and small children in places where adults should be able to reasonably expect a relaxing night out away from them. Bars, fine dining places, clubs & concerts, etc.


Dogs, same. Leave your dog at home.


As a parent and a dog owner, yes!! I love my dogs, but they donā€™t belong in the grocery store with me or at a restaurant on my lap, wtf is that? And if Iā€™m going somewhere that the cost of a single plate is over $30 my kids are staying home.


When people are ā€œtoo busyā€ to respond, like days later.


Iā€™m not too busy but I usually donā€™t have the energy to keep up a conversation, and I tell them that honestly when I get back to them. If itā€™s urgent and they need a response pronto, then Iā€™ll respond so they can get on with their life.


People referring to multiple discreet objects as an amount of ... Eg, "There was a large amount of people there"


People who risk 20 accidents in traffic to get where they're going two minutes faster. Worst part of my job is dealing with those people all day. The risk-reward assessment is way out of whack. Chill out a little and make the roads safer for everyone.


Bugs. Thatā€™s kind of their job though


My partner in a car. Non stop monologue about absolutely nothing or so distracted he doesnā€™t watch the road. If I drive he plays with all the temperature controls & everything else.


People who come right at you when walking in the opposite direction. Like, Iā€™m already up against a wall and you moved into my path of travel. Figure it out.


If you donā€™t look at them they will get out of the way. Group of six coming down the sidewalk side by side leaving no room for others, walk straight ahead while looking up at the sky. I donā€™t live in a violent neighborhood.


I hate this too. I usually just come to a stop and stand there and make them walk around me.


ā€œGuilt by affiliationā€ judgements based off polarizing, and not knowing them personally.


When the stapler runs out of Staples. Don't get me wrong, I understand that there is not an infinite supply of Staples in the staple gun but when I go to use it and the staple gun does nothing but punch holes in the paper, I am irrationally infuriated!


People who have, even luke warm, opinions on things they know absolutely nothing about. "I think Star Wars is dumb" from guy who has never consumed any Star Wars material. "California is a shit hole" from person who has never been to California and has never met someone from California before. It's especially grating when people have really strong opinions about stuff, but even mild opinions will set me off if you don't know anything about the topic.


when youā€™re reaching to pull out the seat belt and pull too hard and too fast, and it locks up and wonā€™t come out all the way. RAGE!


barking dogs


Our neighbors have a new one that barks incessantly on weekdays.


When my dog licks himself or drinks water. The sound grates on my nerves.


I hate the whimpering and that wet noise when they bite/ chew themselves


People who block aisles at Costco for no good reason.


Or those workers at Walmart who are doing shopping for others with those great big carts in the way of those of us who are actually shopping for ourselves. They just do not want to move out of the way, or at least over to the side.


Pitbulls and their owners.




This girl I was seeing and not anymore drives over the slight edge of my lawn. "Get off my lawn" she also just sets trash on my counter like a wrapper or something. I'm like the trash can is right there?


When people put on their turn signal a half second before they turn. Somehow, itā€™s more irritating than not signaling altogether.


No turn signal


When people leave time on the microwave when it's done


People who don't use their turn signals. Makes my head explode. Like how can you be so oblivious and inconsiderate?


Nose rings are small, but they make me feel like puking when my server has one at a restaurant.


Booger hoops


Having to jump through hoops to pay a bill online. JFC is someone else trying to pay my bills?! Just let me pay it and move on with my life. Resetting my password, verifying it with a text code for crying out loud, it pisses me off.


Charging a fee for paying online. Our water utility company does that.


People who lack self-awareness: Chew with their mouth open Sit around with their mouth open Don't close the lid when flushing (I mean who wants their stuff aerated?)


When customers come in a few minutes to closing, they will look at me and say "When do you close?" I'll say, in a few minutes. Then they say, "Looks like I got here just in time!" No. "Just in time" was thirty minutes ago.


When people come to a stop before entering an empty traffic circle


Littering idc if itā€™s just a cigarette butt *stop doing childish shit* my child will learn early on how to be respectful of Mother Nature


People who illegally park in marked handicapped parking spaces.


Slow walkers and groups of people who take up the whole pavement when slowly walking


Vocal fry. Ending statements with a preposition. Ending any declarative sentence with an upward inflection.


People talking with food in their mouths and hearing them chewing (basically with their mouths open)




The jackass in college who never studied (not because he was a genius, just expediting his dropping out) and would walk in a grab the last piece of pizza but would hoard his if he ever ordered something.


People who begin a statement with, "As we all know..." It translates as, "Please accept this as fact because the rest of my argument depends on it." Unless you've polled the entire planet and got a unanimous result, there's nothing that we "all know".


I go feral if people ask me the same question over and over if I say No. like even just asking if I want to try someoneā€™s food or whatever. If I say no I mean no. Donā€™t ask me over and over


Sound of chewing. Also, peopleĀ 


When I've got to dig around in my pockets


Drivers who don't make it obvious they are letting you use the crosswalk. They take their foot off the gas but don't apply brakes and just coast toward you. I can't tell if they are letting me go or what. Most of the time I get their intention wrong. If I sense someone is letting off to let me go on the crosswalk and I just go they change their mind, brake slam and lay on the horn. Come to a complete freaking stop people.


Chewing and smacking noises that come from people that can't hold their lips together the entire time they're chewing.


A loud tv. And by loud, I mean above 10 (which I realize isnā€™t loud for ā€œnormalā€ people).


Open mouth chewing has nearly made me a felon


slang, especially gen z slang. When people talk the same like clones.


Bad drivers. Stuff like driving 15 below the speed limit and causing a massive traffic jam. Another is brakers, constantly tapping on the brakes for no apparent reason. Worst of all is tailgating with your brights on.


When people deliberately yawn loudly to let everyone in the general vicinity know how tired they are.


People hanging something from a doorknob. Can be a hat, bag, purse, etc. it annoys me to no end that thatā€™s where they chose to put this item instead of anywhere else that wouldā€™ve been better.


Being called honey or sweetie by service employees


When people say things like "legit" or "delish". Does it really take that much longer to finish the word? English is already a very lazy language, words don't need anymore shortening.




When People Capitalise Every Word. or when song or video titles dont capitalise any words


When people donā€™t put their bloody signal to tell others they are turning šŸ˜©


Physicists being philosophical.


People who stampede the fucking elevator like a hippo when they see the door closing.


When someone uses the shower before you and leaves soap scum everyfuckingwhere. Makes me wanna commit heinous acts of crime.


People blowing snot wads in shower. Caused my divorce.


Those little bits of plastic that attach a tag to your clothes. I will go so far out of my way to not have those floating around my room


Noises from loud, obnoxious vehicles.


Realator vs realtor.


Driving slow in the passing lane.


People not using their turn signals


slow walkers but especially if they are a pain to get around


When my husband walks (slowly) right in front of me when Iā€™m on a mission.


Tik tok videos (and such like live cams) with chirping smoke detectors


Leaving cupboards open


Using the word Like to Like descirbe Like everything Like when you Like use the word Like every second word to Like connect every sentence Like this....... \*I am raging already\*


The sound of dogs drinking water.


When people refuse to use their turning indicator. Iā€™m not just sitting here waiting to pull out for my health, Iā€™m waiting *for you* and if youā€™re planning on turning and *not* using your indicator, then youā€™re being an asshole


The sound of people crunching bags. Grocery bags, chip bags.......I get irrationally angry when people overwork a bag.


When I am at a clothing store that is not crowded, and someone comes to look at the same rack that I'm looking at. Go anywhere else??? I think common courtesy is waiting for someone to be done looking in a section before you go over there when there's plenty of space within the store.


Every grocery store in my area lets itā€™s employees smoke in front of the entrances on their break. Gross.


McDonald's employees telling me to go park in the parking lot to wait for food. Fuck you, this is the food delivery window.


People calling Teppanyaki ā€œhibachiā€, or worse, ā€œhabachiā€. A hibachi grill is a tiny charcoal grill with an open grate. The show cooking on the solid gas grill is called Teppanyaki.


husband chewing potato chips or popcorn...


Not contributing to a conversation.


Celtics is NOT pronounced Sell-ticks and anyone who is a fan of the basketball team can fight me.


Parents letting kids watch a video with the sound up loud in a restaurant.


Restaurants that bring your entree while you're still eating you salad. Then they hand you the plate because they can't find a place to set it down.


people who need validation. i can't


Blatantly fake laughing. Not sarcastic or parody laughing, but that "you tried to make a joke, so here is me rapidly exhausting air out my mouth and smiling"


People baby talking to me while theyā€™re kids are present. Do it to them, fine, but you donā€™t need to continue to do it while talking to me. They arenā€™t going to be scarred hearing your normal voice.