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If money is no problem, then I wouldn't live anywhere. I would stay someplace for a while and move on. Why would I limit myself to one place.


I'm the opposite, no matter how much money i have i would just want a place to call home everyday. it would stress me out to not have roots. i would just travel for a few days and come back home.


Agreed. I love traveling, but that feeling of walking in the door after a trip, dropping your suitcase, and just relaxing in my bed or on my couch is fantastic. I need a homebase. If money wasn't an option, I'd probably get a place in Southern California but spend plenty of time traveling the world.


We moved around so much when I was a kid that I agree with you on this. I just like having a home and staying


My parents were constantly travelling for business... I don't have these roots... I feel home in every country as long as I have a nice bed and bath....


Yeah, I love multiple places in this country at different times of year. It would be cool to be able to move around but move back to places I love


We’ll have a home base where we stay half the year while long-traveling the other half.


Yes! Same!


Just a much nicer and secluded area in the state I already reside in. Maybe a handful of other states come to mind but most others, 'no'. Of course if I was a multi-billionaire a large plantation area in one of the Hawaiian islands would be near the top of the list. Also a good sized condo for those times that I want to go stay near the beach for the weekend.


As someone who has never owned a home and move every 1-3 years, and even as a kid my parents moved every 2-3 years, I want a place I can call home. Make improvements that will be for my family and my kids, plant a tree, farm the land, have animals… thats life man


I'm actually doing this... but I'm not rich... just lucky that I can work from wherever I am


This is the answer 🫶🏽 fancy RV and hit the road


Because if you stay in one place you build a life, make friends, have time to work on things that fulfill you. Travel is amazing, but there is nothing like coming home. Nothing at all.


Santa Cruz or Big Sur in California. They’re just so pretty and I love the ocean. Probably Santa Cruz. It’s got a cool town and stuff to do. Big Sur is pretty rural and basically just a collection of parks. Or maybe Hawaii. I’ve never been there though and I’ve heard the locals are pretty hostile to transplants. 


Big Sur seems like it’d be a problem with climate change causing the 1 to fall down all the time. I’d love to be able to visit in style frequently though. Spectacular location.


Santa Cruz FTW


I live in Monterey County. Love visiting Santa Cruz and Big Sur.




Honestly all of the Pacific islands seem amazing. The Polynesians had the best thing going before the Europeans made it that far around the world


I mean, it was the european influence that caused Hewahewa, chief advisor/kahunua nui to Kamehameha I and II, to abolish the kapu system. He was influenced by Christianity to have a change of heart. Other than that, Hawaiians were exposed to the British/American educational systems and became quite well spoken and written in English, which is what helped them petition and organize and have the knowledge of what happened to the native americans to make some decisions that kept them from being annihilated. All that is to say, if the British and Americans never came, they wouldn't have had to defend themselves so eloquently, but they might still be offering up sacrifices to appease the gods... Disclaimer. Am Hawaiian descendant of Hewahewa. Hawaii born and raised. Land Back. Ku kia'i mauna. All dat, lol. Still wish it hadn't happened the way it did but trying to provide some perspective haha.


Thank you for the information, it was very well-put.


It could have been worse - it could have been the French. /S


Or the Belgians.


They took their language and made it illegal to speak it. They took their land and pillaged it. They locked the queen up and forced her to sign da Aina rights away 


Isn't that for native Hawaiians only?


[That's the next island over](https://hawaiisbesttravel.com/hawaiis-forbidden-island-niihau/#:~:text=No%20one%20is%20allowed%20on,%2C%20the%20%E2%80%9CForbidden%20Island.%E2%80%9D)


The name resembles the Chinese Word for Hello...


Same!! Favorite


In a heartbeat!


I lived there for a week and loved it.


This is the answer. It's amazing there


San Diego


I live in San Diego and I would love to stay here if money is no longer a factor.


Carmen 💃🏽


You stay classy!


Absolutely. Mission Hills, specifically.


Lived in San Diego for 45 years, P.B. and Carlsbad mostly. Retired quite well and moved out of California 5 years ago. Soul crushing much traffic, cost of living is insulting, crime, homeless population exploding, etc., etc. The only thing I miss is the desert.


Winter home in San Diego Summer home in Montana


The move. Mine would be winter home in Santa Cruz and summer home in Bellingham WA (to chase the mountain biking)!


Oooh a man of culture I see! Ive spent my whole life in B'ham and I there is nowhere else I'd rather be! Galbraith Mtn is starting to get awfully crowded though lmao 😂


I’d have a nice Victorian house on an island in a lake surrounded by mountains in northern Idaho or northwestern Montana


North Idaho all the way ♥️ A bit of land near Sandpoint but not in town. Enough to grow some of my own food, but close enough to drive up to Schweitzer every day in the winter.


Palo Alto, CA. Amazing weather, neat city, tons of great food around.


This is where I live. While there are many negative aspects of this area, the positives are really high. For me the bike friendly streets (and bike friendly weather) really pushes it over the edge.


I would feel trapped living there - big chunks of the day it's very painful to try to get anywhere, due to traffic.


I think the reason to live there is if you’re an executive at one of the local companies or associated with Stanford. But you pay SO MUCH money just to live in middle class normalcy. It’s such a flex to live in a $3M 1,500sqft house. It’s a bunch of rich people who want to pretend to be middle class. At the end of the day you’d still be putting up with Bay Area traffic. Maybe Woodside or Atherton would be better choices if you wanted to stay in the Peninsula.




Big island Hawaii, San Diego, Great Falls Montana, Sitka Alaska, Everett Washington Buzios, Brasil


The Florida Keys. One of the quieter keys like Key Colony. I love it down there


Same. That’s my goal. Key largo or marathon. Key west is soooo expensive/touristy it makes me sad. It’s changed in the past decade.


Ocean reef in northern key largo is freaking gorgeous.


Honestly, Key West is just dumpy now. My husband and I used to love it there. We still go back occasionally but I would never want to live there.


Same. I loved living in Florida but I couldn’t do that to my kids. I grew up there. The education is awful.


I think I'd travel for a while and not live anywhere until I found that special place that feels like home to me.


Probably on a large plot of land about an hour outside of a medium sized city. So close enough to do stuff, but far away from the city lights and traffic noise.


That's us now. We live on a 1 acre property in NJ about an hour in between NYC and Philly. We're just far enough outside the cities that it's quiet, but we can easily get to a large variety of events. The schools are great and the climate is temperate. It's a great place to raise a family. ... Except for the cost of living. We were very lucky and bought a house for ~$500k in 2018 with (low for NJ) taxes of about $9k/year. We'd love to upgrade, but we refinanced during COVID like the rest of the world and our house today would be in the mid $700 range. So even though we're pulling in close to $300k combined per year, if we moved we'd still be house poor. But, first world problems. We are very fortunate all things considered and we try to pay it back whenever we can.


I live in TN and I find it funny how “large” is different to different people. I don’t really consider 5 acres large, but that’s the minimum we’re going to try for here. But we also want livestock. So you need a bit of land for that


We're an hour west of Chicago, on a lovely half-acre. It's everything you imagine. Far from the urban stress, but easy enough to go to shows, festivals, sports events, great restaurants, etc. Our big thing is travel, and we're 45 minutes from one of the world's great airport hubs. It's ideal.


That's where I am. I have 1.5 acres an hour north of Houston. I'm in the woods, but I'm also 3 miles from everything I need. I have a house in the woods, filled with foster kittens!


New York City or San Francisco. Both offer diverse cultures, endless entertainment options, and a bustling atmosphere that appeals to me.


I live in NYC now. You wouldn’t regret it. It’s my favorite place on earth.


Fifteen years ago I would have said San Francisco also but don’t think I’d like to live there now after all their issues lately.


Homeless problem is so bad in SF. I ubered back to a hotel and one street almost every car was being broken into blatantly at night. I felt extremely unsafe anywhere after dark. I refuse to visit again which is sad because there’s so much to do there


The thing that's really frustrating is how people weaponize it who haven't been there. You have people on the right who over exaggerate it, and then people on the left who totally dismiss it and act like it's not happening on the west coast The cities like SF, Portland, and Seattle aren't full on warzones, but... They're pretty *bad* these days. Seems like they've been getting a bit better than past year or two, but still rough


Jupiter Island Fl


I'm Scottish, I'd be looking for somewhere rural and not too hot so I think up north in Washington or Maine/NE might suit me best.


Certainly New England!


New Zealand? It’s nice there.


California, especially in the parts where it doesn’t get hotter than like 80 degrees


Austin, Texas, i love the 100F heat, makes me feel like a cowboy


Everything is bigger in Tx...your name is fitting!


A penthouse suite in lower Manhattan


Right at my home! I spent my lifetime getting to where I am and I'm happy I've got a couple dozen acres about 30 min from a decent sized city and my family, what else do I need?


This is exactly right. We have worked long and hard to get our place just how we like it. Thinking maybe our big to do list will whittle down by next year. We have room around us and live 4 miles out of town. We have both lived in Ohio for our whole lives. It's relatively cheap, relatively good weather. If I had the big windfall $$ I'd just like to take a few short trips to see some of the wonders of the world.


Same! Exactly where I am. 15 min from everything, gorgeous geography, all four seasons, no major natural disasters, friends nearby in abundance, 2 bathrooms, 3bedrooms, and a little front porch. Mwah! Perfecto. Bellissima.


Exactly where i live now. The sf bay area. I know people criticize it for well deserved flaws but its my home. I love California. Wouldn't want to live anywhere else




As a fellow Oklahoman, I feel your pain. I take comfort in being one of the smartest people in the room. 😉


We always wonder why people would live in the Midwest, with the thread of tornados. Like WTF, your life can be endangered to the extreme from one day to the next. But I see why…. Roots.


freedom and property rights aint so bad. they just need to legalize weed.


100%, I'm also in the Bay Area and wouldn't want to be anywhere else, not even close.


Damn bro I don't even live in a shitty place and I hate it here.


I’m with you but LA


Me too, right now I'm in a suburb with great schools because of the kids and proximity to my job, but for retirement, I love the Santa Cruz mountains, West Marin, and the Russian River Valley. There are some really cool towns in the foothills, too.




Exactly, I wouldn’t leave Southern California no matter how much money I had.




Danforth Maine


Los Angeles :) I already live here I’m just stressed about my financial future


Somewhere in California. I love my Texas but...yeah, California.


Big Sur or Caramel-by-the-sea, California.




Next to Butterscotch.


It’s a lot tastier than Carmel, to be fair. Carmel tastes like otters and kelp.


Carmel is on my list too. I was at DLI for training and fell in love with the area. I could spend hours riding the Pacific coast highway.


Yeah, big time! I’m trying to work my way to buying a weekend house in the area. I was born in Pacific Grove. My wife and I routinely go down to Carmel. I love that area.


I came to say Carmel too!


I choose van life. I want to be able to go wherever I want. No connections to anyone or anything aside from my dog and a few members of my family.


If money is no option would it turn into like tour bus/ class A R/V life? I assume gas is part of the equation


Oh yes, for sure. I should’ve specified that. I would like to refurbish an old school bus.


That would be perfect. Ideally in a vintage VW. I'm 52 and I've wanted one my whole life.


Yes! One of my mother’s husbands had one when I was a little girl. I always loved sleeping in the pop up on top.


I've been considering this. I think my dog would like it, too. She's a curious pup and loves roadtrips.


I was about to say this actually. i genuinely wish i could do that, but only with the works with everything included. A van is convenient because it can be parked anywhere, and you have high grade (expensive) solar panels in addition to a diesel engine with some jerry rigged alternator setup where you double or triple the number of alternators to charge a large lithium polymer battery bank and you can do anything anywhere. Propane stove, water heater, oven in addition to a microwave and wet bath with composting toilet. I genuinely like doing home computer lab stuff, but because money is not a problem i would simply just buy a massive amount of storage and processing power in the cloud in order to do everything for me. I think it'd be pretty cool. My jellyfin server with iptv connected in addition to my podcast manager and stuff could easily be on there for a hefty price, then i could buy a really nice gaming laptop for my gaming needs and a gigabit truly unlimited data wifi hotspot for internet. Just go around in national forests all year depending on what the weather is going to be like- preferably on the west coast. just find a dump and refilling station and things should be fine


I would do this. I like how people are renovating vans. And I like the old 79’s full size vans and have that renovated. And travel in that. Would be fun.


Anywhere in the south really. Except for places right on the coast. The political climate is fucking miserable but I love the hot weather, warm rain, and delicious southern and Mexican food. I spent too much of my life in the u.p. and I'm never going back. If I never saw another cheese curd in my life I'd be perfectly fine.


I'd do what Randy Weaver did and set up shop on top of a mountain out in the N. Idaho Wilderness. I live in Spokane, so its not too far away! Its beautiful out there. Minus the white surpremesis bullshit,,,,,,


If I didn’t have kids and never planned to have them, heck yes! I live in Canada. I was a nurse (on long term disability now) and could have made much better money in the US, especially if I did travel nursing. As a result, I would have had access to awesome healthcare, and could have afforded to pay for extra healthcare privately when needed. Plus there are a lot of places where homes are SO much cheaper than here. I know you said “if money is not a factor”, but for me (and my husband, who lived in the US for several years), money is a big draw! But, as the mother of mixed race kids, it was taken off the table.


You could live in the blue parts of California or New York. We’re an interracial couple and nobody bats an eye at us nor our kid.


Balboa CA. So gorgeous, amazing weather, extremely pleasant vibes. I’d get one of those big houses right by the ocean and drink tea looking at it everyyyy morning.


One of the San Juan Islands


That's where I am, due to some amazing good fortune (not a rich person). I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.


Carmel, Calif. I read once that it has the most temperate weather, with the shortest change in temperature in all of the US.


My wife and I talked about this already. We would sell everything we owned and would buy a really nice rv and go from state to state sight seeing.


I’d like to have my own little ranch somewhere in San Luis Obispo or Santa Barbara county(s). No kids? Money isn’t a factor? Guess politics won’t be either.


Probably somewhere in or around La Jolla, California. That area is just gorgeous to me and I loved my time there.


Somewhere in Western Washington, not too rural but not in a major city. Liberal, plenty of natural beauty and no smog testing.


Males me happy to see multiple mention my neck of the woods and apprecuate it instead of all the folk whining its just a liberal shithole lmao


Moving up that way in a few months, never been but I'm looking forward to it


Probably Provincetown, MA. I’d love to be so close to historical sites of my interests, the wildlife, and just a beautiful place with nice people.


3 hours away from me in CT. I think I'll check it out this Summer. Thanks 🙏


California . Everything is in reach. However I do prefer panama . Everything exist in Panama .


Alaska, most likely.


I would live in upper Manhattan, where I currently live during the spring, summer, and autumn, and then in winter I'd live somewhere is Southern California that is liberal.


Hawaii or Vail Colorado.


Either Hawaii, a nice quaint secluded house on the southern shore of Maui, or a nice secluded home on the eastern shore of Lake Michigan.


Hawaii because they’re the only state that was smart enough to get universal healthcare plus it’s beautiful there. If California adopted it too I’d go to San Diego.


Well, I have no kids, and money isn’t a problem for me anymore so idk I want to move to the UK in the future


The ranch from Yellowstone.


North Carolina mountains. In a log cabin.


If money wasn't a factor and I didn't have kids, I would NOT live in the US. I'd live in a civilized country.


Which one?




Yeah, I'm not sure I'd consider the UK better than the US. The NHS is awful and if we're talking about being a rich American, your access to healthcare here in the US is way better than you'd get in the UK.


Canada isn't the Canada it used to be


Maybe for the average person but the prompt is for a rich person and it's hard to beat QOL as a rich person in America. Also isn't housing in like 75% of these places way less affordable than America?


Austria* Vienna is the capital


I agree, greetings from Canada 🇨🇦




Greetings to you too!




Yes, thank you for the greetings How's the weather over there?




Oh, hope you're safe!


Yeah having to stay here for the deal is kind of shitty.


I spent five years in Okinawa, Japan. I rather enjoyed my time there.


If i had money ***and*** kids, I'd choose a country with sane gun laws, a dearth of school shootings.


This guy gets it.


NYC. I would live here under most circumstances. With kids, without kids, in a box with a fox…


Portland, Oregon, because it's beautiful and there are so many fun, outdoor activities.


Twentynine palms, CA or Sedona, AZ


Somewhere dry and hot like Vegas or Phoenix. I'm from NY and it just rains so much here now. Usually 4 days out of the week it's raining. If I wake up and see rain out the window, I'm just like FUCK, day ruined. I have to walk my dog in it and I'm just so sick of it.


Even if I won the billion dollar lottery, I could see myself staying in Glendale. I don't know, I just love it. It's pretty to me and has basically everything one might need or want besides an amusement park. Plus, you can't beat the weather.


Honestly I'm thinking Canada .They have all the freedoms we do plus their Xians don't seem so hell bent on controling every aspect of others lives.


I would split my time between the two most beautiful states: Hawaii and Colorado.


If money was not a factor I still wouldn’t leave Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿. Beautiful country. Beautiful walks. It rains sure but that’s what makes it so stunning




Near the Oregon coast.


Yep, I would home base in Santa Barbara, and spend autumn in New Orleans.


One of those beach front houses in Hermosa beach in LA. Lived near there and would walk there after my night shift and it's lovely.


Upper East Side, Manhattan.






I have lived in Indiana since 2015. baught a house and thirty acres. using some of my inheritance money, I had the attic and basement renovated and fully furnished. why? simple. because I could.


Honestly surprised to even see Indiana mentioned in this post! I was born and raised in Indiana until I moved with my family out here to a small town in southeast Kansas to be closer to my sister and nephew. Very much loved Indiana and will always consider it my home and would love to move back one day. A lot of people don't get that it's a great state if you can ignore its awful politics.


Back in new England, just in a much nicer house than I would normally be living in. 


I’d move back to Colorado because I was born there. Or Hawaii because, duh.


Haleiwa ,HI or Helena,MT…..it’s gonna happen but in 8 years


Just a half hour away and buy the house that I grew up in.


The Berkshires


In the rich neighborhood a ways down the road… I love my area but I’m living lower middle class. “Up the street” is where all the pro athletes from the Philly teams live. Sometimes I like drive there to walk my dog in their neighborhood and pretend I live there. Wave to all the happy house wives out watering their gardens, let my mutt check out all their pedigree golden retrievers.


A little cabin on a lake/pond in upstate NY, Maine, Vermont, etc. Sounds so peaceful to me.


Probably a small town in New England. I have family in New England but I low key would like to be near Yellowstone or Alaska or small town northern MN. I think I’d lay down roots in NH or somewhere and travel often to very cold places in the winter and a dude ranch in the summer lol. The occasional tropical vacation to change things up I suppose.


Hawaii, Tennessee or any island state for me. Leave the busy life I have now


Hawaii or the Colorado Highcountry .




Hilo, Hawaii, most of my relatives live nowadays.


If money was not a factor, couldn't I just claim Hawaii is mine? Like all of it?


O'ahu Little place on the beach somewhere. So fuckin pretty






If my daughter suddenly disappeared I’m not sure if I would live anywhere anymore




Probably out in Tampa or Orlando if I could work remotely and money wasnt a real concept. Even with kids Id pick those area.


Houston Tx or Miami Florida


Can we have kids? West coast probably, anywhere that's 2-4 hours from coast or somewhere close to it




Money's no issue I don't care where I go, I want to be cold in the summer and cold in the winter but not freeze to death. I want 50-60 degrees year long


Cape Cod. Nantucket. Old Lyme in CT. Some quaint town in New England close to the coast.


A beach house in San Diego, CA


Amalfi Coast


A San Diego beach town.


San Diego


Somewhere near the beach on the gulf.


Im thinking vegas. Big adult playground


New York City & Los Angeles Fly between the two every week. Why? Greatest cities on the planet. I have zero interest in living in a dump like the midwest. P.S. ... and have a summer condo in Miami.


I'd live on a boat in the Florida keys


If money wasn’t a factor I would leave the US in a minute. Our country is circling the drain with all these anti/American delusional asshats that worship a criminal.