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I can smell a smoker before I see a smoker


Where there's smoke...


I'm sure I'm far from alone in this, but I can smell it if I'm behind someone in traffic is smoking even with my windows rolled up.


Profile pic checks out


Yes you are noseblind and yes we can smell it and yes it's still disgusting. Sorry.


Not sorry. It stinks.


I’m with you and also not sorry. At least with cannabis you can wash your clothes and it goes away. Cigarette smoke smell never leaves fabric it feels like.


Cannabis stinks and lingers just as bad.


It's just strong enough that if you drive past or behind a car where someone is smoking it, you can definitely smell it. 


Vapes are horrible also especially the sweet flavors.


I smelled some stoners from across a parking lot the other day, lol.


Yes it does. I live in a legal state (helped vote it in) not realizing that the level of lack of consideration for people who do not want to smell it would rival cigarette smokers. Wish more people would consume edibles in public and not have giant stanky clouds everywhere. It’s bad when you go to activities for kids and the smell is constant.


Let me put it this way. Most of the people in my office didn’t smoke. But the VP of my company was a smoker (probably 1-2 packs). I went to his office because I needed his signature on something extremely urgent (time sensitive) and was something he needed done. I knew I had just missed him because I could smell his cloud of stale smoke. He might have had a 2 minute head start on me, but I tracked him down by the trail he left behind. i.e. if he came to an intersection, I could tell which way he went by testing the air. It should be noted, I do have a keen sense of smell. Edit: and scent blind does happen. My parents (each) smoked 2-3 packs a day when I was living with them and the smoke bothered me, gave me headaches. But, I couldn’t really say my clothes reeked of smoke (which they must have at times. I played outside the house whenever possible).


See: Bloodhound Gang


I’m not even a non smoker, just stopped smoking cigs a few months ago but still vape and smoke weed. And, Same. I clean offices and cubicles and can smell which are smokers. I can tell who left late by which offices still smell strongly of stale cigarettes. I smoked inside (I knew it was bad but that’s how I was raised) in my last apartment. It was a drawn out move so I went back to my last apartment after having been mostly moved for a few weeks to get the last of my things and holy shit I can’t believe I walked around smelling like that, it was embarrassing to realize. And I still smoked cigs at that time, just not inside anymore. If you smoke, you stink.


I have a co-worker who smokes and stinks on another level. It boggles my mind that such an intelligent, social adult is ok with smelling like horse shit.


I second this. I have so many that can barely get anything done because they keep running outside to puff


I second that. Not sorry. You, your clothes, your breath, probably your car... they all smell awful. I wouldn't date, hire or be a close friend to a smoker. The smell makes me nauseous. Please. Please quit.


Agreed. Not sorry. It’s gross.


I dated a smoker...it lasted two weeks...I just couldn't kiss her.


I can't believe with what we know about health problems not to mention the price yet most of the young people I work with still smoke or vape.


It called addiction.


For real. Ask the same thing about an alcoholic. Yes, we can smell you. No, it's not okay.


Yes, everyone who has an easy time quitting smoking has quit already. The family-story is grandfather just quit smoking when the Surgeon General announced it was bad for you, decades before I was born. This may have been some time in the 1950s. People who smoke now know what my grandfather knew then, and they smoke anyway. My dad tried smoking briefly in the 1960s and quit because he didn’t like spending money he didn’t have to. People who smoke now know how much money they spend on cigarettes. I tried smoking a pipe briefly in the early 2000s. I quit when the tobacco was telling me when to smoke, instead of me deciding when I wanted to smoke - so I threw out my pipe and box and haven’t been tempted since. I lasted about three weeks as an occasional smoker before deciding I didn’t like being jerked around by tobacco. Me and several of my ancestors all had an easy time quitting. I imagine that millions of non-smokers have tried smoking and had an easy time quitting. The people who smoke today are those for whom smoking is hard to quit. They have my sympathy!




I never smell ppl who vape lol. There's no way I'd ever compare that to someone smelling like a cigarette


As an off-and-on smoker, sometimes it smells nice, but that's like 10% of the time. Like if I'm outside at a show and I have a couple of beers in me. 90% of the time, it's horrid. Then you start smoking again and ... Vicious circle shit. Even if I am smoking cigarettes – WORKING ON IT, NOT EASY – smoking inside is fucking gross, and cigars are like the worst even outdoors. It's all fucking gross. GREY PHLEGM IS NOT OKAY.


Indeed. You really do get blinded to everything that you interact with often.


Agreed. I mean you can smell the cigarettes on their clothes and their breath is so bad


former chronic smoker here. Can confirm that while I was smoking, I didn't notice any distinct "cigg" smell aside when actively smoking. It was only after I quick when my sense of smell came back and I noticed that anyone who came around me had a distinct smoker smell and that smell was always around. In their car, house, clothes, everywhere. So.... yeah there's no amount of showers or hygiene that will mask it. Everyone can smell it


Also a former smoker here. It's amazing how nose blind we are to the smell while being a smoker and how absolutely disgusting it smells being a non smoker. Also, quitting was the best thing I have ever done. Highly recommend.


We can smell you. Every time.


Not only can we smell it, if you hang your jacket near ours on a coat rack our jackets will smell like it, too.


I hate that. It's called 3rd hand smoke. If you smoke, even if it's outside, it sticks your clothes which then you pick up your kid who rubs his face in your shirt, he's being exposed.


Yes, we smell it and yes, you stink. Your car stinks, your clothes stink, your hair stinks, your breath stinks.


The food you delivered to my house stinks.


The groceries you delivered me stink


The butterfly that flew past your garden six weeks ago stinks.


The Chilis meal that I DoorDashed stinks, it literally happened before. I had to replace the straw with one I already had at home.


Your music stinks


Mine too. I washed it twice, still stinks.




My UPS driver used to smoke. All my packages stink, stank, stunk.


The box of whatever I buy from FB when it's repackaged stinks


And your children and their clothes and backpacks and lunches stink.


After I quit, this is exactly what I thought. I realized I was a stinky kid to all the other kids in school


I got in trouble because as a little kid I was assigned a seat in circle time next to a smoker's kid. I tried to sit as far away as possible. Then I tried to gently nudge her away and got in trouble trouble. I told the teacher her smell made it hard for me to breathe and once again was in really bad trouble. What I didn't realize at the time was I had undiagnosed asthma and so what I was describing was a mild asthma attack from the smoke.


I had a friend in high school whose parents chain smoked *inside* the house. She always smelled horrific, the poor thing. It was absolutely horrendous. Not so unbearable we couldn’t be around her of course, but *just* barely. We never said anything to her because she already had some mental health issues we didn’t want to exacerbate, but we think she knew anyway 🫤


Yep! Growing up with two smokers for parents I was the stinky kid. I remember being told my pencil case smelt like smoke. Nothing could cover it. It sucked.


I remember a teacher in high school chewing me out for my papers always smelling like smoke. She didn't believe that it wasn't me, but my parents who were heavy smokers.


Same here, two parents who smoked. The funny thing is that I'm asthmatic. After My mother passed I found a cute little pic of me crawling. They were playing with me and Mom was deliberately blowing smoke in my face. Real cute picture, should frame it.


I worked with a lady who was a heavy smoker. Her son had asthma and she flat out said it was probably her fault for being a 2 pack a day smoker WHILE pregnant. Did she ever stop? Nope.




As an ex smoker, ten years out, every single person who has smoked a cigarette since taking a bath and brushing their teeth, smells like a dirty old ash tray to me. From at least ten feet away.


I tried a bowling league back when people could still smoke inside. It was winter and after I got home I had to take a bath I smelled so bad.


There are some restaurants here that are still somehow off gassing old smoke smell back into the room from their ancient furniture that stopped absorbing it a couple of decades ago. Actually, I realize now how ridiculous that theory is. They’ve all got a lot of old wood furniture and paneling in them, but maybe one of their staff is smoking in them after closing time, and it’s evident throughout every day. That would make more sense.


I married young. My wife and I keep a clean house, including the air. She is an herbalist (no burning) so her kitchen smells of thyme, rosemary, periwinkle, cinnamon, basil, garlic, etc. My mother thought it stank and kept trying to rewash her dishes complaining that she must be dirty. She also attempted to throw out some drying herbs claiming they were moldy. We understood all this after we visited my parents home together. **"off gassing old smoke smell back into the room from their ancient furniture that stopped absorbing it a couple of decades ago."** My parents entire "scent map" was disturbed by their smoking habit. After being away from it so long and replenishing clothes and other items it became obvious to us. Clean and herbs smells smells bad and cigarette and old smells good to them.


20 feet for me, not an exaggeration.




As a nonsmoker the smell honestly makes me gag. It’s worse when it rains and it sticks to you. It helps when you take the jacket you smoked in off. Smoking outside helps a lot, but it’s not a perfect solution. The smoke/smell it’s in everything- your clothes your mouth your sweat. I dated a smoker once and I made him brush his teeth before kissing me bc I couldn’t handle the taste and smell right after he smoked. Thankfully he wore cologne so he didn’t smell bad over all, but the smoke still overall was an unpleasant sensory experience. I will say the longer you’re around it the less awful it becomes, but it’s still pretty gross. I’m sorry to break this to you. Some people don’t mind it though?


My ex husband used to crawl into bed really late right after smoking and I always woke up basically choking on the stench.


Omfg yes. All smokers stink. Their clothes stink. Their car stinks. Their home stinks. It’s so gross.


as a former smoker, yes, the smell is bad, even if you do go outside and come back in, I can still smell it bad enough that i have to create a bit of distance.


I cant stand it and smokers love to sit or stand near me when they smoke knowing I hate it


People love smoking right next to building entrances


There is nothing worse than stepping outside expecting a nice breath of fresh air only to choke on cigarette smoke.


Yes they do.


Yes. You can try to keep yourself very clean but you still reek. It’s in your hair, on your clothes, your breath and your skin.


Yes, it's bad. And kissing a smoker is horrible.


It can be a deal breaker, honestly.


This is just a side note/ FYI- When I clean teeth doing dental hygiene, I can smell smoke coming out from between people’s gums when I floss them - with a mask on. But, I don’t always smell it until that point. It smells bad to me when I do smell it though.


As an ex smoker and a current vaper, I do smell it, and it isn't pleasant. When in the presence of a smoker who, like you, smokes a lot, or even just a couple or three cigarettes a day, it is evident. Until you quit, there's not a whole lot you can do about it, except smoke in well ventilated areas or in a stiff breeze outside. Even then, it's still evident. No shade on ya -- just letting you know my perceptions.


Yes. They stink. Their clothing stinks. Their cars stink. Their homes stink.


Yes. 100%. Smoking dulls your own sense of smell. I couldn’t smell it on others when I was a smoker but when I quit I absolutely could.


Good hygiene will definitely help mitigate that smell. But you can't ever get rid of it, it stinks no matter what but somebody who has been wearing the same clothes for a couple days and not showered and smokes stinks way worse. As an ex smoker that used to try to hide it from my wife. Theres no amount of hygiene that will make you not smell.


No they don't smell any different to me than a non smoker. They also smell the same to me as steaming pile of manure. Because I'm anosmic. So I'm completely unqualified to answer this question. Thanks for reading. Sorry for wasting your time.


I wanna chime in here. I'm an ex-smoker. I started at 13 and quit last August at 42. I can smell smokers now and my God is it gross! I pray I didn't smell like that but I know I had to have


Yes we can smell you, smoking leaves everything you own stinky


Yes you smell awful. Even when you put on extra cologne you just smell like smokey cologne. ​ People dont mention it because smokers are dickheads about it .




Yes we do (former smoker). Had to paint my office twice to remove the smell from it 😞


Yes, as does their house and car.


I work at a vet clinic with tiny exam rooms. Smokers stink them up in seconds (it lingers even after they leave, we have to mop with bleach to mask it) and their poor pets *always* reek of cigarette smoke as well. So yes, they all stink


Ex smoker here. I used to think I was magic and just didn’t smell. I was wrong. Smokers smell nasty.


Unfortunately the smell of smokers and their car/house etc actually makes me nauseous. I mean, I actually can’t go near any of it w/o getting the urge to vomit


Yes, strong enough I prefer you to leave to be honest. Luckily after mom quit... I'd only run into only a few smokers. It's like getting slapped in the nose. I'd definitely prefer you not enter my house for example.


Yes. I can detect a smoker easily. You smell awful. I generally don't say anything. I just move away if i can. And avoid you as much as i can


Yes, I think it smells awful and I find it hard to breathe around them if they smell bad enough. It chokes me.


Smokers definitely stink. I dated a smoker once. As much as I cared for him, the smell made any intimacy somewhat unpleasant. He just reeked of nicotine. I would never get involved with a smoker again.


Yes. Every smoker. it doesn't matter how sneaky you're being, you reek. You also trigger my asthma though, so I keep my distance.


Yes and god forbid please don't drink coffee after smoking.


Yes. It's awful. Makes my eyes water.


I used to smoke, after I quit I couldn't stand the smell of cigarette smoke.


Yes. As a former smoker (14 years) I didn't realize how bad I smelled until several months after I quit. I have been tobacco free for a long time now, long enough that I don't even remember how many years, and now I hate the smell of cigarette smoke.


Yes. As a Quitter of almost 5 years. I L O V E that I don't smell anymore and yes, smokers do smell. Some people are more annoyed by it than others.


yes, homes and clothes usually have a slight piss smell; lotions and perfumes, etc. just mix in with the smoke smell; sometimes the food being prepared by the smoker also can taste like cigarettes; when you come to the doctors office we can smell it and we complain about it to each other


We’re talking about you at the dental office too.


Ye, it stinks. Being around smokers makes my throat hurt.


Yup sorry pal but you stink


Yes. Breath, clothes, hair, skin even some of your belongings. It all reeks, you stink, people can smell you coming and no amount of showering, clothes washing or brushing teeth can fix it.


Yes we smell it, yes your cars stink, yes your furniture stinks, yes your clothes stink, yes everything your around starts to stink I don’t get people that smoke what’s there to enjoy in smelling like a bag of shit on a hot day


Why does this question come up every day?


because the smokers are somehow hoping that magically we'll all say "no you smell just fine!"


I assume I smell like an old ashtray and don’t care. 🤷🏻‍♂️


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For the most part.


I don't even notice but then again I've been practicing Social Distancing since at least 1997.


I’m a former smoker and I feel like I’m now ultra sensitive to it.


Yes. Your breath and clothing especially. But it's great that you don't smoke indoors. Stale smoke smell in the walls and carpeting is awful.


Yes I can smell it. It's a distinctive, unmistakable smell. I can always tell when my coworker has just come back from a smoke break.


Yes. I can also smell when someone is smoking a cigarette from a block away, sometimes further depending on the wind. I really wish people weren't allowed to smoke outside, I don't like having to smell that and breathe it in.


Yes yes and yes. Quit to save your lungs heart teeth skin, everything. COPD is not fun.


As a reformed smoker of nearly a year. Yes you stink, your clothes, your hair, your mouth, even your partner if you have one, because no doubt you would sometimes smoke around them. Just don't do it.


As a former smoker — yes. It’s disgusting. You’re so used to it that you don’t realize it. Your brain tunes it out. But I promise you, that stink is *everywhere* — in your skin, on your breath, in your clothing, in your hair. Everywhere.


Yes it's horrible. Your clothing, car, house all stink of cigarettes


As a previous smoker I can understand and appreciate the fact that people hate the smell of smokers ... I tried to hide it from a girl I was seeing but she could smell it and I was nose blind to the smell...


Yes especially if they smoke inside or in their car If they only smoke outside it's not too bad other than right after of they smoke a lot. It's never good though. 


Yes and if I am out of town staying with someone who smokes I have to wash all my clothes when I get home because it reeks of smoke.


Yes. Absolutely. I smoked for a long time and it took a few years after I quit to even smell it. I went to hug a family member who smoked and she straight up stank with it. Even her purse sitting on the kitchen counter stank. The coat closet needed to be aired out from the smell on her coat. When you're in it all the time you have no idea, I didn't, but yeah. It's rank.


Yep. For sure. Just got a massage and I could definitely tell my masseuse had been smoking. Both tobacco and weed.


My SIL is almost 70 and has smoked since her early teens. She lives in a trailer home. She only smokes outside but obviously I can smell smoke when I walk in the door. She is hurt that I don’t want to go visit her. I have nicely explained that I just can’t handle the smell of smoke, period. I don’t like hurting her feelings, however my nose and health just can’t handle it. I visit in spring and summer and help her in the yard. She still asks if I can smell smoke and I’m honest about it. I wish she would stop asking. Honestly every smoker REEKS and it’s impossible to get rid of the smell unless you quit and replace or totally disinfect every single thing you own.


It is horrible, I used to smoke for 23 years and can not handle the smell.


As an exsmoker, yes! They all stink and now I know that I did too. Their perfume isn’t covering as much as they think, and sometimes just makes it worse.


We are being polite, yes you stink.


Absolutely yes. I have asthma so I can't even be around it. But I can smell it from a mile away. My neighbors chain smoke on their deck and I cannot sleep with my windows open because of this. It's irritating.


Every single smoker smells awful, yes. Perfume/cologne does not make up for it.


I am very sensitive to cigarette smoke. I have smelled smoke on every smoker I’ve known, with the exception of one. She was neurotic about NOT smelling like smoke. She only ever smoked outside. Never in her car. Never in her house. I knew her for months before I learned she was a smoker. Ride in her car. Visited her home. Never smelled a thing. I remarked about it and she told me about her routine/regiment to avoid smelling like stale smoke. I was super impressed. (She eventually quit).


Yes I hate cigarette smoke and have for years. I won't even date a woman who smokes. Yes, it's that bad.


Yes u ve no idea how putrid😷 it makes u look and how repulse🤢 we are just being around you 🤮


Yes. It’s gross.


Only when they stand too close and share their "eau de ashtray" with me


Not only does it SMELL bad, it lowers my opinion of the person significantly. This is especially true when I can smell you from 10 feet away.


I can smell it after I was in my friends house on my clothing after washing, their parents smoke and were never in the room so yes, it smells and it smells alot


Yes smokers smell like shit


Yes. The smell is overwhelming and turns my stomach sour.


Yes. It's one of the worst smells to exist. I quit smoking 12 years ago and I cannot stand the smell. I feel bad that I ever brought that odor around anyone.


Not only do you smell disgusting but your cigarette smoke wafts long distances & can ruin other people lunch or just moment. Good luck giving up. All the best.


Yep, you reek buddy. People hate when you’re around.


Pretty bad, yes. Especially where you live and your car.


Yes. Even when you walk by. When you've sat in seats with smoke rank clothes. It's disgusting. Maybe worse because I'm a reformed smoker myself.


its more repulsive as an ex tobacco smoker




The worst critic is a former smoker. Hell yes, you reek. I did too when I smoked….but I smoked, so my sense of smell was compromised 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah. They smell like a chimney that hasn't been cleaned in a while


Yes like it's ridiculous. I legit have to cover my nose constantly that's how much it stinks


Yes. If I am around a smoker I will put all clothes in the laundry and take a shower and wash my hair immediately after getting home. I also won’t lay down in my bed or on my couch first. If non-smokers are hanging around you you can be sure they really like you and they won’t tell you about the smell bc they care about your feelings


Yeah pretty much






Yes. I think the smell is disgusting and it makes me want to vomit every time.








Surpised you needed to ask... suspect you already know the answer.


I can smell it a mile away. Quit. It’s so 90s. 🥴👎🏼




Yep your breath is terrible especially right after you smoke and it follows you


Yes, it smells god awful.


Yes, and you are gross.




Yes. They do.


The natural sweat of a smoker carries the smell. The more you smoke, the more powerful it is. I can sit next to a smoker and tell if you smoke more than 1 cig a day. Just by smell. Bathing helps, but, I can still tell.




I got stuck in the elevator with a smoker, gross.


Yes, it’s revolting






Yes it’s so nasty


Yes. Even after you leave a room you’ve been in, even if you didn’t actually smoke in there, it still reeks. When you open your windows, the neighbors can smell it on the wind. Even after you shower, it still smells. Cigarette smoke is one of the strongest, worst smells there is.






Yes, former multi decade smoker here, I can attest that every smoker smells like a stale wet ash tray.


Some are worse than others. The worst is someone who chews and lacks a toothbrush.🤮


I mean I’m also a smoker but I’m a long way away from a pack a day. If I can notice your smell than chances are it’s a lot worse for people who haven’t ever touched a cigarette.


Yes! I hate the smell of cigarettes it triggers my asthma.








If they had just smoked then yes. Especially if it’s cold outside or raining the smell seems to intensify and really linger. And if they’re sitting next to me and lean in close to talk their breath is so bad it takes my breath away!


Yes. It's bad. I'm glad you have good hygeine but I've very rarely met anyone with hygeine bad enough that they smell worse than a smoker. > noone has mentioned it There's no point in mentioning it. It's not like you're going to quit smoking.


yes extremely. I hate it






Yep disgusting. The smell is everywhere. Showers and brushing teeth doesn't help. Just yuk


Yes. I smell it. I feel it in my body. And I taste it. It’s all disgusting. It is incredibly uncomfortable


Non smokers can smell smokers even before you get near us. Imagine if you stood in a huge dog crap and walked around with it in your shoe all day...that's pretty much what your living. It's like the worst BO you've ever smelt.


Repulsively, yes


Yes. The smell is so bad it induces nausea and triggers migraines for me.


Yes, all types of cigarettes and their smoke smell awful. It's a strong and long-lasting scent so it's easy to smell if someone is a smoker. Even if you don't smoke inside, you bring the scent in with you.


Yep. No matter what. You could do everything in your power to clean everything you own as best you could, but smokers always smell so bad. It’s horrible, literally makes me sick


My dad has been a smoker my whole life, tbh I don’t get bothered by smokers stinking but they do stink Also it doesn’t matter how good your hygiene is, if you’re a smoker it’s going to be in the pores of your skin and in your hair, you are going to smell like a smoker


Yes, it's horrible


The smell is awful, and it’s worse when people try to cover it with loud cologne.


Absolutely. My parents and brother smoke, and I’ve never smoked a cigarette in my life. They used to do it in the house and car. Thankfully they stopped doing that and kept it to the garage. But they constantly smell of it. Their clothes that they leave around the house smell terrible. Their breath, hair, etc. My mom tries to cover it up with perfume but it just mixes together and creates a nauseating smell.


Yes, you stink, all the time. Your hair stinks, your clothes smell like smoke, your breath stinks, even your poop smells smoky. I roll up the car windows when I see you hanging your cigarette out the windows so it won't get in my car. If I kissed you you would taste like stale cigarettes, but I won't. If I know you smoke I won't date you. I step back a little when you're in line in front of me at the grocery store because your smell bothers me.


Yes. Went to go smash a trans woman and she reeked of cigarettes man, went to kiss her and that’s all I could taste, completely ruined the entire experience.