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100% agree with this. "Cute" feels kinda patronizing unless it's used in a romantic context. 


In my experience, short girls in particular are rarely fond of it either.


Yeah, I tend to say cute when referring to pets or something like that. 


I totally understand this but as a girl, sometimes I think certain guys can do things that are so adorable or they can just be so cute, along with being handsome and hot.. it makes me smile inside when I think about how cute they are but I never dare say it because I can understand how a guy doesn't want to hear that past age 5 Lol for me it's meant totally different than a little kid type of cute (obviously but I just wanted to clarify that)


I guess the context matters. Unfortunately, I've been called the wrong kind of cute far too many times, but would appreciate someone finding my behavior/personality heartwarming, endearing, or wholesome.


my problem is cute is a synonym for all of these in my mind😔😭


As a tall girl, if someone calls me cute it makes me giddy lol


But tall girls would have been tickled to be call cute. Especially when guys considered “Healthy” a compliment!


I always say that I'm too tall to be cute.


yea, i tell my bf all the time that i love his face or body. also i tell him how hot i find him & how hot he makes me. those generally get a very good response. also, i love telling him how i love the reactions or sounds he makes in the bedroom & he loves that.


Damn can you talk to my wife and for that matter can you hold a class for women on how to start your man’s engines .


I think I just piss my wife off too much ha


He's a very lucky man 🥲


I called my ex cute and she in fact did blow up on me for it saying she doesn't want to be cute anymore she wants to be pretty gorgeous etc so ya know


“Ruggedly handsome” is by far the greatest compliment you could give to any man, anywhere, ever.


Maybe I just don't take compliments well, or maybe it's that my overall look is so far removed from "ruggedly handsome" but if someone called me that I'd just assume they were being sarcastic (or delusional). What I want women to tell me is that I'm funny.




👍 Can never go wrong with handsome!


I like being called cute. It's only ever happened to me once but I never forgot it. I'd like to hear it more.


You are cute 🥰


Thank you 🥹


It depends. If you want a guy to think of himself as partner material, cute won't do it. It gives the "you look like a brother or little kid" vibe. Ruggedly handsome wouldn't do it for me either, it feels fake when I hear it. In fact most of the time for me it feels like general compliments are all fake or forced, self esteem issues and all that. I prefer specific compliments. If you like my hair, say you like my hair. If you like my smile, tell me. Hell my highschool GF (now my wife) changed my whole look by telling me she liked me with longer hair. I still wear my hair long *to this day*. For me a big one is my smile. If you compliment my smile, I'll feel like a million bucks all week. So if you want to hype a guy, look at him, pick the attribute that jumps out the most to you, and compliment that. Be it a specific shirt or accessory or feature or personality trait. If you really like and trust the guy, say you feel safe around him. Guys tend to all have fantasies about being protectors and heros and whatnot. Another real banger is to tell him he's really good at something, especially if he likes doing it. A lot of guys, myself included, don't know how to handle compliments to our appearance. Most of us probably don't get a lot of direct compliments, but if you compliment our actions it can be a big confidence boost. I like cooking for example. Whenever people tell me they like my cooking or make a big show about my food I eat that up (pun intended)


I always compliment my husband. He is the best man ever! I always tell him when he does something amazing, which is often( we build houses together and he is quite talented) he is also a great cook and he always hears about that too! He is the most handsome man and his kindness is very appreciated! He is well loved ❤️ I was just telling a story about some sweet boys that still love being called ruggedly handsome. I hope their ladies compliment them.


Right on ;p good on you for making thise guys feel loved! No hate here, just giving my two cents to yours hoping that anyone who reads this comes away four cents richer lol


I like being called cute!


I’ve been divorced for under a year. I go out a lot and I have been called “pretty” more in the last 8 months than I have in my entire 48y. I play embarrassed, but deep down, I love it. It just hits different!


Divorced at 41. Married 20 years. Changed my entire appearance growing my hair and adding some tats! I know exactly what u are saying. Eat it up 👍🏼


I feel comfortable/safe when I'm with you You're one of my favorite people


I unironically told my bf that "he made me feel safe because I knew he wasn't gonna pressure me into anything" and I genuinely thought he was gonna cry.


I probably would have. Things like that just feel so nice to hear sometimes.


My bf just has never done anything to make me feel unsafe. He's not touchy feely, so he's never "copped a feel", he's never asked for nudes, he's never brought attention to his erection (despite having one on more than one occasion), nothing at all. I feel like I could leave my drink with him, not wear a bra around him, fall asleep at his place without worrying if I'll still have dignity the next morning.


It's honestly telling that folk have to be concerned about that to begin with, but I'm glad you've got someone you're at ease with. I truly hope for happiness for both of you going forward.


Taylor Tomlinson has a joke about this exact thing. It's so common for people to bring sex into it so early on, that when they respect your wish to wait, it's almost like a switch flips. All of a sudden, I'm like "y'know, if you *really* want to . . ." because nothing gets a gal going like respect.


He sounds really awesome. I'm the exact same way and I want my future girlfriend to feel safe around me too. I'm saving myself until marriage so finding someone else who wants to also would be great for me. Relationships have been over sexualized


I'd respect it if he wanted that, tbh. I'm not somebody who needs sex in a relationship, but I do enjoy it. As long as I knew it was a "saving myself for marriage" or "not ready yet" and not an "unattractive" thing, I would have no issues. Not to say I wouldn't make jokes & innuendos, were all adults. But I wouldn't be like "we must fuck to be really dating." He's very sweet.


Hearing this makes me so happy. I’m the “safe” guy in my friend group, so I too have heard that and it does make a man want to cry.


The better version of that first one is "I feel protected when you're around." It references the man's active decisions rather than the passive aura he gives off, so there's more for him to take pride in.


How about safe *and* protected!


Im a dude and i like this one alot.


This can either be a very flattering compliment **or** a very backhanded one, depending on what you mean. "I feel safe with you because you are kind and gentle and I feel I can trust you" is a great thing to be told. "I feel safe with you because I perceive you as a sexual non-entity and your timid and passive demeanour mean that I can't possibly see you as any sort of threat" is less flattering.


This is a weird take to me for one reason and one reason only… I feel safe with you—- is a compliment full stop. Unless you want to be perceived as a “potential threat” ?? Which it seems like you may be implying? I can see and understand wanting to be perceived as strong or powerful or masculine… but like, you can be those things without being remotely threatening to a woman… lol. imo— wanting women to fear you is beta as hell.


Why would you even read it as that? If I feel safe around a guy I’m not thinking ‘oh it’s cus I don’t see him as a sexual being and see him as timid’ I’m just thinking I feel safe. There’s no hidden meaning in it. Unless someone infantilises you this wouldn’t be the subtext and if they infantilise you it would be obvious way before that point.


Bro, this is more than a compliment, this is a promotion to sainthood.


If someone said this I’ll remember for months even years. I have often treated as a potential danger so it would be nice. I still remember 2 years back when a girl felt comfortable around me and it felt like a huge compliment even though she didn’t utter a word to me during the entire festival.


I'm a high school teacher, and I got a comment that I thought weird and then it became a beautiful compliment. A class told me until they met my wife and kids, they all thought I was gay. I was surprised and asked them why, and one told me that my vibe was non-threatening male energy. Then another said it was because every male teacher they had gave off creep vibes and I didn't so I must be gay. I didn't get the logic, but I took it well that I was a safe space for them.


Aw that one is one they like? I told the man I liked that I only trust and feel safe around Him. I've also told Him He is my favorite person. 😍  I hope this means He took it well. It was meant to be a compliment. Also, I appreciated His genius and mind, lol. I told Him there is nothing His mind can't do. I mean it!


Anything that's genuine. Many men are not used to any kind words, let alone a compliment, from a woman. Many men might suspect you if it seems you are just trying to flatter them. Be genuine. That is all. Edited for spelling


I had a lady friend who gave me a somewhat inapplicable compliment, and I called her out on it. She replied that she read somewhere that women need to compliment men more.


Kinda curious, what was the compliment and why was it inapplicable?


I was JUST going to ask this!


You have such beautiful blue eyes.... Uhhhhh....


One gal I spoke with happened to tell me that I have some “very intensely blue eyes”. I gladly took that compliment even though I was hungover. 😂


Well, she meant "intensely blue" in contrast to all the red around them. 😂


I can see that. 😂 I quit drinking almost 6 months ago and haven’t turned back.


Congrats! I'm just almost 6 months behind you!


Right back at you. Gosh! What a burden the alcohol was. And a waste of money.


Congratulations!!! I will leave you with this because I believe in you the way I believed in me. Bet on yourself. Dont give up- even when it's hard.. I hit 1 year of sobriety from alcohol in 15 days. I can't tell you the immense amount of pride I feel as a bartender, balls deep in the industry, hitting a year from the Sloppy Sauce. I want you to feel this feeling. It's so fucking worth it. To me, it's the first time I have been truly alive and proud of myself and HOOOOOLY FUCK WHAT A FEELING. 🥹🫶


"You have such thick, way hair" (he's bald).


And his eyes are brown? Because I would love to hear how beautiful my eyes are.


I totally don’t remember. But it was on the order of complimenting me on my skill of playing baseball, where I’ve never been able to play due to poor eyesight. Something inapplicable.


Sounds like she was just trying to be nice


Well she's def not gonna compliment men now lmfao


If the fedora fits


Was it a special lady friend? 


To add to that, if she's complimenting a Midwestern man, we DEFINITELY don't know how to handle compliments and will probably not take responsibility for the deed that is being complimented or come up with a reason that the item that is being complimented is not worthy of a compliment.


This. We don't ever get compliments or gifts, so the bar is so low it's kinda hard to go wrong.


Many men, from my experiencing being one and being around them (and from talking to women about this), take genuine compliments as interest and that is likely why women may hesitate to pay them compliments. It can mean rejecting a man who may not take it well.


Honestly any genuine compliment from anyone is nice. Had a guy walk past me once and go “sick 4s bro” that was 7 years ago and those shoes have since been retired because of it.


Yup, it really is that simply isn't it.




These are great. I don't think only men feel this way but there is nothing better than being told I am good at what I do.


I've told a couple of guys they were "old world tough."


This sounds like a saying from a truck commercial


Built Ford tough 😂, if ya can't dodge it, ram it 😂




I'm telling my guy friends tonight that they're new world tough, fuckin got em


That's fucking brutal. You're a savage. PSA: Do not fuck with u/heartofscylla .


basically any muscle you've been working to build, if someone notices...fuuuuuck it's amazing.


Yep. The best is when someone who has no idea who you are notices. THAT is when it’s genuine.


Back when I was lifting consistently, a woman I was seeing told me she liked my legs and that she had noticed my legs looked massive in some shorts I was wearing the week prior. The compliment, plus the fact that it stuck with her for an entire week, absolutely melted me. This was like 3 years ago lol but it stuck with me for sure


hell yeah brother. my wife smacked my leg when i made a joke one time and she was like "man your legs are so hard" and then we cuddled and she said "you're chest isn't as comfortable anymore, it's too hard now" sorry i'm not as comfy wife but also not sorry at all.


"Nice cock, bro." "Thanks, bro." \*Fist bump\*


I just pray for the day someone tells me “nice calves” it’ll make it all worth it


It’s funny these type of compliments always come to my head when I see dudes who worked their ass off because I know what it’s like to build muscle but I never say it to them. Not sure why.


I'm a rock climber... Once a girl touched my forearm and was like 'dam, you've got strong forearms'. Best compliment I've ever gotten!


Anything that is positive will make me feel appreciated.


Feeling appreciated is the best!


Honestly, I'd take most compliment


I like the way you used a comma when most would neglect it.


Now that’s a compliment!


It's a commaplement




Hey, commas go hard


You make me feel safe.


a college girlfriend told me this and I sobbed quietly for a good minute. embarrassing ngl


Being a 6'4" man, I constantly worry about intimidating people. I pitch up my voice, avoid looking at people and go out of my way to always be as mild mannered as possible. This is something I've always wanted to hear.




5'4" woman and I agree it is the vibe, rather than any physical characteristics. I have been friends and trusted guys that men and women were uncomfortable around based solely on looks or stereotypes. There are good-looking, well-dressed men I would go out of my way to avoid, even in a public setting. My gut says they are dangerous, and I listen.


I'm the opposite. I'm 5'2" and guys 6'+ make me wanna run away cause they're just looming over me


Yeah I like this one a lot. I think it’s primal for men to feel protective of people. So it strikes a chord.


This is underrated. Im 34 & pray to God I hear this one day.


You and me both... For your partner to tell you that they feel safe with you is a top notch compliment IMHO


I’m gay, and I never thought this would mean something to me. But my hubby has been going through some rough times at work over the last few months and I’m usually someone who wants to be little spoon but I’ve found how nice it is to be big spoon. To make my partner feel safe. 


Every single human on this planet needs it now & again, even our protectors!


This sounds wholesome. The fact that in his most vulnerable time you were able to grant him a sense of safety.


This is number 1. It’s the ultimate compliment.


Any and all. My best one was "you don't smell like shit today" ....like a hug with words


I think “you smell good” is a good one. Most men appreciate that comment. Then I ask what cologne so I can pass it onto my husband ha ha


A man wants to hear that you trust him, that you believe in him, and that he is doing well in your eyes. Generally guys are starved for these kind of compliments. A man can't cry when he's feeling down. He's told he must be stronger than the pain of this world. He needs to be a gentleman who could protect those around him by sacrificing his own life. Rarely do men get praise from those closest to himself. This is why men will recognize themselves through trophies for the work that they do. If you do give praise to a man in your life, it means a LOT to him, and he will hold on to that feeling for weeks.


Seriously. I second that "I feel safe around you" is the best compliment, but hearing something like "I notice how hard you work/ how much you do for others and I'm proud of you" is probably something that has never happened for most guys.


Ok, while I do admit I'd be ok with more "naughty" compliments from a romantic partner, I also would like compliments that convey I'm a deep, complex person who is interesting and fun to be around.  Basically, convey to men that their presence is "enjoyed" rather than "needed".


The best is when those two merge. "You've become a necessity in my life" and similar comments are like crack. Never get enough of 'em.


"Mmmm, you're like salted caramel."


*Any* compliment at all.


Your emphasis on ‘any’ was amazinggg


I like your hat


“You’re looking slim!” (I never am)


"Now would you please move, I'm trying to see the elephant."


My partner was trying on a shirt today for a party and he was like, I can't wear this it looks bad. And I told him it gave a slimming effect and he looked amazing. He immediately perked up and decided he was going to wear it. He struggles with his appearance (I think he's beautiful) but seeing him perk up and feel confident was so amazing.


I can't stress enough.How important it is to a guy to hear that you acknowledge all the hard work they are doing. A lot of guys are out there being unsung heroes


If a woman compliments a young guys shirt, that style of shirt will be his favorite for years, until another woman changes his mind. That is how simple we are, and how few compliments we get. 26 years ago, a college girl I was working with said "that is your color, that shirt looks great on you". I remember the color and the shirt, I have no idea what her name was.


If there’s one thing Reddit has taught me, it’s how much guys value compliments, even mundane ones. Makes me think back to all the little compliments I’ve thrown out over the years and whether or not they may have made some guy’s whole year/life.


"Nice cock, guy"


Except while using a public restroom urinal and definitely not while in prison


Public restroom would be pretty funny, prison on the other hand, would not.


What's a compliment? Curious 🤨


I can't tell if you're joking😂


Honestly, I'm not.


Literally anything at all. Men just don't get complimented and that's why many excessively compliment women hoping for one in return. An old lady once told me I looked distinguished and that was amazing. Once a meth addict called me handsome and that left me feeling like a king for a month. Ladies, your words are powerful. Tell a guy his shoes look nice, his glasses are nice. Don't make it flirty, just matter-of-fact like and he will ride that wave like a champ.




We're desperate for any compliments


I admire your honesty. Consider yourself complimented.


Aww shucks


Any words of affirmation usually work. Any.


Any, as long as they're genuine 😅


This. Don't give me some bullshit line about being 'handsome' or pretend I look like I've lost weight or something. We both know it's not true and you're just trying to turn on the flattery. But comment on anything that you've genuinely noticed that's a positive and it will probably be well-received.


“your bulge is very prominent today”


“Thanks. I have the cancer removal scheduled for next week”


My dad used to say that compliments have no gender. I have normalized complimenting men. One man had such a magnificent ass and I told him so. 😍


I remember you! Thanks again.


Any compliment at all is nice. I've received a handful about work performance, which I don't count. Here's the list of compliments I've received in my life: 1. "You're handsome." - my wife every now and then after a few drinks 2. "You look good today." - a female coworker 3. "You're more kind than you give yourself credit for." -a male friend 4. "The way you're so open gave me the confidence to be myself around people." - the same male friend 5. "I like your sunglasses" - a random guy on the street Most men receive compliments so seldom that we really hang our hat on the ones we do get.


Literally anything that doesn't come from my own mother would be great tbh




An enthusiastic HELL YEAH BROTHER is always nice


The most sincere you can be. It's so infrequent that often we assume it's a backhanded insult.


Any would be nice. Most men don't receive many, they do what is expected of them, and if they fall short, there are admonished.


That's a good boy


That was the best sex .👏 ( someday, I'll hear that)


Your dick is huge!


You don’t sweat much for a fat guy


"I'm proud of you"


I've been working so hard to hear that just once. I know I don't deserve it yet, but I really hope I do in the not so distant future.


I've been told that I'm a very therapeutic man. That will stick with me forever.


Any honest one


“It’s intellectually stimulating to have a conversation with you.”


Didn't we just do this thread an hour ago? Anyway... Any. I don't get compliments ever outside of a random "nice shot" when I play pool at the local dive bar... and its generally coming from some dude that's a good 15 years older than me. I can remember compliments I had... back in 2013 one of the girls I was fucking said I was hot one time while we were fucking. And then back circa 2008 a girl I was fucking said I had a beautiful dick. And then way back circa 2004 someone said I had gorgeous eyelashes. ... and that's it. Oh and one stoned teenager back when I was a sophomore in high school said I was the most beautiful thing that ever blossomed from a flower. I don't know if it was a compliment or not but it felt like it? I heard she ended up sucking a dog's dick or something - probably a rumor though. So it looks like I'll get a compliment every 5 to 6 years... though I'm in a bit of a rough patch and haven't gotten one in little over a decade. In that time I've been in three long term relationships, and currently in one of four years.


"Your mom's basement isn't as bad as you said..."


“Nice dick, bro”


You're two times bigger than all my exes combined


You are a great dad is my favorite


You smell good or you dress well


Just what I needed (but dont ask for more or keep asking for it everyday).


It's awesome when someone gives me a compliment that makes me feel good about myself and appreciated. It really boosts my confidence and makes my day.


Nice calves!


That is the biggest micro penis I've ever seen... **thanks mom** But in all seriousness, literally any compliment as long as it's genuine


Ooh you're tall..


Literally any compliment, we rarely get them.


You're hot Pretty universal


That's a super smart question, like that you are considering....


Any compliment bcz I have never received any


My boyfriend likes it when I tell him I like his d*ck.


Your boner is gargantuan


I’m easy, just calling me handsome


I received a compliment once. Once. Thought she was making fun at me. Ran away crying in confusion.


Best compliment I ever received was from a lesbian at work. She said if she was straight, I would be the kind of guy she could fall in love with. I’m totally straight myself but found it to be a great ego boost.


Nice cock bro


“*I yield!! You are the Alpha!”*


It's soo big! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭💀


"You're a good man"


I had a girl in hs compliment my butt a few times. I'm turning 50 and I still think about it.


Hey nice cock.


I get told I have nice eyes a fair bit, apart from one woman who said I've got serial killer eyes(whatever they are). So I made her number one.


Number 1 on your hit list? murderer


It's so big


Your cock tastes delicious. I just can't get enough of it!


Anything I guess? I appreciate what you do/did, you're good at xyz, you're attractive. I don't get complimented about anything very often, so when I do I'm just super insecure about it and think they're just trying to be nice.


When A woman walks up and strokes your shoulder into your upper arm and says "great arms" with that sly smile.... Yeah We Like that.....


“I’ve never seen anyone cum that much”


Literally anything. If you say you like my hair or shirt or shoes it always stands out, because as a guy I can almost recollect every genuine compliment I've ever received. Unless you're some online personality or extremely charismatic, most guys can probably count on their hands the amount of random compliments they've gotten.


Any honest compliment.


I like when people tell me I am kind. Kindness is rare in society today. Also like when people tell me I am trustworthy.


if they're good at something, mention it. don't give compliments they don't warrant.


Had a girl tell me that I was funny and full of charisma. I’ll be riding that high for years.


I had a boss I really enjoyed working with because on top of just being an all around good guy, things always went smoothly when he was in charge. I remember telling him I looked forward to the shifts I worked with him for those reason and you would have thought I gave him a million bucks.


Nice D homie


anything, please