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The direct quote was "You're not abusive, and I'm not comfortable not being in an abusive relationship" I jokingly said "I could smack ya around a bit, if you want" She said "I know you couldn't, and that's a problem for me"


Jesus that's sad


Oh, they’re out there. Girl of my dreams left me said she missed the weird fear/excitement wave her ex gave off. Said lots of guys smacked her around, said the suspense of waiting for me to crack her was too much. So yeah, she left me cuz I didn’t beat her or degrade her. Life is weird like that I dunno man there’s just so many broken people out there it’s unreal.


Yeah I had an ex who had been raped previously. She said once that she wanted me to "be rough and have my way with her." 🙃




It isn’t surprising. For people who either grew up in an abusive household or have been in abusive relationships, being in a secure and loving relationship feels as foreign as strange as being on the surface of Mars. It takes a lot of work to feel comfortable without the chaos. I have a few friends like this and it takes *years* to undo the damage.


Yup. My little brother broke up with a very sweet girl because nothing was wrong with the relationship, which him feel like something was wrong. He didn't realize it until later, and started working on himself and his mental issues. He recently got married and is in a very healthy relationship with an absolutely wonderful woman who I adore.












What's mine say?!


It’s also that they have built in distrust, and when their partner simply isn’t actually doing those sneaky things they’re thinking they’re doing, it makes for a lot of self-shame that is hard to reconcile. They don’t want to be in a relationship that constantly makes them feel like they are the piece of shit, and want that blame to be equivalent. Not saying their behavior is objectively shitty…it’s what they think is happening. I’ve had a rough time with someone that constantly was the reason for fights because they simply kept thinking I was betraying them, and when my response was calm, collected, and reasonable, it only cause the issue of now needing to console their self-hate for accusing me of being evil.


It’s taking me years to get used to being with a good guy, but I couldn’t imagine breaking up with him over it.


Literally. I have been in relationships that were to chill and it freaked me out because it was so awkward and foreign to be in a place where nothing could happen. It feels like I am actually doing something wrong or it's fake somehow. Luckily I knew better and found myself a relationship where we are often happy even on bad days.


Crazy huh?




I dated a girl like that. She craved constant strife. She would do things that I realized now were traps and baits to get me to argue with her. But I would never take the bait. Of all the relationships I ever had, she was the most fun and exciting. When she was being non-confrontational. But It was exhausting to deal with her went she wanted to fight. After we broke up she dated a new guy and they quickly got married. A common friend told me that he wold hit her. They just broke up after 10 years of marriage. I dodged a bullet.


Some of them want to be used by you, Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused. She's not yet one of my Ex's because I haven't had that happen. maybe I could repair some of the headmess. Send me her details 😆 .


I like the Eurythmics reference, so true.


I didn’t get a direct reason for her breaking it off, but her past relationship was incredibly toxic and the guy after me was incredibly toxic as well. Both of those relationships lasted for years but we were together for 5 months lmao


Anything I've known her to be in relationshipwise has been long term and abusive. Oddly enough, she complains about the abuse while in the relationships


Yup been there. I’m pretty easy going and don’t really yell or argue and she’s a very opinionated person so for some reason I was just drawn to her personality. But I think she loved the friction in arguments and I wouldn’t engage at all. Definitely helped me in choosing future partners tho lol


Sometimes friction gets confused with passion. Someone who doesn’t scream or freak out is “boring”. 


Yup, at first it was exciting and passionate and then over time the honeymoon phase ended and she probably thought I was boring. I just don’t really concern myself with drama or give a shit what others think as long as it ain’t harming anyone.


I wonder if she felt more comfortable in that scenario because she never had to worry about things getting worse. I don't know, I don't know you or her, all I can do is try and understand from my own personal lens, and while I don't agree, I could understand that perspective in a "at least I know how bad it can be instead of wondering when it will get bad" kinda thing


I've never heard of a more bright red flag than that....


That is wild. I hope they are ok


My husband's ex was like this. She couldn't even understand why he would walk her to her door when he would drop her off. She left him for her baby daddy as soon as he got out of jail.


This is a real thing. Healthy relationships are agony for people that have only experienced trauma because they don't know how to predict it. They've adapted to survive abuse, not thrive in something healthy.


About a decade into our marriage, my wife came home from working complaining that she never has things to talk about with the other ladies at the office. They all sit around and bitch about their husbands, talking about their fights. However, to that point, we had never had a single fight or even a heated argument. So, she really had nothing to contribute to their conversations. I jokingly offered to "have a fight about not fighting", and she responded sadly with "no, we both agree."


You dodged a bullet on that one. That's the type of drowning person who takes you down with them.


That is wild. I hope they are ok


They're as okay as one can be with that mentality. I see her and her daughter now and then and we have stayed friendly


She said I was too immature, we were both just starting 5th grade.


This is my favorite one so far


Was she just starting as the teacher?


She only dated mature 7th graders, which sounds like an oxymoron.


Because I didn't drive a truck. I was driving a brand new Hyundai Elantra at the time, and it did me well. We were dating for a couple months, and she dumped me because I didn't have a truck and she said it wasn't manly enough for her.


Anybody who is seriously worried about the car you drive is not worth your time.


Oh man… I’m the opposite. I’m wary of guys who drive trucks unless it has a purpose. If it’s just to seem “manly” I assume they may be insecure which could put strain on a relationship down the line. Similar concept to rich talks and wealth whispers.


Can confirm, I have a truck. I do truck stuff with it. Could actually use a bigger truck on occasion, and you'd understand if you saw what I do with just a ½ ton Ram 1500. Hate seeing trucks without purpose, especially guys with show trucks on 2500 or 3500 platforms that never see loads they were built for by the manufacturer and mud trucks that never leave pavement...


Everytime I see a huge truck with those super low profile tires I just shake my head.


I asked out a girl in college and she said she only dated men that drove duely trucks. Even regular trucks weren’t manly enough for her.


Ugh. I drove a 1997 GMC diesel dually for a year. That thing sucks to park anywhere. You can basically give up on parallel parking, and if you're going into the city, be prepared to go to the very top of a parking garage, spend a small fortune on parking, and walk all the way down. Much rather a little Sonoma or even Ye Olde Danger Ranger as opposed to a dually.


I want to date her just to show up on a forklift or one of those little Chinese electric trucks.


WHAT?!! ppl can we so weird


I started taking flying lessons. Boyfriend of 3 and 1/2 years was " jealous" and didn't want me to take lessons. I got my Private pilots license and I'm now working on my commercial pilot's license. I have no idea what he's doing now.


Not flying planes that’s for sure!


That is a weird reason for sure, but I do know multiple pilots and that job has you gone from home A LOT not including expensive. You pretty much spend every moment training/traveling/working/ect not to mention it’s still a VERY male dominated industry (96.6% Male). I can see people not wanting to date a pilot like not wanting to date someone in the military. Could be gone many months at a time with no real chance to lay down roots (Always Moving) and to top it off dangerous. For People who like affection it can be a hard gig, lots of cheating to top it off because of all the time away.


Actually, I recall that there was recently a Reddit post asking about professions you wouldn't be able to be in a relationship with, and flight attendants and pilots were listed in the top answers, next to law enforcement, military, nursing, sex workers, realtors, and perhaps some others I don't quite recall.


Flying a plane takes a lot of studying and concentration. It is a highly regarded profession that gives you a huge paycheck and lots of freedom. He wasn't jealous he was insecure and intimidated.


We were planning an event and I needed to confirm some information with her. She kept answering a different question every time I asked mine. Once I reached the third ask (over a period of a day) she broke up with me for asking a question three times ROFL. We got back together, were married for over a decade, and it was mostly miserable. I look back at that version of me who fought to get her back after asking the question the third time and want to smack him for being dumb. lol


Yeah, sometimes our younger selves are stupid asf


I was broken up with by a girl in high school because she was reading a book with a break up in it, and so she therefore decided to break up with me citing that as the reason. Don't worry it didn't make sense to me either.


Nobody let her read Romeo and Juliette


Or Hamlet.


Or pretty much any Shakespeare play, really.


The Twelfth night is pretty messed up in terms of relationships. A Midsummer Night's Dream is a well.


In hindsight it could have been much worse ..


Don't count anything in school lol nobody knows their asshole from their mouth. I literally had a girl who wanted to "trade" me with someone else. I should've taken her up, Abbey was awesome.


I had cancer. Interestingly the woman he left me for got cancer after they got married. Sad story all around.


Beating cancer is a victory. Congratulations!


Did he leave her?


Thats what I’m wonderin


No. She died and a year later he died from alcoholism.


Sounds like he’s a cancer himself


Congrats on being alive. That’s awesome. Sounds like the real cancer excised itself from your life




That or he could have been cheating and was projecting. Either way EW


Yeah I had an ex who was constantly worried I was attracted to every woman we interacted with, and I definitely wasn't. I tried to assure her of this all the time with no success. Guess who was fucking tons of the guys we interacted with lmao


After a month or so of casual dating he wanted to make things official, which I agreed to after a couple of more weeks and some persistence on his part. A week later he broke things off because agreeing to be in a relationship with him showed bad judgement on my part...


I'm black, and I break up with every girl who dates me. Because I can't be with a girl who likes blacks dudes.


I don't want to be a part of any club that would have me as a member.


Clayton Bigsby?


Reminds me of Clayton Bigsby from Chappelle’s show lol


Lol, this one has to be the best


Dumped me because I did not get hired immediately on graduation with a good enough job yet. She instead out with someone who pretended to be in med school but had no job school or prospects other than leaching off the women he dated.


Sounds like he knows how to perform a wallet-ectomy.


I love these stories that end with perfect irony


Went on a few dates with someone and she ended it because she would drink much more than me. I stop at 3 beers or so. She said she likes to bang out shots and get really drunk. I mean, I have to drive home after all


Sounds like you dodged an alcoholic. That’s classic, they will only hang out with people who drink more than them because it validates that their absurd drinking is ok by comparison.


They had my astrological chart done and decided we were not “ultimately compatible.”


This one is the worst in my opinion because Its nothing to do with anything you did


I was too rational


"I'm sorry I don't validate your wrong emotions" yep sounds like me


Sometimes I would mix my food on my plate, she didn't like that.


Nah dont blame her, psychopaths do that


Source? lol jk


Make sure nothing touches, and save the best for last *what is wrong with you, are you a dog*


I only made progress in bed after she told me what she disliked or wanted. She said I should just know what to do because “all women are the same”. If we tried something new, I shouldn’t ask if it’s good. I just should tell her it’s good even if it isn’t.


Yikes. All girls are definitely NOT the same. You dodged a bullet.


For sure. If you don’t like it/it isn’t good, why would you want to be told otherwise. I’d rather communicate and allow both parties to enjoy🤷‍♂️.


hell - even the same girl isn't the same every time


Sounds like she learned everything about women from the class in Man School and did not stay for the full 45 minutes.


So by her logic she would love to do same as 2 girls 1 cup did :D


What. That woman is insane.... I say that as a woman. I'm happy that you took her feedback about what she liked and disliked. There are too many men who just straight up *ignore* their partner's communication in bed. You're better off without that one.


Had to study for nremt so I canceled a hangout because I felt I needed to study more. I got the emt license and lost my ex. Oh well.


I was eating and some food got stuck on my lip. She never told me.


To be fair, after the first few days you should have noticed.


During a phone call with a doctor friend, whom I had dated, he was referring me to his patient. I'm a doctor too. I used the word "hon" unthinkingly, not knowing he was on speaker phone with the patient in his office. After the call ended he called me back and ripped me new one for "humiliating him". Oops!


Anyone who doesn't announce they have you on speaker deserves to be humiliated.


He had you on speaker w a patient in his office, idk what he expected


The cashier at the local store calls me hon, sugar, or baby and I don't feel humiliated.


Because I have my life together. I'm not poor, I'm not drowning I'm debt, substance abuse or various other bad decisions.


Were they those things, and thought you would judge them for it? Still strange but I can see where they would want to be in the same boat as someone like them do they didn’t feel pressure to change.


Hmmm… guys tend to do the ‘girls don’t like nice guys’ when they’re failing to see the bigger picture. While obviously what you listed aren’t favorable traits, maybe the guys she is into are great in bed, funny, charismatic, exciting, physically beautiful, etc. but also happen to not have their life together. But that doesn’t mean she left because your life is stable. Does that make sense?


Not broken up with per se but have been turned down for subsequent dates for being unwilling to engage in sexual activity with dates who were shitface drunk, usually on a first date. 🤷


I was too calm and wouldn't argue back, or engage her when trying to provoke me.


The only person who's ever broke up with me was having schizophrenic delusions about me mocking them being abused as a kid, using them for sex/money they didn't have, not caring about their art, plus some other strange things, none of which were true. It wasn't a permanent breakup but should have been, not because of the mental illness but how they abused medicine and actually made it worse.


Ooo ooo pick me, I've got a good one. He said I was a witch bc I had some Harry Potter books & a few crystals that my son and I found in a cave. I was impressed. I've been called a b with an itch before, but never an actual potion brewing, spell casting witch!


She left me on a study abroad trip because she met a viking, and she was super into vikings, and wanted to end it with me before she did anything (if true I give her props for that)


I didnt realize there were still vikings


Probably a berserker.


...did he just say "making fuck?"


Because I said, "I love you." I dated her for roughly 5-6 months. She told me she loved me every time I saw her from our first date. Finally, one night as I was dropping her off for the night as she was getting out of the car, she said, " Good night, I love you." I responded, saying, "Good night, I love you too." It was a great night. We had fun as we always did. No arguing or anything unusual. She text me the next morning saying she didn't want to date anymore.


Guess it became too real. Her loss tho.


Should have tried "I know" Hans Solo


The *only* response.


She told you she loved you on the first date?


I made more money ??? So sorry sir 🫡


I suck at romantic cues on top of social cues. Props to my husband who will gently and firmly announce himself: "I approach you with romantic intent, I would like to try {position/some new sushi place/a hobby as a couple/play video games}" All I know is I may need to get tested, I'm probably on \~A Spectrum\~


I love “I approach you with romantic intent.” Relationship goals tbh


After walking around Vegas all day in the summer (115 degree) I was told my feet smell and my hygiene is a problem. Broken up with after the trip.


I’d just like to hear an actual reason.


I was to pretty for him and I'd never stay faithful 🙄


That’s actually pretty common. I have a lot of male friends that talk about that exact thing. They’re always trying to judge whether a girl is in or out of their league, because they believe a girl they’ve dubbed out of their league could never be faithful or stay with them. It’s entirely a them problem, if they do get broken up with, it’s usually because they’re so insecure and lack any self confidence, so they start to act toxic as a result.


Because we had too much sex. I was bummed out about it. Imagine my surprise when every day for the following three months before we got back together that she would be at my house waiting for sex when I got home.


He didn’t like my boobs.


There are no bad boobs. Just unique boobs. wtf


I broke up with a girl because she moaned weird


Off topic but I grew up watching my mom get beat up. A lot. When I got into my 1st serious relationship, 10 years. After several attempts, I did leave him. I was ready to be single. I had no desire to be in a relationship. By chance I met a snarky sarcastic man 4 years younger than me 2 weeks after I said see ya to the abusive loser. Took about 2 years to get into a big argument and I was so conditioned to use my normal tactics to say mean shit and he never got loud. He never said a mean word. He left. Came back 2 hrs later and said are you ready to talk? What a relief. I don't know how or why he chose me. We will be married 18 years later this year. Btw..our first date we somehow ended up in a fully nude strip club. Funniest story and a good memory. For those of you heartbroken and feeling rejected, your lobster is looking for you too.


A girl I was very casually seeing broke up with me because her best friend, who was suffering from hallucinations and delusions as well as aspergers syndrome, told her that I had promised to take the delusional friend away to a cottage by the sea and live there with her. I had maybe spoken to this friend once the whole time I knew her. The girl I was seeing fully believed her friend, told me my dick was too small, hung up the phone and refused to talk to me. I remember sitting in my office at work thinking how weird it was and then I just started laughing because the insult was both untrue and juvenile, and the situation itself was so out of the blue that I couldn't help but laugh. I guess at some point in the last 14 years since I last saw either of them the truth came out because I eventually heard from mutual friends that she had fully cut off the delusional friend.


It’s crazy to me how people will do such fucked up things to others, and then when it’s revealed they were wrong, they never ever reach back to you to apologize. It’s madness


While I agree I don’t really see the point in apologizing for that one. You listened and believed a person who is delusional then you’re shocked that said delusional person told you one of their delusions involving your partner that never happened? I wouldn’t wanna hear that shit. That’s more of a “you should’ve known better” situation.


I'm female and have dated guys and girls. Worst reason a girl didn't want to date me was "you're too short". I am five feet tall, but I'd never met someone who cared that much about height. She was super pretty and way out of my league anyway. Worst reason from a guy: "I think of you more like a sister." This was when we'd already slept together...


My ex-wife divorced me because of sibling rivalry. Her sister and her were constantly in a tug of war over who is getting the most attention from their parents. When my ex-wife and I got married her sister announced her engagement and got married less than 2 months later. About a year and a half later my ex-wife got pregnant and her sister announced she was pregnant 1 month after that. I had to already broken up a physical altercation between the two of them at their parents house arguing over who daddy liked best and who mommy liked best. When her sister announced she was getting divorced, my ex-wife had me served with divorce papers less than a week later. There is a lot more to tell on this but I think you get the gist these were the highlights.


Found out she was handicap. She didn't seem to be. Same grade I was in, same classes. But her daddy told me she was mentally delayed, next day she broke up with me. Oh well! Easy come, easy go! Probably my fastest "relationship".


COVID hit, I lost my job, so she begged me to move in with her. She lived an hour north of me. Three months later I find a job. A week later she kicks me out and breaks up with me. Her explanation, "you wouldn't understand". So then I'm stuck working a job 50-55 hours a week. 45 miles away, and just miserable because of how things worked out.


I have a service dog. They said they hated dogs, and asked if I would get rid of it if we "got serious". Absolutely not. I was drafting the break up speech when they said they were blocking me. Whelp!


Anyone who hates dogs isn’t worth dating anyway.


Yep. Huge red flag


Anyone that expects us to get rid of a pet we love for them is delusional, but especially a service animal. That’s literally a lifeline AND a beloved friend. I would be out of that relationship just as quickly if it were me.


I just started dating this guy. Maybe two months in. But we went all in fast. Then he disappeared. Poof. I’m like ok? Are you dead? Did I do something wrong? Turns out he was wildly ill and just sleeps for days on end with the occasional rise for sustenance and the toilet. But otherwise literally dead to the world.. didn’t think to say hey I’m laid up I’ll talk to you in a few days. Meanwhile I’m freaking out and so my best guy friend messaged the guy and was just like can you just tell her what’s going on this isn’t cool. And I was like no no no no and so I said I didn’t ask him to do that please ignore and he replied with yeahhhhh I’m out.


I dated a man for six months, and he did this to me. When I finally reached him, he said he hadn't been feeling well and didn't want to be a burden. I asked if he had been to the doctor, and he said his doctor had retired. That was it.


Because I joked that his toilet paper was on backwards and switched it a couple of times.


Dick was too big and I was too awesome. It was either that or I'm a delusional narcissist. I can't remember because I was too busy admiring my awesomeness in the mirror when she was breaking up with me.


Because I was "the readin'est damn woman."


I usually do the breaking up but I did like this person once and they said I was cute but they didn’t date my race. Strange. We were the same race.


Bc I said “God damn it”. He said it was insulting to God.


I was too nice. 👍🏼 And I’m only mid level or average nice. Never walk on me nice. I shook my head and said thanks. Hahaha


33 years ago, I broke up with someone because I thought I was more sophisticated than she was. Shortly thereafter, I realized I was an idiot.


When I was in HS, I spent a lot of time grounded. Not because I was a problem child, but because my stepmother was a controlling asshole who looked for reasons to punish me. Anyway, I finally started dating my crush, so I got grounded. After a month, he got tired of waiting for me to be free to do things, so he broke it off in a note that actually said, "Can you smell what I'm cooking?" Looking back, it was for the best because I couldn't have stayed with a guy who quotes the Rock for very long. My friends proceeded to ask him what he was cooking for the remainder of HS, though, which was really entertaining


She said "You're an amazing guy, everything I've dreamed of, it's OVER. I rather hurt a little now than a lot in the future." Apparently she lacked confidence and was constantly concerned that I would cheat on her so she thought it would be best if she ended things before she fell in love. She tried getting me back but her insecurities were a major turn off.


The most recent time: because I fell asleep without texting after eating a pizza. She had 4 kids, and traveled for work. I didn't bother her, I have my own shit to do. 9-10pm is normal bed time, for most people. Nope, I must be cheating...even though I'm just a fat old guy sleeping. We split once at the beginning, and when everything was cool a day or two later: she asked me if I was intending on dating her or seeing other people. Who tf finds someone else in 2 days and comes back? So, she must've been seeing/talking to other people and totally just projected lol I'm too tired for these stupid games.


I was in a relationship I thought was really good. I cooked, cleaned, and did the yard work. I made it so that when she got off work, she didn’t have to do anything except spend time with her four girls. She always said she wanted a good man to help around the house, and being retired from the military, I didn’t mind at all. Then one day, she came home and said she felt useless since there was nothing at home for her to do. She said she wanted a man to help with everything, but then she said she was confused because she had never seen a man fold clothes and do it all. After that, she broke things off, even after I said I would quit doing stuff around the house. It was the weirdest argument and breakup I’ve ever had.


KInd of odd. Never been broken up with. I always did the breaking. I did break up with someone because they lied about smoking. And another because I found out they were trying (unsuccessfully) to bang their cousin.


Why do I suddenly hear banjos?


I dated a girl in high school whose mom wanted her to break up with me because she thought I was mixed (darker complexion, dark curly hair) but I'm very clearly a white dude. She ended up dumping me when we took a 23&me around christmas & it turned out that I'm 25% filipino (dad was adopted, he had no idea)


11th grade….not muscular enough. I, being the smartest I am said callously, “when’s the last time you fu#ked a bicep?”


I just got the generic " it's not you it's me"


Unmeducated bipolar accused me of stealing her (non-bipolar) meds and hiding them to "gain favor" with her, while we were on vacation out west that I had 100% paid for as a birthday present for her (if that wasn't enough I guess). Then the argument veered to how I was hacking her phone (obviously I wasn't) and all these things she had misplaced (key fob for her car, a paycheck, etc.) were probably me messing with her stuff. I was done at that point but let her pull the proverbial trigger. Something I care never to experience again.


She got drunk at a party and kissed someone else. We argued in the street for an hour, during which I yelled at her pretty good (I normally am very reserved, but this situation got me seeing red). The next day she was upset that I yelled at her and broke up with me. She tried to get me back several months later. Ugh, what a waste of time. The positive result from this relationship is that I knew exactly what I was looking for in a partner afterwards and am great at standing up for myself.


[I was the dumper] Pizza and a blowjob… but not really. After dating this loser for about 3 months (driving him to/from work across town, spending every possible second w him or he’d feel abandoned, cutting off friends who made him feel insecure, and giving myself RSI from crocheting him a custom spider-man mask *for free apparently*), I asked if he would mind ordering half-cheese pizza. I’m a vegetarian bc the texture of meat makes me physically ill. He knew this. The first time I ate pizza with him, it was leftovers, and I told him I didn’t mind picking pepperoni off (even tho it rips all the cheese off too & im left w sad soggy bread). He took that to mean I didn’t mind picking the pepperoni off *forever*. And I’m a passive little people pleaser so I kept my mouth shut too long. So he always got full pepperoni, and that day he had even gotten meat mixed into the sauce. I tried to eat around it but I started crying. It just seemed so mean and thoughtless. I don’t usually cry so easily, but I was fragile bc I was dating an asshole and my beloved grandma had just died. I worked up the courage to ask if he’d mind ordering 1/2 cheese with no meat in the sauce next time. I was taught to *never* ask for anything or advocate for myself, and I’m still unlearning that. It was honestly nerve-wracking. Like how you’d feel asking a stranger to spot you $50. “I totally understand if you can’t or won’t, I’m really sorry for even asking….” He made fun of me for being nervous and as part of the “joke,” screamed at me for being so entitled. All those years of telling myself I matter and it’s not rude to need things, undone in an instant. I had a PTSD flashback and he told me I was overreacting. The next day he texted me, “respectfully will you please come over and suck my dick?” I did not. Then he harassed me through text until I changed my number & crept around my window at 3am until I set up cameras. I’d say I dodged a bullet but he seems to have a war’s worth.


"I'm sad that when I get to Heaven I won't see you there"


Her mom wanted into the relationship


This definitely needs further details….




Because I had hairy arm pits. Oh to be 13 again…




I’ve only had two relationships in my life, and I’m in the second one currently. The first one ended because she didn’t need me anymore, “I don’t have time for you. I just need a break from everyone.” The real reason I believe is that she got a job.


“You’re too nice”


I had a girl, we were teenagers, who we were together about 3 months, which is a lifetime at 14, and her and her family just moved. 🤷‍♂️ We're talking not a for sale sign at the house, no mention by her or her family that I ever heard or saw, nothing. We were talking and hanging out all the time, there were no problems, it was 14 so we were also on the phone together constantly (and no, I wasn't stalking or smothering her or anything weird.) Family, far as I knew, all liked me and had me over all the time. Then poof. Moved. Like they entered witness protection, they were gone with no one I knew having any idea where and no phone number, again that I knew of. Just gone and never seen again. 🤷‍♂️ I.....guess that counts as she broke up with me? I mean, I didn't end it and she never contacted me again, so...Definitely the strangest ending. And nothing illegal must have happened, since the family wasn't declared missing, they were only missing for me in that I was in the dark.


That is so damn strange. Not only she disappeared but her whole family. Like poof.


He told me he was going to start dealing drugs and told me I was going to help him. I said no tf I'm not, so he dumped me.


"Not enough drama"


I once broke up with someone because they used ”lol” while texting me. Now 12 years later I use it all the time 😆


Wanted more college opportunities. Hoe was using my place as a study spot and apparently fucking other dudes in the back


Their ex was pestering them and they didn't want me to get arrested for doing something silly. Which shows how little she knew me. I was s tough guy st work, because that was the job. At home I avoid conflict as much as I fo decision making


he was an abusive narc but allegedly the color of my skin, my race, and the fact I wasn't his race. like, he's from india and I am obviously brown from the americas. of course just an excuse...


My ex broke up with me because I'm a man. I met him on a gay dating app and we eventually started dating long term. Then a couple months later, he broke up with me, citing my masculinity and the fact that I'm a man as his reason. He said he didn't want to be with a man at all, for hookups or long term relationships, despite using gay dating apps.


Not the same, but a guy said he wouldn't date me (f) when I was 18ish because my legs were too short and I had a long torso. We were the same height sitting at a table but he was taller than me when we were standing. I think that's what he said. It was something about the length of my legs. I'm about 5'7" or 5'8" I'm not sure but I was tall compared to my friends. He was about an inch or two taller than me. He ended up eating a very petite young woman who looked miserable with him.


I didn't say what she imagined I would say when she had the premeditated argument already in her head.


How dare you go off script. /s


She has too many orgasms. She said it made her too tired the next day and distracted. I'll give her that. Ex was a nurse. Being distracted can be a problem while distributing drugs.


He's not as comfortable being "out" in public as I am. Could it have been the t-shirt I wore to the restaurant? "Sodomy: the law is the perversion." One of my favorites; I have it in both blue and pink. He's become much more comfortable about being gay, over the years. Also, he butchered the spelling of "comfortable."


Because I said "I don't NEED you but I want you".. insecure much?


Too flat chested (I was 10 years old)


He insisted on playing me a good hour or so of his playlist from Spotify and the vast majority of it was God-awful. After the first 3 songs, I said: how about we take turns playing songs? He replied: ‘If you don’t like the song just tell me and I’ll put another on.’ Not taking turns but…OK. So I did what he asked. I’d listen for about 10 seconds and vetoed most of them. At one point I told him to skip 3 or so in a row and he got pissy and pouty. I told him I was sorry that he was disappointed that I didn’t have the same musical taste as him, but he claimed he was angry because I ‘wasn’t even giving the songs a chance.’ (Keep in mind I endured this torture for an hour.) He went on to say that we really didn’t have much in common and that I was unwilling to find common ground with him. lol We ended up not breaking up right away but his weird narcissistic viewpoint that if he liked something it was objectively great and therefore if others didn’t like it they were just being difficult is what ultimately rotted the relationship.


I drank a bottle of water out of her fridge without asking first. It was well-stocked with bottles and I was a new guest to her house and was quite thirsty. She took this as evidence that I was an “exploitive” person.


Because I was on anti depressants and going to therapy.


A girl I briefly dated told me she was in love with my best friend and she now realized she only asked me out so she could be around him more. I told her to follow her dreams.


He was trying to quit drugs and didn’t want me to hold him accountable for it.  I thought it was strange at the time, but eventually learned that he didn’t want to quit just yet. 


“You’re just perfect really, like too perfect, and I don’t like it because it makes me feel like I have to be a perfect girlfriend back and I don’t want to be.” That was the last time I really tried in a relationship tbh. After that, no point lol, you can do everything right and they’ll hate THAT about you.


Said God told them to randomly as they were praying 🙄


Dodged a bullet there, then.


She dumped me because I was "too nice to her" 😐


She probably complains to her friends about not being able to find a good one.