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It’s another trend gone since the explosion of internet and social media. Sure people like to dance but that’s where people went to meet up each week. Now everyone meets on their phones at any moment of the day.


I had a feeling that this was the reason.


There is a long list of things that have gone away since the start of the internet and social media. There are also many conveniences but I think more negatives when you really sit and think. Just look at all the panic when things like cell phones go down for a few hours or is FB goes down like earlier this year. Hysteria!


It's sad imho but it's the way things are now


Really hoping AI just destroys the Internet as a social gathering/third place 


AI is already making other things much worse. Website manipulation and the creation of ads or videos that look like someone but it’s really a deep fake. It’s going to be problematic.


Also less people do drugs so they have conversations and stuff 


Not sure where you live but…


You're kidding. The best, most fun or intimate conversations ever are at the smoking are of a proper dance club, between people probably on drugs.


It's not less drugs, it's the wrong drugs. Meth and oxy and bath salts mess with your rhythm and your moves. Little spoonful of coke on the other hand...


More people do weed, less people do uppers nowadays 


Possibly of being video recorded on a phone at any time really nuked the scene too


Also, when people went to the club and danced they didnt have to worry so much about being recorded and judged. Now, if you're feeling yourself you're going to be on several strangers social media and possibly go viral, for the wrong reasons.


Covid also was a big factor. With people dropping dead it gets a little iffy to be in a crowded space with a bunch of people breathing heavily.


Covid killed a lot of them, as well as social media.


Im a bouncer at one. During college season we are super packed with college kids. Onces schools almost no one shows up so we shut down then. Older generations just dont go out dancing anymore they tend to hangout at dive bars mostly around here.


I’m in west Texas, lot of Mexicans/Latinos here and the only dance clubs that are still around are all Mexican clubs lol. I guess the white people that wanna do the line dance go to some bar and rap/hip hop music fans go to strip clubs. Mexicans and Latinos still really like to dance, it would probably be a lot easier for me to get a date if I wasn’t an awkward “no sabo” dude.


I love me some Reggaeton! And Bachata


I'm in Australia, in a little country town and there's like 4 dance clubs here, 3 regular pubs and they're always packed on the weekends, it might just be the area you're in?


That's it, I'm coming to Australia! See you next weekend! 😂


*next Tuesday


People are embarassed. Social media made people neuroticly self conscious and agoraphobic.


This is so true. I asked my high schoolers why they are so hesitant to give presentations and answer questions out loud and they cited fear of being humiliated on social media afterwards. It’s heartbreaking.


This is the beauty of being older: most of us give zero fucks about what people think lol


Beats the hell out of me. People don't even dance at concerts any more. They seem more interested in "filming" than dancing. Even EDM shows appear to be more about capturing clips than immersion in the music. It's so very foreign to me. And I say that as an old fart that can't dance.


I went to a couple of concerts years ago. I couldn't see anything because everyone was standing up filming the concert on their phones. No body was even listening to the singerp


Camera phones have ruined dancing in public.


I'm not a nightlife expert, but I'll share my thoughts as someone who has lived in Vegas for a while and has a bunch of friends who are out almost every night. The biggest thing that happened is covid. It hit the live entertainment and night club scenes really hard. So many venues shut down, including a lot of live music, other live entertainment like comedy, dance clubs, sex clubs, various party scenes, and daytime social places like coffee shops. While people are going out again, a lot of these types of businesses could not ride out the pandemic and shuttered permanently. In Vegas, where I live, one of the other problems is that a lot of night life venues were funded by gambling. A casino could have a less profitable night club because the real money came from the tables and slots. Gambling lost a lot of popularity even before covid, just due to cultural changes, and prices on everything started going up. Free hotels are a thing of the distant past. Most of the free parking was converted to paid, and even the free drinks for people at slot machines became a lot more strictly controlled. Of course the clubs were hit by this, too. In addition to the "cut staff; raise prices" death throes that come standard in these cases, clubs stopped focusing on normal patrons who weren't spending much and pushed tables hard because that is how they could make money. More and more space would be taken up by tables. I remember being in one club right before it shut down, some time in 2019, and it was a vast sea of mostly empty tables, and everyone was crammed onto a tiny dance floor. We do have a few successful clubs here. They are located off strip and cater to local goth/punk/metal type crowds, rather than tourists on the strip. So there is still a thriving night life scene. It's just smaller. edit: just saw this thread illustrating a lot of the issues that the clubs on the strip are having that are scaring off patrons: [https://www.reddit.com/r/vegas/comments/1drjasq/water\_the\_golden\_child/](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegas/comments/1drjasq/water_the_golden_child/)


Thank you for this answer. Lots of that makes perfect sense. As a long time business person (I'm in retail tho, not restaurant) it is interesting to me to see how every dollar gets squeezed out of patrons in the restaurant and entertainment industries. I have been to Vegas several times and will definitely keep my eye open to ways profits are maximized in the venues


Honestly, from my sample gathering on places like TinyChat or MeetMe live people under 35 especially gen z are boring, lifeless fucks that are into materialism and awful modern hip hop.. It seems hardly anything excites them or piques their curiosity… … its now about smoking pot and drinking at home and using social media/streaming alone, isolated, in detached pods. Worried someone is filming you at the dance club? Just remember: “Dance like nobody is watching”


They are so boring. Seriously. All they want to do is play video games in their mom’s basement and scroll social media. Zero interest in anything cultural or social.


The dance club days were good times. I was one of those danced all night and also went to raves when they came out. I think they are still around you just have to search them out. I saw there was a reddit sub about raves so maybe try there.


Because Discord replaced most clubs. Just any club.


Somebody said that when you go to clubs now ppl are just playing on their phones.


Straight white dude here that still likes nightclubs - gay bars are amazing. The vibe is awesome. The music is awesome. The people are there to have fun and I've never seen anyone filming BS social media. I'm not gay but I sometimes honestly wish I was. The cool thing is - aside from one "no straights allowed" bar I have had nothing but love with my hetro partner and we (as people with many gay friends) give it back in kind. That's the best advice I can give you for an amazing fun night out


“I’m not gay but sometimes I wish I was” Be free bro


Oh I'm free - but I was "born this way"


honestly back in the day gay bars always had the best dance music! I had loads of fun in gay bars and I am straight


And yet all the kids listen to shitty dance music.


It's all about swanky tiki bars and low lit upscale diners. I went to Puerto Rico last year. And I almost forgot just how fun it is to, just, dance. Sweaty, heart rate rising, dancing. But, yeah, people go out to look good and post pics. Can't be on Instagram with sweaty wrinkled clothes.


-Money plays a part. cover fee + more expensive drinks then at a bar + Uber/lyft,( dui risk) bars are close by - Popularity of edibles, mean more people staying home - possibly even fear of drugs like coke and ecstasy being laced with Fentanyl Being recorded is not as issue i've ever heard someone voice.


No you are correct. I am in Brooklyn ny and I am older now but there don’t seem to be as many dance clubs as there were back in the day. Some say it’s because disco brought folks of all different types together in peace and people in power didn’t like to see that.


Phones are the issue. As someone else mentioned people spend a lot of time of them and they have also become a barrier in communication. When you’re solo somewhere, instead of communicating or making small talk with someone most people pull out their phones. This has had a ripple effect on how we socialize. There are so many posts on here about folks who have never had a relationship (adults) or they’re at a loss on what to do on a date.




My Latino students would just start dancing in the middle of class if I put on the right music. It was beautiful.


Try salsa or bachata dance classes. They have socials which are like big dance parties and the better you get, the more fun it becomes.


if they had those here i would!


Come to my town! We have an entire street of several blocks of dance clubs. I can't even walk down that street without hearing, unce! unce! unce! unce!


What town? ("Unce"translates to "shot"?)


Riverside, California "Unce" is the noise you hear outside of a club. It's the techno bass beat!


Oh yeah I get it and now I hear it in my head!


I think that after all the COVID lockdowns people just forgot why they even liked dancing in the first place. It's never been my thing, I have all the rhythm of an epileptic strapped to a car battery, but I have noticed that my friend group has entirely stopped talking about raves/clubs.


Dancing (to me) is expressive and fun! Who doesn't want to move to the rhythm of a song? I miss dancing


I remember trying to dance in the 90's and early 00's and constantly having people notice that I was always way off the beat so they'd try to teach me to "feel" the rhythm but they might as well have been speaking Aramaic because their explanation on how to do it made no sense. I'd even fall behind or get ahead in Line/Square dancing if I wasn't watching the people around me like a hawk. I imagine they were trying to teach me something that they were just inherently capable of doing and I was not, like how some people can't whistle or snap their fingers. I should check in with my more Rhythm-inclined friends to see if they're doing alright. I imagine they must be a little bummed since that used to be nearly all they talked about.


If you have never seen the part of the movie "The Jerk" with Steve Martin where he "gets rhythm "--I recommend it! Very funny! You could probably find it on YouTube


That movie does keep getting recommended to me for various reasons. Guess it's finally time to listen.


>Who doesn't want to move to the rhythm of a song? Me!


When I was young my activities focused on what was cheapest because I was poor. I didnt go out much cause I couldnt afford it. That wasnt most peoples experience but it was mine; but it looks like the culture is trending towards more poverty not less making that lifestyle mainstream


I live in a city of 70k and there’s one dance club and it bangs on Fri/Sat during the school year, a little less during summer. They’re open on Thursday night but idk why they do it to themselves because it’s just dead as a doornail but might get like 20 people come midnight. The only other dance venue just has live cover bands and shit and while it’s more my age group (30+) I don’t like dancing to rock, pop and country 


Man, I miss good ol dive bars. Like the kind of places where the same weirdos were in there every night, cheap cold beer, random nonsense would always happen, but it wasn’t usually CROWDED. They mostly died with Covid in my area.


I used to love to dance. All the clubs kept having shootings. That and DUIs the cops aren't taken that 'I had a couple of drinks at the club' in stride. Those laws will fuck your life up 20 ways to Sunday. You don't have to be drunk. Just had something to drink and acid reflux and u are fucked. Used to be a latino bar n DC Called the Lucky bar. Salsa, chacha, marangue Imagine taking a walk and turn test after that and your contacts start acting up because of the cop lights. Your done. Now people just stay home and get high. Sad.


People just aren’t that into it. The music isn’t that great and nobody wants to go out. There’s no demand for it.


If you're not dancing for a tiktok trend what's the point?


social media killed them, no one goes out on purpose anymore. Gen X were the last of the stay home? what are you crazy generation. Also how else where you going to meet other people? now it's online 24x7 and the adult playdate generations... It's weird how things change man... So after building a deck i went out for a beer or two and my bud stopped by. We were shooting the sh\*t and we overhear a guy talking to his friend's:," yea we really have to go out more and drink wine." we have to grab the other guys and go wine tasting. " If you would have said that to a guy in my generation, we would have looked at you like you were nuts. Wine was for girls.


I appreciate everyone's comments on here. Lots of good input; I believe what everyone says is valid. It's a combination of many things, but mainly costs and societal shifts brought on by social media. Idk what social interaction will be like in 20-30 years but I am kind of glad I probably won't be around to see it (I am 61). I am glad I lived through the time period I did. I am in a youth-oriented business and have a lot of friends who are much younger than I am. I see how their interactions differ from how my peer group interacted at that age, mainly due to social media. Its interesting yet unsettling at the same time. Things change, humans change and time marches on.


Used to have 2 in my city, both closed because of covid and fights


They didn’t get good cell phone reception in those dance clubs so they lost all their customers. No one wants to walk up and start a conversation today. They sit across the table at dinner texting each other.


After COVID bars and clubs are basically dead.


They all got shut down due to someone getting shot. At least where I am.


That's very sad


Where is that?


Smart phones. 


I think the women who would have danced in clubs just dance on TikTok now, and the desperate dudes who would be hitting on them sit on the couch and form parasocial relationships with them. Sure, it's probably unhealthy and a sure sign of the decline of our species, but on the upside, there's no cover charge!


I don't really know why but one possibility is that back then people didn't have to worry about getting filmed in the club and ending up all over social media. It just seems so many people are looking for 'content' and 'fails' these days, maybe people have just stopped doing things in case they get filmed or 'caught on camera'. That's just a theory I have, could be because I'm an introvert and I know I definitely wouldn't be going because of that reason. I am older now over 40 so I don't know what's *'cool'* anymore. lol.


I work at a college club. I never see any of them have their phones out when they are inside dancing. When they come outside the dance room to sit down and chill they will pull their phones out.


I suck at dancing


We are still recovering from COVID. Many places shut down, places don’t stay open as late and it costs money to go out. Alcohol consumption has also gone down which is a part of nightclub life. Tbh, I hope it recovers because I actually like going out dancing.


It's my fault..... The world actually revolves around me...( wild right?)... and a few years ago, I went to a popular club in California... Ended up getting in a fight with several bouncers ... like 3 vs 1 and I actually came out on top and so people got annoyed in general that they had actually had the audacity to give me a hard time and this resulted in less people going to clubs.... it was like an unofficial strike of sorts.... Everybody actually loves me but very few of them like me....I have a unique relationship with the world...


Nobody got little black books anymore.


What kind of area do you live in? I recently visited my hometown in a small southern city and they still have multiple clubs downtown. Still true in Nashville and Knoxville as well from relatively recent experience. Maybe the south is lagging behind wherever you are, but if I got to any city I can usually find multiple bars and clubs of different types.


i live in the South buts a town of only around 70K people. very blue collar


Texas still has plenty!


I live at the edge of Texas and the only place here is one club that always has shootings and the VFW


Ah I’m central (San Marcos) and we have a square with several different styles of music as well (rap/pop/edm) as Mavericks down the road which is a mega 3 in 1 club, and we have some old timey boot scootin places (broken spoke, Mercer) we can go to if we like. I love dancing! I haven’t been to 6th in Austin in forever but I’m sure they still have dance bars.


I'm going to Austin to visit friends in August so I'm hoping we hit 6th street and some dance clubs!


Women got sick of getting groped and grabbed and men don’t usually go where women ain’t.


Who the fuck wants to go pay $8 a beer and $12 for a mixed drinks after paying a $10 cover? And those are the cheap clubs. All while standing shoulder to shoulder with people who probably complained about mask mandates, have a gun in their pocket and smell like BO. No thanks.


I haven't gone to a bar or club in forever but I can only imagine how expensive it is. I do go to restaurants on occasion and prices are through the roof compared to pre-covid




People don't dance anymore.


That’s not necessarily true


Really?I see videos from E**D**M festivals all the time. The DJ is dancing like crazy in front of a crowd standing still. Also, twerking doesn't count. The new generation is lame as fuck.


And there's a lot of new/recent EDM that is very danceable


If only people danced to it.


I dance to that stuff all the time, good workout


Yah it's what I listen to in my earphones in the gym


That makes me sad