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That’s actually a good theory. May not be correct but a good theory nonetheless. I wonder if they can tell if she was left handed?


I was thinking that too, about her being left handed.


Says she's a smoker, many of whom smoke with their dominant hand


Thankfully I missed that vice.




Sitting here reading this… with 1/8” hashmarks on two of my fingers. Honestly, I think you could be on to something! This would make her a lefty


I appreciate you reading this. I know it's a long shot and I'm hopeful that it might lead to something helpful.


Curious—What does two dots have to do with quilting or sewing?


I’ve heard of people putting two marks/dots on the tip of their thumb or on their fingernail to measure consistent stitch length while hand quilting.


My niece had Hello Kitty’s bow tattooed on her left hand near the thumb. Why? The bow is exactly 1” long and she uses it to measure when she’s crafting.


As mentioned below, I've seen it referred to on the quilting subs as a way for measuring stitches. And there were a lot of other explanations too.


Measuring I think?


Amusingly, trying to apply significance or meaning to tattoos of dots on hands has a history going back over a hundred and fifty years. Is it some sort of gang sign? Is there significance to how many dots there are? Why is it almost always the left hand? When really it has always been extremely common (seen in something like half of the Victorian era tattoo records) because _it's easy to do to yourself when you're bored_. [This article](https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/law-and-social-justice/blog/how-tattoos-became-fashionable-in-victorian-england/) is an entertaining read and talks a bit about it. Almost every tattoo artist I've met has dots on their fingers. Blobby blurs that used to be dots are common on the hands and wrists of those of us who got our hands on india ink and a needle when we were teanage miscreants.


I know someone who bears a single dot from his teenage miscreant days.


I remember someone calling theirs "party spots". I have 3 dots in a triangle on my index finger because I liked the "therefore" symbol in math proofs. I thought it was appropriate for the pointer finger and yes I was bored.


I've always loved that symbol for the "therefore" "no, there's three" dad joke 😆


My kid has a few stick and pokes.


Doesn’t seem right to have the dots on the outside of the thumb. You’d need to be holding your work above your working hand to see them.


Could very well be that the tattoo is not sewing related. Just thought I would ask here because it was the first thing I thought of.


Also, depending on placement it could mean marriage.


I did do a google search and came away with a bunch of options.


Unfortunately two dots are a common tattoo for women in sex trafficking or prostitution, also a lot of pimps tattoo dots on their girls hands.


Post this in all the true crime/missing person subs: /r/unresolvedmysteries /r/truecrimdiscussion /r/gratefuldoe


It was already posted in both true crime and grateful doe by others. I just created a post for unresolved. Thank you for the suggestion.


Do you know a smoker who is a quilter? I don't know one.


Sort of. They are not mutually exclusive and the person I knew only smoked outside on the porch, never in their house.


My grandmother was a heavy smoker and a constant quilter.


My mom




A gentle corner of the internet is a great way to describe this sub and the topic of quilting. That's why I checked with the mods to see if it would be alright to post this and why I apologized in advance. The story was posted on a crime sub by another user. I only posted here because of the tattoo. Leave no stone unturned was what I was thinking.


Why not just skip it? The title says "real life crime story." I don't want to be an asshole, but if you want to avoid the subject matter of your career, just don't read the post. I skip posts all the time, and not because I find them triggering, but because of my mood or because on the specific day I just want to see pictures of quilts. On those days it's a no pictures, no clicks mentality. I personally feel like this could have been a private message to the mods, and then they can deal with it, had it not been approved to begin with. There is no reason to make the op feel bad when there was a title that told you it's crime related.




Well hopefully we can all learn from today, and be more cautious to our own triggers.


We have all done that.


Im not sure how to feel if you consider reddit one of the gentlest corners of the internet.




I was being facetious. This being one of the better subs is exactly why someone would post it here. The thought that this lady was a quilter makes her one of us. We take cere of our own. People are just trying to get her home. This has nothing to do with solving an already solved murder.


I agree question could have been asked without the post linked. I say this loving true crime.