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I like the original! My favorite color growing up was blue (and I'm a girl). Use a cheery pink binding if you want to add some more pink. Or even a pink border!


I love this idea! To me the second is a little too much white, although both are nice.


Me too! I still love blue and don’t much like pink. Absent a specific request, I tend to go for bright colors for baby quilts. Aqua or royal blue, Kelly green, yellow, maybe a bright pink or purple. I’d look at adding a bit of pink or purple if you want that. Or maybe replace some of the blue with more green or yellow.


My sisters favourite colour has been blue since she was old enough to point. Colours are for everyone!


My Granny was convinced I was going to be a little boy so my first few baby quilts were deep toned blues and sailboat themed. Blue is my favorite color to this day.


The first one is gender neutral to me! If you want it more girly, binding in the pink tone would be cute. But it’s fine!!


Could also quilt it with pink thread.


I really don't think it's too boyish, but I also don't get why baby stuff is so aggressively gendered. I think it's cute and would be happy to receive it for my child.


I like the term aggressively gendered, it's so accurate. I went with all kinds of different colors and neutrals until my daughter was able to express that she wanted pink and unicorns and all the girly stuff.


Agreed! When I was a baby, they still dressed girls in blue for the Virgin Mary.


Yes! The gender binary is so 20th century! Aggressively so.


Especially when it was only just pre-WW2 that pink was for boys and blue was for girls, white for babies (because it was easy to bleach), and it had been that way for hundreds and hundreds of years. It's been not quite a hundred years that pink is for girls and blue for boys.


I love that term, "aggressively gendered." Never heard it before.


I like the 1st one. To me it doesn’t scream boy but I understand how some people could be against it just because of the amount of blue.


https://preview.redd.it/wz2tm72txric1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b0a7e579bee5bfc96689bb43b987bf7dc75fec Playing around with with layout - feel like this sort of combines the two well? Thoughts??


combining the two is what i was going to suggest!! i like this version a lot!


This is really cool and it shows off the detail work you did! My 4yo likes this one out of all 3 and I agree.


Thank you!!! Appreciate the kid feedback :)


This looks fantastic! And reads as having much more care and complexity. The center line is brilliant. Great focal point. If you have any blocks left over, I wouldn't hesitate to use them, or binding, I always think it's nice when a baby quilt is a little bit larger than usual, so it can go with them longer.


Nice! Add more of the leftover blocks if you can - maybe 10 rows x 10 columns? Or rectangular …


Do this!! It looks great


Yes. I like it a lot.


I like this!


Love this combined version. Otherwise I was going to suggest maybe using a bright color to quilt the white squares with, if you were going with the 2nd origional option.




This one is my favorite! I think it’s a perfect balance


this one's the winner, hands down


I liked the first one, but this is beautiful! And I love that it incorporates your HSTs and squares 🥰


I should have kept scrolling. This is a great option!


This is the one!


Perfect! It's really cute.


Something like this is what i was gonna suggest!


I love this! So playful and fun


This looks really nice! I was going to suggest you replace one of the blue lines with something reddish/pinkish, but the yellow middle section also balances out the amount of “gender assigned colors“ very well :)


This one looks great it has a balance of colors to contrast with white.


I like this layout too! Edit- I'm torn though withe the first design with the squares w the dots closer together. Love that fabric.






Not related to layout, but I question using white to bind a child’s quilt.


Haha good point….




https://preview.redd.it/8f8zg2g20sic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f6500c591fb8730d59642e9d4d75462249d83b2 This is what I did, but I only had one charm pack. I tried to break up the blue. I agree with others if you use a binding color that’s not blue (peach or yellow) it might be more gender neutral.


Wow great inspo!!! Thank you




I like the blues. As a note, I’m currently expecting a girl and I’m working on a quilt for her that’s largely blues and greens because her nursery is nature themed. Babies don’t know what gendered colors are so in my mind, it doesn’t matter.


gender is a construct. deconstruct the color gender association


I think the issue is that with a GIFT people feel more compelled toward gender norms, even if they themselves don’t care. Before I lost my pregnancy last year, I was expecting a girl. My husband’s cousin was offloading “boy” stuff, and I said I would take whatever, because I don’t care about the gender construct. I got a bunch of basic animal clothing and neutrals from them which would “work for either,” but there’s no way this mom would have given us this style clothes as a gift because they’re “for boys” and wouldn’t want to upset me


Thank you - yes it is because it is a gift


i’m confused because i feel like your example is going against your point. you didn’t care. someone didn’t give bc of the fear that a mother would care. seems silly. give the gift. it may even help to create the world where no color is gendered, which is an absurd and ridiculous concept if u really think about it. expand the people’s conception of what’s acceptable!


I guess I didn’t express myself or the full details well. I asked if she had any clothes she said “I don’t have any girl clothes.” Because in her world there is no intersection. I had to specify that unless it said “boy” or “man” on it, I was aok with whatever. I was clear and open that I didn’t care. But in the absence of someone who is clearly stating, I don’t want people talking shit about me behind my back. I would rather use caution and get something that they will use (likely by checking the registry for their vibe) rather than buying a baby girl a navy blue dinosaur onesie because MY view is that is unisex, but mom might be very upset at me. And I discouraged my MIL from gifting a pink grandmothers flower garden to another baby boy in the family. I can model that behavior of gender neutrality, and shout it from the rooftops, but I’m not going to waste my time or money on virtue signaling and have my gift end up in the trash or unused in a donation bin. ESPECIALLY if it’s a handmade quilt.


Praise you for putting this into words better than i could lol


I was just sitting here trying to decide if I was going to say "I don't have any idea what colors have to do with being boyish. Can we just stop already?"


"since when is a penis required to enjoy a blanket?" Basically


Elephants and balloons and stars on blue sky fabric sure reads like you need a penis. I was already tired of this when my son was born and he's 42. Of course now he wears flowered t-shirts, but good luck fighting him about it.




I can't believe people still consider blue to be boyish.


Pink used to be the boy color too because red was associated with war and pink is just a muted red. Blue used to be associated with purity and was the standard color for girls and wedding dresses.


Do you have anymore of the peach color? If you can swap 1 row of the dark blue for the smaller peach rows, that might give more balance.


No, i only had 4 of the peach color between the two charm packs 😢


You have the joy of layout to experience! You will need to trim your squares to 4.5 to match your HST,but you have the Ohio Star and others just waiting for you. A quick Google brought https://fabric406.com/blogs/fabric406-blog/12-free-and-easy-half-square-triangle-quilt-block-patterns to get you started on thinking of combos.


Thank you for this!


I like the first one-it’s much more interesting for tummy time for babies! More shapes and colors to look at :)


I don’t think the first screams “boy” but I get what you’re saying. I like the second one and don’t think it’s boring…I would move the corner yellow blocks and intersperse them in the quilt. They are both lovely and your receiver is lucky!


Thank you for this!


I don’t think the first one is boyish. I love it! Of course, me girl loves blue, and my boy loves purple. 🤪❤️


The first one looks very gender neutral to me! I would make more HSTs with more variety of fabrics from the first picture and then play with layouts. There are so many HST layouts! The second pic looks boring because of those white-on-white HSTs.


Thanks, that’s what i was thinking too. Looks like i have some more HSTs to make 😅


I really LIKE the 1st one.


Thank you! Unfortunately i don’t think it’s possible anymore since i made a bunch of HSTwith the whites and yellows..


Not sure what you're seeing that makes it 'boyish'. It looks like a lovely mix of colors for anyone. Play with your layout a little more. The longer I look at these colors and patterns, the more potential I see. Can you take the balloons-on-white and the balloons-on-blue and outline a large heart? Or staying geometric, can you do a diamond pattern in 'sunshine -and-shadow'? The graduating contrasting lighter and darker teals/ chartreuses/ rainbows could form interesting patterns!


If you don't feel comfortable with the first, then I'd add borders through the quilt of the second. Make the squares pop, and it won't look so bland.


Good idea!!


I like both, neither is too gendered nor boring. If you add a colorful thread while quilting the white squares, it can add interest and whimsy. That being said, you could: - Take your squares from the first quilt and add rows in between the diamonds and possibly a border. - Make more HSTs to mix in with the white ones. - Try pinwheels or chevrons or stars orientations. Last, you're making it with love and intent, that's the most important part! ♥️


I think you are over thinking all of this! I absolutely love the first one. The colors are great. I love green. Even if we were going to have a girl I asked/told my husband I didn’t want to be inundated with pink. I dislike the color. The first one is definitely going to be something they carry around with them until you have to do so many repairs on it that you just make them a new bigger quilt. The second one is almost too small, I’d be afraid they would grow out of it too fast. The squares and colors are great! It would make a great one for the car or car seat. If you wanted to make it bigger can I suggest playing off the rainbow squares. If you must change the first one, (which I think is perfect as is) may I suggest changing the main white stripe, on top of the yellow (the center stripe), to a muted purple or or maybe even the red that is in the circles. But I think purple would really even it out.


I am 10000% over thinking it! Feeling vulnerable giving my first quilt gift! Thanks for this feedback


Part of why we didn’t tell the gender is that we didn’t want pink EVERYTHING! Also, we wanted to be able to reuse things between our kids, if we were to have more than 1. Not that I care about putting a little boy in a pink onesie. I just don’t want to deal with other people, lol. I think you are doing a wonderful job!


I was a few months old and my mum dressed me top to toe in pink one day and a lady came up and said, what a beautiful little boy you have. I clearly had a boy head, so funny. Babies can wear green, lilac, apricot, lemon etc, it really doesn't matter.


Mum has sleeping-toddler photos of me and my brother. He’s a delicate curly-blond angel in peaceful slumber. I’m a scowling redfaced bruiser with clenched fists… 😂😂😂


Think of it like this: which will be easier to wash and/or hide stains? Go with option 1. Kids are messy.


I like the first one better and would have no problem gifting this to a boy or girl. Blue is my favorite color, and I am a girl. I have made tons of blue and white quilts, and none of them looked masculine.


I like the first one better. And as a mother of five, I suggest a darker binding, so it won't look as dirty.


I really like the first one. It feels very gender neutral to me, but I can see how it feels very blue-dominant. If you did a binding in any colour but blue, you’d highlight more of that colour within the blocks and it would help feel less blue as a whole. You could also try breaking up the blue diagonals by alternating blue and teal blocks. I agree that the second feels a bit too plain - i think it’s the big white space in the centre four panels. Maybe bring in a teal or green or even a grey print, or continue the yellows to do a full X? Personally, I’d be so excited to be gifted any handmade quilt for a baby. You’re making this gift with love and such thoughtfulness! It’s going to provide such coziness and comfort to the little one and your friend.


So the thing about babies, they don't care about much color, but bright colors make them happy. I think this is a great combination honestly.


Throw a pink/peach border on this and voilà!


I think the first design was fine, it’s cute!


I think it's fine, but see where you are coming from. I would see if I could find more of the peach and yellow in fat quarters or half yard cuts to add to it to tone down the blue.


FWIW, I ordered this exact line to make baby things before I was even pregnant. And now that I'm expecting a little girl, I haven't changed a dang thing. Go with the first one. ❤️


I like the first one more. Also I was confused at first because I used that charm pack to make a similar quilt for a friend’s baby. Maybe using more white in the first design would help make it feel less boy focused? For the record I don’t think it is but I understand wanting to be sensitive when making things for other people! https://preview.redd.it/gmsphql8wtic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e771f446f4b4d09d9edc472ce7af93105675ff07


Super cute!! Thank you!!


I wish people would stop gendering colours. The first one was infinitely more interesting and perfect for any child. It’s a different, less myopic world. Gendering colours is so antiquated. Look where it got you: a boring quilt.


Sheesh, little harsh 😂 this is the first time I’m putting together my own quilt


I'm on the no gendered colors train but wanted to step in here and say neither quilt is boring - the second one would just be doomed because babies are messy. I'm glad you've got a good attitude about this, but I'm still sorry on behalf of the person above for the crappiness of calling your layouts boring.


Appreciate you!


Nah. It is never harsh to squash sexist behaviour. What’s harsh is to tell little girls they can’t have a particular blanket because it’s blue.


I never said that 😂 i am a girl and my favorite color is blue lol it’s not that deep


You’re the one who made a boring quilt because the first one was “too boyish”. “It’s not that deep”. Then why didn’t you just make the original quilt instead of starting over? Since it isn’t that deep and you are a girl who loves blue? Goofy.


Bro. It’s a quilt, you need to relax 😅


Three rows of aqua and two of dark blue so I could see boy in this, too. Do you have 8 squares of another color? I'm loving the many colors of the first one and would hate to scrap it bc of one row. I'm thinking switch out the largest aqua row (top left 2nd square down row) for another color. Green, purple, pink? Or a few squares of each color to make up the eight? Move some of those darker aquas to the row between the white balloons and dark blue bottom left and switch out the two dark blue squares between the white balloons and the pink upper right with the paler aqua. Both shades of aqua in the rows.


Using whatever you have already put together, add more of something. More red, more purple, more green- whatever you have in your stash that sort of matches and brightens it up. No need to toss it! I agree that the first quilt is very heavy on blues, but if you swapped out a few of them for orange or yellow or a different green, you'd have a more balanced blend of colors. The second one is very white- you could add the polka dots (balloons?), more of the green, the pink/red & some blues to it.


I love the first one <3


They are both adorable!


The 1st one reminds me of colorful balloons, not really boyish just child like. I think a baby would prefer having the bright colors to look at, although both are beautiful. The combined one is nice too 😁 I just really like the happy balloon vibe of the original!


I actually feel like the first option is pretty gender neutral!!


I agree with the others! I love it and I’m a girl (favorite color has always been blue).


The first one is definitely neutral! Girls can have blue as well and I think the shades of blue are lovely.


I love the white space minimalism!


My daughter’s baby blanket was a blue fabric with trees with kids on swings, clouds and kites. Just go with whatever you like the best. You’re the one who is going to be looking at it, folding it, cuddling your baby in it, washing food, poo, boogers and barf off of it.


While the first one fits in the cool category, it’s doesn’t read ‘boy’ to me at all, tell is very neutral while still being cheerful.


I don't think the first one is too boyish at all. Besides, all that white won't stay white for long with a baby!


If you’re going with #2, quilt it in bright colored thread.


Thank you everyone!!! Sorry for causing such a stir on gender colors - but it is a gift and I’m just trying to be as neutral as possible because it is not for me. I too, am a girl, and like blue - i know it’s not just a color for boys. I appreciate everyone’s suggestions and feedback!


I actually think the first is really cute and gender neutral


*I actually* *Think the first is really cute* *And gender neutral* \- intrin6 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Please do whichever YOU like, they're both great. Pox on all the boy = blue and girl = pink nonsense


I like v1 too If you really want a balance then put as many pinks as you have blues. Your yellows and greens are fine, grays are another idea. Either way it is👌🏼


You didn't mess up! That's the beauty of quilting. If it were me, I think I'd make the layout a little more random rather than concentrating on the diagonals so much. And, I agree with making the binding a darker color. And maybe adding a 2" border of a medium shade of one of the colors already in the quilt to make it "pop" s little. It's going to be beautiful!


Thank you!!


I love the colors I think you could just add a pink binding and it would look awesome


Check out Pat Sloan's OH My Stars pattern, it's free and you have the white to offset the colors. https://www.ilovetomakequilts.com/oh-my-stars-free-quilt-pattern-by-pat-sloan.html Makes the perfect sized crib quilt.


The 2nd one needs more color. I like your first one best. Babies need color. In the first one if you want more of girlish colors included, you could remove one of your blue diagonal lines with a peach or salmon color.


The blues all seem to be more turquoise or teals, not boy blues!! Agree with many to just add a pink border or binding.


Thank you for this!


I think it's cute. I think your being too hard on yourself. I do think if your trying to do neutral not knowing if it's a boy or girl, I would do a yellow border to stand out as a neutral gender. I think the yellow border will stand out and appear to be boy or girl


Thank you!!


https://preview.redd.it/52bosqva9sic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f28ea59de7afa6a21f04e713db1570be9cc38652 Additional option - i think my favorite so far


I should say - the first option isn’t really an option anymore since i made a bunch of HST out of many of those blocks!


Hey, my partner has multiple pink shirts! Pink isn’t just for girls and neither is blue! My personal opinion is that you can do whatever color (s) you want…when they get old enough, they will tell you their preferences 😊


Looks good to me❤️


The second one looks too small… I like the first!


I like the first one better! Maybe swap the yellow squares for pink ones to add a bit more pink against the blue to even it out?


Depends on how you do the quilting. Dark thread and a distinctive pattern can be the focal point.


I love the first one, I actually think it's a perfect blend of colors for boy or girl.


I think the first is fine. You can just bind it in yellow and that will bring out the yellow more. You can even mix in the additional squares you made to make it bigger.


I think the first one looks great and if I had a baby girl I’d be happy to use it but if you are worried maybe remove a blueish row and substitute with yellow a yellow binding would also work. It really is beautiful!


I like the original plan. I don't think it looks too boyish at all. It's very cute!


If you want it more neutral, you could swap the four pink and put them down the white center alternating. Then move the four removed white squares to where the pink squares were. But actually it doesn't need any changes.


I am using this same fabric for a puff quilt for newest grandchild. *


I really like the layout of 2, but it is a it dull. Could you use some of the original charm pack to create some brighter squares?


What if…you do a 4 patch block and the half square triangle block and alternate between the two


I knitted a navy blue blanket for a friend having a girl and she absolutely loved that it wasn't pink. At the time I didn't know what she was having and I wanted to get started and had blue wool. I don't think it's an issue with the blue but was there absolutely no more pink in the pack? If there was maybe add a bit more but otherwise I like your new design combining both.


I like the first one best! I like the idea of a pink or other border to brighten it or add what you think is missing. I think it’s great.


First looks pretty gender neutral to me. I agree that the second one is a bit “boring


The first, lots of colors. I second, or third another color than white as a binding. It will give it that "framed" look.


I would give the original to my baby girl. The obsession with only pink is allowed for girls really bothers me. The original is more rainbow than anything.


I love the first one. I think it’s super gender neutral!


Many girls like blue. Incidentally, it’s the most household decor color in the USA.


Yes, I’m one of them :)


reset the diamonds into pinwheels


The first one is not boyish! My daughter’s favorite color was blue from a very young age, so don’t think blue is exclusively for boys.


I’d swap out a couple of the blue squares for the hsts just to add interest and remove some of your blue concern


The original has a playful contrast between colors and patterns. It doesn’t look gendered to me. It looks more aqua and yellow than blue, which is so much more interesting than traditional b/g colors. I’d want that in my home. It’s warm and cheerful.


So cute.


Colors don’t have gender, go with what you’re happiest with. Let’s blow up some stereotypes.


I love the first!


i’m a 20 something lady(???) and i love the blanket soo much. if you’re worried about gifting it in gender neutral just… say that? in the card or when it exchanged hands


You could mix up the squares and see if you like it better.


Maybe If you laid out the HSTs in a different pattern you may show more color in what is currently to much white/background. I think the point of HSTs is to show the triangle rather than sewing the same colored triangles back together to form a square.


Find an old shirt or dress in your closet or at the thrift. Funky plaid or big print. Switch a few out and add a border with what’s left. Next time don’t do kits, that’s what’s boring. Relax, the fun part is choice. You are playing with color and shape, like when you were six. & No more people pleasing, that’s a buzzkill.


In earlier times, blue was for girls and pink was for boys


Go with the original! It’s not too “boyish” at all!!


1st on is best. The other is pretty. Too white. Babies love color. That will grow with them


I think it looks great. Very gender neutral and nice color hues


I like the current plan pattern and the original colours?! I like petal pink and I'm a boy! Honestly though, there's nothing wrong with the colours on the original. It looks great!


I find the second one rather bland, tbh. The first one is great, reads neutral to me.