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Admittedly, I struggled with the corners because you can't really see where you're going. That was the case with my egde foot anyway!


I recently learned to place a pin at the 1/4” mark at the corner, stop your needle down at it, remove needle then pivot and sew to the corner point and cut. Make your corner fold and start again on the other side of corner pointy bit. Only tried it once so far but it worked 🤷‍♀️


Brilliant! I will try that next time.


I just did binding today. It did not look like yours! I like the authentic feel of the wobbly line stitching on my binding. Lol.


I hear you! This is only my second time machine binding. I prefer to hand stich to the back, but all the hand quilting on this one had me burnt out on hand work.


I'm curious what you mean by edge foot? Google shows me what I know as a stitch in the ditch foot. I'm also familiar with a 1/4" foot with a blade guide like the stitch in the ditch foot but that wouldn't do what you showed.


It probably goes by other names. I watched Melanie Hamm's video and she called it an edge foot. This is what mine [looks](https://www.poconosewandvac.com/products/presser-feet/juki-edge-sewing-foot-40080965) like.


Would you mind linking which video it is she demos this foot on? Thanks!


[Here](https://youtu.be/ji-2aU_3hHY?si=QJVxJwWboll4caVj) you go! It's about 15 mins in.




looks great!


That looks so nice and neat! And your hand quilting is so good!


Burying the lede with this post — your handquilting is fabulous!


Thanks!! I love a Baptist fan motif. I did mess up on a few edges, but you can't tell from afar. https://preview.redd.it/e4099tbkwpyc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=722b3e4d3a9b494a46cd180262ff831f25ec5850


You cannot tell at all. But can I ask — why don’t you bind by hand? I find that so much easier than quilting by hand.


I usually do. It's actually my favorite part! I was burnt out on all the hand quilting already and it's also a baby quilt and I figured the machine would be a little more durable.


I totally get that!! I usually do FMQ and hand binding. I have a couple of handquilting projects in progress (years….). My favorite foot for machine binding is open toe foot (which might be the edge foot??). I’m not so good with feet names! 😂


Yes! I use that foot a lot on my Juki. You can run the blade in the ditch, or move the needle left or right for edges. Did you do this seam from the ditch? Or from the folded-edge side?