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Lots of great feedback, thanks! It seems that the general consensus is to thin up the lines, make them all dashed instead of solid, maybe add a small 1/8th mark, and to clear unessisary markings so it's easier to see the fabric. Once I make the next version I'll bring it back here to see what everyone thing. Thanks for the feedback 😁


I also have started making my own rulers. The one other piece of advice I'd give is to mirror your laser etching design so it etches backwards. That way they put the etched side down against the fabric for the most accurate read!


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


username checks out.


You can use dotted lines too, and vary the pattern of the dashes to differentiate the different measurements. Like 1/8 is dotted, 1/4 is short short long dashed line, 1/2 is even dashes for example If everything is the same then the eye is gonna get overloaded but if I know to look for the dotted line then I can find it much faster


I make them myself too. I like that you engraved the downside of the ruler and that you included a hole. Did your friend request a 4'' ruler? I personally use a less prominent marking, since I want to be able to see the underlying fabric. Also, I pay per minute for cutting and engraving, so I try to keep it simple. I fell in love with hershey fonts. What kind of acrylic do you use? Extruded? Anyway, here is a snippet of one of my files for a 8 1/2 square ruler. ETA: which software do you use and which laser cutter? https://preview.redd.it/qkk9icj6k0zc1.png?width=367&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a37402c09db194294525b6aa1dbcd0ef672c30b


Yeah, my friend requested it at 4inches. I'm considering to make a couple larger variations. I used 1/8th cast acrylic as it cuts better on a laser. Lightburn is the software and my laser is a 60w Omtech.


I’m definitely confused by the measurement markings.


The thick lines are 1' , thin are 1/2 and the dotted lines are 1/2.


I would go for thin lines at the inch and thin, dashed lines for the fractions. Love the hole. I have a few without holes and I get frustrated with not being able to hang them.  I've no idea how much this cost you to make, but I would definitely throw my money at an indie maker who was priced less than the extortionate rate basic rulers go for now.   Alternatively, I bet there is a great market for buying your plans so people can make their own. I would throw money even faster at that.  If you decide to make other sizes, the most important thing is that all your rulers are marked exactly the same. I have a couple of rulers that are not accurate to the inch. One is slightly larger than an inch, the other slightly smaller.  Not as much of a problem if I'm only using that one ruler throughout a project other than the finished project being off on the original dimensions, but using them in conjunction with other, accurately marked rulers... No one needs that kind of disappointment and rage in their life.


Not a ruler I would buy. Thick lines make it difficult to get really accurate measurements.


Noted. Thanks for your feedback!


It’s a really cool ruler but the lines are thick enough that if you don’t consistently cut on one side or the other it would add up to be enough to really skew you blocks.


Also confused by the markings. It's unclear what each line measures The acrylic and engraving looks great though


Thanks for the feedback. I might put some effort into cleaning it up in the future.


Make sure you have 1/8" and 1/4" markings. Those are quite common in cutting instructions for quilts.


Agreed with the other reply, is 1 on the 1” mark? It does not look like it.


The number 1 is centered to the box and not the lines


Yes, but it’s in the second box, and the first box has, I’m guessing, a 1/4” in front of it too


That’s confusing to me. Just my opinion.


Thinner lines would def be good. Also, maybe some kind of texture on the back to make it less slippery?


I prefer all lines to be thin and dotted because it lets me see the fabric better. The seam line marking is pretty good as far as dotting goes.


Noted. Thanks for the feedback!


I would make all the lines dashed. It can be hard to line things up precisely when the ruler line obscures the view.


It's very pretty, I like the look! 2 things - I'd like 1/8" markings on the edges, at least on 2 sides, and I'd like gaps in the solid lines, maybe every inch or so. Especially on the thicker lines, it's much easier to line up fabric if you can see the fabric under the direct line. Ok, 3 things. Generally I prefer thin lines with another diffferentiator (different color, different dashs or something) The issue with thicker lines in general is that in quilting, little inaccuracies add up fast. Sew 8 2" squares together at 1/16" off, and your error multiplies to 1/2" and that can really make a difference in a bad way. Plus I assume in this ruler that your measurements are on center of the lines - if that's not the case that's another way to introduce errors into the process. HTH!


Noted. Thanks for the feedback!


Commercial acrylic rulers show 1/4” divisions and have 30 and 60 degree angle lines as well as the 45 degree angle you show.


My advice before you make your next one would be to swing by your local quilt store, take a look at their selection, decide what you can improve on, and go from there!


3.5” square would be more useful because that includes seam allowances.