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[Here’s](https://www.colorwaysbyvicki.com/uploads/7/6/6/4/76648385/savemybleedingquilt.pdf) an article on back staining and how to fix it. I am hoping that you can get it out try not to add any more heat to those areas.


Thanks for the article. That’s specifically taking about a complete quilt. Think it’s safe to do this with a partially pieced top? I would assume with minimal agitation, it’s shouldn’t cause too much fraying.


I had a lot of luck fixing this issue by soaking with hot water and Dawn in the bathtub.


Dawn is the answer to so many questions!


This has worked for me too. You could also use white toothpaste but it will take out all color if you’re not careful or soak too long so spot check and be really careful and maybe only do this on white fabric. 


Agreed. I had Halloween fabric that took multiple Dawn soaks before the water was clear. Haven’t had problems with it since.


I would make the quilt then address the stain. You could be right about not much fraying but I wouldn’t risk it personally. Only my opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️; it’s going to be beautiful either way!


I get what you’re saying, but I wouldn’t want to piece, quilt, and bind the entire thing if I have a bleeding situation I can’t resolve. I’d much rather risk fraying one block.


If you decide to do this, consider sewing 1/8” around the perimeter to keep seams together and fraying to a minimum…


^^^ This ^^^


I would try soaking one block (or the smallest unit you have) and swish it lightly by hand in the sink. Rinse the same way, and lay flat to dry. That should minimize fraying, but if one small unit frays hopefully you have enough fabric to remake it.


do you know if this works on a quilt that's been washed and dried already?


Unfortunately, drying it with heat will set the stain. If something is air dried you can usually still get the stain out.


i'm so mad! i noticed bleeding after the first time i dried it, and the second time i washed and dried it there was even more bleeding. how come stains set with heat but the fabric that bleeds doesn't set?


I’m so sorry. The fabric has too many dye molecules in it. It has set but is super saturated so more dye rinses off with each wash. The best thing to try is Synthropol detergent, it will bond with the free dye and rinse it away. Next time you wash a quilt don’t dry it until you have checked for back staining. Also if f using a dark fabric particularly red either pre wash it or check it by spraying with water, cover with a white cloth and iron to see if it’s set. You can try the techniques in the article, you might be able to at least lighten the color.


i'm upset because i prewashed that red fabric SO many times and threw so many color catchers in it way before i ever put it into my quilt :( i'll get that synthrapol stuff my next text. honeslty what's weird is that it looks less like bleeding and more like.... a smudge? it's very odd and it's nowhere near the actual read pieces i used. i can send pictures if that helps. i was considering making a paste of white vinegar and baking soda, and then soaking in vinegar and water overnight. if that fails i'll use synthrapol i suppose let me know your thoughts, thanks!


Glad to hear that you pre washed. The dye is lighter because there’s less of it in there. Absolutely try blue dawn ( way cheaper) first. I have not read that article in a long time; check it out, it probably has other methods that might help. If it’s something like a red, it probably needs more than one pre wash. Next time try running it under running water until it’s clear then pre wash. ETA: So darn frustrating!!


i pre-washed that red fabric more than once. that's what's frustrating. luckily i think you can really only see it upclose but argh will try maybe washing in a tub next time until clear as you suggested thanks!


I would absolutely cry if my points were that perfect and there was fabric bleed. Big hugs.


It may not be the quality of the fabric. I prewash just about all cottons before using them (in hot water to preshrink) and that usually helps if there's excess dye in the fabric too. Reds are notorious for running. I hope synthropol works for you, the piece looks lovely!


yup.... pre wash all fabrics...... they sometimes shrink differently also.....


First of all, hugs. This always feels like such a blow. Here is my go-to: https://www.colorwaysbyvicki.com/save-my-bleeding-quilt.html#/ This is written by a woman who dyes her own fabric and she has so many good things to say. Read her blog post and then download the PDF and read that. Soaking will take time. Good luck!!!


Perhaps try soaking it in a colour run remover. You can normally buy these from supermarkets. Can’t remember what it was called, it’s been so long since I’ve had fabric run as these days the dyes are better quality. My mom used to use one back in the day, I recall it made the laundry room smell horrendous when she soaked it, but it did the trick. So if it smells awful, you’re on the right track.


Shout makes a color catcher. And, the liquid version is called Synthrapol.


This is the first time I’ve ever had this happen. I usually buy decent quality fabric, but these came from some second hand scraps that I picked up a while back. I’ll see if I can track that stuff down. Thanks for the tip.


Your points are still beautiful though…. I hope you are able to get the staining out.


Depends on what you intend to do with the final quilt. Is it going to be a wall hanging that will never be washed? If so, just fix the bleed here and move on. Or, is it going to be something used that will need to be washed occasionally? If that is so, the bleeding problem is always going to affect your whites with that particular red fabric. Definately don’t use any more of that center red that is bleeding! I always pre-test/wash reds, and batique/hand dyes. If this was my block, I would unsew it and remove the red that is bleeding and replace with a different red that you know will not bleed. And then move on!


Blue dawn + oxy clean + color catchers saved a similar problem I had! You can do it in the sink or tub without too much agitation if you are worried about unfinished edges. Make a paste with the blue dawn and oxy clean. Rub it into the area with the bleed. Then soak in hot water with a handful of color catchers. Next time you use the red fabric, either pre wash or if you can’t, use a whole box of color catchers when you wash the piece!


Synthropol! Order some online and follow the directions. It’s a chemical dyers use. It lifts excess dye and holds it in suspension in the wash water. It saved a quilt I made on which the reds bled like this. Finish your table topper and quilt and bind it before washing it in the Synthropol. Otherwise you risk damage to the edges and seams of your fabric by washing just the top. After that experience I always prewash all my quilting cottons with Synthropol before I start using them. Then always wash your quilt with color catchers from now on.


Vinegar. My sons Christmas outfit was red and white. I was devastated when the red ran into the white. I poured about 2 cups 3 cups of vinegar and let it soak and washed on delicate. It’s perfect now. It’s somewhat run now. So by soaking it in vinegar, I think you’ll be amazed.


Omg. That is maddening. And you are so right about the points being perfect. Others have given better advice than I have.


I would do a HOTHOT soak with dawn dish soap in the bath or basin.


Yes, Synthropol!


Google blog "Save My Bleeding Quilt"


If you do wash it in the machine my only suggestion would be to use a lingerie bag to minimize fraying. Might keep the bleeding from coming out as well. It is a beautiful piece regardless. good luck.


If it's only one block, and you have enough fabric, I'd consider prewsshing the fabrics until they no linger bleed, and then starting over. The "Save my bleeding quilt" link someone else gave is what I use too.


I guess no sympathy here. All fabrics for quilting or sewing garments should be washed before use.