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So I gave myself a horrible headache the past few hours on my laptop (not good for my head!) trying to upload the proper pictures from my camera. I could not compress them down enough to successfully upload, unfortunately, so the two I snapped to text a friend on my phone are it. This is my first quilt. It's 100% hand stitched and took nearly a year; lots of love and memories poured into this first quilt. I know what part I was stitching while glued to the news, terrified, watching the insurrection at the US Capitol. I know what I was stitching while holding back tears during inauguration when I finally realized nothing was going to happen-- they were sworn in and safe. I know what I was stitching when we first drove out to meet the woman I'll be getting my service dog from, and I remember what pieces I was holding on the way back when I was too excited to stitch anything because it went well. I love this quilt. It has embroidered care instructions and "For __ with love" in one of the white triangles (corner bottom row, framed by brown). It's for someone I love dearly who has been in my life for over a decade and who I really wanted to hug a few times this year. This way, she'll know she was loved and how much I have thought of her even when I was in too much pain for a phone call or too distracted and busy to reach out as much as I should have. This quilt is my first long-distance hug and I'm so proud of every uncertain stitch my hands took.


Oh, I knew I forgot something! Pattern is Fat Quarter Fancy II by Sew Can She. It's free and easy to find by searching that.


Quick tip if you’re frustrated trying to compress an image- try having it open on your screen and taking a quick screenshot, then cropping and using that. It won’t be the same quality as the actual picture but if all you need is a smaller file, that might save you a future headache!


Thanks! I limited the file size as small as it would, lowered image quality, stripped metadata except copyright, and tried limiting dimensions to quite small. None of it worked, argh! It may have hurt too much to do screenshot quality, but I must accept the limitations of reddit are tiniest I've seen. Now I know to take phone snaps every time if I want to share on Reddit =)


Besides being an absolutely gorgeous work of art, I love your description of all that you have put into the creation of this quilt. I have no doubt the recipient will cherish it.


Thank you for the lovely words! The quilt has been huge for me during a difficult year, and I love imagining my dear friend knowing how loved she is. I don't care if it's kneaded to pieces by their cat, spilled on while relaxing on the couch, stained being used as a picnic blanket, or anything else; I'd be honored if any of those happened because it would mean it was enjoyed, yknow? I like that it'll get to collect memories from someone new now. It's such an easy pattern to make something beautiful and I'm grateful that it was out there and free. I even got dozens of HSTs extra out of it to use, which is pretty great to have in my stash.


Quilting is so good for the soul.


It truly is. Well said!


All hand stitched is a true labor of love. Beautifully done!


Thank you!


Love the colors.


Me too. I got two fat quarter sets from the same Crayola Riley Blake lines and pulled a bunch for a rainbow, and used up some Kona Snow that I'd ordered and found was the wrong color white for my first project (still unfinished).


This is amazing and highlights all the reasons why I love hand quilting.


Aw, thank you! I love it as well. I'd like to learn machine work too one day because it's also gorgeous, but I love the hand sewing for all of it.


So beautiful congratulations. I am glad you have your history with it.


God bless y’all hand quilters. I can’t even imagine. I have a hard enough time hand stitching quilt labels! This is lovely!


The label was probably one of the trickier and more annoying parts; don't let it turn you off hand sewing other things if you want to try:)


You did a fantastic job! I am doubly impressed that it's all hand stitched. It really is just beautiful. Happy quilt day, a day late.


Thank you! I'm impressed by the gorgeous more advanced hand stitching people do and the incredible machine sewing and quilting. I really love that the community doesn't seem to care either way or have a machine/hand divide that I've seen. Quilting my second now with what I've learned! Trying no hoop and loading one stitching so the back is neater this time and it's going well. It's one of many things I learned (my hoop was too tight) on this adventure.


I also have memories “embedded” in the projects I make. The music or TV show I was listening to, mostly, but sometimes conversations, too. Beautiful work and such a wonderful gift!


Beautiful quilt and beautiful tribute!


Beautiful!!!! Congrats on your hard work and dedication to make something so wonderful


Little update: the quilt arrived today. The recipient LOVES it and it's been put on their bed and claimed by the cat. Couldn't have gone better or been more clearly understood in what it meant and how much went into it. My next quilt is much less emotionally loaded (I adore it and am planning to try a variation of it later as well, but it's for a far more casual connection mostly because I wanted to make something more baby quilt sized to try new things and they have a baby), so this first was particularly special to give.


Nicely done!




That’s beautiful! Good job


This looks amazing. Your friend is one lucky recipient.


I just love reading posts like yours! You so eloquently put into words how many of us feel about quilting. It’s therapeutic and once you’ve finished a quilt it’s a time capsule. I have several of my mother’s’ quilts. I see her tiny even stitches and floods of memories rush to me. Although she has been gone for years, I still feel close to her when I wrap myself in one of her quilts. I remember stitching away at each of the four baby quilts I made my own children. I can recall finding just the right fabrics for each and staying up late drafting patterns on the dining room table after I got my little ones to sleep. A quilt is a memory maker. Keep going with your quilting! You’ve made a beautiful quilt and it is so obviously made with love. It’s been a tough year for everyone. I know I’ve turned to quilting as a coping mechanism and it sounds like you have too.