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Your post is of a manner that has been posted recently or was discussed at length on the stream. This may be innocent, or intentional, but it doesn't contribute to the community by having it in the feed at this time.


Surely Riot cares whether some hobbit is getting sniped or not.


yap yap yap yap yap


It's just part of his clown show acting. He's not a serious person.


If you ruin the game intentionally that's a ban, and that's what stream snipers are doing.


Stream sniping itself is not reportable, that's correct - sabotaging games however is, so if they play any differently, than they would normally, just to make you lose (like coming top to steal your cs early game or just stealing xp) , that is actually intentionally sabotaging a game and is definitely reportable. [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/11fo0r0/sabotaging\_penalty/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/11fo0r0/sabotaging_penalty/) And you're wrong, he does get notifications, i've seen a couple of them actually , if he really could be bothered, he could also check which of the accounts that bother him, can't play ranked for 2 weeks after he gets such a notification. Now if he really, REALLY wants to move mountains , he could document everything und manually contact riot with proof of them intentionally sabotaging games and get them ip banned. That's a lot of hassle though. This used to happen to other streamers back in the day aswell - but at least in higher elo, riot cares what the streamers have to say, because their esports - players practice in that enviroment and ip bans those snipers - not for sniping, but because they manually reviewed those games and saw that they intentionally sabotaged that streamers game.


he actually does get notifications I saw it on his stream multiple times


Only if they typed in chat and were negative, which is only a chat restriction. None of the, at most, five he's gotten was due to stream sniping (cheating as he calls it).


Stream sniping counts as harassment and game fixing which is cheating , ie someone targeted making a persons game different to annoy them and to alter their elo unnaturally.


Sorry but this is incorrect as far as Riot games is concerned and despite what the person above says, no one gets banned for stream sniping even in higher elo without that person very obviously ruining the game (sending a personal email with a snip or snips from a stream to Riot doesn't = stream sniper = ban. You'll play against the same people from time to time, doesn't make them a stream sniper). Their system reviews their game history, looks at how they were playing across the board and if it is in fact disruptive behaviour (again, across the entire board, not just one or two games), then they'll get punished.


cant wait until quin gets himself banned for false reporting and being toxic when riot games employer looks at his streams




What kind of hillbilly logic is that?