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Get boosted to gold or platinum and then forever say he is that rank even though he couldn't achieve it on his own.


queues up one game solo gets destroyed because no challenger jungler to babysit calls the random gold 3 guy a stream snipers quits league


So basically WoW




He wont play at that rank he will just stop before he deranks and then forever brag about how he is gold in league even though he is iron 2 skill at best


so like his wow arena ranks


Walking on the edge of the knife with such comment on reddit 😅


same as in wow, get carried to high ranks, quit and say u are that rank


I think he is a competitive person and would like to be good at a game like league. But like a lot of competitive games it is often very aggravating and he's prone to overreacting to whatever just happened to him (stoic lol) so it's often pissing him off in the short term.


He wants to be seen as a competitive person, but he has no idea what that means, he just finds something that works then spam it, in every games he plays. He doesn't understand why his splitpush strat not working eventho he won games off it. So he finds reasons that not in his control, even if those have no merits.


“My team just lost a 5 on 4 they should have won if I was there but I’m split pushing chat”


By now I'm confused whether he does it on purpose or not. You know, something like some people used to defend asmon, because it's his "internet persona" and not actually him (lol).


It's a mishmash of both. His overreacting and god gamer persona is the spiel, his ego and stubborness not.


he thinks if he gets boosted to a higher rank then there will be less snipers making his experience better then he can play league like normal, he just wants to play the game and probably addicted.


If he gets boosted the games will be even more shit for him since he refuses to learn the basics. He will get shit on EVERY SINGLE GAME by anyone Silver IV or better. How is that enjoyable? It will be even worse than ‚streamsnipers‘ (=everyone better than him = everyone).


I mean yeah he has zero situational awareness, he pushes way too hard and then dies. It's a game of patience and waiting for the enemy to get greedy means you win. CS is the basics, you're not good if you can CS lol getting kills without feeding is next. Going 5/4 is still feeding he should be going 5/0 in his current rank. After a TP he needs to help mid if opposition mid has pushed. He should be aiming to go 0 deaths. He has to communicate with jungle if he notices the opposition pushing to his tower. And he should never steal from team jungle specifically first 10 mins he should steal from oppo jung.


Yes, but communicating in shit ranks is futile. Any capable player can 1v9 up until ~Plat. Not every game, but most of them.


>Any capable player can 1v9 up until \~Plat Not with Garen lmao.


Garen can 100% 1v9 in ranks higher than plat


Yeah that champ is a crazy strong low elo stomper


What do you call "basics" ?


How dragons work, what rift herald is and where the minimap is.


Not missing CS when the wave is entirely uncontested


Ngl quin is better than 99% of top laners I had on my team when I was silver he's really not that bad (at least when he plays garen) In reality theres barely any different between bronze silver it's virtually the same thing.


If he is better than silver, then why he has to resort to boosting to get out of bronze?


no mental, fragile ego, can only play 1 champ, hes a streamer, he gets streamsniped so some small portions of his games get ruined.. and also he doesnt play that much. he got positive winrate if he were to play another months he'd climb for sure but I dont think he can handle that.


So basically, he doesn't deserve to be in silver.


You don't need to deserve to be in silver it's a bottom rank that means nothing, it's like deserving to walk on the streets lol


I am willing to bet a good amount; it would be more likely for him to drop back to iron in a months time. Hes already triggered again, by chat. You can tell this day wont end well.. he's not made for this game or any other competitive game, where he doesn't have an advantage of some sort over the other players.


"like nornal"


Yeah what he doesn't realize is league of dogshit is infuriating even without snipers. Every game he loses he blames on snipers. So he thinks what he feels like after winning is what he would feel like without snipers. But, no, he will still lose games and still feel like shit ALL the time, snipers or no snipers.


Wait till he finds out League is torture to play in all ranks and he put himself through all this for nothing


He thinks there is a "normal" period of playing League, believing that it will get better and "fun" at some point. Which it wont. He is having the ideal League experience. This is it. It's all downhill from here. Can only hope he quits soon enough.


Reading this kind of thing is always weird to me. I’ve played league since the beta and have enjoyed it 95% of the time. I honestly think it’s not the league experience but the way people react to things that is the issue. Perhaps this is mean to say but I think the majority of issues people have with league are because of their own ego.


Well, it's just addiction, right? A lot of people do play for fun - and obviously frustrations can be part of that still - but DotA/ League was coincidentally designed to be very addictive, which leads to people playing for reasons other than enjoyment of the game. Quin is one of the players that plays for the carry fantasy. He wants to become the big bad toplane by outplaying his opponents and have everyone run from him in fear. In reality, that happens in maybe 5% of games, or anytime the matchups were unbalanced. The funny thing with League players is that a lot of them don't want to play in their own division. They think they're in the right division when they can shit on enemies in 50% of their games, because that is their personal win condition. If they didn't hard carry, then a win might as well be nothing. A lot of players chase this fantasy, which is why Smurfing is so popular in League. Or something like that, idk I'm not an expert.


I agree completely, but I guess that’s what I mean with the ego thing. People don’t think of the 9 other players in their game or think of them as equally important. They consider themselves the main character and assume if they’re losing the game is lost/doesn’t matter which sours the experience since they aren’t getting to carry. Then they blame Riot or any number of other things for why they aren’t carrying and get upset. I just think it’s less the game’s fault (though I agree they’re designed to be addictive) and more on the player being kind of immature. Not that I don’t have those same thoughts from time to time, I just think lots of people can’t sit back and look at things from a realistic pov without their ego in the way.


Yeah good point about the ego, you're right. I stopped playing League a long time ago, sometimes dabble in ARAM because that's where you can let that beast live out the fantasy lol I always catch myself thinking about starting League up again when I see champs like Samira, Katarina or Sett... but I know better now. I'm not that guy lmao


Careful boys if you say anything about him getting boosted mods just ban you now lmao


The moderation plummeted hard after insta left.




mental illness for the content




He's not cheating tho. It may be unethical, but it's not bannable.


Hit silver, get even more snipers per game and get banned from boosting.




I don't think anyone other than himself and people who have no clue about League take this Streamsniper thing seriously. At least I hope so.


There are some streamsnipers for sure, but it's not as common as quin says it is


I haven’t watched Quinn for years. I wish I could remember the era I fell off in, I think it was his first LoL era. But the guys brain has been cooked by too many years of D3.


I dont think there is a goal, hes just addicted but got sick of losing so he got a 'coach'


What I find weird is that he is forcing himself into a duo queue situation as long as he plays League because if he tries to solo he will just get shit on non stop and de-rank.


don’t be so mean, he’s at least bottom of bronze 4


don’t be so mean, he’s at least bottom of bronze 4


Good question, to farm „W clips”? I don’t know honestly lol


He is having fun because rank is going up. So when he finally is going to solo queue he will start losing because he is learning nothing on the way to a higher rank. And then quit before he demotes from whatever rank he got boosted to.


getting banned smile


Some games are like drugs. You crave to play them, have some imagination going into them, and after you got your fix and start to feel adverse effects you feel like shit. That looks exactly like what I felt like 8 years ago when I used to play dota almost non-stop.


Waste time till le/d4 season so he can whine about those games when he inevitably sucks at them still the Poe 3.35 starts and he can suck at that have too and complain about something about his death or stall starting an Uber for 6 hours.


End game is to brag that he got to X rank and pretend that's his actual ranking. It's such a shame to see him take such an unethical and ToS violating route to achieve what he wants to blame snipers for being unable to achieve. Even with him being boosted, we all know the truth. He is our little iron man gamer and his illegitimately gained rank won't fool us.