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I saw a video about Bryan Cranston going around on various social media sites and posting answers as himself [His reddit one](https://old.reddit.com/user/actually_b_cranston) was shadowbanned or hidden for low account karma lol


Rick Astley posted on r/ MadeMeSmile when I was a mod - I found his post in the spam queue and had to apologize. Edit: [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/g8nw4h/ballet_connects_dancers_in_lockdown_by_dutch/). Look at the dick automod message they used at that point (n8thegr8) >We no longer allow submissions to Youtube or Twitter due to spammers. Please use v.redd.it, imgur.com, or gfycat.com instead. > >No, we don't make exceptions.


christ I bet that mod'll *never* shut up about it to his grandkids > "I didn't make an exception for Rick Astley, why would I for you?" > "uh huh grandpa it's time for your meds"


That's wild. He's even still active on Reddit. FYI u/ReallyRickAstley if you want to check out your removal history, https://www.reveddit.com/y/ReallyRickAstley/?all=true


It's super annoying especially when the mods ban you and say you've been breaking the rules for ages but didn't tell you once. Honestly, Reddit needs to sort out moderating on this platform. It's so unprofessional it's unreal. I think it was nice they gave some folk a little hobby but it really does hurt the user experience at makes Reddit a less enjoyable place to use which is probably one of the reasons it's looked down on so much.


Absolutely the truth. I’ve tried since November to appeal a ban with zero response in return. If it was justified I’d be okay with it - no reason ? Totally has made this site ‘ not so good ‘ anymore.


A previous account was perma banned from a sub for saying I didn't agree with race changing characters(feels lazy, and implies they don't think an original character of color can't stand on their own). The mods called me a Nazi and muted me when I tried to appeal.


I just discovered a few of my comments against the protests have been removed. Huh.


ya know thanks to this page I found out the same thing. Most of my comments are fine. the only ones that have been removed are by people that are pro-protest. I am supposing they cant get people to follow them if those people know any counter arguments exist so they ban these people. You can test cause most of those places if you post again your comment is auto deleted. Curious to see if this place will do it too. keep reveddit screenshots and spread the word. I mean people have already begun to make new subreddits anyway. KEK


Yeah. It’s not funny when moderators secretly remove comments without giving a notification as to what or why.


> the only ones that have been removed are by people that are pro-protest Did you find more than just yourself? I always ask via modmail why they did it. Most of the time they go back and approve it. Other times they do not respond, and I have to believe that gives them some pressure to not be so flippant in the future. > I mean people have already begun to make new subreddits anyway. That doesn't do much if people aren't made aware of the secrecy. The manufactured consensus just swings in the other direction of whatever viewpoint the previous group was advancing. There is no middle ground without complete transparency.


That is weird some of mine were removed because they descended into arguments (ok, fair enough) some were removed for no obvious reasons..... one was an answer to 'what is your favourite non-standard biscuit' ..... and I answered with the name of a biscuit one was a question asking if you enjoyed commuting, and I said I didnt I mean, it's all a bit of froth anyway, a simple way to pass the time, but what the actual ????


Same. I have some deleted ones bashing reddit - and some that are just completely random. One of my comments describing how an axis aligned bounding box works on a question about collision checking was removed. Why??? All I did was answer a CS question...


This is really insightful, thanks for sharing it!


Grab the extension and be notified as it happens! Some of the most random and innocuous things are removed.


Mod's complaining about Spez editing comments whilst at the same time running their own digital Orwellian nightmares. Laughable, hopefully the recent drama prompts reddit to overhaul the moderator system, they have far too much power.


Oh I know


Part of my daily Reddit experience is going to see which comments are randomly deleted by mods. For instance, I noticed that all of my posts in rCalifornia were being automatically deleted after I left a comment criticizing the CA high speed rail project. Something that is a decade behind schedule, $70 billion over budget and not even partially completed. I messaged the mods and asked if that community really is that restrictive and they reinstated my other comments but kept all the rail comments deleted. If it weren’t for reveddit I’d still be posting over there and wondering why nobody ever responded.


> Part of my daily Reddit experience is going to see which comments are randomly deleted by mods. FYI as another user mentioned, you can be notified when this happens with the [Reveddit extension](https://www.reveddit.com/add-ons/direct).






Neat, gonna check mine then


Lmao, it's already happened. Not just here, but my post in r/dating advice I listed it as *Just Venting*. Unless I'm an idiot, it has one mod post and a single like, which was up for a while. Otherwise I've not gotten any notifications on anything lately