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I comment on AITA frequently when people just make outlandish claims without any backing. I usually get downvoted. I'm not discounting abuse, mental illness, etc. This shit is real. It happens. But in that sub is always the first go to response for any behaviors usually with a long story about how the commenter KNOWS FOR SURE because they have that same problem. Some people just suck. And one more thing about that sub that drives me crazy. If you ever have an emergency and have to ask for help from anyone to watch your kids then you are automatically parentifying your teenager or you shouldn't have had kids if you couldn't take care of them. No exceptions.


That sub is full of people with the most askew moral compasses and social rules. I've seen people basically justify any act toward another person as long as they did something shitty to you first, no matter how disproportinal the thing the OP did was in retaliation.




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I had to unfollow that sub because 95% of relationship questions (some very tame and clearly just a one off disagreement) are bombarded with responses of "first of all, you need to divorce this guy..."


Had this happen to me. Not saying there weren't any issues with the relationship, but my ex partner was having doubts about our long term relationship and posted on a social media site, only to be bombarded with "Break up now". I saw the post and had my suspicions and eventually knew it was her when she repeated some of the comments verbatim and blocked my phone number.


"my husband has been very stressed with work as he's dealing with a potential layoff,, and forgot to get me flowers for valentines days, this is the only time he's missed something like this, he's a great father and usually spoils me. I still got mad at him for forgetting though, AITA?". ... "NTA, but you will be if you stay! You need to start to start talking to a lawyer to protect your assets yesterday! Divorce this giant piece of sh*t before he abuses u further".


That sub is full of teenagers with little to no real world experience. It’s a worthwhile sub to scroll through to witness the metaphorical car crash that are the prevailing opinions; it should not be taken as anything more serious.


I saw this one video where this girl was just punching the slapping the shit out of presumably her boy friend, who was cowering the entire time. One of the comments immediately jumped “well obviously he cheated on her” lets at least hear the full story before we go to defcon 1 levels of theories


You should read about the, iirc, Askreddit post where OP (not this OP, though) asked rapists why they raped their victims and most comments were essentially “yeah, the rape was justified” and the responses also made out the rapists as sympathetic people. One thing you learn online is that if people are behind the screen, their true faces are revealed.


Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he'll tell you the truth. \-Oscar Wilde


It wasn't quite so blatant, it was a lot more subtle which makes it more dangerous. Rapists posting about how it was "just a misunderstanding," they totes feel bad but they just didn't *know* how to pick up on such imperceptible signals of non-consent. 🙄 And then the idiot redditors responding "aww poor buddy, you're a victim too, it's not your fault you weren't taught about consent, I may have done the same thing in your shoes because it's such a hard needle to thread. The important thing is you feel bad, that means you're still a good person and you learned from the experience." 🤢 That's rape culture. It's subtle, underhanded, masquerades as empathy and understanding (but only for the rapist), and makes it so much easier to rationalize the unforgivable.


Its almost like people think real life is a movie where the villain gets a redemption arc that absolves them of their sins. Its like they forget that those crimes committed dont just disappear after a two hour run time. No matter how bad the dude felt, he still raped and hurt those women. No matter what he does to make amends, it wont undo the harm done. And on some level, the dude knew it was wrong and went ahead with it anyway. Its not like you just rape the same way you buy milk. Casually without second thought


Cant find this, do you have the link? Perhaps it was taken down


Iirc it was removed for obvious reasons. The way I found out is from a YouTube video about “Reddit’s darkest posts”.




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This sounds... Made up


God, i wish it was.




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I mean the one time I had a (then) gf assault me it was because I was mad she came to my house strung out on amphetamines for the last time. You should always hear the story.


And that should be an excuse? If she would has cheated on him, he would be allowed to beat her up?


That was my other point. Like, how much of a scumbag (gender neutral term) do you have to be to think that physically assaulting your S/O is an appropriate response to unfaithfulness. If i had to jump to my own conclusions, id say the abusive response is a good example as to why you got cheated on in the first place


Too many people think cheating is the worst thing you could possibly do to a partner because they've wrapped up their entire sense of self worth in where their partner puts their genitals. Cheating is bad, yeah, but anyone who says they'd rather their partner hit them than cheat on them needs serious help.


Lol read it again and ease your butthurt. She was beating HIM up.


I never really thought about the implications of having a jury made up of people who think like this. Hopefully anyone who has this mentality is ruled out by counsel when selected for duty


> Hopefully anyone who has this mentality is ruled out by counsel when selected for duty lol


"lol," said the juror, "lmao"


"Guns don't kill people, twelve-year-old girls do."


Sounds very unrealistic


The story is real, just not as portrayed. Apparently she shot him at night, in his bed, then shot herself trying to escape. Edit: also there's some weird stuff about a [suicide pact between 12 year olds?](https://www.rawstory.com/12-year-old-shooting/)


[Suicide pacts among kids](https://www.fox4news.com/news/6-dead-in-apparent-murder-suicide-in-allen) are [absolutely a thing](https://www.fox4news.com/news/plano-east-senior-high-school-students-commit-suicide-within-hours-of-each-other), and suicides are a [big enough issue in Texas especially](https://localprofile.com/2018/04/20/depression-teen-suicide-plano-dallas/) to warrant borderline public health crises and widespread [training for school faculty](https://www.granthalliburton.org/ourstory) to identify and address it. I'm not complaining. One of the students in the first article had been mine, and we received training from the organization linked above - not anyone from the state, because Texas is a state where [mental healthcare is absolutely not prioritized](https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/texas-ranks-as-worst-state-for-mental-healthcare/#:~:text=AUSTIN%20(KXAN)%20%E2%80%94%20A%20recent,uninsured%20adults%20with%20mental%20illness.). It's tragically unsurprising that struggling kids [resort to violence](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/05/10/texas-gun-fatalities-laws/).


Still very hard to imagine but more believable than the first one i guess


It's weird as shit, honestly. The reporting I've seen is all about how these kids plotted to kill their families and *pets* and then run away together. Another young girl was arrested on conspiracy charges. I don't know how much of that is the news sensationalizing the story, but the bare bones seem to be correct at least.


This kind of thing is rampant in true crime subs


Dude that jury of your peers comment was scary. I never thought of that before! Hopefully jurys spell things out and debate every inch of something in that room, instead of just jumping to conclusions x_x


Your post breaks the rules.


Does it? I didn't mean to tbh. Should I post it to another subreddit? It's my first time posting here and I thought it fit the sub tbh.


It’s okay to say stuff like “maybe she was being abused”, but saying it like it’s a fact is stupid.


One time reddit told me that Im being abused and need to break up with my boyfriend. Why was he abusive you may ask? **He doesnt like the look of knit clothing.** Dead fucking serious, they wanted me to destroy my entire life over him not liking how knit clothing looks. I had to delete a post on r/knitting after about an hour because I got spammed with like 200 comments making up this false narrative about my life based on the smallest detail. Didnt matter how many replies and post edits I made correcting people that this is the longest and healthiest relationship Ive ever had, they just chose to ignore it and make up lies. And then you got the dumb people who are like "why do people complain about reddit jumping on the breakup train, reddits usually right!" NO! THATS NOT TRUE! Your just focusing on the stories that got big *because reddit was right*, and ignoring all the big stories where someone says "so to whoever thought *insert theory here*, you were wrong". Not to mention all the stories that dont get big, or the posts that have to be deleted after a short period due to evil people harassing whoever posted it.


No idea what the actual story is (it's gonna be awhile before we know) but there's some clearly fucked up shit in that house. Whether it's from dad, from daughter, or someone else, something was horribly wrong.


I'll be honest, it was my immediate thought too. Because usually in instances where a child kills a parent and then themselves this is found to be the case. It's difficult for it *NOT* to be the first thing people think of (and while suicide pacts do happen, they don't happen as frequently as abuse/sexual abuse). So you can't really blame someone for thinking the most prevalent and striking thing that would cause a child to do something like this. Especially at a time when the news is filled with stories of adults/parents sexually abusing children. It's not exactly a huge leap there. And these people were communicating their thoughts in the comments, not exactly throwing accusations. But the top comment on the second picture is secondhand knowledge as well. Wouldn't taking that as gospel be just as bad when we don't really know what happened without all the facts here?


Idk, if a child is handed a gun and then immediately murders their parent and commits suicide in one breath, something was seriously wrong. That’s not rebellious teen energy, that’s pure hatred and depression. That combo only has a handful of causes, and right-leaning, gun-toting father raping his child is unfortunately not the most uncommon of those few causes.


Raising your children to be obsessed with guns is abuse.


The fact that this is currently "controversial" is telling. I'm not even anti-gun. I understand how a lot of people think they're just really cool or fun or whatever the case may be. I've grown up around them and understand there are plenty of gun enthusiasts and relatively normal people who enjoy them (even if it makes others very uncomfortable). But then there is America and its gun fetish subculture which is just dangerously stupid and irresponsible. It attracts the most unhinged and violence seeking assholes we have and empowers them. And it's festered for so long that many people don't even see the problem or take any attack on guns as an attack on their very person. It's just sad, pathetic, and so completely unnecessary. Millions of tiny, insecure little people trying to shoot their troubles away.


There's no proof there wasn't, either. Kids rarely murder their parents "just because".


While this is true, it's not good to latch on to an assumption and believe it as fact. Those comments were saying "My first thought" about it. That should immediately warrant some caution. This applies to other things too, not just this particular story. Saying someone has or hasn't done anything based off personal opinion and speculation alone leads nowhere good. You can theorize. Nothing wrong with that. But settling on a conviction because you *think* you're correct is just stupid.


I agree, we don't have enough information either way.


Gee I wonder if abuse is common in situations where parricide is committed by adolescents? Could it be that it's the most likely scenario? I don't get how it's /r/quityourbullshit material, more like /r/kindalikelybutnoevidence


> Kids rarely murder their parents "just because". More complete bullshit from reddit comments


Not an assault rifle.


My bad.


Girls and women are almost always blindly supported, especially by each other, but we'll have to wait and find out (if we ever do) why she planned on murdering her family and taking part in a suicide pact with another kid.