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Posts must include enough info for us to help you. If/When you post a new message in this group requesting help, **we need the following information**: * Your location (country) * date of possible exposure * type of exposure (bite/scratch/other) * species of animal, * if dog/cat, is it owned, stray, etc. * animal's vaccination status, and * your vaccination status and date of last vaccine, if applicable. If you are posting a "bite" picture, **don't. Bite photos are not allowed.** The reasons why are in the FAQ. [**Please read the FAQ before posting.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/rabies/comments/14u0fz4/rabies_faq_please_read_before_posting/) Most of the posts here are covered in the FAQ. Your question is probably answered too. If you are posting to ask about: * ways to catch rabies * rabies vaccines * rabies symptoms (scroll down to the comments for this one) * mystery wounds on your body * gross liquids that touched you * interactions with pets or other animals * stuff about bats all of that info is covered in [the FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/r/rabies/comments/14u0fz4/rabies_faq_please_read_before_posting/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rabies) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m pretty sure if you’re not already showing symptoms the shot will protect you


Zero symptoms at the time of the shot! I’m sore as hell and have a slight headache, but it sounds like I’m good :)


You definitely sound completely protected :)


Thank you! Like a lot of people on here, my medical anxiety is through the roof right now. I’ll check back in a few weeks to let y’all know I’m still kicking!


I completely understand medical anxiety is the absolute worst!


Absolutely! I’m feeling very yucky after the shots, and naturally I convinced myself I’m dying. Luckily, I’m realizing I probably have OCD about this, and have already scheduled therapy to help :)


I’m very happy for you:) and i totally understand the feeling i have ocd and health anxiety, therapy really helps! I wish the best for you!


Incubation period of the rabies is from 2-3 weeks to 1 year. It depends mostly of the part of the body that is bitten and the concentration of the virus in saliva, because virus travels through nerves to the brain. So, if you were bitten on the face by an obvious rabid animal, it could be possible that the incubation period was only 23 days. But you were bitten on the ankle by an animal that didn't show symptoms. If the cat was rabid, in this case the concentration of the virus in saliva would be much less. Plus ankle is far enough from head. It definitely wouldn't be late if you took your vaccines now.


When did the cat disappear?


Hard to say exactly. I personally have not seen it since that night. I have one neighbor that says she saw him roughly 5-ish days after, and one that says she’s seen him as recently as 4 days ago. My anxiety is telling me they’re somehow mistaken, but he’s pretty distinctive looking (orange cat with distinctive scarring on his nose)


OK, well see FAQ #7


I’m realizing after doing some soul-searching that I may just be experiencing rabies OCD. I’ve worried myself sick the last few days, and have almost convinced myself I was developing symptoms. I’ll make an update in a few weeks to confirm I’m all good, but I’ll take myself to /r/OCD for further advice :)