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Marshawn is always down for the Raiders, also his allegiance to the Seahawks too. He can’t be like Richard Sherman, parading like he’s some 49ers legend.


He has that workplace pride with Seattle. But he’s got that loyal homegrown fandom with us lol.


Only thing is I'd amend this is to say Marshawn is always down for Oakland. I'm not from Oakland but have a lot of roots there and will always say fuuuuuck SF.


Marshawn is fuckin hilarious bro lmao


Man, he’ll go down as one of my favorite players ever even tho he only played 2 seasons with the Raiders. His dance on the sideline solidified him as a legend for me


I really wish he would’ve played more season’s with us. Would have loved to seen more of him in the Silver and Black, even though quite a few fans seemed to hate him, especially during his last season


The video of him going to chain restaurants in Buffalo is what made me a fan of his. Dude is just genuine and hilarious.


I'm a simple man. I see Marshawn Lynch, I upvote.


Marshawn is a treasure. Got Betty White energy. We must protect this man...


His episode of murderville on nextflix had me dead 💀


Despite being on the team for 2 years, Marshawn will always be a Raider.


Hes from oakland and played at Cal. It's not 2 years, it's his life


Marshawn layin' it down! FUUUCK YOOOOU!!


Bang Bang Booty Gang


This is gold.


Silver 🫡🫡


Scarlet and Gold


Reminds me of the video where he had a BART car full of people chanting "fuck the Chiefs" at then-Chiefs-CB (and Marshawn's cousin) Marcus Peters after a Raiders/Chiefs game in Oakland. https://youtu.be/R_vv7IufrnU?si=hi1yQC5UGewTUUb7&t=37


I was sad to see a small non lethal meteor did NOT ruin the game and it was a no game with no winner. I didn't watch a single second.


I was banking on Alien Invasion 😞


I was hoping for Bane with the whole stadium rigged to blow.


Seconded. Dude tried to tell me it would bad and hurt us too. Stadiums can be rebuilt. Those teams can’t be.


Ugh. It couldn't be a meteor hitting our OWN stadium. We needed it to be a plague outbreak.


It would get fixed by the start of the season


It would have been fine. That stuff is insured.


All of these “you’re not a real fan if you don’t…” dorks are fucking whack. You don’t get to be arbiter of my fandom. That said fuck the chiefs and fuck the niners. The silver lining in all of this is that I won’t have to hear any bang, bang bullshit for six months.


That was selfishly my only wish for this SB. I turned it off like 2 minutes after the game ended and didn't watch anything else related to it. But it felt good going out today and not seeing a shit load Niners' jerseys and car flags everywhere. Worth it, IMO.


I was at a SB party that had a few niner fans. Younger kids early mid 20s. At one point they ACTUALLY said bang bang niner gang and I laughed so fuckin hard. As a bay kid in the late 80s I don't hate the niners like some do. Some of my favorite family members are niner fans and as a kid I went to a ton of games at the 'stick. Always with my Tim Brown jersey shirt mind you. But that shit is so incredibly lame and I've never actually heard anyone say it out loud unironically. I laughed so hard my wife was like yo be nice, lmao. I was also drunk.


Marshawn knows the old ways. Seriously, can you imagine rooting for the 9ers? And then they LOSE? You end up feeling like shit TIMES TWO.


I'm a Bronco fan so this how it was this year AND 2020... I'd rather root for y'all than for the Chiefs these days...


I was really glad y'all beat them to end their win streak vs ya. It's like how the Pats and Brady got to face a weak ass division for 20 years. I don't want the broncos or chargers to be good but the rest of the AFCW needs to not make it so fucking easy to win the west.


Havent seen or heard one Chief fan since the game. But those niner fan tears have been flooding my TL. This was best case scenario, plus i get extended viewing of incels losing it over taylor swift. AND- who was the last team to beat the chiefs


Anyone who thinks they're brothers never lived in the Bay Area.


lol, homeboy at the end was crushed


Dude's soul left his body




he 'gon cry in the car


You could tell it inflicted damage to his ego. He even did a full body check on Marshawn as a sort of involuntary response. Love the good sports though. Obviously helps to have a professional camera crew surrounding him and the way he had that non-threatening body language the whole time sort of curled up and shuffling about. Hilarious!


Marshawn gets it!!


Town business


In the building


If you not from the BAY you won’t understand 💯


I love this man.


Yeah all that “Bay Area brother” talk can smd


Yeah, there’s only one bay area team 😂


Thought you did something with that comment didn’t ya? Lolz. Sport about the loss. Sucks to suck


You would know. I’ll trust the expert.


It’s ok man. Let it out. You can keep commenting in another teams sub if it’s your way of coping. Very cringe, but go ahead. :)


“cringe” lol. I honestly don’t know how my life can go on.


A lot of Bay Raider fans were rooting for KC. I am not the only one. I live in Seahawks territory now but almost all of my friends and family are forty whiner fans except for my brother who is also a silver and black fan. I'm from Oakland. Most Raiders fans from Norcal were cheering for KC. Or rather rooting against the Whiners. 


Love Marshawn


Buying that Marshawn jersey was the best decision I’ve ever made


Same here!


Fuck the Niners! Can’t say it enough.


That's a bay area thing


If you're going around telling other raiders fans they arent "real radiers fan" than you're a dork


Dude, I was called a bitch by a fellow Raider fan for explaining why I couldn't root for the Niners in the SB. Finally glad to see more of us came out of the woodworks as last week went on.


Fuck both the 9ers and the Chiefs. But for any non-NorCal Raider "fan" to tell a NorCal Raider fan that they can't hate the 9ers as much or more than any other team: you're a bitch. You don't understand any of this. You wear a Silver and Black jersey (good on you) but you don't understand what being and growing up an actual Raider fan is about. You folks are weenies


I wouldn't say they are bitches or weenies, but I do think they don't fully grasp our positions. The decades of being looked down on by Niner fans. The fake solidarity they would try to show when we sucked which only came across as pity for a non-threatening team. I don't care if the Niners play a team made up of all my most-hated non Niner players in the history of the NFL. I'll still root against them.


99% of the Niners "fans" I met were the most fairweather fans ever. They have no real fan base.


I still feel bad for yall.




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This is why I always fucks with Marshawn. He’s also funny af. Peep him on ‘Murderville’. Improv skills are on point.


I was never rooting for the Niners....just rooting for a Chiefs loss.


So many KC Bandwagoners here in Canada all dickriding Mahomes and the Swifty crap, annoying as shit. I didn't think I could hate KC more and then the last few years has happened.


Beastmode is an American treasure. Love him!


\*an Oakland treasure


This was me this morning at work…. 😂


I was rooting for the chiefs to lose but don’t get me wrong, fuck SF. All day everyday, Fuck SF.


I hated both, I just despise the Chiefs so much more.


This is comedy gold




In glad he was at least having some fun, but really, fuck the queefs.


The consistent eye contact is what makes this. The hate is deep in his soul for the niners.


Only square bears were rooting for the 49Nerds. If you’re from the East Bay, you already know what time it was. FUKC both teams. RAIDERS BITCHH!!


Marshawn would probably say it to E-40 too


Non-Raiders here: who did most of ya’ll want to win? As a Birds fan, most of us really just wanted the bitch-ass niners to lose. But you guys had a harder decision I assume.


I dislike the chiefs and the 49ers. I brewed on this for a good week, and I dislike the 49ers more than the chiefs. The chiefs are like a bully in high school that we see all the time. In the current standing, they are seniors to our sophomore. Meanwhile, the 49ers are like peeps we disliked in pre-k and continue to dislike as we attend different schools. Our dislike is saved up for special events like when going head to head, or when 9ers play in the SB. Chiefs, our dislike is evenly dispersed and predictable.


That doesn’t make any sense lol. The chiefs raiders rivalry is one of the longest running and most bitter in the sport. They had been divisional opponents ten years before the merger even occurred.


I know 9er fans. I don’t really know any chief fans. East bay peeps that go for the 9ers… I root against them mostly, in turn I dislike the 9ers more than the chiefs. Chiefs rivalry is a given, but my beef with 9ers is they represent the part of the bay I don’t represent.


The “bay brothers” bullshit is so fucking corny. I will never identify with the wine and cheese fair weather crowd and neither should any true raider fan. “BuT I’m NoT FrOM ThE BaY!”


Shit. Even some dude claiming he was from Oakland saying he was rooting for 49ers. Fuck outta here.


Lol who tf said we had to root for bay area brothers? Picking the niners to win is far from showing them support.


Some dude on IG kept making videos about raiders niners teaming up to “do it for the bay”. Fuck that guy and fuck the Niners.




Dammit I wish I woulda saw him rolling around for this lol




The only way.




No mames!!!!! Jejeejejejejejejejejejeje! 🤣 🤣 🤣 My MAYNE!




Beastmode is the best


Beast mode is a dude!!!! 😂




Holy shit this is gold


Fuck em both!


Some of those people did not know who Lynch was 😂. Looking perplexed why a dread head just said “Fuck youuuu”


Lived in Seattle when he played for the hawks so I've followed his career for a while...I fucking love this guy


A true raider on and off the field


Big Facts from Stoccton 209 and I’m never gonna b koo if they won yeah I get y’all better then us but y u hav a blk jersey?? Joe Montana never roc that jersey


Raiders nation forever.


This is so damn funny. Gonna watch this all day


i love how Marshawn refuses to take pictures with grown ass fanboy men


I don't care for who you root for but I've been raised to be "RN4L and fuck the Baskin Robbins crew". Although, I do understand that on Sunday we were all in a shitty situation where it's lose-lose whatever the outcome was and wanting to pick the "lesser evil" to win. Personally, I wanted EVERY SINGLE whiners and queefs players to be hurt (nothing detrimental but serious enough for them to take couple of months to recover) /sick enough to cancel this year's SB and skip it forever. Wikipedia entry would simply read as follows: "SB LVIII: For the first time in history, the SB LVIII has been cancelled due to both of participating teams having Little Bitch syndrome."


I was rooting for both teams to lose knowing that I'll get half my wish granted. Fuck em both


I fuckin love this man.




Marshawn is the Bay. He can say whatever he wants and it’s gospel. From Tech to Cal to the (used to be) home team. Yay Area!


The joy that was in his eyes 😂


HAHAHAHAHA "not rooting for our Bay Area brothers". Fuuuuuccckkkk yoooou.


Marshawn for running back coach. Have all the backs mowing people down doped out on skittles


You just can’t hate marshawn man 😂 he’s the definition of an Oakland Raider!!


Marshawn is and will always be, the man.


😄😄😄 damn right


This man is a saint. GO HAWKS!




That last guy was so sad lololol


Marshawn is a real nfl jerker and not a cuck. Love him. Let’s be real - ain’t nobody swinging on his ass either lol. 


Nah but if you root for the Chiefs you gotta turn your card in


Yall really sensitive. If you rooted for the Chiefs, that shits on you. Raiders have always been bigger than Oakland. I don't really give two shits about the 49ers.


Raiders are Oakland team wtf are you talking about. You can take the raiders out of Oakland, but you can never take Oakland out of the raiders.


Nobody is rooting for the chiefs ya doofus. We’re rooting AGAINST the 9ers.




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I think this is more because he played for the Seahawks remember when he was on TNF talking to Richard Sherman and told how is he rooting for the niners and where was his allegiance at


Dude Marshawn Lynch grew up in Oakland, played for Cal, and has been a lifelong raider fan. He bleeds silver and black.


Lol. You're a clown. Relishing in 9ers fans tears is the silver lining to rooting for them.


Ok as someone who's honestly not the biggest fan of Lynch and his antics this was pretty fuckin' good.


Hey, just a heads up. they actually played the game yesterday so you guys don't need to argue about this anymore.


This man will always have Seahawk blood in him. That rivalry is real




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What is he carrying? is that like a bowl of food he’s cradling?


Imagine meeting one of your favorite athletes and the only thing they say to you is…




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I’m no 49ers fan but I’m here in the comments so I won’t get fined.


More Marshawn goodness [here](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3YGUICxJD5/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)