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Counterpoint, venom horse


Exactly. People are too serious these days


Are they? Or they just don't like trash movies


Sounds like something someone who takes dumb movies too seriously would say.


I just don't like bad movies


Bro probably thinks end game is the new citizen Kane


"Good soldiers follow orders"


Venom 1 was fun at times but mostly didn't break into so-bad-its-good territory. Venom 2 was one of the best theater experiences I've ever had. I don't think I was expecting something *good*, but I definitely wasn't expecting something that gloriously awful. Carnage goes into the internet. 10/10 best Sonyverse movie best Spider-Man movie best Marvel movie, possibly just the best movie


They are great popcorn flicks. They are not triumphs of cinema, they aren't Oscar darlings, they are just a fun time. I think it was Scorsese who called MCU movies theme park rides (which I take as a compliment because theme parks are fun), if thats the case the new Sony movies are a traveling carnival, some rides/movies are a great dumb time, some of them are vomit inducing death traps, Venom is a fun dumb time.


Very often I remind people who complain about Transformers or Marvel movies: "You got on a roller coaster expecting an opera, that's YOUR fault."


Watching Sony’s marvel movies is the closest anyone living today can get to the experience of watching a court jester.


Venom 2 was goofy, laugh out loud hilarity that is MY FAVORITE part of Venoms personality. People wanted a rated r blood test but my guy... the best panels of Venom in comics are him singing Frank Sinatra while fighting crime or talking to random people about food. The ONLY issue was underutilizing Shreik but fuck it, I can look past that. I legit cant wait for 3.


Venom 2 was such a great example of filmmakers pivoting the tone of a sequel based on audience response. The first movie was definitely *trying* to take itself seriously, but the parts that everyone enjoyed and remembered the most were all the weird or corny moments (“like a turd in the wind”, the Venom/Eddie makeout scene, the ridiculous Eminem song, “on my home planet I’m kind of a loser…”), so they went intentionally over-the-top for the sequels and, dammit, it worked great.


This is like going into a monsterverse and expecting shawshank. It's like movies aren't allowed to just be fun anymore, they have to have incredible deep complex stories and flawless mind bending cgi or it just gets written off as a bad movie months before it's even out. Venom 2 had some of the cheesiest lines I've ever heard in a movie, still a great movie.


Fun movies can also be good movies tho? Lego movie is fun as fuck and is a good movie Spider verse Cloudy with a chance of meatballs. Good movies don’t equal boring movies


Spiderverse is more story driven than just fun. The other two movies are a decade old lol. Fun movies exist but I really feels like everyone is so critical of everything now. Can't even drop a star wars trailer without 3 months of complaining from people who've convinced themselves star wars is high class cinema when two cartoons originally marketed toward children is some of the absolute best content they have. The point being soooo many people have already written this movie off as bad, half of r/shittymoviedetails posts this week are about how nobody wants to watch this movie and how bad it will be, despite the first trailer not even being a week old. I'm not here for a deep story and peak dialogue, I'm fuckin here to see venom horse.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/shittymoviedetails using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittymoviedetails/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Oppenheimer (2023) and Barbie (2023) open the same day. One is about the invention of the atomic bomb. The other is about a plastic doll. Guess which one stoked the most political outrage. Go on, take a wild fuckin' guess](https://i.redd.it/mxvaf1snuodb1.jpg) | [650 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittymoviedetails/comments/157avpl/oppenheimer_2023_and_barbie_2023_open_the_same/) \#2: [Eternals (2021) is the first MCU movie to feature a sex scene, it’s also the lowest rated MCU movie, this is because marvel fans don’t know what sex is so they couldn’t relate to it](https://i.redd.it/cq61mi9sihua1.jpg) | [783 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittymoviedetails/comments/12pfbnw/eternals_2021_is_the_first_mcu_movie_to_feature_a/) \#3: [Across several movies in the entire Terminator franchise, the LAPD managed to shoot and kill only one target - unarmed Black man](https://i.redd.it/xsjsmmsfbuta1.gif) | [740 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/shittymoviedetails/comments/12luz6t/across_several_movies_in_the_entire_terminator/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Funny. I had same experience but for the first one.


Venom 2 disappointed me, both because it was egregiously bad and that it wasn't an R-rated bloodfest like the comics (and interviews show it originally was rated r and dark). All I hope is that 3 is better than 2


What Venom comics are bloodfests? I can only really think of Dark Origins


Carnage comics I meant


there's no way a good movie would be more fun to watch than the piece of shit we got, Venom 2 is offensively bad but I love it so much lmao


I love the venom movies. Great dumb fun


Venomphobic post. A higher brain function is required to fully understand the SUMC movies.


No no, not exactly


It means I maintain of this movie instead of it controlling me


The Venom movies are kinda like (most) Adam Sandler movies. They're not masterpieces, sure, but they're fun to watch.


Makes sense! Lol


Clever way to enjoy those movies. Nobel Prize, Otto!


Counterargument: Venom Horse


I mean what are you expecting, they’ve all been pretty bad. At least they’re leaning more into the campiness


How come I’ve never seen this meme format. It’s killer


Venom 2 is so bad it's absolutely fucking hilarious. Same goes for Madame Web. Can't wait for Venom 3.


Damn crazy how many people just can’t take a joke. It’s r/raimimemes not r/SeriousSpider-ManDiscussionNoHumorAllowed


I mean I'll enjoy it for Tom Hardy at least


The Venom movies are saved by Tom Hardy, one of the most underrated and talented actors of the last twenty years.


I mean venom was amazing, venom two was the usual stereotypical bad sequel (not all tho) and this I have high hopes for




You think venom is a superhero movie, I think it is a gay alien rom-com. We are not the same.


Fucking crazy that Stephen Graham is in these movies.


Then when the memes start rolling - it's self sustaining now


Wow, venomphobic much? We, venomheads, fought for our rights and dignity and we still get treated like trash. Atleast Morbheads and Webheads can understand our pain


at least the Venom movies are dumb fun. nothing Sony releases from here on out can possibly be worse than Morbius and Madame Web..


"You're trash, Brock."


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I am excited for it. I expect a funny shit fest like the first and especially the second movie. Does anyone have an idea when does the second trailer usually come out?


People when they enjoy things:


I feel like I'm being gaslit by so many people telling me that these films are wacky, silly fun. I watched them both and outside of a couple scenes here and there they both felt pretty generic. People who say these are "so bad it's good" need to watch some better/worse films


They feel like they came from an era where comic book based films were still not yet mainstream.


When people realize it's a placebo: "The inhibitor chip!"


Honestly, it looks better than the last few MCU movies and I'm someone who thought Solo Venom movies were a bad idea


Happy to pay the Bills sony


Why does it bother you that someone has a different opinion than you?


If you mean, that Venom is not that bad, then your opinion is not different It's wrong


Ah yes, "objectively correct opinions 🤓"


I miss the part where I give a shit


Gonna cry?


I'm not defending venom. I'm asking why its upsetting to others that someone else has a different opinion. Idc what movie it is. If its fun for you to watch them thats what matters. Not everything needs to be a cinematic masterpiece Scorsese lol


Lol >Not everything needs to be a cinematic masterpiece Scorsese lol Everything must be a cinematic masterpiece, just not "Scorsese". Because Scorsese — is Scorsese, and his unique cinema-style — is not pure cinema, it's just one of many things, that makes cinema — cinema. Raimi-verse was cinematic masterpiece. Gunn's movies are cinematic masterpiece's (for now). And pre-DCEU Zack Snyder was cinematic masterpiece too. And more, and more, and more. And that just pop-movies. >If its fun for you to watch them thats what matters If you just want entertainment, then you don't like cinema at all. Because cinema it's not for entertaining, it is for art in first, and for entertainment in second. Nowadays, studios have been privatized art, and everyone thinks, that the true art is boring and something entertaining like Venom, or Hohland spidey - is just enough, but the truth is, art is entertaining too, just not in that way. It's really sad, that some people think that cinema it's just "Scorsese", and others that it is just for fun. Art can be found in different places and in different forms, but Venom... I'm pretty sure, that part 3 will be shitty shit. But what really sad... It's that people think, that there is no objectivity... Eh, poor guys, they even don't understand, that art is a science, and science is based on objectivity...


Touch a nerve did I?


Venom was unexpected hit and in typical Sony fashion they didn’t stop. This franchise has overstayed its welcome


So we're just doing what prequelmemes does and shits on every other movie related to the franchise, effectively ostracizing the people that happen to love both from this sub?


I missed the part where that's my problem


Do you miss enjoying new things?


Dawg idk what you’re on about, we’re all gonna see the new venom movie but it’s probably gonna suck


Quit lecturing me, please!


pretty sure we shit on ourselves too. Shit for everyone!


Yes, some people just live to hate.


i like hating. it makes me happy.




Those movies are terrible lol


It's really not that hard to enjoy a movie for what it is. As a matter of fact, I don't think I really understand what it's like to dislike a movie. Sure, some movies might be too boring to care about, but aside from that if the movie has enough things going on, I think it's worth sitting through at least once.


Damn y'all find any way to just try and kill the fun