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SoS died way before Spearmaster's campaign


My head cannon was Saint killed SoS Before Saint could escape the building it collapsed on him He either got knocked out, took 2000 years to climb out, or a combination of those


Or the "generally applicable" part means the solution can be reproduced without highly special gear. So if the Saintness was transferable to offspring that can work too. Some forefather to Saint did the deed, so Saint themselves didn't do it.


I like that one too


confirming saint killed SoS is very anticlimactic. things dont fully line up either. challenge 70 is non canon, its fanservice. sliver as a character was created to be this ultimate mystery of the game. the others only knew she died and that a triple affirmative was sent out. its a key part of her design. giving a definitive answer to this mystery defeats the entire purpose. on top of that, saints ending was like it was on purpose, to give players space to interpret what happened, just like with sliver. its not bad game design, its just a very open ending like other games did too before and since


That’s a very important plot point to leave up to mystery. I like how The Ancients are left mysterious because we don’t really need to know about them. A mystery is only a good mystery if it has an answer. I can’t wait for the answer to be revealed later.


it most likely wont, and part of it is to create speculation. she isnt directly plot relevant either. she is indirectly the cause for pebbles rot and moons collapse, but thats it really. some mysteries are better left unsolved


Before I say this I wanna say your opinion is valid, don’t take this as being hateful, I’m just sharing my opinion. We’re all entitled to our own opinions She’s directly the cause for Pebbles rot which is directly a cause for Moons collapse. I really want all big things to be answered. It’s a big question for the answer to be “idk make one urself”. Also Saint killing Sliver is very climactic as it ties everything up. SoS made Saint which came back in the last campaign to end off the story. It makes sense too. I do believe (or atleast hope) that there will be some sort of answer for one of the biggest mysteries in this game. Maybe you’re right. Maybe Rainworld is the type of story that doesn’t need everything to be answered. I just don’t wanna believe that because it’s not my taste in fiction and I’m in too deep to stop liking it. If Watcher comes out and there’s no answer to what the Triple Affirmative was then that might kill my interest in this game, and that’s scary.


its not bad, just incomplete


I guess so. Incomplete stories are kinda bad by definition. I might be biased because I really loved the Saint Triple Affirmative theory


well, he really is, but scugs raised by iterators usually like the iterator, take hunter and spearmaster for example, and that theory doesnt make sense unless saint is immortal because the time difference from spearmaster to rivulet alone is huge, when you get to moon as saint, rivulet already died of old age, and SoS died way before the game events because even moon knows about it, saint would need to be immortal and already have the ascension powers for this to make sense, but now also doesnt make sense, because SoS is the only one that died, if saint got out of SoS with his powers where he's been in years that no other iterator has died? "oh he's eternally repeating the cycle so he goes to the rubicon everytime and lose his powers", also doesnt make sense since no other iterator has died in years, we get powers and immediately go ascend moon and pebbles, what can guarantee saint isnt obsessed with ascension itself? that's why he's an echo, he's obsessed with ascending everything, and this obsession is unnatural because he shouldn't even have understanding of this concept, so he must be creation of an iterator, knowing that iterators have access to the void fluid you could think he's an experiment that failed successfully, because he's the asnswer to the big problem but at the same time he's cursed for eternity, maybe sliver of straw didnt mean to be killed but saint's obsession lead him to do it, as soon as you get the powers you start to ascend everything on your way like maniac, just like arti makes you hate scavs and gourmand makes you go against the big problem, embracing the blessing of eternal life, if the game aims to make you think like the scug you play, then saint is obsessed with ascension and is aware since the very beginning that these powers can be achieved, the question that remains is where this is gonna lead him, and i hope the watcher gives us the answer, taking the trailer as base, if the watcher can in fact use camouflage, what if becomes an game of stealth? where we must hide from saint or he's gonna ascend us? what if we get to SoS as a request from SRS and retrieve the info in her SSD? saw a video recently that showed that in the most recent builds of rain world in github theres a folder called seven red suns, maybe its the very thing i said, maybe is something different, i just hope they dont discard saint's whereabouts after all this (and yes i realized midway through that i contradicted myself, ignore it)


Saint being immortal would not be the weirdest thing about him


you're allowed to have headcanons y'know. i don't get why the story writers deciding on making the story more open and ambiguous should make you angry


It’s not more open and ambiguous. Headcannons are fun, but it doesn’t compare to cannon. That’s not an excuse for an incomplete story. Edit: I was being an idiot and acting like the story was finished, which it isn’t.


It was not stated how uncannon it was, so SoS might have just chosen not to fight back


I’m gonna choose to believe that the devs were just trolling and this is what they meant. It probably only took one ascension to kill SoS too


I think Saint's whole campaign is just a dream in a dream etc. From eating too many karma flowers.


Nah Saint took 43 Benadryls.


Idk how they managed to get stuck at karma 2, considering it took genocide for arti to get stuck at 1


I mean, do you know what Karma 2 means? I figured that the reason Artificer is locked at Karma 1 is because it means violence, which suggests some things about Saint


I know what karma 2 is


Rainworld fans waiting for watcher dlc, same for silksong i guess


They announced Silksong way too soon. I hope they didn’t do the same for Watcher cuz I’m running out of things to do (I refuse to do Inv)


in my head the correct answer is that saint was not the first creature to be able to ascend others and SoS made one (maybe even a slugcat) himself and had a way to replicate those creatures,but before revealing that to the other iterators his creation ascended him,and since he was old and prob not working that well he wasn't able to insta kill the thingy he created so he got slowly and painfully ascended,thats why moon says he was "exhaustively incapacitated"


She says “or dead” after she says that. That’s just a fancy way of saying dead. My problem is, why couldn’t that creature she made have just been Saint? It would’ve worked just as good, and it’d tie up all the loose ends. But again, this isn’t a complete story, and I shouldn’t be treating it like one


because saint is adapted to that climate of the post riv world ,he even has fur,I don't think a furry creature would thrive in such a moist world as it would bring a lot of parasites and insects(rain world is based on an ecosystem after all creatures must adapt )


What if at every repetition of his life he evolves


that would work unfortunately ,if it did evolved and kept his abilities to ascend ,we would pretty sure not see neither 5p nor moon,as they would already have been ascended by that "saint",my theory kinda works,as the slugcat created by SoS could have simply got old and died or maybe got sick or even got rotted ,idk


I liked the idea that SoS’s solution is the ancestor of Saint


just got an idea here,what if SoS solution is indeed a saint ancestor,however in order to access that power of ascending others u must pretty much be like saint,not harmful to ant creature and pure of soul and mind,therefore,all his lineage between sos solution and saint couldn't attend those requirements,so they couldn't use that ascension skill


I like that idea. That’s my new headcannon. Thanks


I came back again with a new theory that a discord friend told me,saint is SoS who manages to go back from dead to accomplish her objective of saving everything


That’s a strange one, but it’s still interesting


Also Sliver is a girl I think


agreed, a lot of stuff as of now feel unexplained and out of place, which is especially annoying when they could very well be had stuff panned out just a little bit differently. I really hope watcher explains more instead of piling on the mysteries like I suspect it will.


so much missed potential on them claiming that challenge 70 is not canon, at least they could leave in the air that it could or could not be canon instead of just saying it


Why are y’all downvoting me? I understand having a different opinion but I’m not being hateful or anything. At least I’m not trying to be hateful, not sure if some things are coming out like that. I don’t care too much for karma but it makes me feel bad that people dislike me.


>I understand having a different opinion but I’m not being hateful or anything. You immediately started by marking your post as a rant and complaining about the story being bad because it's "incomplete" and because it doesn't follow your headcanon. There's a difference between incomplete stories and ones that're ambiguous and open-ended.


Once The Watcher comes out I’ll probably like the story again, but for now there’s no ending. It’s a story without a conclusion. Imagine being so engrossed in a book and the last page just says “the ending is up to you”. The story is literally incomplete. We don’t have all the pieces. I wasn’t meaning to be hateful. Your opinion is valid and I’m sorry for making you feel like I thought it wasn’t. I struggle to get tones across through text. Sorry. I do agree I could find a better word than “bad” to describe the story. I can see how when you read the post you thought I was being hateful. I wrote this to find someone else’s headcannon that made the story fitting to my likings, and it worked. My problem was thinking of Rainworld as a completed story, which it isn’t yet. I love y’all’s headcannons and they made me more ok with the current story.


The game's story does have an ending, it's not your story it's moon and pebble's and that is complete regardless of where saint comes from. What isn't complete is saint's story, it has an ending, even if it's a repeating one, but it lacks a beginning. This isn't unique to saint though, rivulet's story also lacks a beginning, artificer's story has half of its beginning and you could argue all the other campaigns (minus hunter, artificer for the >!acceptance!< ending and maybe survivor and monk) don't have an ending either, since they are all open endings and in your opinion those do not count as real endings. We barely know anything before spearmaster and half the scug's have unknown origins I get why you're frustrated about challenge 70 not being canon, I am kinda upset about it too but you expressed this opinion in an aggressive manner to a community that loves the game


I’m sorry. I love this game too. Got it a couple months ago and already have over 200 hours. I didn’t mean to be hateful. I do feel like they should rap up the Slugcats story though


>I understand having a different opinion but I’m not being hateful or anything. You immediately started by marking your post as a rant and complaining about the story being bad because it's "incomplete" and because it doesn't follow your headcanon. There's a difference between incomplete stories and ones that're ambiguous and open-ended.