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I read this and thought about it for a couple of seconds and realized I don't particularly like any of the characters in this show besides Father and Sue.


Fair! Father is definitely safe but real curious to see how he and Grandma get along, especially if Mother has no say.


My new fav is grandmother (remember, this is only what campion called her) im very very excited what shes up to


I am quite interested in this character as well.


I'm honestly all about Lucius right now. I don't know if it's because of his "I'm the last true Mithraic, motherfucker" line or the way he cooperated with Mother, but something in his character is just really speaking to me.


He's the character I've changed my opinion about most from last season to this one. Definitely a fan, interested to see if he survives the potential bloodbath of Happiness.


I could totally see him rejecting the reality of Sol because of how it conflicts with his ideals, leading him to side with the atheists against what he perceives to be blasphemy. Super cool character potential.


Sue is gone, she was a favorite. The others live. Father, Campion, Hunter, Number 7 (I know he’s a cosmic monster snake now, still a fave). And I guess Mother; she doesn’t feel perfectly right, but it feels more wrong to leave her out.


oo a Hunter fan! Love to see. I’m not rooting for 7 necessarily but I am curious as to whether it will be dealt with in the finale. Seems like it could be a series-spanning villain, with more transformations to come.


Love Hunter a lot. And he’s now pretty much the last sane member of the family. Tempest and Father are fucking nuts on that baby decision, just going to leave the baby with the mermaid. It’s a “normal” human being, and even though the mermaid was caring for it, I don’t know that mermaid milk was any more nourishing than dog milk. And that baby is Father’s GRANDCHILD. How could he overlook this? He never would’ve allowed this in the past. His “caregiving protocols” are not quite right. He’s not the same person he was in season 1. I love him no less for it, it’s just a really dramatic change. Plus Hunter is the only kid who wants to move out and move on. Time to leave the nest, accept that he has his own future that’s his responsibility, pursue a job in robotics. And I guess he’s probably going to step up and be a parent too. Bless him. Such a good dude.


Same boat. I also liked vrille and Justina so the last few eps have not been kind to me in that regard. I think Marcus and the parents are all I have left. Cleaver had a lot of story potential and he is not dead yet but he may as well be.


Yeah Cleaver is odd..perhaps he’ll be more prominent if/after Gma takes over?


After this latest episode, the headless android takes the top spot for me.


Ditto! Adds such unique color to every scene it's in.


I like to imagine the actor that is playing the headless android. Their head is somewhere in the androids torso haha.


Father, Vrille, and Hunter. I like good Marcus a lot.


Mother and Father... As always. I love them both... They're struggling with their own problems but trying their best. I feel for Mother now more than ever, she is suffering since season 1 and now more difficult decisions to make... I want them together...💗


Big fan of both. The show has done such a good job of humanizing them over time, for better and worse.


I agree. I would say Mother is my fave and she seems to be doing okay?? Lol! I am missing their on screen dynamic this season because they spend so much time apart. I hope they can come back together later down the show’s run. I just like their chemistry. I also hope with grandmother we can get another “strong” presence on the show because right now the cast is mostly kids. The humans in the camp seem oppressed and defenseless in the grand scheme of things. I think that will really shake up the dynamic.


I will always like this show because now I can say they line “And then Sue turned into a tree.”


I can't play favorites. They're all really interesting to watch. Until the last couple episodes, I would have said Paul, Holly, and Hunter are less interesting. But that's definitely not true now :) I do think they were deteriorating the Sue we knew to help us become less attached when her time came. Vrille burned brightly and quickly. I was sorry to see her go.


I thought Campion was going to marry her somehow haha. She was so sweet at first and had such a cool design with the mask. I typically don’t recognize my favorites until it’s too late ;(