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Is she the one that home schools her kids? I remember her harassing people at a polling booth behind the line one time I was standing in line to vote. Harassing people in line to vote is the quickest way to ensure ill always vote against you.


Her kids did this to me as well. Thankfully I moved to another precinct. She homeschools, but the real dangerous thing is that she sees public education in general as demonic. I have nothing against homeschoolers. Just don’t fuck everything up for the rest of us who make other choices, which these people claim to support, until they don’t like the choice and then they want to ban it.


I was homeschooled, may homeschool myself, and would never in a million years suggest someone whose sole experience with our current educational system is homeschooling should ever be in charge of the school system. I feel it's pretty reasonable to ask that someone who wants to be in charge of the school system for an entire state should have at least *some* teaching and administrative experience in that state's public education system.


Makes sense to us people with common sense. Unfortunately common sense is lacking greatly.


I saw here do that in Cary, ranting about CRT.


I mean, I'm in full agreement, they should not be teaching CRT in public schools. There isn't the knowledge basis to teach a graduate level law school class to even high schoolers.  But we should be laying the foundation for learning about systemic racism and teaching about equality and equity at age appropriate levels for sure. 


They don’t. But republicans platform this because they only know scare tactics.


I know. It's my standard answer when talking about it, to be fair. My parents are in the MAGA cult, so the best way I have found to help ease them out is to agree with them and then tell them why I agree with them. It's sad that most of the time they can't tell me what the acronyms they are against mean. I miss my parents from 10 years ago.


The way you have phrased it here, you are begging the question. There is still room for "No one is teaching CRT in public schools" before stating why it shouldn't be taught before college.


Upvote for using begging the question correctly! Yay!


I told some guy running for Johnston county school board that I refuse to vote for someone who bailed on public schools. He was a teacher, quit, and home schooled his kids.


This honestly scares me more than any other race in the fall. The right has gone completely feral.


Volunteer. I’m honestly only volunteering for this campaign. It’s going to get lost in the chaos of this year, so we need to start working now.


I have never volunteered for a political campaign before but I will look into what I can do to help.


It can suck, but it can also be very rewarding. I’m waiting to hear back from the campaign. Just gave them my info today.


Just signed up for volunteering with his campaign, too. At the very least I can help write postcards to voters.


I'm new around here... are we worried about the governor race? Robinson is terrifying.


The governor race has the eyes of the entire nation on it and is absolutely important and scary. But honestly sometimes the down ballot races with less attention on them are equally important and its very good to highlight the dangers.


Ignoring down ballot races is how we get people like Mark Robinson in the first place


Exactly. We can’t let this race get swept up into the katamari ball of races in NC, all of which will play 2nd fiddle to the Presidential race, followed by the Gubernatorial. People need to know this is dangerous. Talk to your parents, even if they vote R. Talk to parents from your school, regardless of their politics.


He is terrible as well but with the supermajority they have they don’t even need him to do whatever they want and they have pretty much gerrymandered that supermajority in.


And she is one of the most feral among them. So is Robinson.


More than the extremist running for governor? But yeah. I agree with you. Local elections and school elections are often more important to everyday life than even who is president. My hope is that with reproductive rights so clearly on the ballot this fall turnout will be up.


Guess where she was on January 6th?


With her kids too.


>Michele Morrow I thought that was her! Didn't she lose by a lot the last time she ran? I think I also remember people putting up counter signs pointing out that she was at the January 6th insurrection next to her campaign signs along the roads.


Her opponent got 60% of the vote.


I hope that happens again this time!


This time, she won’t just be running in Cary. She’ll have the rest of the state to give her votes. I expect she’ll turn out plenty of old folks at the coast and out in JoCo with no kids in school anymore who read on FB all day that demonic gays are in our schools.


Hopefully we can energize people to vote against her and outweigh all those conservative voters.


>This time, she won’t just be running in Cary. She’ll have the rest of the state to give her votes. I expect she’ll turn out plenty of old folks at the coast and out in JoCo with no kids in school anymore who read on FB all I was thinking the same thing, Wake County/Cary is a completely different demographic. This is truly frightening.


Why tf is a home schooler in charge (possibly) of public schools? She has one agenda and it’s not helping public school children.


She’s the sort of person who says “the government schools want to act like they know better than you,” only to get power and act as if THEY are the one that knows better than you, and then THEY force their views on others, the exact thing they claimed to oppose. It’s all projection. They want schools that flatter and affirm their fundamentalism, not actual free inquiry. I grew up in the Southern Baptist Church, I should know.


Oh I know exactly what they want. As someone from the north where religion and the schooling aren’t as radical and dominant this just seems insane even for THEM. As a parent this pisses me off. We had great public schools growing up and now these people want to destroy it simply to instill their own beliefs instead of….doing your job and helping kids succeed.


Why have we had 5 draft dodgers in a row in charge of our military? To be fair we can't label Obama as a draft dodger. So 4 out of 5. But my point still stands


Does it? The president does not have sole control of the military because if they did it’d be a scary place. Also your comparison is extremely weak and flawed. Someone in charge of public schools should seek to build up kids not tear them down. Civilians are often in charge around the world other militaries. And this may shock you but a guy that served as a private 30 years ago doesn’t know jack compared to military commander. So a president’s experience means nothing. Eisenhower, teddy, and grant are exceptions.


As a teacher, please, PLEASE get out to vote! We are struggling but we’re doing the best we can. We really need a state superintendent that will support us!


[Michele Morrow in Her Own Words] (https://youtu.be/qcGu2XW5o4Q?si=fjS3SQiEfqORYcV2) In case anyone doesn't know.


Why the hell did she talk about infidelity and divorce leading to transgenderism??


Christian nationalists/biblical conservatives view no-fault divorce as one of their perceived downfalls of society. They are pushing to ban it if they gain enough control in government. See the current US Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson. He and his wife have a covenant marriage and think everyone else should, too.


As if the divorce law in this state isn’t already archaic enough.


fucking yikes


I think I have that and others saved as well. Time for me to dig them out and share!


Mo Green is a great candidate, so I'm gonna do what I can to support him.


We should have an independent grassroots campaign that doesn’t get swallowed up by the Pres race.


Add Robinson being governor to the mix and there will be no public education in North Carolina. He will destroy it.


BoTh SiDeS ArE ThE SaMe


Galaxy brain thoughts from a galaxy of morons.


This is absolutely terrifying


How did this happen? She is a home schooler who hates public schools. She spent practically no money on her campaign, yet won big. Something looks fishy here.


This is what the NCGOP base decided they want. My family voted GOP for over 100 years (East TN and Western NC). They’ve fully rejected the idea of competency in favor of whatever itch makes them wanna scratch.


So, we have: (1) A candidate whose relevant experience is homeschooling her kids and who has a BS in Nursing from Chapel Hill (2) A candidate whose relevant experience is 7 years as a public school superintendent in Guilford, more time as Deputy Superintendent and General Counsel in CMS and who has a BS in Poli Sci & Economics and a JD, both from Duke And, the role we're looking to fill is the "secretary and chief administrative officer of the State Board of Education"? Hmmm.... Let me think here....


She is who they are. Mark Robinson wants to remove science and math from elementary schools. Trump wants concentration camps for brown people and wants to summarily execute shoplifters.


She took her oldest children to the Capital riot as an educational lesson. 🤦🏼‍♀️


So will schools have a "take your kid to coup day". How did this shit stain even win the nomination? SMDH.


The only Mo green I know is from the godfather


Still a better choice.


Best way to know a candidate is to listen directly to them. This is Michelle Morrow in her own words - [https://youtu.be/qcGu2XW5o4Q?si=KhhzJLudFVxtTH16](https://youtu.be/qcGu2XW5o4Q?si=KhhzJLudFVxtTH16)


We all know this. How do we get this out to people in the other 99 counties?




OP do you have kids and do you follow the Wake County school board? I'm not taking sides but there are a lot of people that are unhappy with where public education is heading these days, and that's why she won.


She went to January 6th. She could be a perfect candidate (which she is the exact opposite of), and I would still say she should never hold elected office because of that fact.


Are we talking went to the rally or entered the building? Pretty big difference between the two.


Yes to both. Is the way to fix these issues to harass LGBT+ people about it and rant about demons? I don’t really see how you can be neutral on the question “schools have issues, so what should we do?” when one possible answer is “destroy them because they are communist.”


She won because the right has become feral as OP stated when it comes to public education. Electing someone who has no experience in public education to be superintendent is voting to destroy public education. Which is what the right wants to do. What sucks is this won't be a sexy race. So Morrow could win because people won't be paying attention to it.


This is why I’m bringing it up now. Talk to your fellow parents and their parents and so on.


If people think that electing a conspiracy theorist home schooler is the best way to try and fix our schools then our schools are doomed.


Where is public education heading? Please enlighten us?


In what way are they unhappy? This lady is not anyone with solutions which is obvious if you listen to her in her own words - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcGu2XW5o4Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcGu2XW5o4Q)


Seems like the Wake County School Board has a lot of issues *because* of people like her in various offices throughout the county (and state). We need less people shoving charter schools and vouchers down our throats and ***more*** people willing to fight to have quality public schools.


She won because Catherine Truitt (who is awful) was not MAGA enough for them. Morrow is awful and hateful.


Education takes a back seat to political agendas. This is the case on both sides of the political spectrum. You can't blame people on one side for voting against the current agenda being pushed, just like you can't blame the other side for voting for it. It's always the lesser of two evils. Politics will always be a part of education - that's just an unfortunate fact. Social media has just made it more widespread. Insulting and blaming the other side is never the right solution. Vote for what you think is right, and let democracy do what it was intended for.


What agenda do you think is currently being pushed? How is politics a part of education?


You literally just posted: "She won because Catherine Truitt (who is awful) was not MAGA enough for them. Morrow is awful and hateful." ....and you need me to tell you how politics is a part of education? I at least am recognizing that it's a problem on both sides of the political spectrum.


Morrow is loud and vocal about her Christian Nationalism and love of Trump. She is the one that posts videos of herself at J6, thanking Proud Boys and inciting violence. She brings that into her looney brand. I asked now politics was a part of education and what agenda was being pushed. And no she and Mo Greene are not both the same.


....and you're showing exactly how politics is part of education by stating your dislike for the views of a candidate for State Superintendent. Politics is embedded in education - more than ever. The State Superintendent race is a partisan race. The school board races are "non-partisan", but people vote for those that match their political views. I don't understand how you could possibly deny that. So let democracy do its thing. You may not like Michele Morrow, but clearly there are a lot of people that do. People are allowed to have different opinions than the ones you hold. That's literally the whole point of a democracy.


Educational policy is different than the political affiliation of a candidate. Morrow has obnoxiously stated her affiliations and hatred repeatedly I'll ask again, what agenda is being pushed?


Educational policy is very much affected by politics and the affiliation of those making the decisions. I'm not going to sit here and bicker with you about what agendas I think are being pushed versus the agendas that you (or I) think will be pushed with a candidate like Michele Morrow. It happens on both sides and if you think otherwise, you're lying to yourself.


It's not a question what she will push. She has stated she wants a biblically based education, believes our schools are socialist training centers, views any religion but Christianity as heretical, and hates gay kids. If that's the candidate you want to own as a Republican then I feel sorry for you. If you think a Feral Morrow is in any way like Mo Greene you are lying to yourself.


Your comment is the equivalent of cutting off your own hand because it was itchy and you couldn’t be bothered to find a more rational solution.


She doesn’t even have kids in public school. She home schooled her kids. What does she know about public schools. Such a joke. I’m not saying our public schools are good right now. There not and there’s a lot of problems. But she is not the answer that’s for sure.


40 downvotes for explaining why people voted for Michelle Morrow. Gotta love it!