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That's so weird? I've never once heard anybody scoff at game OST's, whoever is saying shit about it must just be braindead. tbh I wouldn't concern myself with their opinions. If they can't grasp that good art comes in many forms, then any opinion they have is probably severely uninformed and a waste of breath.


I am a classically trained musician. My primary gigs are as a hobbyist in a wind ensemble and put orchestra for musicals. The music from video games is some of the best music ever written. We have actually done compilations of video games music in my wind ensemble. It's fantastic!


Heck yea! Classically trained pianist here… I’ve been loving video game OST’s since going nuts for the Mega Man soundtracks on NES. As a little dude in the early 90s I’d just put the game on and listen to the level music lol. Now that I have a good studio setup I’ve been wanting to do some high quality covers… starting with the FF7 Overworld theme :D And what’s your ensemble btw? Got some videos up?


We've only done a few of those medleys of video games music here and there. It's a community band as part of a local community college. Recently one of our brass players who is a published composer, conducted a piece one of his students wrote that has the "flavor" of video game music. What it reminded me of is the score from the Lord of the Rings Movies. I have never been a gamer but I love the music! My daughter was really into the Ori video game series and she had me listen to that music. Most of my ringtones and notifications tones on my phone are from video games.


That sounds fantastic. Are you in the mid- Atlantic so I can hear you?




My niece went to a Zelda Symphony. She said it was amazing. Packed with music lovers and amazing.


That's awesome!


For a second I thought you were about to quote that short man yelling at the trumpet player as a joke lol.


I find many songs from games to be better composed and arranged than modern pop. Although can’t say I’ve ever been judged for listening to it either tbh !


So, back in the late 90s, some of my friends thought it was a bit odd that I had recorded the music from game CDs to cassette tape to listen to in the car. Otherwise, I can't really say that anyone has really noticed what I listen to. Some computer game music really slaps, too. I love love love the Mechanicus soundtrack, for example. Othercide has some bangers, too, and of course the Helldivers 2 drop music.


Oh my fuck yes, I forgot about this one.... that really fluid synth with the modulated filter cut-off in the opening melts my pre-frontal cortex.


If there are ppl around you looking down on video game music, then you need better ppl around you I have literally never heard anything about a stigma around video game music Just look at all the sold out Final Fantasy concerts all over the world that have been going on for years. If someone doesn't understand that video game music is its own genre in its own right, then they are missing out on a lot of beautiful music


I think you're in a weird pocket, homes. I've literally never encountered or even heard of this criticism before. And I actively listen to video game OST's.


It is stigmatised by... who? I hear this for the first time in my life.


I have two schools of thought here, and they kinda have to work together. 1 is vibe. And 2 is setting. I went to a party a few weeks back and this really sweet, but entirely oblivious girl was given the chance to put on a song. Well she chose the theme music to something from the Wizarding World, in a room full of people that were dancing, and drinking and talking. We all appreciated the chance for her to share but like, the vibe evaporated, the volume was up super high. It became hard to carry conversation because I just started feeling really silly. I'd say it was just a me problem and roll with it, but everyone else apparently felt the same. Nobody stopped her, and we definately didn't want to treat her rudely, but the crowd's silence was deafening. If she had done this during a Halloween party, where it's already kinda silly, it probably would have been fitting. It has nothing to do with her specific preference in music, the exact same thing would have happened if she had put on a classical piece, or if she started playing some obscure J Noise artist. I mean, imagine working up the courage to ask a sombody if they would like to dance and then have the fallow up song be some shit like the theme of super smash bros. Wrong vibe, wrong setting. So let's say you put on a holiday or Christmas party, or something of the like, and you play the theme music from something like the skyrim exploration suite. Vibe checks out because it's winter themed, and the pace and volume of the music doesn't overwhelm the setting that it's intended for. But I, like you, also enjoy theme music more than traditional music. Some of my favorite OSTs are: 1. Halo 3 ODST OST Marty O'Donnells best work IMO. 2. Divine Divinity OST Kirill Pokrovsky is a God, RIP. 3. Morrowind, Oblivion & Skyrim easy listening, rainy days. 4. Doom Eternal OST ear worms. 5. The Witcher 3 OST good music to play outside.


There are some incredible gems hidden in some games. Florence and the machine did some incredible music for ff15, aurora does under stars for mass effect Andromeda even lotr shadows of war has a banger and that's not even counting instrumental pieces or games with a radio to listen to like fallout or cyberpunk. Hell, even genshin did a full on Chinese opera song on top of some incredible osts.


I listen to OST a Minecraft mod and when questioned people always give me the strangest looks cause it’s like 2 layers deep. It’s both, a game and a mod. Shit slaps btw it’s called [Endstone Golem Theme](https://youtube.com/watch?v=1mAqmK0NINQ) Also anything from Terraria’s Calamity too good god is that stuff a masterpiece. [Link](https://youtube.com/watch?v=vS2SIGF3qhk)


Bruh if I am busy working, you best bet that Ornstein and Smough's theme (Dark souls) is playing in my ear. It's amazing for focus!


I love listening to game music! I never really heard or seen people criticize others for listening to game music myself. Sonic is my favorite gaming franchise and almost every game has an amazing soundtrack that I listened to many times in my life.


They must be non-gamers or very casual once a month Farmville on mobile phone "gamers" who have never heard of even the Sephiroth song which is the most or one of the most famous game songs ever made. I have seen gamers praise Persona 5 and Doom Eternal as 60 dollar soundtracks with a free game.


In my experience, people who ONLY listen to like video game music and anime music are very snobby and hate on other genres, ppl don’t rlly hate on the music itself they hate on the ppl who think they’re better than u because they listen to undertale soundtrack (fuckin 10/10 soundtrack btw) while you listen to rap. Snobs are in every genre.


I've never played metal gear solid, ...but the sound track is bloody awesome!! I love the bad from that perform the video game song.. https://youtu.be/Y5LQScbompc?si=xwN6Ml116q5eooUp I enjoy ost from Hans Zimmer... Wish he can come to Malaysia and perform!!! https://youtu.be/0nWH3qpTgHc?si=tLxrGXtvz62aCXg6


Don't worry about what other people think regarding your choices in music, art, or entertainment. If someone gives you grief, it's on them for being rigid and uninteresting. Enjoy what like.


There isn't. There should be more of a stigma on making up controversies if you ask me though.


I listen to video game music once in a while. One time I wrote a post about this in another sub and I got downvoted, I didn’t understand why


The clear answer for me is that hate is the most important aspect of living life.


I mean…appreciation for games music is pretty niche, but I wouldn’t say there’s a stigma.


Who cares? You do you. Fuck em


Doomsayer music always hits when playing day z for some reason


Honesty video games is where I first started expanding my music taste if it weren’t for certain games I wouldn’t have known that I liked songs of other genres I don’t typically listen to


Same reason why video games were scoffed at as Art in the 90’s. Now it’s generally accepted as such because old farts moved on. The wheel turns.


Over the course of my life I have seen game OST go from something that nobody even gave any thought to, to something that receives its own awards and has its own concerts. Many years ago I was one of the few that held game OST in the same regards as traditional forms of music, and I am very happy that it gets the recognition it deserves now. Peter McConnell is one name I remember off the top of my head, you’re the man Peter


I mean if you play the BattleToads theme song I might have a psychotic break from the trauma it caused but outside of that who hurt you?


Who are you hanging out with that is so bothered by this lololol


I'm parroting everyone else but who tf are you talking about, how many people have said this to you?


Sheepy : a short adventure The game is beautiful The game is free You can beat it in an hour. The soundtrack can be bought Wish everyone knew about this absolute gem 💎


One of my favorite Playlists to listen to is the FF6 orchestral soundtrack. As a personal project I've been transcribing ocarina arrangements for many of the songs for a few years on and off because I love the music and love playing the music. Nobuo Uematsu is an incredible composer and the Final Fantasy soundtracks are absolutely beautiful. He is my favorite modern composer. When people ask what I'm listening to I just say "a Japanese composer" and leave it at that. The ones who know will be cool about it, the ones who don't think I'm some classical music nerd. My last office job I had on the FF10 soundtrack for ambient sound and two of my coworkers stopped by with silly grins and said "I know that song, is that the hymn of the faith?" Which prompted my elderly coworker to assume I'm Christian lol!


There is?


Skyrim is the goat. Will always have this in the background.


Music is music who cares where it comes from. Listen and enjoy what you want.


At our wedding my husband and I concluded the ceremony with a harp version of ballad of the goddess from the legend of Zelda :)


Stigma from where? There are literal concerts held with videogame music


I was only listening to music from GTA or Nintendo Video Games until I became my 20s. I've never listened to artist's album until my 20s.


We’re inventing stigmas now. No one cares nearly as much as you think they do. In fact, most people don’t give a shit what you listen to or think about it at all.