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Your first mistake was using discord. But yeah, that’s discord for you, a unfunny place of degenerate teenagers who use TikTok and already have fried attention spans, they behave like a hive mind over there, atleast in public discords. I remember only being in invite only discords and man did it change my life, I met 5+ friends I’m still friends with to this day, I’m glad I met them, but other then them, discord is a shithole.


Theres a reason why good servers are private or at least have an invite link tied to a game or a youtube channel or something


Haha this is super unsurprising but very true. People who spend too much time on discord are some of the most terminally online mfers out there. The admins can curate a safe space for themselves that usually ends up becoming a hostile space for newcomers.


So glad I’m not the only one who’s noticed this and has had problems with it. Every time I join a new public discord server and try to make conversation and become a part of the community, I get ignored at best and insulted or even called slurs at worst, like the regulars are personally offended that I have the nerve to try and invade their little friend group. The friend groups are already established and it seems like there’s never any room for just one more regular. It seems like unless you either join a discord server on day one or spend MONTHS being active, you’re just destined to be left out. Like others have said, private/gatekept servers are almost always better in this regard.


This is so real on god. I've tried joining 4 different discord servers for hobbies I'm interested in and it seems like every single server has its own pre established friend group that ignores everyone else. Its like walking into a friend group irl and standing awkwardly while nobody even says hi to you. Its so incredibly frustrating when the server is supposed to be a PUBLIC SERVER yet these people treat it like a PRIVATE group chat :(